The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 585 Warning Signals In The Sky

Chapter 585 Warning Signals In The Sky

Sebrof takes a couple of steps back with both of his hands on his waist.

Helplessness soon overwhelms him knowing that he was too late and the water has already been spilled, the thought of preventing Giana from doing anything that can jeopardize the calm relationship was nothing but a pipe dream.

Looking at Giana who is averting her eyes away, Sebro can only chuckle lightly.

It was not a chuckle of disbelief that is directed at Giana, but it was a chuckle of ridicule directed at him. Mostly the fault falls on his secretary that is too scared to report such an important matter, but there's nothing he could do to change the past.

Just like their distinctive cousins, Werewolves inherited the desire for revenge just like wolves.

Anyone that tries to kill one of their packs or even bore malicious intent would be labeled for the rest of their lives as a dangerous individual, and if given a chance, wolves and Werewolves would kill them without hesitation.

Since Giana has already done the deeds, Rex must've already set his eyes on killing her.

While searching for a solution inside his head, Sebrof turns to look at the room while Giana is sitting silently almost like a kid that's been caught doing something bad. Her fidgeting fingers show the nervousness inside of her.

In a desperate manner, Sebrof rubs his face roughly.

Golden and white marble decorates the room's floor, the tall pillars, and the very high ceiling with cube-shaped windows that directly reflected the entire sky, everything seems to be mocking Sebrof.

As the absolute leader of one of humanity's last strongholds, Sebrof has a different mentality.

Every time someone messes things up he would blame himself for not being able to prevent that, 'If only I had a different thought and discuss the secret I obtained with Giana, Denzel, and Brigitta, maybe this all wouldn't had happen'

But lamenting about it for too long would not be good, he needs to take care of this.

Looking at the sky that is already nearing dawn for a moment, Sebrof glances back and asks, "Did you do anything to the other? His family? Adhara, Edward, Evelyn, His par-"

"No, I didn't. I was only aiming to kill him first", Giana instantly replied firmly.

Upon hearing this Sebrof nodded his head in confirmation since at the very least she hasn't crossed that line yet. There has been a couple of incidents where someone tries to do something to Rex's family, and it didn't end well.

It's pretty clear to Sebrof that Rex cared about his family more than himself.

Giana tries to kill Rex and only Rex so all hopes are not yet already lost, there's still a chance to fix the situation that she created, "Okay, I'm going to try and talk to him about this matter. You're going to apologize for your attempt directly to him", Sebrof instructed demandingly.

"Y-Yes... I'll do as you say", Giana replied in defeat.

With the talk she had before she realized that her judgment was clouded and biased, she must not think for herself and focus on the broader picture. Knowing that she now realized that Rex is necessary for humanity.

Sebrof sighs before he continued, "Don't think about it too much..."

"If apologizing to him feels unsettling, then directed the apology to Adhara. From what I can tell, she has the most influence on Rex and she's also more merciful so we're going to use her to convince Rex"

Upon hearing this Giana nodded evidently feeling a little bit better from what Sebrof said.

Just as he said that Vargas enters the Sky Temple, he has been waiting outside for a while but neither of them has come out yet. Sebrof glances at Vargas before back to Giana, "In the meantime, stay in my office where it's safe until the matter with him is settled. Come, we're going right now"

Knowing that there's a target on Giana's back, Sebrof decided to secure her first.

After saying that Sebrof headed toward the exit followed by Giana, "Vargas, go to the Silverstar's mansion and wait there for Rex to come back. Apologize to him in Giana's stead before asking him to meet with me in the UWO office in sector 3E"

"Can you tell me the problem that needs apologizing?", Vargas asks with a frown.

Even now, he doesn't know the problem that made Sebrof demand this much attention. Moreover, it's going to be hard to apologize for Giana's stead without a proper context of the situation. In addition to that, he also needs to ask Rex to go with him.

A complicated task like that is impossible to achieve without knowing the full story.

Walking past Vargas, Sebrof then answered, "I don't have time for the details"

"All you need to know is that Giana made a grave mistake and she wanted to apologize to Rex regarding that mistake, but I needed you to try your best to apologize to him first. He will certainly not forgive Giana so you'll then ask him to follow you back to me"

But Sebrof stopped just by the door when Vargas called out to him.

Since he still doesn't know the context much, Vargas can't help but say, "If it's such a grave mistake, shouldn't you be the one to come to the Silverstar's mansion? It's going to make you look more sincere if you're hoping to make Rex condone Lady Giana's mistake, why do I need to be the one apologizing first?"

"We are aiming for his forgiveness, not pity. Our apology should hold value", Sebrof replied.

Vargas frowned for a little bit more before he realized what Sebrof meant.

If Sebrof did like what he suggested earlier it's going to increase the probability of Rex forgiving the mistake, but that'll also make Sebrof looks pitiful. So instead of doing that, Vargas would be the one to take the fall and apologize first.

Going through the hierarchy, the apology from Giana then will have a strong value.

Realizing the reasoning behind Sebrof's action, Vargas didn't say anything more as he watches Sebrof and Giana walk out of the room. But he still can't help but wonder what's all of this about, 'Just what did she do to him?'

A moment later,

Giana and Sebrof are already on the ground alongside confined White Wardens.

Just as Sebrof went inside a black sedan car, Vargas' fiery body blazes through the sky heading to the Silverstar's mansion as he was instructed earlier. Giana sighs upon looking at this before she intends to also gets inside the car.

But before she gets inside the car, Giana stop and gazes at the confined White Wardens.

"What's wrong, Giana?", Sebrof asks from the inside.

Even upon hearing Sebrof asking from the side, Giana didn't answer as she kept scanning the crowd of White Wardens that are being watched and restrained by Awakened from the UWO and FAA, her eyebrows started to crease together.

"I don't see Zero anywhere..."


Meanwhile, Silverstar Family's mansion.

Edward got back inside to the front yard after checking if the neighbors has came back yet, but he finds that the guards guarding the mansions nearby has also disappeared. Now the mansions around them are basically empty without anyone inside.

"I don't like this, it feels like we're being cornered", he mutters inwardly.

Since the weird conversation that he had with Mrs. Greene regarding Rex's identity as a Werewolf, Edward has been on full alert commanding the Awakened guards to keep their eyes open for anything that might be suspicious.

Knowing their role in the mansion, the Awakened guards have been very alert.

The Disaster Squad has all reached the fifth-rank realm and Tandu is already set for assimilating with a spirit, but since Rex isn't here yet his advancement has been stagnant. But nevertheless, their confidence is through the roof.

With their help, everything is organized.

On top of that, the other Awakened guards have a newfound respect for them.

Every single one of them knows that the members of the Disaster Squad are newly Awakened. In that little span of time, they already reached the fifth-rank realm. It's unheard of advancement but that is mainly due to the elemental stones that Edward bought earlier.

Rex asked him to search for a supplier, and he finds one and buys some elemental stones.

With his own pocket money, he bought some elemental stones for the Disaster Squad, and that resulted in them reaching the fifth-rank realm this easily. Of course, the major effect was from the high-affinity orb they were given from Rex.

Feeling the weird occurrence around them, Tandu has taken a countermeasure.

At about five hundred meters in radius from the mansion, a couple of Awakened guards are stationed to anticipate anything that might approach them using any kind of spells they can as fireworks to warn them.

Patrolling Awakened guards kept alternating to keep their eyes fresh.

Inside the mansion now also stationed with Awakened guards for keeping the important others safe, three on the second floor and eight on the first floor. This alone shows that the mansion is already on a very high alert.

Walking past the Awakened guards, Edward intended to head to the backyard.

"Zelene! Why are you up at this hour? I told you nobody can leave the mansion at night time!", Edward reprimanded seeing Zelene sitting by the staircase in front of the mansion's front entrance.

Upon hearing this, Zelene snorted like a brat, "I can't sleep and I'm bored, let me be outside!"

Edward sighs at Zelene's behavior helplessly, but he knows that he can't really blame her for being stuck inside the mansion all day. But then again, her safety is pretty much the utmost priority compared to her mental state.

Looking at Tandu standing by the entrance, Edward gives him a nod signaling to watch Zelene.

Tandu also replied with a nod before Edward headed toward the backyard where a couple of Awakened guards can also be seen, but he ignored them and went straight to the small house to check on Ryze.

Walking into the house, he was greeted by the same thing.

Ryze is still lying on the bed while absorbing the red souls that are prepared for him, and the red souls are still close to full from the replenishment Rex brought before with the help of Flunra.

From what he had heard, Ryze should be close to overpowering Zaddrass's soul.

Edward walks to the side of the bed before pouring a glass of water on the desk under the silence of the room, the water filled the glass until it's close to full before stopping. With that, he then helped Ryze to drink some of it.

Lifting his head a little and holding it, Edward slipped the glass in between Ryze's dry lips.

While helping Ryze to drink his eyes wanders to the rest of Ryze's body which is now noticeably thinner and frail, the comatose state he was in is really taxing his body. It's sad to see a kid like him in a state like this.

After inspecting Ryze's body, Edward's mind wanders away to other things.

It was more to the troubled feeling that is pressing on his chest for the last couple of days, he hasn't been sleeping properly because of this uneasiness inside of him. Even a mild swelling developed under his eyes.

But just as he was absent-minded, a weak and hoarse voice creeps onto his ears.


Upon hearing this Edward looks down before he stares at Ryze for a good five seconds, his eyes then enlarged realizing that Ryze has woken up from his coma, "You're awake?! That's great!", he excitedly exclaimed.

Looking around the unfamiliar room, Ryze gazes back at Edward in confusion.

"Don't worry about that, you're in the small house in the backyard. More importantly, how are you feeling?", Edward asks while putting the glass of water away, it seems the red souls from the powerful Supernaturals helped him recover fast.

Ryze feels his entire body that is still weak before he replied, "I feel good, just need a bit more time"

Pausing for a moment under Edward's gleaming eyes, Ryze suddenly gazes at him intently before he added with a grateful tone, "I know you're the one taking care of me the most, I can't believe you'd do that for me. Thank you..."

"What are you saying? You're practically family now, helping you is natural", Edward replied.

But this made Ryze's eyes teary seeing the bright smile on Edward's face, it's been so long that he has felt the feeling of having a family, "I-I swear that I'll do my best to make up for what you all did for me..."

"Now, now, don't think about that just yet. Go rest some more so you can get better quickly"

Just as Edward said that his body suddenly froze.


Edward didn't waste any time and instantly rushes out of the small house when he heard a distant booming sound that came from outside. Reaching outside, he follows the Awakened guards' eyes' direction.josei

All of them are looking up, so he also looks up at the sky before his eyes widen.

The source of the sound comes from the sky, it was a fireball and a water ball sparking in the sky.

Upon seeing the exploding spells in the sky, Edward instantly realized that it was the signal from the Awakened guards stationed outside of the mansion by Tandu, 'T-Two of them? Are we going to get attacked?!'

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