The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 594 The Precious Jewel Of Life

Chapter 594 The Precious Jewel Of Life

Dark red fire tongues out of Zero's chest which forces Sebrof to let go of him.

Sebrof was too fixated and angry at Zero that he didn't realize that someone is already heading towards them during their brief conversation, and that person stabbed Zero's chest from the back and the flame sucked power out of him.

It was claws, not hands which means it was a Supernatural that did this.

Looking at the figure that did this, Sebrof's eyes spark with a hint of surprise to see a Dragonman with its lizard-like glowing yellow eyes fiercely glaring at Zero. It was Ryze that was fueled after seeing what Zero just did.

Because of that scene, his hands even turn into claws on top of his flapping four wings.


Ryze grunted strongly, grabbing Zero by the inside of his chest before throwing him to the side.

Although his body can't move before, now he can due to the moment of desperation and he even becomes stronger than before as his bloodline circulates dark red fire rapidly. If one were to see his veins, they were completely engulfed in dark red flame.

In addition to that, he flaps his wings, jumping high into the sky under the burning sun.

Sebrof was caught off guard by Ryze's sudden appearance, he was dazed for a brief moment, looking at the back of the flying Dragonman. When he arrived before, his mind was fixated on the fact that he was too late in preventing Zero from doing anything.

Zero has already killed the people Sebrof worried about the most.

Everything would turn ultimately tricky if those people died, and now that thought turns into reality.

While still fixating his eyes on Zero who is still propelling away across the ground that has been destroyed from the fights earlier, Ryze clasps his hands together before dark flame started to burn.

Focusing everything into his hands, Ryze descend and hammered it to Zero.


The aftermath was devastating as the ground beneath Zero crumbled and it keep on spreading miles in radius from the impact, his power is already reaching a hazardous amount of an eighth-rank realm just from possessing the Heavenly Dragon bloodline.

From Sebrof's arcane mana infiltrating his body and the injury on his chest, Zero was beaten down.

Ryze mounted Zero and keeps on hammering him repeatedly with his burning fists, he remembered what Zero did to Edward earlier and is going to return it twice the times he did. Only his animalistic instincts are playing right now, his mind has already been filled with wrath.

It was supposed to be a good day, he just regained consciousness. But this suddenly happens.




With every ounce of power that he can generate, Ryze pounds Zero on the face relentlessly. Blood already covered his hands and made them sticky, but he didn't care and keeps on going until Zero's face was disfigured.

After doing that until he was satisfied, Ryze stopped and finds that Zero is still lightly breathing.

Gritting his teeth strongly, he grabbed Zero by the neck before throwing him up to the sky. Spirals of blood splattered everywhere as Zero got tossed into the sky. But in the next second, Ryze appeared on the side and punch Zero once again.


Just like a falling meteor, Zero was sent miles away from the powerful punch that trembled the air.

It took him a mere second to crash into more than six buildings because of that punch, the fight brought them to the part of sector 2 that Edward and Zero's fight earlier doesn't reach. Everything was still normal here until Zero crashes powerfully.

Ryze flaps his wings strongly intending to continue his onslaught, no chance he was going to stop.

Simultaneously as Ryze heads to the already helpless Zero, Giana descends from the sky.

Landed right beside Sebrof that is standing still in a trance, she was about to ask what just happened but her eyes were fixated on a corpse lying not far from them. From the way the corpse's neck tilted unnaturally, it's clear to her that this corpse died from a broken neck.

But when her eyes slowly looks at the corpse's face, her heart skipped a beat.

"No... No, it can't be her"

Just like being hit by a gush of an extremely cold wind across her entire body from head to toe, Giana's body started to shiver and she can feel her blood flow change drastically making her limbs warmer but the other parts numb.

Although the fear gripped her in place, she forces to step closer to the corpse.

With her eyes opened wide as if she was seeing her own mother's death, Giana finally stopped when she realized that the corpse is actually who she feared the most. It was the mother of the person that she was trying to kill, it was Rex's mother.

Many stigmas have come around regarding man, there are some things that overstepped the limit.


Touching a man's woman, humiliating a man in front of his children, and also, the most hurtful is doing anything bad to a man's mother. Giana knew that the most special woman in a man's life is their mother, and the mother of one of the strongest men she knew was lying in front of her.

Killed in cold blood without even the man knowing, her expression drains from all colors.

Giana stops in her tracks before she covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes then wander to the surroundings as her mind started to get blurry from fear and not knowing what to do. As if the situation was not enough, she saw a person stabbed through the chest by a sword of light.

Even though he hasn't met with this person yet, she recognizes this one as Edward.

Not only does Mrs. Greene die but Rex's best friend from the military was also killed. Looking at the sword of light, it's clear that it was Zero's doing. Giana's worst fear comes true, he knows for certain that Zero is the one that did this.

On top of working with Zero for years, she was the one that taught this spell.

It was the spell that separates Zero from many other eighth-rank realms Awakened, this Light Conjuration spell allows him to create weapons made of light that will not dissipate even if he died in battle.

Something that they were proud of, but now that spell was present in her downfall.

'What was in your mind, Zero...', Giana thought in disbelief.

As more seconds pass in this place, she started to realize that there was not a glimmer of a chance that she would be forgiven by Rex. Even though she was not the one doing it, explaining it would be futile to a man that is filled with rage.

Not even the slightest bit of chance, but then Giana instinctively dashes forward.

Reaching Edward's front, she knelt on the ground before inspecting whether Edward has already died or not, 'Even though it might not work, if he survives then I might have a chance to at least get a fair hearing'

"Edward! Please, don't die!", Giana exclaimed while raising Edward's weak head.

But there was no response, Edward kept still with his head down. With a swift movement, she checked Edward's pulse and finds that there were still some signs despite being very weak. Giana didn't waste more time as she immediately cast a spell.

"Arcane Water Spell, Blessing of the Arcane Water..."

Immediately after that, glistening starry water covers Edward's body like a blanket.

Despite it's not a permanent solution this spell at least would buy time to treat him, it's the only thing Giana can do in this situation. From the looks of it, Edward should last but for how long it's still unsure.

"We need to treat him immediately!", Giana shouted in worry.

Although she was shouting that, her eyes are still looking at Sebrof, asking for a solution. Without a doubt, this is a disaster that would affect humanity which was the least outcome that she wanted. Now, she was regretting her sudden impulse.

If she would have known that it would come to this, she wouldn't have tried killing Rex.

'Maybe if I word it right to Zero earlier, this wouldn't happen. What do we have to do...'

Sebrof paused and thinks for a moment, multiple scenarios played out inside his head. In each of the scenarios, he realized that the chance of things going south is very high. But he finds one thing is for sure which would give them a chance.

Looking over to the side, he then mutters, "I already call for some healers, but in the meantime..."

"If we want this to not be larger than it should've been, we need a black goat. Someone to put the blame on, it doesn't matter if we need to come up with a lie but it's necessary right now"

Zero is the key, Sebrof wanted him to be the black goat to put the blame.

But just as he was about to stop whoever the Dragonman is from killing Zero, he suddenly stopped.

Even though this sparks confusion from Giana for a brief moment, her body also stiffens when she realized that a chilling aura suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It freezes both of their bodies like a statue upon sensing this aura.

Something happens after that, their eyes are trying to deceive them now.

'Is it just me, or the place suddenly got darker', Serbof thought when his vision suddenly dimmed.

Just like seeing the bright day through sunglasses, the entire place suddenly got induced by the shade of black. Looking up to the sky, he realized that the sun is still up and the warmth from the sunlight can still be felt by his skin.

Sebrof finds it odd, but his attention was pulled to the back. Giana also looks in the same direction.

Both of their eyes marvel at the source of the sudden appearance of the ominous aura that came out of nowhere, it was an empty dark portal that seems to rip the dimension on their backs. It wouldn't be a surprise if Death itself came out of the dark portal.

Upon seeing this, Sebrof can't help but frown.

Knowing that trouble has come, he flicks his hand before a spark of red lightning appeared.

Although he always looks dignified wherever he goes with his formal clothes, he doesn't look dignified now, his shirt's sleeves were ripped by the red lightning and it's also untucked. But there's a grey coat that appeared in his hand.

With one swift motion, Sebrof wore the coat with his eyes still trained forward at the dark portal.

"I've felt this aura before, there's no mistaking it...", Giana mumbles softly with fear in her eyes.

Upon hearing this Sebrof glances at her troubled expression, he already knew what she was going to say before she says it. But the next sentence that Giana said confirms it, "I've felt this aura back then and can't forget it ever since. No doubt, Rex is here"

Immediately after she said that a pair of glowing purple eyes came out of the dark portal.

Sebrof can feel the amount of power coming out of these two glowing purple eyes, a bead of cold sweat even falls down the side of his face. Even though the situation is bad, he was not expecting Rex to arrive this quickly.

From the fresh corpses, it shouldn't be more than ten minutes since they died.

In that little span of time not only does Rex knows the truth of his parent's death but he also arrived at the scene almost immediately, and that alone makes Sebrof frown even more realizing that they were confronted almost instantly without any proper planning in mind.

But he gulps harshly when he saw the glowing purple full moon mark on Rex's forehead.

'King Mark... he really did have a King Mark. Even though it was expected, it's still surprising to see it first-hand', Sebrof thought in concern, he still finds it surreal for Rex to be accepted by the full moon and possess King Mark.

Although the Night of Parturition brings suspects to him, it was still surprising.

Only Giana was present at the scene except for the others close to Rex, and Sebrof doesn't know exactly what happened there as he didn't have the time to talk to Giana or leaned more toward avoiding talking to Giana since the article.

So he hasn't actually confirmed his suspicion yet, he just knew that Rex is a Werewolf.

Now his doubt was saturated with the obvious King Mark on Rex's forehead, this clearly shows to him that Rex is not the same old Rex that he meet at the UWO and SCO alliance. Rex has completely changed.

During then, he was probably around seventh-rank realm power. Now, he's clearly not.

With the purple King Mark glowing on his forehead, Sebrof now know that they both were the same existence having ninth-rank realm power, the current peak of power that humanity and Supernatural possess.

Traversing down at the purple eyes, Sebrof finds no trace of anger inside them.

It was terrifyingly calm.

Not the eyes of someone that had their parents killed us, it was like the calm before the storm. Soon enough, the glowing purple eyes shifted to the surroundings and instantly finds the truth.

Rex saw the furthest corpse, Robert's corpse before his eyes turns to the figure stabbed through the chest by a light sword which is clearly Edward. It's unclear which of them completed the Sacrificial Count or whether another death wouldn't be counted by the system.

But that was not important, he looks down and paused, silently looking at a particular corpse.

Upon seeing his arrival Sebrof and Giana didn't move from their spot, they even breathes lighter.

There was a reason why a ninth-rank realm Awakened like them doesn't join in the fight so much. Losing one of them would be devastating for humanity, and the threat of losing their lives here is pretty much present right now with the appearance of Rex with his King Mark.

After a solid ten seconds of choking tension filling the air, Rex suddenly vanished.

Sebrof's eyes bulged searching for where he went, but his eyes stopped at Rex that is now already standing beside Robert's corpse in the far distance. Crouching on the side, he takes out a glowing item from thin air.

It looks like a bean, glowing with a pleasant energy of green light.

Without doing much Rex puts the green bean into Robert's mouth and helped him swallow it down, but soon a notification from the system that made his body stiff and expression darken appeared.

<Bead of Life can't be used on a dead target, failed to heal the target!>

Exhaling a trembling air, Rex vanished and appeared beside Edward.

Rex saw the water spell blanketing Edward's body but he ignored it and did the same to Edward just like he did to Robert,  he puts the Bead of Life that he gains from achieving the Gambler of Life achievement into his mouth before helping him swallow it.

But in the next moment, Sebrof and Giana held their breaths when Rex vanished once more.

Now he was standing beside a particular corpse that worried the both of them the most, Rex was standing beside Mrs. Greene's corpse, his mother's corpse. Even though he looks fine, his heart is completely shattered upon seeing this.

Everything repeated again. One is not enough for him, so God decided to show this scene twice.

It's unnecessary but Rex was forced to feel the pain of losing his parents twice.

Despite the unlimited strength that he currently possessed which won't allow his knees to bend even if the entire world was against him, this time, his knees are unable to hold the pressure. Rex falls to his knees beside his mother's corpse.

She has a warm smile on her face.

Even in a state of death, she was still very beautiful and peaceful like Rex remembered.

Rex looks at her corpse from top to bottom with his tender purple eyes, he was filled with sorrow and guilt while looking at her in this state that even made his hands tremble uncontrollably. Shedding a powerful tear, he looks down and caresses Mrs. Greene's face with great love.

Nothing is more innocent and precious in his life than his mother.

She was the precious jewel in his life that kept him from being entirely swallowed by the dark.

Putting the Bead of Life inside her mouth and helping her swallow it like the others, Rex gritted his teeth when the same notification appeared in front of him. It was akin to a stomp to his already shattered heart, more painful than anything he has ever felt.

<Bead of Life can't be used on a dead target, failed to heal the target!>

Leaning closer with a single trace of a tear on his face, Rex kissed her right on the forehead.

The kiss went on for long and more tears falls out of his eyes like beautiful diamonds, he was too bent on taking revenge for his deceased parents that he wasted his time with the person that is actually alive and taking care of him.

Regrets always comes to the end, but the pain is not always the same.

After kissing his mother's forehead with great care and love, his expression instantly changed.

Even though his face was filled with sorrow earlier from the loss of the person he cared about the most, it suddenly turned for the worst as if his emotions were shut off and replaced with devastating anger that is blazing inside of him.

It's one thing to try to kill him, but it's completely another matter to actually kill his mother.

<Warning! The user's berserk stat has reached 80%!>

Rex ignored the system's notification before he then whispers subtly to his mother's corpse, he was holding in the rampaging emotions that are about to burst out, "Wait here, mother... I'll be back soon"

On the back, Sebrof heard this light whisper and instantly went into battle mode.

But in the next second after that, his eyes widen when he saw Rex disappear before reappearing right in front of him. Rex is standing a couple of steps in front of him with his sadistic purple eyes looking straight into the soul.

With a voice filled with anger, Rex then mutters with a dark expression.

"I already warned you, Sebrof..."

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