The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 597 Rampage

Chapter 597 Rampage: Unity Of Humanity's Forces

Everything is in utter Chaos, destruction can be seen all over the place.

A fight between two ninth-rank realm entities is not a common thing, it hasn't happened in years but each time the fight happened, it scars many places as their fight is very destructive, taking everything down with them. Many people would definitely die from collateral damage.

The last time it happened was during the Great Barricade Bloodbath.

But back then the innocents have been evacuated and the battlefield only consists of volunteering military men and Awakened that would lay down their lives for the continuity of Humanity, they don't expect to survive that bloodbath.

Only the thought of fending off the Supernaturals and building the barricade filled their minds.

Years have passed since that tragedy that took millions of lives, and now another fight between these god-like entities is happening again but this time it happened in the heart of Ratmawati City which was one of humanity's safe havens.

Skyscrapers and buildings are absolutely destroyed by the clash of energies.

Responding to the sudden threat that appeared in the middle of Ratmawati City, many forces all around the city started to quickly gather and try to decipher what was going on. Everyone starts from Awakened belonging to different families, military men that have compounds all over the city, and also the new black hands are trying to find an answer to what the hell is happening.

​ It was their duty to help if the city is attacked, but they were not expecting such a huge fight.

Out of everyone that wanted to reinforce and evacuate the citizens that are inside the crossfire, the military arrived first as they marches from all directions bringing their tanks and mobile artillery in response to the threat.

Most of their weapons have already reached a terrifying degree, their firepower has increased.

In every war against the Supernatural across the entire human territory, the military was the main battle unit that was tasked with the very first engagement to assess the battle and also to buy time for reinforcement to come.

Automatic rifles and other modern guns they had has achieved many breakthroughs.

With the new bullets and guns that are always developed throughout the years fighting against the Supernaturals, a regular military man with a gun can kill a third-rank Supernatural or even a fourth-rank with heavy rifles.

Tanks propel shells that can obliterate fourth to fifth-rank Supernaturals, it's a huge breakthrough.

But the research teams find it difficult to progress further with the existence of spirit energy, they are still constantly trying to find a way to give normal military men a good chance to make a difference in war but there are many obstacles in their way.

It had become evident when they are fighting fourth and fifth-rank Supernaturals.

Although their weapon can theoretically pierce a fourth or fifth-rank Supernatural's skin, the gap in physical prowess was too much to leap over. Normal humans just don't have the superhuman reflex and perception to react to fourth-rank Supernaturals and above.

The tactics they can use are only either ambushing or long-range fire attacks.

Even though they suffer such a bad disadvantage, they were needed in every situation, and this situation especially proves to need their attention as the citizens are in dire need of evacuation. It should be their time to shine, but reality proves otherwise.




While the military units are helping people evacuate, a shockwave hits them.

Despite there being a good couple of miles distance between them and the source of the shockwave, the military men in military uniforms got absolutely vaporized into ash as their bodies can't sustain even a touch of the shockwave.josei

One of the commanders inside a tank saw this happening.

Upon being hit by the shockwave even the Tank started to malfunction, the control screen interface inside shattered, and the reactive armor covering the outside almost melted, rumbling the entire tank as if it was not weighing a hundred tons.

"Commander! Our men got wiped out from that!", a man beside the commander shouted.

The commander looks around and finds that the three other people inside the tank died from the shockwave that went through, and the interface is shattered. Immediately, the commander then pulls down the periscope to see outside and this made him suck in a cold breath.

About three hundred personnel were under his command, but none of them were left.

With a swift motion, the commander instantly takes out a transceiver.

"Dragon 1 to compound, we got wiped out! I repeat, we got wiped out!"

"Copy Dragon 1, what is the situation?"

"One shockwave reaches us from about five clicks away, everyone got vaporized from that! Tell the other units to bring an Awakened with them to deal with the shockwave!"

"Copy that, be advised all personnel wait for pairing"

Just after talking to the person on the other side, the commander opens the roof hatch.

"Commander! What are you doing?! It's dangerous to go outside"

Ignoring the military man left inside the tank he was on, the commander climbs out of the tank before looking up to the far distant sky where two light is clashing against each other. Each time they clash, the shockwave created travels everywhere and destroys everything.

Almost like watching a couple of nuclear bombs exploding repeatedly in the sky.

Not only that, but the fight keeps on moving from one place to another as if they warped space.

While watching the destruction caused in sector 3, the commander takes off his officer hat before letting it fall down and is blown away by the powerful gust hitting him from the front. The commander still feels dazed while watching this.

But soon enough, the sound of crying snaps him back to reality.

Looking to the side he saw a little girl crouching near the destroyed entrance of the building beside him, and the commander quickly jumps down the tank and went to her rescue. Hugging the crying little girl, protecting her from the gust of wind, the commander gazes back to the sky.

"How in the world does this city go attacked? I need to notify the neighboring cities..."

Meanwhile, places across Ratmawati City.

Alarms went off in every corner of Ratmawati City notifying the citizen to take refuge inside the underground bunker made in such a crisis, they didn't dilly about and instantly follows the command from the intercom spread across the city.

Not only the citizen but lower-rank Awakened families are also told to take cover.

With the threat reaching an astronomical ninth-rank realm, families that only have sixth-rank realm Awakened are not allowed to go anywhere near the battle and were advised to either stay out of the way or help the citizen far away from the fight to take refuge.

Gusts from the clash between two ninth-rank can even shatter seventh-rank Awakened barriers.

Awakened below the seventh-rank realm would absolutely destroyed if they go anywhere near the fight, and this is why only the Golden Crest Families are tasked to help the citizen that is too near to the fight between two titans.

But with most of their forces stationed at theVampire Stronghold, things are looking very bad.

Everywhere across Ratmawati City, the death toll keeps on rising as many of the citizens got unlucky upon getting out of their homes and buildings and instantly got hit by the powerful shockwave which killed them instantly.

It was an absolute massacre, Ramawati City is not prepared to be attacked from the inside like this.

Since the ninth-rank realm Awakened and also the formation masters pretty much put a huge amount of effort into the barrier surrounding Ratmawati City and created the Jewel of Last Hope, they were pretty confident that not even a combination attack from ninth-rank realm Supernaturals are able to penetrate it.

Because of that, the inside doesn't have much regulation in preparation for a situation like this.

Although this might sound arrogant, the barrier was already tested multiple times, and ever since it was built the ninth-rank realm Supernatural only tries once and failed miserably in shattering the barrier.

Post that attempt, the Supernaturals haven't tried it again.

Mostly due to the fact that Ratmawati City is in the center and very deep into humanity's territory, but nevertheless the barrier they created is very strong as the attempt didn't even leave a dent in it.

In no realm of possibility that they foresaw something like this happening.

Ratmawati City was completely caught off guard as many of its forces were stationed at the Great Barricade, guarding the newly acquired Vampire Stronghold and also fending off the Demon Stronghold, now it needs to defend itself with its crippled forces.

But everyone's survival instinct kicks in, and most of the people are finally evacuated.

"Ultimate Twelve Amalgam Poison Spell, Toxin Breath!"


A man with sharp purple eyes and purple hair breathes gushing purple gas out of his mouth, and the purple gas spreads to the surroundings upon getting hit by a shockwave that stubbornly tries to knock the purple gas away.

With more mana inside the purple gas, the shockwave was fended off before the man stopped.

Frowning with the fact that he needs more effort in blocking the shockwave despite being a peak eighth rank realm Awakened, the man clicks his tongue before looking at the destruction in the far away distance.

On the back of this man are about five hundred well-equipped people ready to battle.

Clad in black tight combat suits and purple robes overlaying them, these people look very organized and also very strong as all of them are at the very least early seventh-rank realm Awakened, and there's a hissing snake crest on their uniform's chest.

"Mr. Mistin, we are tasked to help sectors 3A and 3B. Some citizen is still stuck there"

Upon hearing the Awakened's report on his back, the man called Mistin squinted his eyes, assessing the situation in front of him before he asks, "Have we gotten any news about this from the UWO?"

"Yes, a ninth-rank realm Werewolf is attacking. We're not prepared and the damage is devastating"

"What about the black hands? Where are they?"

"Most of the messengers leading an army of black hands are sweeping sector 2 and also sector 3D, the stronger ones went to sector 3C where the fight is happening. If we could clear our part quickly, we are instructed to immediately help president Sebrof that is stalling the Werewolf"

Even though Mistin was still confused as to how the city got attacked, he needs to focus right now.

Mistin looks back at the Awakened under his family before he commanded them quickly so as to not waste any time, "Split into five groups and sweep the sector quickly, just check buildings and skipped the street. Many should still be trapped inside the buildings, and the ones that are on the street probably died already so don't waste your time"

After doing that, the Awakened nodded their heads before they dashed in different directions.

It was not just the Mistin Family but other top ten Golden Crest Families also doing the same thing, Burton Family, Hester Family, and even the mysterious Maurice family have come out of hiding and helped the city.

A white-masked man was blitzing through the entire sector followed by many Awakened.

Light element is a very rare element that only a few have, but the white-masked man was not only a Light Elementalist but the Awakened behind him were also Light Elementalist as their bodies turned into streaks of light to sweep the entire sector.

By the speed they were going, the entire sector tasked to them can be dealt with quickly.

Knowing that Ratmawati City was under attack by a sudden force that caused a catastrophe of this scale, none of the forces inside the city preserve their strength. Even though the higher-rank families are in a cold war against each other, they didn't hesitate to work together in this scenario.

Despite their beef, the Supernaturals are still their number one enemy.

Humanity will be strong if they stand together, but they will crumble instantly if they don't.

Back to the present.

Rex got tackled and crashed miles away with Sebrof's arms wrapped around his waist.

Laughing at this response knowing how much death and destruction he had caused in the entire sector 3, he clasps his fist together and slammed it right at Sebrof's back, planting him into the ground and stopping the propelling momentum.

A huge crater was made as the buildings around him crumbles because of that.

Sensing the flowing of red lightning inside Sebrof's body through the Extreme State that is still active, Rex prepares for an attack but his eyes were forced to look up when he saw a dozen fighter jets flying across the sky.

Without any hesitation, they started raining missiles on him to help Sebrof.

The sound of the firing missiles pierces the air as they went straight to Rex. But instead of dodging the missiles, he just stood there while looking at the pilots of the fighter jets directly in the eyes with a crooked grin on his face.

It sent a shiver to the pilots but they need to assist Sebrof in every way they can.




Dozens of missiles directly hit Rex before they started exploding and shaking the ground, cloud of smoke covers the entire place in the aftermath of the exploding missiles. But before the fighter jets are able to maneuver around for yet another barrage of missiles, the sky suddenly started rumbling.

Looking down at Rex that appears in the midst of the black smoke, he exposes his blitzing eyes.

Although he was very weak in terms of Awakened power compared to his Werewolf side, it wouldn't be a problem for him to take down a couple of private jets using his sky-black lightning element just like this.

"Great Spell! Sky Rupture Assortment!"


The formation of the private jets instantly broke as the sky spat black lightning strikes.

One hit from the black lighting strikes tilt their fighter jets and instantly electrocuted the engine, a dozen of them immediately started falling from the sky from having the engine shut down. They were no match for Rex.

Not wanting to spare them, Rex jumped high into the sky heading at the remaining fighter jets.

Upon looking at the black-furred Werewolf with glowing purple horns heading straight towards them, the pilots feel fear gripping their hearts as their hands instantly went to the explosive ejection hatch.

Knowing their enemy, the fighter jets they were on would instantly explode if they got hit by Rex.

But just as the pilots are about to eject themselves from the fighter jets due to the incoming Rex, a figure suddenly blitzed from the side intercepting Rex's path. With the red lightning saber, Sebrof managed to stab Rex through the abdomen and they both fall back to the ground.

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