The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 602 Cannot Be Undone

Chapter 602 Cannot Be Undone

"Tell me, do you have any part in this...?"

Rex's cold question seeped into her ears like a sharp sword, her body stiffens and her expression turns even paler. It took only that to make Rex's face darkens, she doesn't need to say anything for Rex to know that she did something.

<Engraving the Blood Moon King Mark 89%/100%>

Clenching the Amuerus Katana in his hand, Rex's entire body started trembling.

Even in the midst of his cloudy mind due to his Sanity's stat that dropped below 30%, he can still vividly remember his mother's corpse that lies in the cold and hard ground. No respect was given to her at all, killed and tossed away like an animal despite being innocent.josei

She didn't deserve this, she was the only source of light in this cold and dark world.

Inside Rex's mind, she was the sole light bulb that keep his mind from breaking since his birth parents' death. But now everything has turned dark, he was blanketed by the darkness once again with no hopeful future.

A world where there was no war, it's a perfect world for someone like his mother.

Now that he has taken revenge on the Werewolf that killed his birth parents, it was time for him to move on and make the best for his mother that accompanied him through his darkest times. But that chance was taken away from him, by these ungrateful and blind people.

People whom he fought for his entire life turns out to be the one that will make his life even worst.

"It was my fault, I'm the one that tried to kill you"

Upon hearing this Rex suddenly raised his widened eyes to look at Giana, he was caught off guard by this. It was supposed to be Sebrof but turns out the real perpetrator was none other than the person that he trusted to be the first outsider to know of his deep secret.

Although it seemed plausible to tell her then, turns out that becomes the greatest mistake Rex did.

"Giana, don't!"

Sebrof tries to stop her from saying the truth to him in the middle of a rampage like this, but Giana only raises her hand, signaling for him to stop. At the very least she needs to own to her mistake, it's not fair to put the blame on Sebrof.

"I tried to kill you but failed, and one of my men tries to save me which resulted in this"

Feeling power leaving his body, Sebrof kneels on the ground while panting heavily. No point in stopping her now, she already said the truth, and the situation is ambiguous and can go either way.

Looking directly at Rex's purple eyes, Giana then added, "I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry for not trusting you even if you're a Werewolf, and also I'm sorry for your parents' deaths"

Just like a trance of the moment, the two Elemental Dominions from Sebrof and Giana were like two bubbles of light that are engulfed in the complete darkness of Rex's night dome. Vargas and Lady Lauren not far from them heard what they were saying.

Now that they heard the actual truth, everything started to make sense.

Sebrof and Giana knew the fact that Rex was a Werewolf which is the missing piece they need and blinded by his race, Giana tries to kill him but failed. Everything started going down after that, and this is the climax.

Forcing himself to stand up, Sebrof then said, "I know what she did was wrong, trust me I do"

"But I also know deep down that you don't want Humanity to fall, despite your race you're still one of us. I can see it in your eyes then, you're doing all of the extreme things you did for the sole purpose of helping Humanity. If we keep this up, the Supernaturals will sense it and they would do an all-out attack knowing that we're weak. Your effort will be in vain if that happens, just stop this"

"I'm not saying to forget the fact that your parents are dead, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying that we can find another way to resolve this tragedy that happened to you", he added trying to convince Rex.

Clearly, he was hurt from Rex's last attack, he would be forcing himself if the fight continues.

Rex just stands there with his eyes gazing at nothing but Giana, his pupils are steady without any sign of movement. Soon enough he lowers his eyes to look at the ground, his eyes wavering with uncertainty.

Out of nowhere, the black dome slowly shrinks, sucked into Rex's body.

Upon seeing the sudden disappearance of the black dome that is suppressing them, Giana and Sebrof look at each other with their eyes opened wide. Even though they were trying to convince Rex otherwise, they didn't expect it to actually work.

But their delight was interrupted by the sound of flapping wings from the sky.

Looking up they saw a flying figure descending down, exposing its skin that is filled with dark red scales that of a dragon. Not only were many of the people here surprised, but the figure also brought someone.

It was obviously Ryze, and he was bringing a beaten-up man in his arm.

Ryze's eyes lit up when he saw Rex in the midst of destruction, he flaps his wings and landed right in front of him before he tossed the beaten-up man to the ground, "I- I did it! I-I've taken revenge on the person that did that to the mansion, and your parents!"

Even though he was obviously injured severely, his eyes can't hide the sense of accomplishment.

Upon hearing the words that came out of Ryze's mouth, Rex's eyes shifted down to look at the person that he said was responsible for attacking the mansion and killing his parents, Zero. With emotionless eyes, Rex looks at Zero's body numbly.

Not one hint of emotion leaked out of his eyes.

Although there was no aura suppressing them, Vargas felt something was off.

Walking closer to Lady Lauren that is standing on the side, he then whispered, "Help me create a barrier around the sector, I don't feel like he was about to give up. Let's play it safe and minimalized the damage to the surrounding and also prevents more energy to leak out which will alert the Supernaturals"

"Okay... I also think that he won't let this up, just why would that Dragonman bring it up now"

Clicking her tongue knowing that Rex should've ended the rampage if given more time to be convinced, Ryze just had to bring the actual killer of his deceased parents. It would definitely impact Rex's emotions right now.

Gazing at Zero's body which is already scorched and not breathing, Rex's eyes wavered a bit.

Despite not being there when his parents were killed, he can still smell their scent from Zero's body.

"I started loathing the Supernatural ever since a Werewolf killed my birth parents without a reason, all I wanted in my life was to kill the Werewolf that give me that endless nightmare that keeps on repeating in my head. At last, after so long, I've managed to kill him", Rex said before raising his glowing purple eyes.

Gazing at both of them, Rex then continues, "I wanted to move on and forget that nightmare"

"My foster mother, I want to give everything to her, creating a beautiful world where she would be happy and safe. She was the only reason I've managed to keep sane until now, the only reason I fight for a brighter future, and it was her who kept me from being dragged by the darkness"

Out of nowhere, Rex's King Mark started circulating moonlight energy once again.

"But you took that from me..."

Rex's eyes flashed with rampaging energy that zapped the people around him from their power, even Giana and Sebrof were not spared by the sudden mental attack. It feels like their powers were sucked out of their bodies.

<The target's stats have been decreased by 30%!>

<The target's stats have been decreased by 30%!>

<The target's stats...>

<The target's stats...>

Upon activating his Alpha Bearing skill, they all got influenced by Rex's presence.

Finding that the situation has turned for the worst again, the eighth-rank figures that wanted to provide backup for Sebrof and Giana were instantly crushed into their knees unable to get up under Rex's pressure.

Only Sebrof and Giana in their Gladiator Forms can sustain the energy from Rex.

Each one of them watches as Rex grabs Zero's corpse by the nape before lifting it up, he then added, "Did you really think apologizing would make this better? You sever my only connection with humanity by killing my beloved parents who belong to the few people I love in this world"

"Ever since you kill them, you don't have the chance to fix this. I'm not one of you now..."



Sebrof and Giana widened their eyes in absolute terror when they saw Rex suddenly opens his mouth filled with sharp fangs and bites Zero's head right off, he ripped it before started munching on it deviously.

Blood started to seep through the gap in his teeth, showing that he actually ate Zero.

<Eaten a peak eighth-rank Awakened, obtained 70,000,000,000 Exp!>

<Level up!>

<Congratulation on achieving the first prey achievement!>

<The user has gained 3x Devouring tickets which will allow the user to learn any skill from the prey that has been devoured, it's advised to be used wisely! With the death of the Dark Prince, the Devouring ability will be lost until the world restraints have been lifted!>

Many notifications from the system popped into his vision but were ignored completely.

Without wasting any more time knowing that they have completely lost the negotiation, Giana and Sebrof instantly moved to realize that there is no more room for talking. It was already too late, the damage they did to Rex can't be reversed now.

Jumping high into the sky, Sebrof raised both of his sabers up, calling for the rumbling lightning.



A devastatingly powerful lightning strike hits both of his red lightning sabers, imbuing them with more power than ever before. Sebrof already clenched his jaw strongly while slashing down his two sabers, "Ultimate Arcane Spell, Heaven's Twin Abomination Judgement!"

Simultaneously, Giana also chanted from the back turning her chakrams into one astral bow.

Pulling back the astral blue strings while gathering a destructive amount of arcane mana and spirit energy, her eyes sparkle with a blue light as she manifested a blue water bow that is enhanced with sparking lightning.

"Empyrean Dancer of Annilihation Art, Third Form!"

Upon the arrow fully manifested and reinforced, Giana then continues with a hint of guilt before letting go of the string and letting the arrow loose. Rex left her no choice but to react like this, "Evoke of Annilihation!!"


Like a concentrated meteor from the sky, the arrow swiftly pierced the air and headed to Rex.

Out of all the others that are present within the Elemental Dominions and the black dome, they all rushed outside knowing that the devastating result of the attack would be catastrophic even for them at such a close distance.

It would be better for them to get outside and blocks the shockwave and minimalized the damage.

Even if they try to stay inside the Elemental Dominions and black dome, they wouldn't be able to just like Ryze that was pushed away crashing like a rag doll just from the air of the incoming full-power attacks from two ninth-rank realms Awakened.

Harnessing the full ability of a ninth-rank realm Awakened, their attacks were catastrophic.

Rex stood there without moving an inch while the two incoming attacks swiftly got closer and closer, he was not reacting even the slightest bit despite the gushing energies that are directly aimed at him.

Knowing that their combination attack would decimate any ninth-rank, Sebrof sighs inwardly.

'It's a shame, but he has given us no choice. Even he wouldn't be able to block our attacks. We make a grave mistake, but we need to do what we have to do to save Humanity from collapse and secure the future', Sebrof thought grudgingly.

But as two of his sabers and the arrow coming from the front were about to hit.


Rex's aura suddenly exploded but this time there were some changes in his King Mark, half of it slowly being dyed with red color splitting his King Mark into two parts. Something that was never seen before.

<Engraving the Blood Moon King Mark, completed!>

<Congratulation on activating Dual King Mark, the user's stats has been increased tremendously!>

<Diabolic Claws of the Origin Fragment has been automatically absorbed from being accepted by the Blood Moon and achieving the Blood Moon King Mark, the user has instantly unlocked one of the Origin's unique power>

<Unholy Claws of the Reaper passive skill has been unlocked!>

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