The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 613 Be Prepared To Be Killed!

Chapter 613 Be Prepared To Be Killed!


Rex was caught off guard by the blue flaming chains that went through the wall and surprise him from below, the heat coming from the chains is hot enough that it can melt the wall easily. It was the heat straight from hell, equivalent to a ninth-rank realm aura.

With one pull from the blue flaming chains, he falls down from the wall of the stronghold.

From the side Adhara tries to stretch her arm out intending to reach out for him but fell short, she didn't manage to catch Rex's arm as he falls from the stronghold's wall. But he didn't just let himself be pulled down by the blue flaming chains.

Turning his hands into claws, Rex stabbed the wall to stop him from falling down.


"Rrgghh!", Rex groaned as he tries to fight back the pulling force of the blue flaming chains, he looked down at the blue flaming chains but his eyes caught the ground beneath him cracked with blue lava flowing out.

It was no doubt that it was the Blue Demon's doing, there was no one else.

Even though he was still a good 600 feet above the ground, holding onto the wall with his claws, the heat coming from the blue lava already waves and burns his entire body. It feels like he was being cooked like an animal.

Although he was still strong enough to fight the pulling force, the stronghold's wall was not.

Crumbling under the power struggle between two ninth-rank realm entities, Rex got pulled down by the blue flaming chains into the crack of blue lava. But before he was plunged into the blue lava, he already turned back into his Werewolf form once again.



Rex growled as he can feel his skin melting, his knee-down was submerged in blue lava.

Just like being plunged into a combination of quicksand and mud, Rex finds it hard to pull himself out of the blue lava since there's nothing to hold onto. Not stopping at that, two other chains burst from the ground and wrapped around both of his wrists.

Under the grip of the blue flaming chains and blue lava, Rex was trapped in his spot.

Lifting his head up to gaze forward he saw the blue ninth-rank demon alongside what seemed to be another demon but this one should be a female, the pink aura surrounding this demon is comparable to the blue demon.

Rex can't mistake this female demon, the sudden sensation of pain shows exactly what she is.

A succubus, must be the Queen of the Succubus.

Both of them are looking at Rex with their overbearing presence that emits a huge amount of killing intent, he can understand why the blue demon wants him but he has only messed with the succubus one time.

Even though he killed a decent amount of succubus and incubus, they shouldn't be the case.

Most of the succubus he killed before only have below sixth-rank realm power, it's not a reason enough for the Queen of the Succubus, Queen Catsha to be having this much killing intent towards him.

Just as he inspected the two, his eyes dilated seeing the invisible barrier starting to move.

Rex didn't actually see the invisible barrier moving but more like he sensed the invisible barrier moving towards him and also moving very fast. Crossing both of his arms in front of him, he feels the air suddenly change before he slowly lowered his arms.


Immediately as his eyes opened, he was greeted by a very shocking scene.

What was nothing but desolate land has turned completely into the embodiment of the deepest floor of hell itself, lava and fire encompass everything his eyes see. It spans miles and even scorches the trees that mark the start of the Supernatural territory.

Turns out the inside of the invisible barrier hides this hellish place that has been prepared.

Not only the two ninth-rank realm demons but thousands upon thousands of Supernaturals followed behind them, there are many types of them starting from the blue demons, red demons, succubus, incubus, and even Werewolves.

Each one of them is clad in battle armor showing that they were here for nothing but to fight.

Most of the Werewolves are wearing the same ring that protected them from the volcanic terrain, and they are also covered with a subtle kingly moonlight energy belonging to the Super Moon. Rex squinted his eyes as he can feel his kingly moonlight energy resonate with the unknown kingly moonlight energy.

But soon enough a figure leaped to the sky and landed in front of the army of Supernaturals.


Landing on one knee the figure slowly stands up while exposing its entire body, the bluish thick furs covering its entire body from top to bottom, the humongous body two times the size of Rex himself, and the glowing King Mark on its forehead shows that this figure is no doubt a Werewolf.

Another King of Werewolf, beloved by the Super Moon. King Baralt.

King Baralt gazes forward with his ferocious blue eyes that were filled with authority, he was wearing royal-plated armor with the Werewolf crest the shape of baring fangs on the chest plate. But he grabbed the armor with his claws before ripping them off of his body.

Upon stripping his armor, King Baralt's body which is filled with scars is exposed clearly.

Muscle on top of muscle filled the inside of his body, battle scars from the countless battles he has already gone through covered every corner of his body, and his ferocious mouth filled with ferocious fangs is trembling in anger.

Opening up his arms to the side whilst exposing his torso, King Baralt roared powerfully.


Following that thunderous roar was his kingly energy that exploded, creating a shockwave that literally peel the ground destructively. It went on further until it hits Rex but was blocked by the kingly moonlight energy from his King Mark.

Resonating with his roar, the Werewolves behind also howled in response.

With the sheer numbers they had, their howls coupled with King Baralt's roars quake the ground.

After showing his dominance as a Werewolf that has also been accepted by a Full Moon, King Baralt looks at the trapped Rex before he pointed forward, "We meet at last, Royal Black Werewolf! Today is the day I show the Origin that he's mistaken!!"

"We thanked you, Werewolf Prince. But your existence is too dangerous...", Queen Catsha added.

Rubbing her plump lips with her demonic claws, Queen Catsha gazes at Rex with a playful grin before she continues, "It's the end of the line for you, little stray Werewolf. If I'd known you earlier, I would've wanted to have you for myself, but it's too late now"

Upon hearing this, Rex cracks a nasty grin while scanning the armies gathered before him.

"Did you prepare all of this for me...? Such an honor for me to be ambushed by three powerful figures such as the three of you, and also an army of thousands of Supernatural. I see that you've taken me quite seriously", he said without a hint of fear at all.

Even without the Dual King Mark, he still doesn't feel any fear of this kind of sight.

Maybe due to the fact that he has already lost so many of the people that he loved, his feeling has already turned numb. Instead of giving him fear, this kind of sight makes him exhilarated as a smile appeared on his face, embracing the army of Supernaturals prepared to kill him.

But then the blue demon, Azzen then added, "Surrender your life, don't make this hard on yourself"

"I can feel the sorrow inside of you, you now have nothing to fight for and have been exiled by the humans. Your heart is empty and alone, it's best for you to do as our demand so that your misery in this world end", he added, proposing a peaceful death.

Unlike what he had expected, Rex started laughing out loud like a lunatic.

Rex's eyes then bulged upon hearing this and his smile turns into a maniacal one, he was exhausted completely but the sight of these Supernaturals fueled him with power. With his increasing power, the blue flaming chains started to make steely sounds.

Sensing the increasing power, Azzen moved quickly and threw a black spear straight at Rex.


It was an attack just like before, Rex and the others has met with Azzen before and he was struggling to stop this particular attack. But now with the power coursing inside of him, Rex should fare much better than before.

With the power of his King Mark, his current self would definitely be able to deflect this attack.

As the blue fire twirls like a hurricane around the spear and was about to reach him, a couple of shadows dashed from above before a huge barrier composed of different kinds of energies appeared and blocks the spear.


Upon the spear's impact, a powerful shockwave was created cracking the barrier instantly.

Despite the combination of different energies that are composing the barrier, the spear thrown by a ninth-rank realm demon like Azzen almost obliterates it instantly. This made Azzen lift his chin in confidence, knowing that his spear will go through.

Out of nowhere, his armor was grabbed as he was pulled to the side.

King Baralt's feral eyes gaze right into Azzen's blue fiery eyes with a fit of obvious anger, he clenched his teeth strongly before he said in a harsh tone, "I told you before that Rex is mine to kill, you demons are supposed to watch from the side as I battled him!!"

"It's better to end it fast, letting him get angrier will just be a foolish move", Azzen replied calmly.

Adding to their conversation from the side, Queen Catsha covers her mouth and chuckled sweetly looking at King Baralt's childish behavior, "We've battled Werewolves for thousands of years, King Baralt. It's a golden rule to not give a chance to a Werewolf and let it become angry"

Gritting his teeth strongly, King Baralt pushed Azzen back roughly.

"That's right, but you forgot that I'm also a Werewolf. Even if he becomes angry and gets stronger, I also can do the same", King Baralt said with a gruesome smile, but then suddenly a wave of energy hits them which caught them by surprise.

The three of them looked back to the side and finds Azzen's spear being pushed back.

Upon seeing this Azzen was a little bit surprised as that throw is one of his favorite attacks and it's very powerful, so looking at it being pushed back makes him frown a little. But in the next second, the spear got flung away to the side as the barrier expanded.


With the spear out of the way and the wave of energy receded, the three saw a couple of figures.

Even though Rex's legs are still trapped by the lava pool and his hands are wrapped by two blue flaming chains, the spear got sent crashing away before dispersing back into demonic energy. Turns out there are a couple of figures standing in front of him.

Out of the four figures, three of them are Werewolves while one of them is human.

Adhara, Gistella, Flunra, and Kyran didn't just stay idle in the safety of the barrier covering the Great Barricade, the four of them jumped down from the stronghold's wall to aid their Alpa who is engulfed by the invisible weird barrier.

From the outside of the invisible barrier, they can't see what's happening.

But knowing that Rex was in trouble with three ninth-rank realms Supernatural inside the invisible energy, they didn't even hesitate to jump down after entrusted Rex's parent corpses on the wall under the watch of Brigitta.

With the situation going on, it's unlikely for Brigitta to do anything to the corpses.

Exerting every ounce of their strength they managed to block an attack from Azzen, it was mostly thanks to Flunra that helped immensely using his ancient rune. But the others also contributed just the same, not wanting Rex to feel alone.

"If you want to kill our Alpha, then you have to go through us"

Standing in the very front of the others, Adhara declared bearing her full energy completely.

Even King Baralt was surprised to see that he was a little bit influenced by her energy, the Proxy of the White Omicron. Since Flunra and the others were taken down by Rex in their fight before, none of them managed to report back to King Baralt about Adhara's race.

Now that he saw it first-hand, King Baralt frowned as she will influence the other Werewolves.

Following Adhara's lead, the others also stand in front of Rex, their eyes are unfearful even with the massive armies that look like a colony of ants in their eyes. It was so massive that they should've felt horrified, but they were not.

With Rex on their backs, they know that somehow they will go through this.

It was the trust they had in Rex.

Upon seeing this Rex was stunned for a couple of seconds, forgetting the fact that he still has the others with him. Out of nowhere, red kingly energy gathered to his King Mark amplifying his power before the blue flaming chains snapped.


Rex then burst with power before he jumps out of the lava pool and lands beside Adhara.

Just for a second Rex looks at Adhara and gets a nod from her, it made his heart feel at ease for a moment before he looks back at the army of Supernaturals, "Humans... Supernaturals... I don't know why but everyone wants to kill me now. But don't think that this is going to be a walk in the park"

"If you want to kill someone, then you have to be prepared to be killed. And trust me, even if I go down I'm taking many of you down with me...", Rex added before his thick killing intent flowed out that sent a shiver straight at the hearts of his enemies.josei

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