The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 628 Resting And Waking Up

Chapter 628 Resting And Waking Up

Somewhere in the Supernatural territory, a figure shadowed by the blazing golden bright sun leaped across the sky quickly before it landed right in the middle of a dense forest filled with tall mutated Hyperion trees.

Instead of landing on two feet, the figure crashes and creates a crater on the ground.

Mutated birds varying in species and realms chirped in surprise before they flap their wings to flee the place, the evil aura emitted by the figure that just crashes in the middle of the forest terrifies them and made them choose to leave their homes instead of staying.

Crawling on the ground intending to use a tree trunk as a support, the figure groans in pain.

From the looks of it, the figure should be a powerful Werewolf but it has numerous injuries all over its body. Scratches, torn wounds, burn wounds, the Werewolf has every kind of wound which justifies its weakened state.

Without a doubt this Werewolf is King Baralt, he seems to be greatly injured.

Holding onto the tree trunk with his shattered claws due to the final clash he did against Rex's claws that are imbued with Origin Energy, King Baralt struggles to stand up as he moans painfully, feeling the numbing sensation all over his body.

Aside from his grievous shattered claws, his eyes are also oozing with blood.

Stopping for a second to lean on the tree trunk behind him, King Baralt tries to blink his eyes a couple of times that are refusing to regenerate to normal. Closing his burning eyes, he can't help but curse, "How the heck did he got his hands on the Stone Tablet? It should be kept by the humans, how did it end up in his hands?"

It was clear now that his eyes were bloodied to the Stone Tablet Rex exposed earlier.

When it comes to the Stone Tablet it doesn't matter whether the Werewolf is a ninth-rank realm or even beyond the pinnacle of strength. As long as they don't have a strong bloodline or the bloodline of royalty then they can't defend against the Fragment of the White Omicron.

Because of that, the Stone Tablet has earned fame amongst the Werewolves.

Vampires were the ones to use that Stone Tablet as a weapon back when they were still at war against each other, it was known by the Werewolves as the Eyes of Death. Since King Baralt only has his King Mark to defend against the energy coming from the Stone Tablet, he was badly hurt by it.

Many of his wounds that should be healing become stagnant and tear open again because of that.

While he was resting for a moment to dispel the inhibiting energy inside of him using his kingly energy, a purple ball appeared beside him before Queen Catsha appeared as she spreads her wings open to the side.

Even though his eyes are hurt, King Baralt can sense her presence perfectly.

"Let's get you back to your castle first, the trap has utterly failed and we even suffered greatly for it. King Solomon, King Lax'rad, and Azzen are going to your castle too, we need to rethink our plan in tackling the Royal Black Prince and also the Executor", Queen Catsha said before intending to help him.

Instead of letting Queen Catsha help him, King Baralt slaps her hands away.

Glaring at Queen Catsha with his bloodied eyes that look weirdly terrifying, he then replied, "Don't talk to me as if you demons have suffered greatly from that fight, the Werewolves are the ones suffering the most because of that damned Royal Black Prince!"

Since most of the Werewolves got obliterated, King Baralt is justified to be angry.

But Queen Catsha thought otherwise as she squinted her eyes, "In case you forgot, you're the one that wanted to fight the Royal Black Prince alone. On top of that, that Royal Black Prince has access to Origin Energy which means the Demons he killed can't be revived. I know that the Werewolves don't have any way to replenish your numbers due to the Royal Black Prince, but don't act like you're the only one suffering from that battle"

Upon hearing Queen Catsha's sharp and cold remark, King Baralt clicks his tongue in displeasure.

Although he was in the wrong for acting like that to Queen Catsha, he's very annoyed by the fact that he lost against the Royal Black Prince and lose the unofficial title of the Werewolf King. It's the only thing that makes him this angry.

"Let's go back, we also need to discuss another matter", King Baralt mutters with a rough breath.

Queen Catsha frowned for a moment before she realized what King Baralt is talking about, she remembered the weird human that blocked Azzen's way, "Yes, we do indeed need to talk about that person. Even though he has the symbol and scent of an Ancient Human, I don't think he's an actual Ancient Human. Asking the Elders about this will clear the clouds..."

With that out of the way, both of them leaped as they head back to the Werewolf Castle.


Meanwhile, Rex and the others have already quite a distance away from the Great Barricade.

Since they finished their business near the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, Rex and the others have been going west just like Gistella suggested. Along the way, Rex also stores the Supernatural corpses in his inventory so that Gistella can feed on them.

But aside from that, he also planned on devouring some himself.

Now that he has already broken his code of not devouring the enemies he killed so as not to become an actual Werewolf, there's no point in keeping that virtue when he already broke it once. If it'll help him get stronger quickly then he'll definitely use that method.

At this point, there's no moral block that he needs to obey as he already detached from humanity.

When he saw his parents' corpses was the time he decided that living with humanity under the governing of people that aren't able to see the bigger picture would only drag him down, and he decided that he will be leaving that kind of place to the past.

On top of that, the Supernatural Radar was about to be launched, this is the perfect time to leave.

Rex and the others now entered the forest bordering the Great Barricade and the Supernatural territory, they were now traversing through the tall bushes and other kinds of flora that blocked their way.

"Should we rest first? I can keep watch if there's anything strong approaching"

Upon seeing Rex's pale expression from the blood oozing out of his wounds that are stubborn and won't regenerate, Flunra proposed that they rest for a moment. With Adhara and Kyran knocked out, it will be a problem if Rex also passed out due to the extensive loss of blood.

Looking over his shoulder, Rex then replied, "Don't need to, I'm fi-"

Just as he was about to say that he was fine, he stumbled over and falls to his knees while still holding both of the wind cocoons in his hands. No matter what he wouldn't let the wind cocoons with his parents' corpses inside fall to the ground like that.

Gistella approaches Rex before she kneeled in front of him, putting on a comforting smile.

Placing her hand on Rex's shoulder gently, she then signals for him to sit down before she said softly, "I know you've been through something bad, but I don't think keeping yourself busy in your condition will be any good. Please rest for a bit, Flunra and I will keep you safe..."

Rex's body stiffens upon seeing this, he's unwilling but he crumbles under Gistella's persuasion.

Knowing that his body needs rest as the system's notification hasn't stopped telling him that he's in a critical condition and in dire need of sleep to accelerate the regeneration process, Rex finally places down the two wind cocoons gently.

Surprisingly enough, the wind cocoons refuse to be placed on the ground and just float idly.

Although it was an unnecessary addition that was gifted from Brigitta, he was thankful for it. At the very least, she respected his parents enough to not disrespect them until they got the proper burial that Rex wanted. josei

Upon seeing that Rex accepted her proposal, Gistella smiled before she stood back up.

With Rex leaning against a tree trunk intending to rest his body and let the system put him to sleep, Gistella went over to Flunra before she said in her somewhat sweet voice, "We're going to scour the place then, I hope you get a good rest before resuming our journey"

Immediately after she said that, Flunra puts down Adhara and Kyran before they both vanished.

Rex looks over to the dancing branches and leaves of the tall Hyperion trees that are stabbing the sky and the bright blazing sun, he steadies his breathing after a long drawn-out fight before he finally mutters softly, "System, puts me to sleep and wake me up if something happened..."

<Affirmative, putting the user to sleep...>

Despite the hurting injuries that keeps on bleeding, his eyelids started to feel heavy.

A sense of drowsiness waves through his entire body as he closes his eyes, Rex's breathing slowly becomes steady before his demented soul finally went over to the dream world which is very well earned after such a huge fight.


Feeling the warm sunlight poking from above, the eyelids slowly trembled and open slowly.

What greeted the eyes was the bright sun that is already in the middle of the sky showing that it was already midday. Slowly the figure sits up feeling the soreness all over, but realization struck like a lightning upon seeing the surrounding scenery.

It comes as a surprise when the surrounding is painted with blood and corpses.

"W-What happened here...?"

Evelyn woke up and was greeted by the destruction that already flattened the entire city, she remembered being struck by the Stone Tablet's energy and got greatly injured. Despite her unconscious state, she can hear Rex and the others talking beside her.

From their conversation, she knows that she should be in the hospital right now.

Looking around the rubbles that were also covered with blood and torn corpses of the people of the city, Evelyn realized that she was indeed right. It's clear that she was in the hospital before, but the hospital has turned into ruins.

Getting rid of the rubbles on her body, Evelyn stood up before taking a good look at the place.

It seems the destruction was recent as the stench of blood is still fresh and even the corpses are still bleeding. Right on her side she can see the entire city completely thrashed, the surviving people are crying and wailing due to the loss of their loved ones.

But sensing the leftover energy around the place, she realized that it was very familiar.

"Rex...?", Evelyn mutters softly.

Although she doesn't want to believe that Rex was the one that killed all of these innocent people, the energy surely stated that it was him that did this. Evelyn couldn't be wrong about this, she knows and remembered Rex's energy like it was the back of her head.

Coupled with her smelling sense of a Werewolf, she finds it hard for herself to be wrong.

Evelyn was about to search for the others but then suddenly she heard a scream coming from the front, she squinted her eyes and finds a man that has the lower half of his body buried under a huge rubble.

With a swift movement, Evelyn went over to the man that is being helped by his family.

Trying to lift up the big rubble the size of a car that looks to be very heavy is a pair of mother and daughter that also has blood here and there, they were desperately trying to lift the rubble and help the man to crawl out.

Knowing that she can help, Evelyn immediately went over to them and lifted the big rubble.

Both mother and daughter were surprised to see that the big rubble is being lifted rather easily, the man managed to crawl out quickly before Evelyn puts the big rubble down again. From the looks of the man's lower body, it seems he was not crushed by the big rubble but just got pinched by it.

Sighing in relief, Evelyn saw the family reunited again as the three of them hugs each other.

Now that she already helped the man out of the big rubble, Evelyn saw the three of them standing up before she approaches them, "Excuse me, can I ask you what happened here? I was knocked out earlier so I don't see what happened here", she asked politely.

Upon hearing this, the three glanced at her before the daughter hides behind the mother.

On the other hand, the mother smiled lightly, "Thank you for sav-"

Before the mother can even thank Evelyn for saving the man, her eyes suddenly turn unfriendly as she pointed her index finger right at Evelyn, "You... I know you! You're the friend of that killer that did all of this!", she shouted angrily.

The mother's shout attracted the other survivors of the city, making Evelyn the center of attention.

"W-What? Wait, I don't think it's appropriate to accuse someone that just helped you just now", Evelyn raises both of her hands and replied with a wry smile, she was caught off guard by the mother's sudden outburst.

In half a minute, people started gathering around her also giving her unfriendly gazes.

One person amongst the crowd then shouted with clear contempt, and the others soon followed after him and shouted in a union, "Get out of our city!! You're that killer's friend, and we don't accept killers here! We will report you to the UWO for what you've done!"

"Get out of our city!"


"Get out of our city!"

Evelyn was overwhelmed by their reaction as she doesn't know what to do.

Never in her life had she been crowded with this many people that wanted nothing but to see her gone, they were all normal people and they can't force her out but this brings an entirely new feeling to her.

But just as was about to say something in return, she sensed a couple of figures.

A couple of figures clad in the same outfit brought along two people that she instantly recognized descend down from the sky and landed in front of her, their arrival silenced the people shouting for Evelyn to leave the city.

The one at the very front looks at Evelyn with a stoic expression before stepping forward.

"Evelyn Luc, we've come here to escort you back to Ratmawati City..."

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