The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 630 Abomination And Condemnation

Chapter 630 Abomination And Condemnation

Now that Adhara said that, the vision of his dream slowly came to his mind again.

Rex now remembered clearly the nightmare he had just now, it was pretty disturbing and the surprise doesn't stay long as he finds it plausible for him to react unconsciously like that. Inside his nightmare, he experienced the worst and most hated feeling in his life.

It was the feeling of helplessness, he was bound to that chair unable to do anything.

Upon remembering the vision where Giana breaks Mrs. Greene and Robert's necks with a twist of her hands, Rex closed his eyes with a frown wanting to erase that memory from his mind. Opening back his eyes, he glances at the two floating wind cocoons to his side.

With a troubled expression, he can only sigh and looks at Gistella that is still in pain.

"How long was I out?", Rex finally asked.

Flunra that is helping Gistella to the best of his ability replied without even glancing at Rex, "About one hour, if you want you can still rest a bit more. I've checked the surroundings, and it's sa-"

"There's no need, we can continue", Rex cuts Flunra's sentence short quickly.

After saying that he immediately went to the two wind cocoons, lifts them up, and started walking away not intending to wait for the others. Even though he realized that Adhara and Kyran has woken up, he didn't ask them how they are doing since they got hit by the powerful clash from before.

It was weird for him to be like this, but then again he's currently not in the right mind.

No matter what he has gone through such as the fearsome fight they had against the Supernatural army, he just realized that his parents were dead this day. Although he's not showing any emotion, the others know that he's grieving.

Out of everyone, Adhara knows this the most as the emotional aura he emitted is dark blue.

Adhara went over to Gistella and support her in standing up, she puts Gistella's arm around her neck before gazing at Rex's back that is going further away, "Let's go, it's probably best to rest after we reach our destination and make a home for ourselves. Sleeping in the dirt like this will just only sully our minds further..."

With that, they followed Rex from behind, slowly making their way inside the forest.

Even though Kyran and Adhara feel the most uncomfortable with the situation despite making the choice to follow Rex, the two of them were the ones taking huge strides resolutely without even minding the pain in their bodies.

In their minds, they belong with Rex no matter where he will be, even if it's not amongst humans.


Meanwhile, Evelyn opens her eyes and finds that she seems to be inside a neat office room.

Back when she was in the ruined city earlier she was picked up by a couple of Awakened from the UWO alongside her father and mother, she then got teleported to this room which should be an office inside Ratmawati City.

Looking around the place, she recognized the theme of the office, 'It's a UWO office building...'

While she was inspecting her surroundings, one of the Awakened that escorted her and her parents here stepped forward and said, "President Sebrof will be with you shortly, please wait here until his secretary notifies you"

Evelyn nodded her head as all of the Awakened left, leaving her and her parents alone.

"Do you know what this is all about? I don't recall doing anything that is worth President Sebrof's attention", Evelyn asked her parents that are weirdly silent, they are usually really hectic especially when she's rarely around anymore.

But for some reason, both of them were quiet and doesn't even make eye contact with her.

Frowning for a little bit finding that the both of them are not answering, Evelyn didn't think much about it thinking that her parents are probably nervous as they were about to meet with President Sebrof. Despite everything, he's definitely still the most influential person in the entire Ratmawati City.

Not that Evelyn feels nervous though, talking with Rex is more nerve-wracking than this.

Walking to the side of the neat room that has the entire floor covered in soft carpet, Evelyn heads to the huge window covered by curtains. It made the room slightly dark, and she wanted to open it to gain some fresh sunlight.


But when she opened the curtain, Evelyn's eyes went completely wide in shock.

Unconsciously she can't help but cover her mouth with her hand while looking outside of the window, destruction can be seen as far as her eyes can see. Destroyed buildings and even corpses here and there can be seen alongside many Awakened that seem to be trying to clean up the entirety of the destruction.

Even though she knows that something is weird, she didn't expect something like this.

'I find it weird when the curtains are closed when we're going to meet with President Sebrof, now I know why they did that... How can this happen? Is Rex the one that did this?', many questions appear in her mind while watching the destruction.

From the moment Ratmawati City has been built, this is by far the worst condition it has reached.

While she was occupied by the scenery of carnage that spans everywhere her eyes see, a voice suddenly came from her back, "Out of everything that I expected to go wrong in my life, I have never thought that my eldest daughter would be the one to do something like this..."

"Hmmm...? What do you mean by that, father?", Evelyn turns around and asks with a frown.

Tristan slowly raises his gaze solemnly to look at his eldest daughter with trembling eyes, his eyes seem uncertain on how to look at Evelyn right now, "Who do you think does all of that? Should I really say that God-awful name?"

Upon hearing this Evelyn instantly realized that her father was talking about Rex.

Now it's clear that Rex is the one that destroyed the city she was in earlier and also Ratmawati City, he finds it very surprising since Rex usually doesn't target the innocents no matter what, 'Something happened, there's no way he did something like this without a reason'

"You essentially murdered millions of innocent lives, my daughter... killed millions of people..."

Dragging his voice deeply, Tristan repeated the words that depicted that he still finds it surreal. Everything should've gone well, but then the really bad news came and wrecked Ratmawati City. On top of that, he received that his own daughter was associated with the perpetrator that did all of this.

Looking at Evelyn with eyes filled with disappointment, Tristan paused for a good moment.

"So, what are you now? Are you also a Werewolf just like him?"

"Yes, I'm a Werewolf just like him. I'm his Luna..."

Knowing that there's no use in hiding that fact since Rex's race has been exposed completely to what it seems, Evelyn decided to be truthful about this. Although she knew that in the future this day would come, she was still not ready, and perhaps never will be.

Averting his face away with a slight chuckle, Tristan was utterly baffled.

Even his wife beside him started sobbing profusely, burying her face in her hands upon hearing the confirmation from Evelyn's own mouth that said she was not a human anymore. It was heartbreaking to hear, but there's no way to reverse it.

"Do you really know how much humans hate the Supernatural...? Do you?", Tristan asks.

Stepping forward while leaning his face closer to Evelyn, he then added, "Evelyn, answer my question. Do you really know how much humanity hates the Supernatural? How much I, hate, the Supernatural...?"

Upon seeing Evelyn only lowers her head without even answering, Tristan laughed in disbelief.

Pacing back and around the room, while chuckling, he looks at Evelyn as if he was looking at the biggest clown he has ever seen. It was portrayed clearly in his eyes that he was really disgusted by what his eldest daughter has become.

Evelyn raises her teary eyes and saw the expression her father is wearing, and it breaks her heart.


"I-It only started as a simple attraction when I see him taunt and challenged Kevin, but then that feeling grow as I got close to him. R-Rex is not a bad person father, he's just broken, and unfortunate. Yet I...", Evelyn paused for a second, biting her lower lip while looking at her father with tears falling down her cheeks.

Gulping the emotion blocking the words to come out of her mouth, Evelyn finally continues.

"Yet I love him father, with all my heart. He's not perfect but I love him either way..."

Just as she said that her mother broke down in tears finding the words that came out of Evelyn's mouth to be shattering, even Tristan was stunned upon hearing this. Out of the years he and his wife spent raising Evelyn, they have never heard her say something like this to a man.

In a way, this completely caught both of them off guard as Evelyn is not someone like this.

Feeling the strength leaking away from his body, Tristan stumbles back before hugging his wife crouching on the ground and crying. While sobbing violently, her mother hugged Tristan back before she mutters, "W-What have he done to our daughter, dear save her!"

Upon hearing this Tristan can only hug his wife tighter while still looking at Evelyn.

"That Abomination has brainwashed your entire mind, you sold your soul to him. I'm deeply disappointed in you, Evelyn... I can't believe you're my daughter", with his eyes turning sharp, Tristan then added resolutely, "From now on, you're not a part of the Luc Family anymore. You're different... you're not our daughter"

As if a lightning strike stabbed her heart, what Tristan said paralyzed her entire body.

Evelyn can only put her head down, looking at the ground with a dark expression. Nobody said a word after that as only the cry and sob of Evelyn's mother filled the entire room, she was clearly devastated by how this situation turned out.

But soon enough, the door opened revealing the secretary hugging a tablet.

Upon feeling the tension inside the room, the secretary paused for a bit to inspect the situation before her eyes shifted to Evelyn standing with her head down and both of her fists clenched tightly, "Evelyn, please follow me. President Sebrof is ready to meet you..."

With that, Evelyn raises her head and takes a deep breath before walking towards the door.

Passing by Tristan and her mother beside the door that is looking at her with the same loon, Evelyn stopped beside them before she said, "Sir Tristan, you're smart enough to know that maybe you don't know the full story. I know him, and this definitely turns out this way because someone insinuates it. Rex has done nothing but support humanity in the war against the Supernatural"

Turning her head to look directly at Tristan's eyes that don't contain love whatsoever, she continues.

"You can think what you want about me, you can condemn me from the Luc Family, heck you can even curse me all you want. But just know that the Abomination you're talking about, he turned me into this because he has no choice, I was dying. He is the sole reason I can still talk to you right now", she added whisperingly.

But then Evelyn changed her serious expression to a light undisturbed smile.

"Not that it matters to you anyway... you said it yourselves, I'm not your daughter anymore", Evelyn added with a rather cheerful tone before she turns her head forward and left the room alongside the secretary, the door then closed again with a loud bang.

It was all silence again in the room, Tristan seems to be processing what Evelyn just said.

While hugging his crying wife that has already drenched his white shirt in tears, Tristan blinks his eyes a couple of times before looking at the door absent-mindedly. Unconsciously the last thing he does is hug his wife tighter as he also needs the warm comfort provided by the hug.

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