The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 632 Humming Damned Forest

Chapter 632 Humming Damned Forest

With the steady pace they are going through the Supernatural territory, Rex and the others arrived at the place where Gistella recommended after a couple of days' journey. It was a tedious process as they mainly try to avoid confronting any Supernatural.

Rex was able to match King Baralt and Queen Catsha, but he doesn't let that get in his head.

Although fighting the two ninth-rank realm Supernaturals at the same time proves that he's stronger even without the Dual King Mark. Generally, due to receiving the powerful ability from King Baralt, he knows that his enemies are not just the two of them.

It was also thanks to King John that Azzen doesn't join in the fight.

Ultimate defeat awaits him if he was forced to fight any more than King Baralt and Queen Catsha. Even without the disturbance from Azzen, killing one of them is a hard task as their life force is just too much to be killed easily.josei

Vital wounds that would've killed any Supernatural wouldn't kill the two, they are just different.

Knowing that fact Rex decided to maneuver over any Supernatural lest one of them managed to report their location. With the help of Kyran, he can be quite certain that there's nobody watching them right now.

It's safe to believe that the ninth-rank Supernaturals don't know where they are right now.

But that could change if they confronted Supernaturals and doesn't manage to kill off all of them, Rex doesn't want to take that chance and decided to just focus on reaching the destination and making a new home for themselves.

Now the five of them enter another forest that is bridged by a small cliff.

At the bottom of the cliff is a running river and they also can hear the sound of a waterfall not far from them. For regular people, they need a bridge to went across the small cliff but that doesn't apply to Rex and the others as they jumped across it easily.

Landing on the other side of the cliff, Rex and the others gaze at the forest in front of them.

"Surely this is the place, I've never been here but I can already tell", Gistella mutters.

Just from the foreboding feeling that the forest is emanating on this dark night, Rex and the others are certain that this forest is the place Gistella is talking about. Even from the get-go, they can feel a cold wind breezing their faces as if it's a way for the forest to warn them to go away.

But not hesitating at all, Rex takes the first step into the forest followed by the others.

Despite the force beckoning the five of them to stay away, they push through into the forest, disregarding the warning it has given to them. While walking through the forest which is very lush, Rex and the others find that it stinks with age.

Ancient trees that climb high like skyscrapers, and their spreading branches depicted that vividly.

Each step they take makes a crackly sound as they stepped on branches and stain the bushes. If not for the constant flying mutated fireflies and the bright moon in the sky, this dusky forest would've been way darker than it currently is.

Kyran and Adhara can't help but gasp at the majestic forest, they were clearly in awe.

Contrary to them, Rex doesn't seem to be that surprised by the beauty of the forest that is untapped by either humans and Supernaturals. As his mind is focused on one thing only, he kept walking without doing any sightseeing.

While walking through the forest, Rex suddenly frowned.


Glancing to the side he saw a pretty big mutated snake wrapping its body on a tree like a spiral, it weirdly hisses at him before lunging forward for a bite with its fangs. Rather easily, Rex caught the mutated snake's head with his hand.

'Weird... it should've sensed that I'm way stronger than it', Rex thought in confusion.

Since he turned into a Werewolf there are not many mutated animals out there that try to attack him, only cursed creatures or higher-ranked mutated animals try to take a piece of him. On top of that, he's now a ninth-rank realm entity so this is pretty weird.

Normally, any mutated animal would just run away from sensing his presence alone.

Rex weirdly look at the still-hissing mutated snake that has already wrapped its entire body around his arm, he paused for a brief moment before he crushed the mutated snake's head with brute strength alone.

<Killed an early sixth-rank mutated animal, obtained 5,000,000 Exp>

Looking back at the others, he also finds that a couple of the same snakes are attacking them.

"What in the world? Do they not have survival instincts?"

"Weird... this forest is really weird"

Adhara and Kyran commented as they killed the mutated snake that attacked them with a swing of their hands, it was completely baffling to think that these mutated snakes tries to attack them as if they are actually seeking death.

Crouching on the ground, Rex decided to touch the mutated snake he killed and scan it.


<Scanning complete!>

<Blockage in the mutated snake's senses is detected that renders its ability to sense danger numb>

Upon reading the notification from the system Rex can only frown as he instantly got a couple of theories in mind, it was either that this was caused by a unique mutation of the entire forest, or this had something to do with the cursed creature living inside this forest.

In Rex's opinion, both are plausible but he still needs to confirm it.

After checking on the weird behavior of the mutated snake, they continue to go in deeper.

Even though they are avoiding any Supernatural that they have come across, Kyran stole a map from one of the tree houses belonging to the Dark Elves. Since this forest is near the Dark Elves' territory, they met a couple of them along the way before Kyran stalked them back to their house and search for a map or anything that can help them.

Not even King Baralt and Queen Catsha can sense his presence, much less these Dark Elves.

Because of that, Kyran got the map and also stole a couple of clothing from them to change later on. Not that he needed to do that since Rex can just buy clothes from the system. But the clothes he brought back are perfect for the five of them to mask themselves.

Wearing the crimson brownish hooded robe and a mask, they look like wandering Dark Elves.

Knowing that this forest might just be a perfect place for their new home, Rex opens the map and learned the Dark Elves' language through the system. It costs him 50,000 gold, which is a lot, but this allows him to read the map clearly.

Rex uses his newfound understanding to read the map and finds the name of the forest.

Humming Damned Forest.

'Of course, it's going to be this kind of name...', Rex thought wryly, this forest is considered a forbidden area by the Supernaturals so it makes sense why the Dark Elves named it this way. But soon his eyes landed on the center of the forest.

Nodding inwardly, he then glanced back, "Let's move again..."

But just as he said that Adhara and Flunra are already sitting on the ground, they both glanced at him with pale expressions, "I'm sorry, but can we rest for a little bit? My wounds are aching again, I'll need the bathe under the moonlight for a bit"

"Me too, can we stop for a moment?", Adhara also added, agreeing with Flunra.

Upon seeing this Rex can only sigh before he nodded his head and told the others to rest for ten minutes, they find an open space where the forest lets the moonlight steam through and use that place to rest for ten minutes.

While sitting on the side, leaning against a tree, a couple of notifications suddenly appear.

<Super Berserk Quest reward calculation has been finished!>

<Congratulation, the user has obtained the chance to have any item from the shop for free!>

<Chain Super Berserk Quest has been initiated!>

<Due to the success in completing the two Super Berserk Quest before the first one's reward finished being calculated, the user has gained the Chain Super Berserk Quest effect. The user can now choose three items to obtain from the shop!>

Rex's eyes widened for a second as he was surprised to see the notifications from the system.

It was very shocking to read this as he was even stunned for a moment with his absent mind staring at the notifications for a solid moment, even the others noticed him gazing into the void absent-mindedly and were concerned if something is wrong again with him.

But soon he snapped out of his daze and started blinking his eyes a couple of times.

'No way... this is not possible, right?', Rex thought in utter surprise.

Even though he has gained so much gold from taking down the Atkins Family and acquiring their business, there are still some items in the system's shop that are way out of his pocket. Some of them even have a ridiculous price tag that even makes Rex dizzy.

So seeing something like this offered by the system is not a small deal, it's a massive one!

With three opportunities to buy literally anything from the system's shop, Rex would definitely buy the most expensive ones knowing that they are the highest in quality. But as he thought of the things he can buy, he realized something, 'I probably need a home more than anything now...'

Now that he's practically homeless, he intends to build a home for himself.

If his aim was to become independent and doesn't need to side with either humans and Supernaturals, then he would need to make a place of his own, 'Maybe creating a city then a kingdom would be the way. But for now, I need my own place where I can put my mind to rest'

One of the most important things a home should have is safety.

Back when he was living in the human territory, the tall walls of the Great Barricade and Ratmawati City, alongside the Awakened guarding the place gives him a sense of security that makes sleeping or resting in his mansion comfortable.

Contrary to that, this forest offers no security at all. In fact, it offers unyielding danger.

Knowing that security would be the best thing to have right now, Rex opened the system's shop and search the shop for anything related to a home, house, building, and even a castle if there is one.

But the system's shop has never disappointed as all the choices are available.

Rex didn't think much and instantly taps on the most expensive castle that the system has to over, it's called the Invincible God Origin Palace, costing way over 100 billion gold! A number that Rex would probably never reach.

Even looking at the number alone makes Rex's body shiver, it was too expensive.

Just as he pressed the buy button, a warning emerged which makes Rex frown in confusion.


<Due to the power of the Invincible God Origin Palace, the current entire world will break apart unable to contain its energy. The Invincible God Origin Palace will only be available after the second awakening of the world!>

<Inhibiting all dangerous purchases from the user...>

Upon seeing this Rex can only smile wryly, he should've expected something like this.

Based on his knowledge the system is almighty and is one of the big reasons he can get this strong, it's understandable when the most expensive item in the shop would be powerful enough to break the entire world from its presence alone.

Soon enough, another notification popped out.

<Process completed! The user can only buy tenth-rank items or below>

Although it's quite a bummer that he can't get the strongest items, he just has to be grateful for this. It's still an opportunity that he can't miss, and he now decided to read through each one of the available castles and pick the very best one.

In about five minutes, Rex stopped reading as he realized something.

'Wait, if I want to build a kingdom of my own that is independent of the rest of the world, I would need many golds to make that happen quicker, right? Now that I'm out of the human territory, I can't get access to dollars...'

'How am I going to get a massive amount of gold from?'

Just as he thought of that, another notification from the system appears in his vision.

Upon reading the notification from the system stating his concern, Rex can't help but bloom a smile, 'Oh, I can do that? Well then, it's going to be easier. Devo, Amanir, both of you are going to help me with that later!'

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