The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 634 Fourth Generation Below The Origin

Chapter 634 Fourth Generation Below The Origin

The sound of a door opening can be heard as it swung open revealing a figure in a royal red robe.

From the ashen skin and crimson eyes that are glowing in the darkness of the hallway, it's clear that this figure is a Vampire. Having a domineering presence of a King, eyes that seem to look down on everything, and also the symbol of a crown on his nape, this Vampire is clearly King Solomon.

Walking outside of his room, King Solomon scans the hallway with his vampiric red eyes.

At the top of the doors that can be seen along the hallway, there's the head of a powerful mutated animal that acts as a decoration. Fine gold and bronze can be seen on the sideboards, exposing the elegance of the hallway and there's also a red carpet that was laid on the stone floor.

Definitely not the taste of a Vampire, heads of mutated animals are not their superior luxury.

One that suited these kinds of tastes was none other than the Werewolves, King Solomon is currently inside the Werewolf King's Castle located at the back end of the Werewolf territory, far away from the imposing Great Barricade of the humans.

Just as he was walking through the hallway, King Solomon stopped and lean his hand on the wall.



King Solomon coughs a couple of times weakly and even grunts while grabbing his chest, his slouching shoulders on top of his bending body shows that he's in pain right now. If not for the pain, no Kings would show their weak side in a public place like this.

It's simply taboo and not king-like, but his body is refusing to listen to him.

With a couple more coughs he saw blood in his royal robe sleeves that he used to cover his mouth, and this made him ultimately frown, "I've suffered more than I initially thought, even though we've been recuperating for a couple of days already...", he mutters softly.

Straightening his back once again, King Solomon heads to the great hall of the castle.

Reaching the great hall entrance, the two Werewolves in golden armor open the big door for him before the inside of the great hall is exposed. Inside King Solomon saw the others had already gathered there, with the exception of King Lax'rad.

Grim vibes can be felt directly filling the entire room like a thick blanket of darkness.

Four elevated long tables made of dark stones can be seen inside the great hall arranged in a square-shaped, facing each other. King Baralt, Queen Catsha, and Azzen can already be seen sitting at their own seats, looking at the arriving King Solomon.

Without even greeting the others, King Solomon heads to his own seat and sits there.

"How are you feeling, King Solomon? It's been a couple of days already, and we need you to be in a good shape before we proceed with our plans", King Baralt suddenly asked just after King Solomon sits in his seat.

Adding to the question, Queen Catsha also said, "We've got the materials, we only await for you"

"Don't worry about me, I'm clearly in a way better shape than both of you. But I'll need to head back after I'm done with the matters here, we need to prepare for the next clash and finish what we have started", King Solomon replied, supporting his chin on his fist elegantly.

Even though King Solomon said it with an arrogant tone, both of them can't rebut his words.

King Baralt and Queen Catsha still have bruises and wounds that are covering their entire body, especially King Baralt that has one of his eyes still regenerating. It's clear that the wounds they suffered from fighting with Rex are still there, stubbornly latching onto them.

Upon hearing this, King Baralt then nodded his head and stands up slowly.

"Okay then, we can now address our thoughts, and may the Origin bless us with knowledge. For the situation we're facing right now, there's a possibility that our races would suffer a great loss once again...", he said with a grim dark tone.

The others also didn't comment as they know exactly that their continuity is threatened right now.

Sighing inwardly King Solomon takes the golden chalice prepared on his table, it contains blood and he didn't waste any time to chug it in one go before the four of them stood up and left the great hall.

A moment later,josei

King Baralt holds a torch in his hand as he leads the others down to the undercroft where every inch of the way there is cramped and guarded by seventh-rank realm Werewolves or higher wearing golden armor, the place they are heading to is vaulted completely, prioritizing its security.

Following the path for a couple of minutes, they arrived at a door that looks and feels weird.

Others except for King Baralt finds this door weird because the energy that is leaking out of them due to their injuries is completely blocked by the door, not even a glimpse of their energy managed to seep into the place beyond the door.

Putting the torch to a handle on the wall, King Baralt then raises his hand and touches the door.

Activating his King Mark which started to glow with a blue hue, he imbued his kingly energy into the door as the symbol of a crescent moon at the center of the door started to glow vibrantly. A huge steely sound was produced soon after before King Baralt retracted back his hand.

Grabbing the torch once again, he glanced to the others, "We're here"

With one push from him, the door slowly pushed open revealing a completely dark place, even King Solomon, Azzen, and Queen Catsha that are nocturnal creatures that can see way better in the dark finds the entire place dark.

None of them can see through the darkness surrounding the place.

King Baralt heads to the side before he puts the torch onto a handle on the wall once again, but this time the torches scattered around the undercroft started to light up one by one and illuminate the entire place.

Turns out the entire place is a tomb, or at least it looks like it.

But unlike the regular tombs that should be filled with coffins and tombstones sticking out of the ground, the entire place is filled with tombstones that are shaped like the statues of a moon. Aside from that, the statues are separated by an ascending partition that shows the status of who the statues represent.

Most of them are placed at the lowest point of the place, and it decreases the higher one gets.

Not only that but the statues also comes in different sizes, some are bigger and some are smaller. A couple of the statues even have a shade of different colors, but the number of statues that are shaded with colors is way lesser than the ones that are not.

"Our Elders are turned into statues the same, what irony...", Azzen mutters from the back.

King Baralt only glanced at Azzen briefly as he feels a sting from the words he utters, these are their elders and leaders but they all have been reduced to this state. 'Just why did they seal our ancestors back then? Isn't it supposed to be a peaceful time? I wanted to ask Arnulf but he escaped immediately after he awakens...', he thought as he makes his way towards the higher statues.

Following behind King Baralt silently, Queen Catsha finds a broken statue on the side.

It's clear that there's a Werewolf that has broken from the seal quite recently, and she can't help but point at the broken statue and asks, "That statue over there, is there a Werewolf from the Radical Era that has broken the seal recently? Where is that Werewolf? Why didn't it help us?"

Since the Supernaturals that are still sealed were their ancestors, Queen Catsha is confused.

One Werewolf from the Radical Era would definitely be able to help them fight the humans, that definitely stronger than them or at least as strong as them. But King Baralt can only sigh and replied, "It was Arnulf the Special, he's loyal to the true Dark Prince. Now he somehow ended up with the new Royal Black Prince, he's the one that used ancient runes against us a couple of days ago"

Upon hearing this Queen Catsha frowned as she remembered that Werewolf.

Even though it doesn't even have the same amount of power as a ninth-rank realm entity or not even an eighth-rank realm entity, Arnulf can take down many of them with the help of ancient runes that even she doesn't know how to engrave.

Queen Catsha can only sigh as the Royal Black Prince once again screws them over.

As they are ascending higher and higher, King Solomon can't help but looks around with a frown.

"Don't awaken too strong of an elder, I won't be able to do it even with the help of the Lunar Crystallization. Maxed it at the fifth or fourth generation in my opinion", he said and expressing his own thoughts regarding which elder to choose.

Upon hearing this, King Baralt nodded his head, "I know the perfect Elder for this, don't worry"

Not long after the four of them reach the stage, four-level below the highest point of the tomb. They then walk along the place before heading to a particular moon statue that is as big as King Baralt's body. Crouching to the ground, King Baralt then wipes the dust covering the base of the statue before ancient writings can be seen there.

'Four Below Origin, Deawulf Arbiton Nighters of the Nighters Pack'

Making sure that the statue is the right one, King Baralt nodded his head.

Standing up once again, Queen Catsha gives him a vial containing a pure white substance that seems to be the extract from the moon itself. Opening the lid, King Baralt pours the substance onto the statue as it leaves white glowing trails.

King Solomon then stepped forward and stands beside King Baralt.

Giving each other a nod, both of them then started to activate their powers which makes the entire place rumbles subtly. Knowing what to do, King Solomon's blood energy slowly hovers to King Baralt's King Mark before the combination of energy was shot towards the statue.


Even though it only has been a couple of seconds, both of them feel their powers draining.

Although the combination of their energies is immense, the statue keeps on greedily sucking their energies without any sign of stopping. Only after about a minute of doing this the statue finally started to show signs of cracking.

Both of them focus even more as the statue is about to crack open.

Despite being a ninth-rank realm entity, they are forcing themselves to keep this up at this point.

While watching this from behind, Azzen and Queen Catsha suddenly was pushed back when a blast of energy hits them. It was then a chaotic white crack appears right in front of the statue. Crawling out of that chaotic crack is a hand that is equipped with gruesome claws.

From a glance, the chaotic crack looks like a portal for the creature on the other side to come out.

King Baralt and King Solomon gritted both of their teeth as they struggled to keep the steady supply of energy this strong, they both grunted heavily, trying their best to exert everything they had before finally their powers are completely drained.

Coughing blood out of their mouths, both of them fall to their knees, powerless.

Awakening this Elder from the fourth generation requires an immense amount of energy.

King Baralt himself wouldn't be able to supply the necessary energy even if he's at peak, he needs help from another ninth-rank realm entity. Out of the others, King Solomon has the highest amount of energy due to his unique Vampiric Eyes, which is why he's the one helping King Baralt.

Just as they cough blood while still on their knees, their eyes glance behind them.

Azzen and Queen Catsha deliberately went to their knees even though they were not hurt by the blast of energy from earlier, and this alone shows that they are successful. Instantly after they caught sight of that, a light thud came from their front.


A low growl soon follows which makes them bow their heads deeper.

Slowly turning their heads to look at their fronts, King Baralt and King Solomon saw a pair of muscly hind legs that are standing strong in front of them. Giving an ancient feeling, the creature standing in front of them is surely the Elder that they're trying to summon.

"I welcome you to the new era, Elder Deawulf...", King Baralt sends his greeting humbly.

Upon hearing this Elder Deawulf slowly gazes down at the four kneeling creatures which came from different races, but his eyes land on King Baralt, "My eyes must be deceiving me. But is that you, Baralt...?"

"Yes, Elder!", King Baralt replied excitedly, he seems to be excited to be meeting Deawulf.

Deawulf started to laugh out loud as he finds this reunion joyful, "The Origin has blessed you, you got accepted by the Super Full Moon! It's worth it to be celebrated. But before we do that, how did you break the seal...?"

"I'm sorry, but we've only broken the seal temp-"

Before King Baralt can even finish his sentence, Elder Deawulf already clenched both of his fists as the entire tomb started to shake violently, "We've had them, those damned humans! We almost take down their capital city, but that scholar..."

A tone filled with hatred can be heard inside Elder Deawulf's voice when he mentioned the Scholar.

Just as he remorse about the memory he had before he was sealed, Elder Deawulf's eyes land on King Solomon, Azzen, and Queen Catsha, "Two Demons and... a Vampire?", he mutters and emphasizes the word Vampire at the end.

With his eyes fixated on King Solomon, Elder Deawulf's expression contorted grimly.

"Are you all trying to be human Jesters to amuse me upon my awakening? I would let this slide if you are because if not, how dare you bring this bloodsucker to my presence..."

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