The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 636 New Home

Chapter 636 New Home


Rex stood in shallow water while looking at the dozens of creatures roaring at him aggressively, their roars created sound waves that are thunderous enough to scrape the entire shallow water and splash it to the side.

Due to the weird numbness in their senses, they are not scared of Rex.

Even though the thick and suppressing aura is coming out of him straight like a javelin stabbing the creatures' bodies, they can't help but circle Rex as if they were looking at prey. But Rex didn't mind this treatment at all.

'It's better for them to be like this instead of running away', Rex thought with a light smile.

Standing in front of him was a group of creatures that looks like a bat with humongous muscular bodies that is even bigger than his Werewolf form, they have the constitution of a bat but their skins are grey in color, and they walked like dragons with their wings folded.

Aside from that, their red eyes and their appetite for blood makes them similar to Vampires.

<Mindless Vampire>

Race: Vampire

Power: Peak Seventh Rank - Mindless Mutation

Mental: 8,000

Strength: 7,100

Agility: 8,800

Endurance: 4,000

Intelligence: 2,600

Considering they are actually Vampires that have gone on a bloody rampage and lost their minds which triggers this kind of mutation, it's not a surprise to find that these creatures are called the Mindless Vampire.

It's been days since they make this place their home, and they are now clearing the surroundings.

Mindless Vampires are one of the prominent creatures in this place that takes up the huge bulk of the creatures inside this Humming Damned Forest, but Rex is glad that there are many of them here because their mutation causes their mental stat to be very high.

Even though they are mostly seventh-rank creatures, their mental stat is even higher than Rex's.

Because of that Rex has been hunting them non-stop for days to increase his mental stats and also his level, he even knows that high-pitched voice can catch their attention and also ignite their anger which makes killing them easier.

Rex doesn't need to run around searching for them, he just needs to do one thing to find them.

Taking out the Amuerus Katana, Rex taps the tip on the ground a couple of times.

Under the light steely sound that reverberated to their ears, the Mindless Vampires growled angrily before they started charging like raging bulls, baring their bloodied fangs that is the size of an entire adult arm.

Without hesitating, Rex imbued his black lightning into the katana and lit up some of the runes.

Strengthening his stance as he waited for the Mindless Vampires to throw themselves at him, Rex's eyes glisten viciously as he swung the katana left and right with high precision. Every slash he sent aimed right at the neck, and only the neck.



<Killed a mid-seventh rank Mutated Supernatural, obtained 900,000,000 Exp!>

<Killed an early-seventh rank Mutated Supernatural, obtained 400,000,000 Exp!>

<Whiro Necklace of Despair effect has been activated! +4 Mental stats>

With only two swift slashes, two Mindless Vampire's heads flew before landing on the ground with thudding sounds. Even though their heads are severed, their eyes are still moving left and right before they are finally dimmed from life.

Rex didn't stop there as he charges straight into the midst of the Mindless Vampires.

As he has been using the katana for a while now, his proficiency in using the katana has increased greatly. Rex's swing has become strong with no unnecessary movement, and the katana moved fluidly in his hands.

Cleaving in a circular motion, Rex decapitates four Mindless Vampires easily.

Just as he was about to go to the other Mindless Vampires that are using their claws to strike from above, Rex sensed something from below as his eyes looked down in reflex. The blood from the decapitated Mindless Vampires started bubbling as if there was something heating it from below.

But Rex already know what this is as he swiftly somersaulted back as a blood spike went past him.

Not stopping at that a couple more blood spikes burst from the pool of blood but Rex managed to dodge it swiftly with minimal movement, 'Tch! To think that I got hit by this attack earlier, it seems my body is still not 100%', he thought while clicking his tongue.

When he first fought the Mindless Vampires earlier, he got hit by this attack.

Although it did nothing to him as the blood spike shatters upon making contact with his chest, it still annoyed Rex. It didn't graze his skin, but the blood spike definitely grazed his ego as it's quite embarrassing to be hit by a seventh-rank realm creature.

Rex landed on the ground before he puts his hands into the shallow water.

"Lightning Salvo!"


Electricity spreads through the shallow water very quickly and electrocuted the remaining Mindless Vampires, it stunned them in place which gives Rex enough time to strike them all in one go. Cloaking the katana with his sky-black lightning again, his body vanishes like a ghost.

Soon he reappeared behind the Mindless Vampires, commencing the same stance as before.

Without even looking back Rex puts the Amuerus Katana back into his inventory before he straightens his back, he then looks to the side, "Maybe that's enough for today, I'll need to recuperate a little bit more before I'm back to 100%..."

Just as he said that the Mindless Vampires' heads behind him slowly slide and fall to the ground.


<Killed a mid-seventh rank Mutated Supernatural, obtained 900,000,000 Exp!>

<Killed an early-seventh rank Mutated Supernatural...>

<Killed a peak seventh rank Mutated Supernatural...>

<Killed an early-seventh rank Mutated Supernatural...>

<Level Up!>

<Congratulation on reaching level 60! The user can now go through the first trial to reach the first ascension of either the Blood Moon King Mark or the Banished Dark Moon King Mark! Please be in a safe place before commencing the trial>

<An anomaly has been detected with the Banished Dark Moon King Mark!>

<The user can only do the Blood Moon King Mark trial until the anomaly has been dealt>

Rex killed them all by slicing their necks faster than how fast these Mindless Vampires can perceive, it even takes a moment before they realized that their heads already got sliced before their bodies finally fall to the ground.

Many notifications from the system appeared as he reaches level 60.

With the endless killing he did in the war and also the surrounding creatures that roamed the Humming Damned Forest, he finally managed to reach level 60. At level 50, he now gains something that he anticipated.

Reaching the first ascension, it's the path for Werewolves that have a King Mark.

Just like King Baralt that has already reached the first ascension, he knows that he would unlock the Heral Mark ability if he reaches the first ascension. The Herald Mark would make one of his pack members a pseudo-ninth-rank realm.

It's going to be really beneficial and he intends to gain that ability quickly.

But aside from that he also got reminded that he still has a problem with the Countess of the Dark Lunirich, she's refusing to let him use the Banished Dark Moon King Mark due to him also becoming the Blood Moon champion.

Although he knows that she wanted to eradicate the Lunirich, he needs the Blood Moon King Mark.

'I can't be selfish, there must be a reason why the Countess really hates the other Lunirich. System, can I use one of the chances to buy information about these Lunirich?', Rex asked, hoping that he could do that.

Since the cost of learning about the Lunirich is unbelievably expensive, he hoped that this will work.

<Yes, the user can use one chance to learn about the Lunirich>

Upon reading this Rex can't help but smile as he finds that he can actually use one of the chances to buy the information, he then decided that he would learn the Lunirich after he finishes reaching the first ascension.

With that out of the way, Rex decided to open his stats.

<Rex Silverstar>

King Mark: Banished Dark Moon (Inactive) and Blood Moon (Active)

Pack: Silverstar (5/10)


Level: 60 (4,300,000,000/137,000,000,000)

Race: Exalted Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 4 Days - Ice and Snow Moon

Berserk: 40%

Sanity: 41%

Mental: 6235 -> 7630(+357)

Strength: 73,990(+18,672) -> 99,380 (+25,127)

Agility: 80,333(+20,233) -> 62,127 (+15,684)

Endurance: 70,510(+18,044) -> 89,800 (+23,920)

Intelligence: 4473 (+120)

Rex studied his stats window as it's been a long time since he checked it due to what's been happening to him, he finds that there was a new section under his name, the King Mark section. It only shows the King Mark he currently has as a Royal Black Werewolf that can have many King Marks.

Aside from that, his stats have also undergone an immense change.

Out of everything, his strength and endurance stats has been increased dramatically, but his agility stats also experience the same but it got decreased instead. Probably due to the Banished Dark Moon King Mark that is inactive.

'Full Moon is also near, it's best that I help the others prepare in the castle'

After checking his own stats that he hasn't opened for quite some time, Rex turns around and puts the Mindless Vampires carcasses into his inventory as he got some use of them. With that, he then dashes away to head back to the others.

In just about ten minutes, Rex emerges from the forest and reaches an open place.

Rex stood there and takes a deep fresh breath as he looks at the scenery in front of him, the dark green grass interspersed with flowers colored mauve and blue covered the entire ground of the open place, ivory-grey mists floats around like short clouds and everything else is dark green of the lush forest.

Golden sunlight bounced at the clouds signaling the start of the sunset, it was a sight to marvel at.

At the center of the open place stood a silent observer of the entire untapped forest, a majestic hill that peaked even the various trees the Humming Damned Forest has to offer. Standing on top of the tree is a fortified dark castle with a shade of lunar blue.

One streak of blue Starfall circles the castle and there's a glowing crescent moon at the very top.

Despite looking like additional ornaments to add to the beauty of the castle, each of them has a purpose of their own that can fortify the castle from anything that might threaten it. That Starfall is called the Circling Sentinel, a built-in feature the castle has that can protect the castle from any projectiles.

Any projectile whether it's physical, intangible, or even soul projectile can be blocked by it.

The glowing crescent moon at the very top on the other hand is the defensive mechanism of the castle which provides a barrier that makes sleeping inside the castle comfortable for Rex, safety is the main focus of this castle.

Out of the three chances, Rex use one to buy this castle and furnished it fully.

It's called the Moony Castle of the Lycaon King, belonging to King Lycaon from the past.

Even though the built-in features the castle had is already strong enough, this castle can also be evolved which can unlock more powerful features. Rex already read many castles in the system shop, and this one piqued his interest.

While looking at the castle in satisfaction, Rex nodded his head.

Although it's only been days since he lived in this castle, he can already proudly call this castle his new home. A place of safety that he can rely on and make his mind at ease, 'The others should be back already, let's see what they found today...'

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