The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 645 Intra

Chapter 645 Intra: New Invention

Devastation spread across the most important city for humanity on this continent. News regarding the tragedy that happened in Ratmawati City spread across the entire human territory, putting everyone in a state of uncertainty and restlessness.

Citizens of Ratmawati City volunteer for community service in sorting out the destruction.

Many of them don't have the time to mourn their losses as time keeps on going, no matter whether they are grieving or not. If they didn't help the rebuilding of Ratmawati City, then this effect would spread and causes a crippling motion to the entire human race.

As if they were defiance of natural tiredness, citizens keep on working non-stop day in and day out.

No matter whether they are Awakened that have strength beyond the reckoning of human capabilities or normal humans that are limited by nature, each one of them works as one and rebuilds their beloved city to the majestic sight it once had.

Despite their vigor in sorting the city, their morals are at an all-time low.

Something like this crushed the safety that the tall walls surrounding Ratmawati City provided, and they also started to have doubts and distrust the influential people that protected them all this time due to this incident.

But these influential people know exactly what's on their minds, and they decided to act upon it.


"What's happening?!"

"Everyone go back to the bunker, it's an earthquake!"

"No, I don't think it's an earthquake..."

A man wearing a haggard and sweaty white shirt pointed at the far distance, the direction of sector 1 where a beam of holographic light stabbed the sky majestically. None of them knows what's happening, but they assume it's not the works of the Supernatural.

"Please calm down! the UWO and SCO are integrating a countermeasure for the tragedy"

Upon hearing what the black hand wearing a black outfit said, the people become calm once again.

Every time a devastation of this scale happens that involves millions of people's lives, hope is always the most powerful driving force that can help people to keep going and fight. Awakened is the symbolism of hope, the bulwark against the Supernaturals.

But as they failed to protect the people underneath their wings, hope demanded more.


Slowly the beam of blue holographic light started to permeate and create a holographic barrier that surrounds the entire Ratmawati City. From sector 1 all the way to sector 5, every nook and corner was completely covered by this holographic barrier.

As it's essentially a hologram, the citizens don't feel anything as they watch this scene unfolding.

Just as the holographic barrier completely covered the entire Ratmawati City which takes about ten or so minutes, a blue orb of light at the peak of the barrier glows before it fired a streaming blue line that hits every surviving citizen inside Ratmawati City.

Nobody was an exception, the Awakened, normal humans, and black hands were not excepted.josei

Once again the citizens that got hit by the blue streaming line don't feel a thing as their bodies are slowly being engulfed by blue light. While the citizens are confused and curious about what the blue light is doing, an interface opens up in front of them.

[Please be at ease, there's no need to panic.]

[My name is Intra, and I'm Humanity's second layer defense against the Supernatural]

[Scanning for abnormalities...]

"Woaah... what's this?"

"Intra? Second layer defense? What does this AI do?"

Many people are fascinated by 'Intra', this is definitely a breakthrough for their current advancement. Something like this that covers such a vast space, it's unheard of before. At least unheard of when it's revolving around Supernaturals.

Some people are starting to connect the dots and realized what's Intra's main function.

Knowing that King Baralt has found its way inside the walls of Ratmawati City, it doesn't take a genius to figure out Intra's main function. True enough, the scan was complete and green characters appeared in front of them.

[No sign of abnormalities, you are a human!]

[No sign of abnormalities, you are a human!]

[ are a human!]

In about five minutes, many holograms started popping left and right as Intra finished her scan.

Black hands are already scattered everywhere around the entire Ratmawati City alongside the trusted Awakened that has sixth-rank realm power or above, they already hold their weapons in their hands for any sign of trouble.

Most of the citizens got the green characters, but there are some that got red instead of green.

[Sign of abnormalities detected, you are an Elf!]

[Power: Fourth-rank realm]

[Inclination: Docile]

"W-What...?!", a man that looks to be around his middle forties feels the air stuck in his throat, he saw the red bolded characters in front of him with wide eyes. For years he has been living in peace, but this is something he has never expected before.

Even back in ancient times, something like this should be impossible.

Not only the required amount of energy to cover the entire Ratmawati City like this will be immense but identifying the race and power would also boost the required energy. But this new Invention, Intra can do it in just five minutes.

Soon enough he realized that the black hands and Awakened are already circling him.

A brown-skinned woman with coily hair and glittering amber eyes who is standing beside the Elf looks at him with wide eyes, she seems to be in disbelief. In front of her are strong green characters showing that she's an untainted pure human.

"M-Mark, you're an Elf...?", the woman asks with a slightly breaking voice.

Upon hearing this, the Elf who she called Mark glanced at her with a hint of guilt in his eyes, "Delissa, I can explain but please help me. You've known me for years, you know I haven't hurt anybody!"

Responding to Mark's declaration, Delissa takes a step back showing clearly which side she was in.

Mark was at a loss for words as he can't believe that Delissa changed sides swiftly like that, despite everything that they have gone through, their relationship as a couple was destroyed just by the fact that he was an Elf.

Nothing else matters, and that completely broke his heart.

Looking around with beads of cold sweat running down the side of his ashen face, the man raised both of his hands trying to show that he was harmless, "Wait, I-I've been living here for years and I've never hurt a single human. I swear on my Ori- Ahhkk!"

Without even letting the man finish his sentence, someone already broke his legs with a kick.

Clad in a black outfit belonging to the SCO, the black hand that has a muscular build and has his sleeves rolled up landed a nasty roundhouse kick on the legs that crushed the Elf's bones completely.

Despite the pleading of the Elf, the black hand didn't show any mercy and grabbed him by the hair.

"Under the authority of the SCO, for being a creature belonging to the Supernatural side, I will now bring you in for questioning. If you resist whatsoever, we have the authority to kill you on the spot.", with a cold heavy tone, the black hand declared his jurisdictions.

Having no other choice but to comply, the Elf kept his mouth shut despite the ringing pain.

Many of the normal citizens onlookers give a cold shoulder to him, even his lover, Delissa does the same thing as she turns her face away and a couple of tears drizzle down her face. Not wanting to make eye contact with Mark.

On the other part of Ramawati City, there are also some similar instances.

[Sign of abnormalities detected, you are a Night Dryad!]

[Power: Fifth-rank realm]

[Inclination: Aggressive]

[Threat Level: Yellow]

"STAY BACK!", an enchanting woman who has silky-white skin and killer curves shouted as brownish-red energy hovers around her palms, her natural crimson long hair swayed as the black hand and Awakened are closing onto her.

Many of the people who saw her were captivated by her, but that changed very quickly.

Knowing that she was not a human but instead a Night Dryad makes the onlookers give her a look of disgust, the men who are captivated by her now loathe her instead. Of the tragedy that happened to the city, it's impossible for them to have any kind of tolerance.

Gritting her neat white teeth, the Night Dryad then chanted, "Sleeping Requiem!"


A soundwave exploded from her mouth and instantly puts everyone around her to sleep, but that only affected the normal citizens, not the black hand Awakened. After doing that, she instantly turns around and escapes.

But what can she do with a dozen enemies as strong as her surrounding her from all sides?

The Black Dryad got hit by a powerful wind from the front that made taking one step forward very hard, she was stopped in her tracks unable to push forward. "Damn humans! I'm not an enemy! I only wanted to be with my forest!!"

Without minding what she said, two streaks of fire dash from both her sides.

Even though her spell is already ready to protect her, the streaks of fire movements are too fast for her reaction as two fiery blades cut through her body cleanly. One slashed her waist and one sliced her neck.


Blood sprayed to the surroundings as one Awakened held her hair while looking at her eyes.

As the life got sucked out of her eyes from getting sliced into two on her waist and also beheaded at the same time, the Awakened mutters coldly, "For resisting arrest, you are considered a threat to humanity and executed on sight by the order of the United World Organization and Stygian Crow Organization"

Upon hearing the last bit of what the Awakened said, the Night Dryad's eyes rolled back.

Every Supernatural that turns out is also walking amongst the humans is exposed one by one, the dormant ones were brought in for questioning while the aggressive ones are killed on sight. No aggressive Supernaturals are given any mercy.

Not only that, but some parts also have the citizens involved in the arrest.

Due to the renewal of their detestation of the Supernaturals because of the tragedy that happened to Ratmawati City, the citizens there rocks at the arrested Supernaturals and some even spit at them as they were dragged by the black hands or the Awakened.

It becomes a nightmare for the Supernatural that has found their peace in human territory.

Most of them try to prove their innocence but fall on deaf ears, there was no exception in their arrest. Not one of them got any better treatment than the others, the black hands and the Awakened are ruthless as they were told to be.

Meanwhile, outside of Ratmawati City.

King Oddity gazes at the sky and saw the holographic light climbing to the sky, he frowns for a second as he doesn't sense anything from that blue light. Despite trying to ignore it and focus on the objective, his attention was attracted again as another holographic light stabs the sky.

But compared to the first one, this one is nearer and is definitely around his vicinity.

Although he was confused as to what was happening, blue lights hit him and also the heads of the Five Conversions that got killed by the executor. Sensing no malice from the blue light, he didn't do anything but watch.

Soon his eyes opened widely when he saw red characters appear in front of the Five Conversions.

[Sign of abnormalities detected, you are an Alpha Shapeshifter!]

[Power: eighth-rank realm]

[Inclination: Unresponsive]

[Threat Level: Red Grade - Dead]

Not stopping at that, red characters also appeared in front of him which caught him by surprise. But the red character slowly turns darker, from bright red to crimson and finally to dark which makes the frown on his face becomes stronger.

[Sign of abnormalities detected! You are the King of Shapeshifters, King Oddity!]

[Power: ninth-rank realm]

[Inclination: Destructive]

[Threat Level: Black Grade!]

While King Oddity was at a loss for words realizing that his identity got exposed just like that, there's a person who is looking out of a big window from the top floor of a building. Clasping his hands on the back, the person smiled.

A crow mask is put neatly on the table and green smoke is covering the entire room.

"Hmm... not bad of an invention"

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