The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 649 Ascension Trial

Chapter 649 Ascension Trial: Fallen Werewolves

Realizing that these Werewolves' powers and chemistry have increased tremendously as if they were comrades that have been fighting for hundreds of years alongside each other, Rex was forced to turn into his Werewolf form.

In a blink of an eye, his body becomes bigger before he lets out an enraged growl.

More Werewolves came at him from all sides ferociously, they bare their sharp claws intending to do the most gruesome thing possible to the trial challenger. With his inhuman reflex, sparks flew around as he blocked each of the Werewolves' strikes skillfully.

But as he was encircled by these Werewolves, they keeps on assaulting him relentlessly.

Although there was a huge difference between their strengths, Rex's attack always met with four attacks from the other Werewolves which spread the impact evenly. It allows them to equally match him and continue their assault.




The sounds of their attacks colliding reverberated at the foot of the mountain

Each sound that was created irritates their eardrums and created sparks that flashed in the dim-lit place, the scent of blood also got increasingly thicker as more Werewolves falls to the ground dead. But Rex himself didn't come out unscathed, he sustain some slashes here and there.

For some reason, the bloodlust inside their eyes fueled them with power.

Not only does their bloodlust make them stronger physically, but it also made their claws sharper.

Rex can tell through his keen senses and the system that these Werewolves are eighth-rank realm at best, but they managed to pierce his defense and skin which are surprising to him. Something like this shouldn't be possible, but it did.

'If this keeps going, it's going to take a long time to end', Rex thought while parrying an attack.

With his eyes glowing crimson red that had already locked onto the Werewolves that enclose him, he instantly changed from jumping back defensively to aggressively pouncing at each one of them like an angry bull.

Activating his Executor Slash skill, he sliced the Werewolves like a butcher slicing meat.

But as he was using the Executor Slash skill he realized that the energy harnessed by the Executor Slash skill changed from black to red, and his slashes didn't corrode the Werewolves skin which clearly shows that the skill has changed in nature.josei

<Due to the user's problem with the Countess, Executor Slash's nature has been altered>

<Executor Slash - Blood Moon>

Does a slashing motion with the user's claws that are strengthened by the Blood Moon, the user's strength will be increased and cause a Fatal Attack on the target which amplifies an attack by 2 times if it landed in the same place. Penetration power is also increased, amplifying the user's probability of cutting through armor and such.

Upon reading this, Rex frowned as turns out what he thought is true.

Since he can't use the Banished Dark Moon King Mark and soured his relationship with the Countess, his Executor Slash has changed in nature. 'I shouldn't have gained the Blood Moon King Mark, not only did I lose the Countess' power but this Kaiser seems to doesn't want me to succeed too'

'But then again, I didn't plan for my parents to die...', Rex thought while activating his red force.

While the remaining Werewolves are charging at him on all four from the front, he crouches down and focuses the red force on his black steel claws. After deciding that it was enough, he swipe the void in front of him, sending eight red energy slashes toward the charging foe.

Despite trying to disperse the eight red energy slashes, the Werewolves are overwhelmed by them.

None of them are able to block the eight red energy slashes, they all burst with blood as they got sliced into little pieces. A pool of blood was created on the ground where they were standing, and Rex stands back up while exhaling roughly.

Looking at the aftermath of the place, he nodded his head as they were no Werewolves left.

But he was dead wrong as two subtle red hues glow from the side.

Upon sensing that there are still something lurking in the corner of the shadow of the place, Rex glanced to the side before his eyes widen seeing two Werewolves already a couple of inches away from his body.

Even with his inhuman reflex, he can only cross his arms in front to block the incoming attack.


'What?! Their hits are so heavy!", Rex exclaimed inside his head feeling his arms numb from receiving the attack from the two Werewolves, he was flung away crashing against the surface of the water a couple of times before he finally regains back his standing.

Raising his gaze to the sky, he saw the same two Werewolves leaping toward him.

Rex squinted his eyes to see the two Werewolves before his eyes widen realizing the glowing thing on their foreheads, this instantly explains why their hits were very strong, 'Both of them have the Blood Moon King Mark too!!"


A loud sonic boom sound exploded as the two Werewolves kicks the air and charged at Rex.

Upon seeing that they were closing in with such speed that at the very least as fast as himself, Rex's pupils dilated as he instantly activate his Berserker's Curse skill and also his red force. Fighting these two Werewolves, he needs every power he can get.


The water surface around them splashes and trembles as the three of them collided.

But despite the numbing feeling alongside the powerful strength that both Werewolves produced, Rex has taken accustomed to them all thanks to him fighting King Baralt and Queen Catsha earlier. Because of that, he has experience in fighting two entities of the same rank at the same time.

Cracking a devious grin, Rex's eyes flashed, he was not going to be pushed around.

"I don't know how two Werewolves that are already dead can still retain King Mark, but don't underestimate me. I've fought entities stronger than the two of you!", Rex roared before his arms exploded with power as he pushes the two Werewolves back.

Going on the offensive, Rex cloaks his claws with the Executor Slash skill and started attacking them.

Each of the strikes he does was blocked by the two Werewolves but each one of them always has a follow-up, Rex has the fighting style of a Werewolf and a Human while the two Werewolves only fight like two brutes.

The three of them exchange blow after blow, rumbling the entire water surface around them.

With the help of the Berserker's Curse skill, Rex's power increases as he sustains more and more injuries. One particular attack manages to stab his stomach and ripped the flesh to his side, but Rex returns it by biting the Werewolf's arm off.

Due to the nature of Werewolves, their fight is brutal and gruesome to the absolute core.

But Rex slowly accustoms himself to the fighting style of both Werewolves that are identical, he just now realized that the two Werewolves are twins which makes it easier for him to predict them. With a kick to both of the Werewolves, Rex exposes a smirk as he remembered something.

"I almost forgot, you two are just regular Werewolves. Me? I'm the Royal Black Prince!"

After saying that Rex lets out his suppressing aura which makes the two Werewolves stiff for a brief moment, he then takes the silver eye out of the inventory before he holds it firmly with both of his hands in front of him.

"I've got great resistance to silver, let's see if the two of you also have it...", Rex said with a smirk.

A moment later,

"Huff... Huff...", Rex is panting rapidly as he is finally able to take down the two Werewolves, they don't have resistance to silver so they got weaker with each slash and that gives him a chance to decapitate both of them.

Rex groaned in pain lightly before he looks down to inspect his body.

Although he was trying to be careful and avoid getting unnecessarily hit, the combined attacks from the Werewolves earlier were able to penetrate his defense and landed some nasty hits that resulted in nasty injuries across his body.

Both of them are in the ninth-rank realm, so this is unavoidable despite him using the silver eye.

Even though he has many grim injuries across his body with one of them being an open stomach that is very deep and bleeding profusely, he feels relieved when he realized that the wounds are closing which means his regenerative ability is still working.

'I thought that I wouldn't be able to heal since this is a trial, but thankfully I still can'

While holding his bleeding stomach that is regenerating rapidly, Rex sits back on the two Werewolves' corpses that are stacked against each other. Supporting his chin with his hand, he trains his eyes on the mountain nonchalantly.

"Phew... the first obstacle is hard already, I manage to finish them quickly thanks to the system"

Although he knows that he'll eventually take the two Werewolves down sooner or later, the Silver Eye that he can take out from the system helps him greatly. Without it, fighting the two Werewolves will definitely be harder.

Sighing to himself, Rex stood up when he already healed enough, "What's next...?"

With that out of the way, he continues to walk attentively, anticipating anything to happen.

Upon reaching exactly the foot of the mountain, Rex didn't find any path leading upwards. Since the mountain is not that big compared to some of the mountains outside of this realm, he decided to circle the entire mountain in search of a way up.

Even after doing that, he finds that there's literally no path that leads the way up.

'Here goes nothing...'

Out of everything that he could've done, his mind instinctively decided to try one thing. With a ninth-rank realm power, jumping to the top of the mountain wouldn't be impossible. In fact, it should be quite easy for him.

Squatting down and garnering strength in his legs, Rex jumped up with full power.


Rex feels the wind breezing strongly to his face as he headed to the peak of the mountain. But then out of nowhere, red clouds started to appear above him, blocking his sight to the peak of the mountain completely.

Although he has a bad feeling about the red cloud, he pushes through without much thought.

Immediately after he penetrate the red cloud, he suddenly got struck by a powerful force that he can't fight back even with his kingly energy cloaking his entire body. "Wooahh! What the heck is this sudden force?!"


Just like the heaviest meteor falling from the sky, Rex got planted back into the ground.


"HUAKHH!", Rex spat a mouthful of blood feeling the insurmountable pain attacking every inch of his body, it feels like his entire body was crushed because of that fall. But as he was about to stand up, his eyes widen realizing that his entire body is actually crushed.

Every bone got broken and he can't feel his body anymore, he feels numb all over.

Since he turned into a Werewolf, he has never sustained this kind of injury before. Crushing his body to this state and also breaking every bone inside of him needs immense power, power beyond the regular ninth-rank realm, so this is the first time he experienced something like this.

But despite trying his hardest to fight back the pain, his vision started to get dark.

'F-Fuck... I can't pass out here', Rex thought as his vision started to turn blurry.

Rex tries desperately to fight back the urge of losing consciousness but he was clearly being overwhelmed by the sensation and losing swiftly, But just as he was about to pass out, he heard a voice calling out to him.

'Wake up! Rex, wake up!'

"Hahh!", Rex's vision jolted back before he blinks his eyes a couple of times.

Gritting his teeth while still lying on the ground unable to move, the King Mark on his forehead started to glow brightly which increases his power. With the addition of power, his body started healing more quickly than earlier.

In a couple of seconds, the bones inside his body recovered and he can now slowly move again.

Rex pushes himself up inside the crater that was created due to the fall before he looks back to the peak of the mountain, he realized that the red cloud is nowhere to be seen again, it seems it was restricting him from cheating.

Sighing lightly, he decided to roll up his tattered sleeves as there was no other way other than this.

"Fine... climbing it is then"

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