The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 658 Unexpected Help

Chapter 658 Unexpected Help

Countless arrows flew past the open field blitzing the eyes, they were akin to bullets fired from a machine gun. Each of them pierces the resistance of the win through its spinning motion which makes the arrows faster than they already are.

With their back against the wall, literally, Adhara and Gistella feel their hearts lightened.josei

Emerging from the forest on their right was a group of what seemed to be grey-ashy-skin humanoid creatures riding a beast below them, beautifully crafted dark bows are in their hands as they keep reloading and firing at the cursed creatures on the other side of the open field.

"Dark Elves!", Gistella exclaimed while still feeling numb all over her body.

Adhara squinted her eyes and finds these humanoid creatures fit perfectly the description of Dark Elves. Having skin that contours with the blackness of the night, eyes that changed from bright brown to bright red during the night, and pointy ears just like Elves alongside bows that are imbued with Dark Nature energy.

Nobody can mistake them for anything other than Dark Elves, the rangers of the night forest.

Below them are mutated black panthers that are almost as big as Delta, their saber-tooth fangs, muscular body, and also piercing yellow eyes make them a menace in the night. From the bearing they are emitting, they seem to be at the very least fifth or sixth-rank realm mutated animals.

Under the barrage of arrows, the cursed creatures started to go down one by one.

'How come they are not affected by any curse? Even I need to be careful in attacking them', Adhara thought with a frown, she finds that these Dark Elves are not affected by the curses as they take down more cursed creatures.

As if knowing what Adhara is thinking, Gistella pointed at their arrows and bows.

"Unlike the Elves that are empowered by grace nature, the Dark Elves are empowered by dark nature and they are born with the power to resist some sort of curses. Their bows and arrows are made by their sacred dark tree, and it has a high resistance to curse energy which can block curses to some extent"

Since she's a former Undead, this kind of information is common knowledge in her previous world.

Many of the high-rank Supernatural races deploy the Dark Elves and a couple of other race that has innately resistance to curse energy to clear the cursed creatures, they don't have any choice but comply hence they are living beside the Dark Humming Forest.

It's not a coincidence for the Dark Elf race to live beside a forest filled with cursed creatures.


Out of nowhere, a Dark Elf landed right in front of them which is holding a cane in his hands, there was a troubled look on his face while looking at the cursed creatures. "Are the two of you alright? If you feel something is off then tell me"

"Both of us got hit and our bodies are numb, but that's it", Gistella replied with a light nod.

After saying that Adahra suddenly remembered before she said, "We appreciate your help but we're not regular Werewolves, you should know that because I don't want you to regret helping us later on"

Since both of them are in their Werewolf form, the Dark Elves might've mistaken them.

Werewolves are one of the high-ranking Supernatural races in this current era, and the Dark Elves might feel obligated to help them since they are both Werewolves. However, that's not the case, they are a part of the Silverstar Pack and Adhara is once a human, not a Supernatural.

Upon hearing this, the Dark Elf chuckled lightly.

"My name is Isniu, many call me Uncle Isniu. One of your pack members visited us, and I saw the Silverstar Mark on his chest and instantly recognize him to be a part of the Silverstar Pack, Queen Shanaela told us about you guys", Uncle Isniu explained clearly.

Out of the two, Adhara instantly knows that Uncle Isniu is talking about Kyran.

Kyran was the one going in and out of the Dark Elf territory recently, and he just told her and Flunra about the Oath Pact that Queen Shanaela made. It's clear that he was the one Uncle Isniu is talking about, both of them have perhaps met before.

Turning his face back to his front, Uncle Isniu then asks, "I'm guessing the Alpha is not here?"

Although there's an urge to answer Uncle Isniu regarding what Rex is currently doing right now, Adhara refrains herself and also signals for Gistella to not answer that question. Even though the Dark Elves are helping them right now, she doesn't know if their intention is pure.

Who knows, maybe the Dark Elves are going to attack them if they know Rex is not here.

Uncle Isniu smiled lightly knowing exactly what their silence meant, Adhara and Gistella are just being careful and that is the right thing to do. Soon the smile disappears and turns into a frown as Uncle Isniu faces the Cursed Bee.

Despite not being able to see due to the blindfold, he seems to know exactly where the trouble is.

Soon enough the other Dark Elves that are numbering around fifty create a blockage ahead of Adhara and Gistella, right by the torn barrier. Pointing their bows forward once again, they imbued their arrows with their dark nature energy and quickly fired right at the Cursed Bee at the center.

Many of the other cursed creatures have gone down, the arrows did an effective job.

But despite the arrows being able to take down cursed creatures that are even in the same caliber as the Elemental Curse cursed creatures earlier, the Cursed Bee doesn't seem to be fazed by their arrows.

With blurry-fast movement, the Cursed Bee blocks the arrows with its pointy arms.

Finding that their barrage of arrows has been blocked easily, Uncle Isniu then commanded the Dark Elves he brought with him, "Put more dark nature energy into your arrows, the dark side of mother nature will always find a way to prevail against curses"

Upon saying that, Uncle Isniu then chanted, "Anti-Curse Magic, Federated Hunter Arrow..."

Immediately after he chanted that, a big brown-reddish circle formation appeared in front of the neatly lined Dark Elves riding the mutated black panther while each of them pulls back their bows' string and gathered as much dark nature energy as they can.

Like a united unit, they fired the arrows at the circle formation right at the same time.


Adhara and Gistella watch from the back as they slowly force themselves to stand straight, they saw the dozens of arrows diffused with dark nature energy fly quickly and hits the circle formation before the formation glows brightly.

Soon enough, the circle formation rapidly becomes brighter by the second.

But while this is all happening, Adhara catches sight of the Cursed Bee pointing its stinger to the circle formation intending to fire a super fast cursed beam that hits her and Gistella earlier. Its speed is still astonishing for her.

Just as the tip of the stinger glow and throb, a curse beam fired, faster than the eyes can see.

Despite not being able to see the curse beam due to its quickness in firing in a straight line, the circle formation quickly returns an arrow that is completely black and sizzling with energy, going as quick if not quicker than the cursed beam.


Like translucent glass, the impact resulted in the cursed beam and arrow shattering into fragments.

Upon seeing this Uncle Isniu frowned as he was not expecting this Cursed Bee to be this strong, that spell he just created is amplified by anti-curse magic but it was still unable to overpower the cursed beam and hit the Cursed Bee.

Soon enough the frown on his face becomes harder as a cold breeze brushes his body.

Not only Uncle Isniu but the other Dark Elves, the mutated black panthers that growled and becomes harder to control, and Gistella and Adhara also felt a cold breeze brushing their skin which doesn't comes from the night air.

It was cold due to the approaching Ice and Snow Full Moon, but the cold is different.

Adhara glanced at Uncle Isniu and finds him looking very troubled, she then asked out of curiosity as she didn't see anything happening, "I can feel something changed in the surroundings, did the Cursed Bee do something?"

"Yes... this Cursed Bee is not just a regular cursed creature", Uncle Isniu replied with a grim tone.

Walking over to Adhara and Gistella, he reaches out his glowing energy hands asking permission to do something to both of them. Sensing no killing intent from him, both of them decided to let him do whatever he wants to do.

A moment later, Adhara and Gistella open their eyes before their eyes widened completely.

Uncle Isniu imbued energy into their eyes which should be him applying somekind of a spell, and when they both opened their eyes they saw that their surroundings has turned completely bleak. Green grass and trees alongside the starry night have lost their brilliant colors.

Everything around them has completely turned monochrome, consisting of only black and white.

"Despite my pure intention and experience against cursed creatures, it's going to be hard to take this one down. It has access to Cursed Zone which means this Cursed Bee is at the very least in the seventh epiphany or higher rank...", Uncle Isniu said with a whispering voice.

Adhara and Gistella are not well-versed in the cursed world, but they both feel uneasy.

Both of them may not know too much about the cursed world but they have one sense that they always trusted due to them being a Werewolf, and that sense is their danger sense. "If only Rex or even Flunra was here..."


Meanwhile, Lountain City.

"Rex Silverstar is a Werewolf..."

Evelyn finally decided to tell Nadia and the woman that seems to govern Lountain City the news that they needed to hear, she already deemed them trustworthy enough from the brief conversation they had regarding Rex.

It's clear to her that Rex making Nadia an Awakened impacted the city greatly.

Lountain City has elemental stone trade which is the city's main income, and the elemental stone deposit they had turned out to be one of the rare ones that keep on replenishing its elemental stone stocks every time some of them are mined.

The income they got from that trade has been solely focused on developing Nadia.

Although it's unclear how powerful Nadia's talent has become with Rex's help, she was cultivated solely by the entire city and reaches the fifth rank realm in mere months. It shows just how strong her talent is, she would be considered a genius in Ratmawati City.

Since the city put more emphasis on cultivating Nadia, it shows just how grateful they are.

With that Evelyn decided to tell them that Rex is a Werewolf, it's been ten minutes ever since she told them that. 'Even if they refuse to help, I don't need to take care of them. It's no use to keep Rex's identity a secret anymore, at least no benefit for our side'

Evelyn let the both of them process that information, it's hard information to process after all.

"In any case, Rex has always been helping humanity in the war but he was betrayed and damaged by the higher-ups in Ratmawati City. I don't know what his plan for the future is, but he was exiled to the Supernatural territory. I know that he really needs help to establish a new home for himself and you can help him with that"

Upon saying that, Evelyn stands up intending to go to the other room.

Giving them some time to answer her invitation would be a good idea at this time, but she's not going to wait for them for too long since she needs to reunite with Rex and the others due to the incoming Full Moon.

"I'll be outside, I'll wait for your answers but I can't stay here for too long"

Evelyn went out of the humble house and looks up to the sky with a sigh, she sat down on the wooden stairs while hugging her own body due to the coldness seeping into her skin. While sitting there, her mind wanders somewhere else.

Clicking her tongue, she leans over to the side, "How could they forget about me..."

"Am I really that easily forgotten? Then again, they probably panicked when they realized that Rex suddenly went berserk. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm still here, I can recruit people to help create a new home for us. Rex is strong, but he's probably not adept in other fields other than battle tactics, martial arts, and magic"

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn nodded her head trying to justify her being forgotten.

"I'll quickly get it done here and reunite with them, Wedron City can wait another time. They probably won't be able to pick me up, humanity probably won't let them inside their territory anymore. It'll be trouble if they come he- Wait...", Evelyn stood up and looks to the side with a frown.

Sniffing the air a couple of times, the frown on her face becomes harder.

"This scent is familiar, don't tell me... Kyran is searching for me?!"

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