The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 664 No Men Are Left

Chapter 664 No Men Are Left

Upon hearing the commanding tone and the authoritative aura that surrounded the two of them, Jasira loosen her body and straightens her back. Glancing to her right she saw a figure floating above her with glowing green eyes.

Bedazzling blonde hair swayed alongside the thick arcane wind mana around the figure.

Not needing a second glance at the figure, the woman that is called Jasira lay down her flaming sword and sheathed it back into the scabbard, "Lady Brigitta, you came right on time. We are warned that two powerful Werewolves have infiltrated our territory, please give me permission to take them down"

With a blazing fighting spirit inside her eyes, Jasira looks at Kyran with a taunting smirk.

"Stand down, Jasira. I know these Werewolves, they are from the Silverstar Pack" Brigitta replied, shifting her eyes from Jasira to Kyran. "Didn't I warn you before? If you trespass on our territory, then we will have a problem"

Kyran clenched his jaw before he takes a quick look at Flunra and Evelyn on the side.

Both of them are surrounded by the four Awakened that came alongside Jasira, but it seems they are not hurt. Evelyn is not hurt badly, and that alone is a good thing that can make Kyran breathes easily.

"Understand that we are not here to fight, we're only here to take Evelyn back," Kyran slowly turns his head up to meet Brigitta's eyes. "it'll be best if you let this one slide, the Alpha would be grateful if you do that"

Replying almost instantly, Brigitta then said, "Your Alpha should be grateful that I warned you"

While Kyran is trying to find the middle path to ease this tension and go back to the castle, Evelyn who is hiding behind Flunra whispered, "Why are you guys here? I was about to go out of the human territory to search for you"

"The Full Moon is close, your presence is needed. Rex instructed us to find you" Flunra replied.

Although she was not aware of the next full moon except for the coldness in the night air that she recognized, she had already expected that they were here searching for her because of the full moon. 'If I had known this, I wouldn't have gone to Lountain City and headed straight out first'

Evelyn regretted not going back sooner. But then again, she doesn't know about the Full Moon.

Now the situation has escalated into this with the Awakened managing to intercept them, it was due to Intra that almost already cover the entire human territory. Such technology is revolutionizing, and they suffered from it.

Flunra frowned when he saw Kyran stealing a glance at him.

Only he was the one that caught that meaningful glance, the glance of helplessness it seems. Evelyn is too occupied with looking at Brigitta, she wanted to say something but Kyran already said what she wanted to say.

Many people are present but none of them moved, eyes staring warily at each other.

The rattling sound of the violent wind coming from Brigitta mixes with the natural air of the night, it was quite noisy but nobody seems to mind the sound. Around him, the ice made a light striving noise due to Kyran's dark blue aura. But once again, nobody seems to mind the noise.

Each of them is locked in a trance, and would quickly react if one of them made a sudden move.

"What would you gain from this, Brigitta..." Kyran asked softly.

Instead of Brigitta, Jasira is the one that replied coldly, "Showing that humanity is not a pushover"

Kyran can't help but looks at Jasira's red eyes with his jaw clenched tightly, this woman is very hostile and doesn't seem to want a peaceful solution to this situation. Not an expert in reading facial expressions, but she seems curious.

Waiting for Brigitta to reply, there was none. It seems Brigitta is on-board with what Jasira said.

Bubbling hate started to develop within Kyran to Jasira that keeps on finding a way to irritate him, he now knows that there's no point in meaningless talk that would lead them nowhere. Gritting his teeth, Kyran then roared to draw attention to him.

Nodding his head without any hesitation, Flunra did exactly what he thought was right.

Stretching his arm and wrapping it around Evelyn's waist, he jumps away which made the Awakened instantaneously chase after him. "We have no choice, Evelyn" he whispered to her ears.

"No! We have! We can't leave Kyran here!" Evelyn shouted in surprise and worry.

Flunra shakes his head dejectedly, there's no way out with Brigitta standing right above them. "I'm sorry. But your presence is needed back in the castle, Kyran's doesn't" Flunra replied decisively once again, there's no room for hesitation in this kind of situation.


"I was dragged away into the black portal by him. The last thing I saw is Kyran engaging in a fight with that woman before we got transported here" Evelyn explained, giving a sharp glare at Flunra who doesn't seem to be bothered.

Adhara and Gistella listened to her story attentively, and they both frowned when the story ended.

From the story, it's safe for them to assume that Kyran is either captured or killed, but the first one is more likely compared to the latter. Under no circumstances that humanity dares to kill Kyran, they would only evoke Rex's wrath.

But then again, there's a slight possibility that they dared to do that.

Listening to how Evelyn described the woman that is called Jasira, it seems she's seeking a fight. One of Evelyn's worries is the fact that she has never heard of this Jasira, she's inside the inner circle of high-ranking families and there are no Awakened that goes by the name Jasira amongst the higher ranks.

Just then, Evelyn's eyes suddenly widened as she realized something.

"What is it, Evelyn? If you have something to tell us then quickly say it" Adhara asks from the side, she saw Evelyn's expression lighten up into a shocked one. If there's something important, then they all should know.

Shifting her wide-open eyes to look at Adhara, Evelyn then mutters. "W-We need Rex right now"

"President Sebrof... he- he told me to convince Rex to not seek revenge on humanity. When I was about to leave, he said that if I failed then he would ask Awakened from neighboring big cities for help. But it seems he lied... I think he already calls reinforcement from the neighboring cities"

Upon hearing this, the others' expressions instantly turn grim.

Maybe Sebrof called for reinforcement solely for protecting the border from the Supernatural, but then they have an option that made their hearts thump faster. If Sebrof has a ninth-rank realm reinforcement, then they might use Kyran to lure Rex back to humanity.

Due to the last incident, Rex only wanted to leave devoid of either Humanity or the Supernatural.

Because of what he did to Ratmawati City which took millions of lives, there's probably a lot of hate right now and that alone would ignite the intention of exacting revenge on Rex. In order to do that, Kyran might become the key.

At first they thought that at worst, Kyran is used as a shield when Rex came after them.

Now that Sebrof has the resource to possibly take down Rex, he might use Kyran for other things and might actually dare to hurt him. On top of that, there's still the possibility of Rex not coming out of the red portal.

It would be their darkest times if that were to happen, problems attacked them from everywhere.

"We can't be too sure about what Sebrof is going to do, but the chance of Kyran being killed is very low. Brigitta is the most sensible one amongst them, she definitely wouldn't hurt Kyran, especially knowing who Rex is" Adhara mutters with her curled index finger tucked below her chin.

Gistella then added from the side, "Yes, but it's best to prepare for the worst"

Under such a huge amount of pressure concluded from the information they gain now, the others look at Adhara for an answer. With Rex's absence, she's the one in charge now as the Female Alpha.

But before she can say anything, their eyes were attracted to Flunra.

Cough! Cough!

Adhara, Evelyn, and Gistella's eyes widened when they saw Flunra cough up blood, and it was not just a little. Blood covered the palm of his hand, his expression slowly turned fuzzy and his pupils started to tremble.

Despite his sturdy body that is breakable only to Rex, a surprising scene happened.



Each of them exclaimed when they saw blood seep out of Flunra's mouth before his strong body stumbled and fall to the ground with a loud thud, the tremble in his eyes becomes even greater before his eyes finally rolled back and his eyelids closed, falling unconscious.

Rushing towards him, the three checked on his body and finds nothing is wrong.

"Did he get into a fight with the Awakened from earlier?" Adhara quickly asked.

Frowning for a few seconds to try and remember if Flunra was hit by any attack from the Awakened, Evelyn shakes her head remembering nothing of that sort happened. "No, he didn't fight with the Awakened. Only Kyran engaged in the fight, he focused on securing me"

"Then what happened to him..." Adhara mutters while looking back at the unconscious Flunra.

As if the problem in their hands is not hard enough, Flunra collapsed adding yet another problem onto their plate. The girls are completely baffled by the situation they are in, it was only them at the moment to take care of things.

Sighing helplessly, Adhara sits back in a daze, 'What can we do now...'

A moment later.

Evelyn came out of a room and find Adhara already waiting in the hallway, she had just finished putting Flunra inside his room to recuperate from whatever he was going through right now. "Where's Gistella?" Evelyn asked, she finds only Adhara in the hallway.

"Gistella is resting too, she's also sick but she'll be fine" Adhara replied while leaning on the wall.

Both of them then decided to take a walk beside each other to the great hall, they are going to try to find a plausible way to deal with the matters at hand. At least thinking of what they can do right now until Rex hopefully came out.

Upon reaching the great hall, Evelyn touches the red gate portal gently. "I can feel him inside..."

"Don't get too close to that, you're going to get pulled in. Just like it pulled Rex in" Adhara warned while sitting at the throne stairs, it was clear that she had a lot on her mind right now as she said that without even looking at Evelyn.

Turning around to look at her, Evelyn then asked, "You haven't told me what happened to you?"

"A horde of cursed creatures attacked the castle, but thankfully the Dark Elves in the neighboring forest come to help. One of the cursed creatures is very strong, and we managed to take it down after a brutal battle" Adhara sighs while looking at her non-existent left arm.

No sign of regenerating, it's been an hour and it's still like this.josei

Evelyn was quite surprised by the fact that the Dark Elves helped them for some reason, but her curiosity was interrupted as the both of them instantly sprung up. Both of them sensed foreign energy coming from the outside of the castle.

"What is it now..." Adhara mutters before they make their way out of the castle.

Standing at the castle's wall to look at the north open field, both of them squinted to look at an inhuman figure standing at the center of the open field. It's very tall, at least taller than Adhara's Werewolf form and its face is covered by a black hood.

Although they can't quite decipher what the figure really is, they can feel the bad omen.

Upon sensing their presence on the wall, the tall hooded creature then slowly raises its head which exposes its skeleton face with two hollow black eyes. "An Undead?!" Evelyn exclaimed in surprise, Undeads are not supposed to be near here.

Compared to the Vampire and Werewolf, the Undead's territory is quite far.

So an Undead that reaches all the way here surprised Evelyn, but then Adhara frowned suspecting another thing, "No, I don't think it's an Undead. It's something else..."

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