The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 674 Humanity's Offensive

Chapter 674 Humanity's Offensive

Somewhere in front of the Great Barricade near the newly conquered Demon Stronghold.

Lining up neatly like an unbreakable army wearing white futuristic armor with an emblem of the Elpida Alliance on their chests, tens of thousands of Cessation Knights are advancing forward beyond the Great Barricade, pushing the Supernatural territory's border.

Defensive-related Awakened are at the very front, creating a joined powerful aegis.

In each legion of Cessation Knights, there are at least two or three flying Awakened in their midst, emitting an overbearing aura that stampedes everything in their path. Each of them has the power of an eighth-rank realm, indomitable in their own rights.

Across the patch of plain flatland are the Supernaturals roaring and howling in anger.

Most of them are either Undead frontlines that burned with green flaming fire and also Shapeshifters that seem to be on the brink of anger explosion, they were showing their hostile nature which is quite new since Shapeshifters rarely be aggressive.

Something must've happened to ignite this kind of behavior from them.

"Keep your wits steady and determination like steel, you all are here to fight for the longevity of Humans! Advance forward, for the name of Cessation Knights, for the holy judgment of the Awakened, for Humanity!!"

Upon hearing the battle cries of the General, the army raised their weapons and roared.

Due to the sheer number, their roar makes the air tremble while the thousands of marching steps rumble the ground, their formation is compact without any hint of weakness. It's like their formation is giving an aspiration that it wouldn't break even if the entire world collapsed.

With union in mind, each legion made its way slowly toward the Supernatural territory.

One particular Undead located in the middle of the Undead that is emitting a horrifying amount of energy matching that of an eighth-rank look at the marching legions of Cessation Knight with worry, the sight of tens of thousands of compact soldiers going forward fearlessly give the Undead a notion that they wouldn't win the fight.


Since the attack is sudden, they aren't prepared to face such massive armies.

Raising a green burning cutlass to the sky and also swirling a burning chain in its other hand, the Undead that seemed to be the Supernatural in charge in this section then roared, "Sanctuary! Fall back to the Sanctuary!"

Like a joined entity, the other lower-rank Undeads started to fall back following the instructions.

Even the Supernatural in the outpost signaled to other parts that don't see the armies of Cessation Knights yet to retreat back deeper into their territory, they are suddenly attacked by the Humans unexpectedly.

Despite their hesitance, the Undeads, even the high Undead Lords are falling back in response.

While making sure the Undeads are retreating back lest they would clash with the armies of Cessation Knights, the eighth-rank Undead noticed that the Shapeshifters are growling angrily with their bloodthirsty eyes.

From their demeanor alone, it's clear that they are anticipating a fight.

"Retreat back! Shapeshifters, retreat back!" the eighth-rank Undead tries to warn them but failed.

Just as he was about to attract the Shapeshifters' attention to him, a powerful shout reverberated into the air and seeped into the Supernaturals' ears, "Come and fight us, you filthy creatures! We're not afraid anymore, we will purge each one of you and punish your sins of existence!!"

Upon hearing this, the eighth-rank Undead glanced back to the front and saw a figure.

Flying way up in the sky with two fiery wings that made the figure looks like a phoenix can be seen taunting and letting out his overbearing aura of a ninth-rank Awakened, it was Denzel. With the fall of the Demon Stronghold, humanity has regained back the protection of the Great Barricade.

With that Humanity can now focus back on the offensive and not be defensive anymore.

Maybe this night with the Ice and Snow Full Moon shining brightly in the sky is the first step that humanity takes in reclaiming back their worlds, little by little they would try and fights back and takes the Supernatural's territory.

Seeing Denzel taunting the Supernaturals, the eighth-rank Undead feels boiling anger.

But thinking clearly the eighth-rank Undead knows that it was not Denzel's match, and their armies are clearly outmatched. Ignoring the Shapeshifters that are not moving from their spots, the eighth-rank Undead flees away.

It would be bad if he were to be caught by Denzel, the Undead wouldn't be able to escape then.

Starking in response compared to the Undead that is retreating and regrouping so that they can contact the higher-ups and organize a counter-attack, the Shapeshifters were engulfed in anger as they charges forward straight to the armies of Cessation Knights.



Many of them started shapeshifting into animals, one of the transformations in their arsenals.

Some turned into humongous mutated elephants that are towering over the regular humans, some turned into mutated rhinos with big horns, and some even turned into fearsome mutated tigers and lions as they charged to the armies of Cessation Knights.josei

In response to this, the advancement of the Cessation Knights stopped.

Harnessing the power of the defensive-related elements, the Cessation Knights at the very front planted their shields into the ground before they activated a regulated union spell that is the basis of the Cessation Knights war spell.

Elipda Allaince Divine Protection.


With one chant, the Cessation Knights at the very front planted their shields into the ground.

No matter if they have Crystal Element, Ice Element, Earth Element, or even Iron Element, the mana they concentrate on their shields merges together and spawns translucent barriers that become one with the barriers on either side.

On top of that, they also cast a spell that helped them stand their ground.

Many of the Cessation Knights used different spells in order to achieve their goals, but the most-used ones are creating an elemental pole that connect their feet with the ground or a spell that strengthened their entire body and balance.

Clenching their shields tightly, the first wave of Shapeshifters crashes into them.




Although there were more of the Cessation Knights compared to the Shapeshifters, there are still more than a thousand of them charging like feral beasts that have gone completely insane, the Shapeshifters attacked without minding their own selves.

Clawing and pushing berserkly, the sole thing inside their minds is to kill and kill.

But under the trained chemistry between the Cessation Knights, the barrier stands strong and none of the Shapeshifters managed to penetrate through the barrier. Even the sixth or seventh-rank realm Shapeshifters aren't able to go through the barrier.

Some of them try other tactics, digging into the ground hoping to ransack the center.

It was quite a clever tactic as if they can get to the middle of the Cessation Knights, then they would be able to weaken their defense from the inside. But that is prevented by the Cessation Knights located at the right and left edge of the formation.

Water Elementalists imbued the ground with their mana, it makes the ground beneath them harder.

Despite the best effort from the Shapeshifters that are inside the ground, they aren't able to dig out and do their plan to ransack the Cessation Knights' formation from the center. Each of them got stuck inside the ground and even got penetrated by water spikes instead.

Same for the Shapeshifters that are attacking from above.

A couple of rows of Cessation Knights at the front block the advancement of the Shapeshifters from the front, the Cessation Knights on the edges prevented an attack from below, while the Cessation Knights at the very back protected the armies' above from attacks from the sky.

It was an efficient tactic, and the Cessation Knights at the center are focusing on the offensive.

Many Cessation Knights in the middle have fire-related elements, their spells are destructive and take out many Shapeshifters in one go. It's a massacre, the Cessation Knights don't get hurt at all from the clash.

Even Denzel watching this from above sneered, "Shapeshifter is not a problem anymore"

"Just like the Werewolves, if the head, the Alpha is cut off then the bodies are going down easily" he then gazes at the far horizon finding not one ninth-rank realm Supernatural coming to confront him, "it seems they are avoiding the fight..." he added with a smirk.

Waving his hand, Denzel signaled to the Cessation Knights to end the Shapeshifters quickly.

For this night he aimed to take a couple of miles of the Supernatural's territory, nothing is going to stop them right now. Not with what happened earlier, the victory they achieved before, and the information they gained that made this possible.


Meanwhile, the Silverstar Pack Castle.

Rex wipes the sweat on his forehead feeling the fatigue starting to creep inside of him, he doesn't know how much time has passed but the Ice and Snow Full Moon is still shining brightly in the sky so it must not be that long.

'I think I overdid it...' he thought wryly while seeing the two women in front of him.

Since his lust was ignited fully he has been indulging in the sexual fantasy that he forgot how many times he did it, Evelyn and Gistella are lying face-first while panting heavily. Both of their sacred places still have traces of Rex's beast in them.

But it's already expected though, it's been a while so he's quite stacked.

While feeling quite exhausted from doing the two repeatedly in order to achieve the bare minimum of satisfaction, Rex sat at the edge of the bed. 'I'm really thirsty, going out is a pain. Let's just buy a drink from the system and checks on Flunra'

Now that he's satisfied, he can focus on other things.

Evelyn and Gistella definitely wouldn't be affected by the Ice and Snow Full Moon anymore, and he's also already recovered thanks to Evelyn. 'But first thing first, let's check the rewards I gained from completing the first ascension trial...'

From completing the first ascension trial, Rex gained three things.

Aside from leveling up two times, he also gained the Oracle of Moon Ability, Herald Mark, and Brutal Impulse. Out of the three, he knows that Herald Mark would put one of his pack members into the early ninth-rank realm.

But the other two items he got are unknown, and he was bout to learn the two right now.

<Oracle of Moon Ability>

Upon reaching the first ascension, the user can now learn to directly control the Blood Moon Kingly Energy directly. It's the essential skill before being able to use Moon Ability which is a higher form of spell for the Werewolf race. Oracle of Moon ability will allow the user to feel the flow of Blood Moon Kingly Energy to perform a certain Moon Ability, it will help the user master it quicker.

<Brutal Impulse>

Brutal Impulse is a Moon Ability associated with the Blood Moon. Gathering the Blood Moon Kingly Energy at certain parts of the user's body, the user can create a devastating sudden force that amplifies the user's attack in a whim. The user's attack is extremely powerful, but it will also strain the user's body heavily upon usage.

Rex reads through the entire description attentively without missing a single detail.

From what he can understand the Oracle of Moon Ability allows him to learn a Moon Ability quicker, while the Brutal Impulse is a Moon Ability that will increase his attacking strength for a brief moment but have a heavy drawback.

'It's a good additional skill, this will make it easier for me to catch my enemy's off guard'

Nodding his head Rex decided that he would quickly learn to control his red kingly energy and learn this Brutal Impulse Moon Ability, it's going to help him get stronger. With that, he takes one last look at the two and finds them both still dazed.

Chuckling lightly and imprinting the scene in his mind, he walks out of the room.

Upon reaching outside he remembered that he hadn't seen Adhara anywhere, he follows her scent and reaches his bed chamber. Since Evelyn doesn't want to disturb Adhara, she brought Rex into another room to do the deeds.

In front of the bed chamber's door, he saw Flunra standing there with his arms crossed.

"Rex? What are you doing here?" Flunra asked in surprise, he seems to be meditating earlier.

But this made Rex frown as he was confused why Flunra is asking him that, "What do you mean? I'm here to check Adhara of course, I haven't done it with her and she might still be in a frozen state right now" he replied.

Rex noticed that Flunra seems to be trying to block him from entering the bed chamber.

With his expression turning colder, he then commanded with a heavy tone that doesn't want to be rebutted, "Step away" he said, and Flunra doesn't have any choice but to comply. It would be bad if he blocked Rex's way longer.

As Flunra stepped away, Rex knocked on the door and entered the room.

Just as he entered the room, his footsteps stopped with his body instantly stiffens. Looking over his shoulder slowly, he gave a glare at Flunra and asked, "Who did this...?"

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