The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 688 Doing The Best

Chapter 688 Doing The Best

Naela was surprised to hear that from Adhara, she was not expecting something like that.

In her own view when she first met with Kyran, he did have the capacity to instill fear as he's a Dark Elementalist and also really strong. But despite the vicious side that he showed, she finds that Kyran has a somewhat gentle side.

With her bow broken, it would be hazardous for her to fix it alone.

Although the Orb of Life is still intact and there's no damage done to it, the energy that is needed to repair the bow is quite massive which makes her unable to do it alone. If she has to do it alone, it would take years to repair it.

It's the reason why she cried when she saw Kyran doesn't seem to care.

But as she started crying realizing that she would need to repair the bow alone since her parents wouldn't help as a consequence of her own negligence, Kyran suddenly turned back around and decided to help her repair the bow.

For him to do that, there must be some part of him that is still gentle and kind.

"Well I didn't blame him though, he did get used by a woman for information. I'm surprised that he even decided to help you to repair it, it's very unlike him" Adhara added with a shake of her head, the woman that used him left a deep trauma in him.

Although he doesn't say it out loud, Adhara can see right through him.

Even Rex doesn't know the fact that the woman that used him left that kind of scar inside of him which probably leads him to not able to trust any woman easily, the shift of his emotional aura indicates that clearly.

Naela's eyes dimmed when she heard this, she wanted to ask for more but decided to stop.

Something this deep would certainly be better if she knows it directly from Kyran, not that she would be asking that of him but eventually he would definitely tell her. That is if Kyran decided to accept her to be his wife.

"Tell us about yourself, Naela. What is your position in the Dark Elf Kingdom?" Evelyn asked.

It's true that Naela was betrothed by King Jorik himself for the goodwill of their alliance, but she doesn't really know Naela's standing in the Dark Elf Kingdom. Moreover, she also doesn't know how the hierarchy inside the Dark Elf Kingdom works.

Upon hearing this Naela organize the words inside her head, pausing before replying.

Asking about her position in the Dark Elf Kingdom is not a small matter, her answer would definitely affect the Dark Elf Kingdom as a whole. When she finished organizing how she would answer this, she finally replied, "I'm from the Urithana Noble Family, one of the eight Noble Families of the kingdom"

"My Family is quite powerful... of course, powerful just in our kingdom" Naela corrected when she realized that the people she was talking to right now is probably as strong or stronger than her father. "We're ranked number three, my father is very close with King Jorik, and our family deals with weapon trade with the Dwarves. I'm also one of the two only daughters of the eight noble families..."

Adhara can't help but comment teasingly, "Then does that means you have many pursuers?"

"I- I only have a few, Aleesia has the spotlight in terms of pursuers. She's more beautiful and stronger than me..." Naela quickly replied with her flushed face, she looked down to avoid Adhara's teasing glance.

But this makes Adhara laughs, "Don't be modest, you're also very beautiful. Kyran would also agree"

Instead of feeling better, Naela's face becomes even redder when she heard Kyran's name being brought. On top of that, the compliment seems genuine since Adhara is really close with Kyran so she must be able to guess Kyran's response.

Evelyn then also joins in, "As for the power problem, you don't have to worry about that"

"If Kyran really did accept you and you become a family to the Silverstar Pack, the Alpha wouldn't let you be the weak link. No matter what, power is still the motivator that drives the pack forward. Soon enough, this Aleesia that you speak of wouldn't hold a candle to you" she added.

Upon hearing this, Naela nodded her head as her father also already said the same.

On top of that, the castle is filled with Dark Nature energy that she can take advantage of to become even stronger. Even without any help from the Alpha, her power will skyrocket just from the immense Dark Nature energy alone.

Just as she said that the castle suddenly rumbled and the walls started to shake.

Adhara, Evelyn, and Gistella instantly sprung to their feet with their inhuman reflex, they looks around with a frown before the three of them looks at each other and nodded their heads. It came from the courtyard.

"Come with us, Naela" Adhara said before the four of them heads to the courtyard.

With hurried strides quickly through the hallway in order to check the source of the impact that makes the entire castle rumbles, they needed a minute to reach the courtyard before they saw a figure kneeling on one knee there.

Each of them look at the figure with a frown, they also walked closer.

Upon reaching close to the courtyard they realized that it was Rex inside a cubic barrier that envelop the entire courtyard, his parents' graves also has another bubble that protect them from outside forces.

Rex is kneeling on one knee while holding his right shoulder in pain.josei

Looking closer Adhara was the first one that noticed that Rex's right arm is missing, which explains the blood smeared on the cubic barrier and also the ground. It looks like his right arm exploded for some reason.

"Grrgh!!" Rex grunted while looking at his right arm.

Most of his focus was on himself and he didn't realize that Adhara and the others are looking from behind, there was a streak of anger in his eyes as he looks at his right arm, "Damn it!!" he shouted before slamming his other hand to the ground.

Despite the cubic barrier that is very sturdy, the aura coming from Rex still leaked out.

Feeling the burning and suppressing touch from Rex's kingly energy, Naela feels weak as she falls to the ground unable to sustain the oppressive force. It was so bad that she feels her entire body shaking, the power is out of this world.

Nothing in her life can compare to the feeling that Rex's aura makes her feel.

As she belongs to one of the noble families of the Dark Elves, she had the chance to meet with the Vampire King, King Solomon. But even back then she was not feeling this oppressed, it feels like she was tinier than an insect.

King Jorik would probably feel like an insect if he felt this, but now she was the one exposed to this.

'I- I can see now why Queen Shanaela really wants the other races to agree to the Oath Pact. If we faced the Alpha on the battlefield, our death would be certain' Naela thought in utter horror, she was glad that the Kingdom decided to ally with the Silverstar pack.

Taking one step forward, Adhara then called out from outside, "Rex...?"

While panting heavily with his body drenched in sweat from top to bottom, Rex slowly looks over his shoulder with his blazing ruby eyes. Exhaling roughly, he then replied, "Don't worry about me, I'm just training on something"

But that answer makes Adhara and the others frown before they look around.

Due to the crack in the cubic barrier from whatever happened to Rex also resulted in the walls of the castle cracking, the cracks spread to the entire section which makes them suck in a cold breath.

Like everything inside the castle, the walls are very sturdy to the point of unbelievable.

Adhara and the others believed that the castle itself is strong enough to sustain eight-rank or possibly higher-ranked attacks, it's impenetrable, especially with the added defensive mechanism that the castle has such as the Circling Sentinel.

It's supposed to be very sturdy, but a whiff of Rex's kingly energy cracked the walls.

Something that sturdy was made to look fragile by Rex's kingly energy, and it begs them to ask inside their heads what on earth Rex is training on. What kind of monstrous technique is he trying to master?

Even the thought of such a technique existed makes them feel a shiver in their spines.

Rex then suddenly open his mouth, snapping them all from their dazes, "As soon as I finish training, I'll make a visit to the Great Barricade. I want you to be stronger, don't forget that you have the advantage that none other has. Aside from being a Werewolf, you're also an Awakened. Use that to your advantage"

"We'll lose our opportunity to find Kyran if we take too long" he added with a silent tone.

Upon hearing this the others nodded their heads, they were still training but the incident that happened forced them to rest. But now they know they can't be like this, Kyran is waiting somewhere and needed their help.

"Don't worry, we're going to do the best we can" Adhara replied determinedly.

The others also nodded their heads showing that they too are going to do their best, the only thing they need right now is to get stronger to establish their position in this world. If they have power, everything will fall into their place smoothly.


Meanwhile, UWO Main Office.

"Denzel and his forces have managed to advance about 10 miles into the Supernatural territory, there is no resistance from the Supernatural forces. But the last report stated that the Demons have been constructing a wall to block the advancement, and the Undeads are also seen amongst them as a helping force"

A UWO member wearing a suit and tie reported the report on his tablet.

Sebrof who is sitting at his desk listening to the report attentively, a smile crept on his face when he heard this, "It seems he's saying the truth, they are really scared and are avoiding a big fight. We can use this to our advantage as we push forward" he mutters to himself.

For the first time in a long time, Sebrof leans back with a satisfied smile on his face.

The excitement started to course inside his veins as Sebrof started to chuckle to himself like a madman, he was so happy with the outcome and has finally seen the first victory after straight rows of losing against the Supernatural.

Even the UWO members feel uncomfortable, he has never heard Sebrof laughs this much.

"Instruct Giana to go and reinforce Denzel's forces, we're going to push forward quickly and aim at the Demon Hive Cities and also the Shapeshifters Cities. It's time for us to repay the damage they did to us, tell the military to also put more of their men into this attack" Sebrof finally instructed.

Pausing for a second, he then continues, "At least add 20,000 more military men"

"I will rely upon the message instantly as you said" the UWO member replied, he bowed his body in respect before intending to leave the room. But as he was about to reach the door, the tablet in his hand made beeping sounds.

The UWO member looks at the tabled before a frown appeared on his face.

Upon reading the content displayed on the tablet, he turned around to face Sebrof again, "My apology president Sebrof, but I have just got a message from one of our branch offices."

"What is it?" Sebrof asked as the smile on his face disappeared.

Looking at the tablet once again to make sure, the UWO member then answered, "It seems there's an insectoid cursed creature that appeared, it claimed to be representing someone called the Witch of Chaos. It specifically asked for you, president Sebrof..."

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