The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 691 Peasant King

Chapter 691 Peasant King

Rex walks slowly through the open plain with a prestigious air and chest flared open.

Looking at the short humanoid creatures that are rather unique and can't be mistaken as any other creatures except for Dwarves, he made his way towards the front of the castle with slow and steady steps.

Instinctively these Dwarves turned their backs to face Rex.

Albeit looking ordinary, they can feel the air of an expert sizzling around Rex.

Even the way he walks which is full of confidence and dominance shows that he's a formidable entity that the Dwarves can't mess with, their old eyes can distinct an entity that pretends to be strong from an entity that is actually strong.

Out of the two, the Dwarves believed that Rex is the latter.

Not only from their perceptive eyes that can tell that Rex is strong but the way Evelyn suddenly stopped to look at this human that emerges from the forest showed that this human has standing in the Silverstar Pack castle.

"Greetings, my name is Mafous and I'm here to seek the attention of the Silverstar Pack Alpha"

Upon nearing this group of Dwarves, one particular Dwarf steps forward to greet Rex. He has white hair tied into a ponytail, a white full long beard that reaches his chest, and a black eye patch strapped on his face showing that this Dwarf is hardened through numerous battles.

Rex looks down at Mofous due to their significant height differences and pauses for a moment.

Scanning these Dwarves standing in front of him politely he realized that none of them brought any weapons, a clear sign of them wanting to talk in peace. If they did then that would be a sign of aggression, something they definitely do not want the Silverstar Pack to think.

Aside from that, each one of them looks to be an elder that has lived for a long time.

"You're speaking to him" Rex replied nonchalantly.

Although he was saying the words at the top of his head, Mafous and the other Dwarves that heard this were shocked. Their widened eyes depicted that, but they then recover and instantly went on one knee.

It was done in one swift motion, they move almost in a union to pay their respects.

But as he was already seeing how the Dark Elves treated him, a ninth-rank realm entity, Rex is not surprised to see the Dwarves kneeling in front of him. "If you are here then I believe the Tigerman race has already been taken care of, or am I wrong?" Rex assumed without much thought.

With the responsibility he gave to Flunra for letting him evolve, failing is practically impossible.

Since Flunra has somekind of traditional honor inside of him due to living for thousands of years, he should be a monster as Rex specifically told him that he will not accept failure. The only reason he let Flunra evolve was because of this matter.

Basically regarding this matter, Flunra would not let failure be his option.

Upon hearing what Rex just said, the Dwarves look troubled as they look at each other. Rex frowned when he saw their expressions, "Am I wrong...?" he asked again but this time the Dwarves has his full attention.

Feeling a bit agitated in answering that question, Mofous then finally braces himself.

"Like the order we receive, we've prepared an attack on the Tigerman race capital city. Alongside Sir Flunra, we attacked the capital city and clashed against King Samobas. Our forces surrounded the capital city from every side, victory should be certain. But as we fought, something went wrong, it turns out King Samobas is hiding his strength and is now as strong as King Jorik..." he explained as clearly as possible.

Seeing through Mofous' eyes, Rex can see the surprise still etched on them.

Rex then squinted his eyes and turned them colder, "What happened to Flunra?" he asked.

Knowing that Flunra has already evolved into a higher bloodline, he expected the extermination of the Tigerman Race to be done smoothly. But it seems the Tigerman Race is more troublesome than he initially thought if Flunra can't beat them.

But Rex doesn't feel that angry, he was leaning more toward being surprised.

Flunra is definitely not dead or else he would receive the news from the system, he might be severely wounded though, and possibly needed help. "S-Sir Flunra is still fighting against King Samobas, the sun is up and he's starting to be overwhelmed" Mofous answered.

'Is the Tigerman King really that strong...? In any case, it seems I need to go there myself'

Upon receiving the bad news he decided that he would go there himself, the fact that Flunra can't finish this King Samobas himself speaks of its might. If Flunra can't defeat the King then none of the others can.

Just then he remembered something, it's probably the reason why Flunra can't win.

'I think he still can't use his runic abilities, and the sun is already up' Rex thought while nodding to himself, he now knows that those reasons are probably the case. If Flunra has his runic abilities and he fights during the night, there's no chance that he can't beat King Samobas.

Even if he can't beat Flunra easily back then, he's substantially stronger with his Ancient Runes.

Looking up at the wall, Rex then said, "Stay inside the castle and be on guard while I'm gone!"

"What's wrong? Is there something we need to be wary about?" Evelyn asked back from the top of the wall, she can see that Rex is wary of something. It was surprising to see him look around cautiously while saying that.

Rex scans the surroundings one more time to see if there are any changes.

Finding that nothing changed in the surroundings, he turned his head to face Evelyn once again, "I don't know what it is, but there's a rogue cursed creature that wanted to kill me in this forest. Keep your guard up, I'll be back before the sun comes down"

After saying that, Evelyn also looks around warily.

If Rex looks worried about this supposed rogue cursed creature then she needs to be very extra worried, the rogue cursed creature must be a very powerful one if Rex can't find it and execute it on the spot.

Knowing that she decided to get back into the castle to stick with the others.

Rex then turns to face the Dwarves again before a sinister smile appears on his face, he wanted to see this King Samobas that can fight equally against Flunra, "Okay, lead the way Mofous. I'll see how strong this King Samobas really is..."


Meanwhile, in the capital city of the Tigerman Race.

Like any other city of Supernatural in this time and age, the capital city of the Tigerman race is a fortress with high walls made of big blocks of stones and enchanted by magic. It's quite a big city that can probably house ten thousand Tigermen.

But the sturdy walls have many cracks and some parts are even destroyed.

Smoke can be seen sizzling up into the air as the capital city is burning, the combined effort from the Dark Elves and the Dwarves can be seen doing immense damage to the capital city. Aside from that, bloody battles can be seen across the red landscape.

Not one battle is merciful in this current era, and this one is no exception.

The Dark Elves that have agile and swift movement clashes against the Tigerman Race in close-quarter combat, each of them fights like an acrobat or even a performer that delivers swift and effective death to the Tigerman.

Even with their superior physique, the Tigermen finds it quite difficult to fight the Dark Elves.

Although they were deadly in close-quarter combat, the Dark Elves mainly attacked from behind, raining arrows to the battlefield that overwhelms the Tigermen which doesn't have anything to cover them from the arrows.

In the entire surroundings of the capital city, there are no blindspots for these Dark Elves.

On the other hand, the Dwarves are also involved in the fight, they are the greatest bulk that fought in close quarters, harnessing their superior strength and also their bear mounts that can tear through the formation of the Tigermen.josei

Chaos inflicted the battle, and the God of Blood would smile at this bloody scene.

Many lives falls and were sent straight to the grim reaper, with each passing second there is more than one soul being fed to the underworld. Even though the battle has already gone on for hours, it's still far from over.

Despite the encirclement and the battering, the Tigermen fought ferociously.

The Dark Elves and the Dwarves needed immense effort just to take one Tigermen down, they are very resilient and hard to kill. Being stabbed or slashed brutally doesn't seem to faze the Tigerman, and contrary the effect got backfired on the Dark Elves and the Dwarves.

As each Tigerman is very resilient, their morale started decreasing, their kinds died from an attack.

Slowly the tide of war is shifting, the Dark Elves and the Dwarves are starting to lose their morale while the Tigerman started to become even more ferocious with each of them dying. It was mainly due to the fight that is happening in a particular location north of the capital city.

A fight between King Samobas and Flunra is unending.

Done in royal orange armor that fitted his very muscular body, King Samobas is a formidable opponent even for Flunra. Out of the Tigermen, he has the biggest body riddled with scars with the most severe one being three claw marks crossing his right eye.

Now that he's fighting the Tigermen Race, Flunra noticed something.

Generals from the Tigerman Race all have white furs with dark stripes which makes them different compared to the others that have regular color, this clearly shows some kind of hierarchy through their furs.

White furs mean they have superior genetics, stronger physically and technique-wise.

But King Samobas doesn't have white furs, he has regular orange and dark stripes. It's now clear that he's a very menacing fighter, without superior genetics he managed to climb his way to the throne that is only given to the strongest.

That alone speaks heavily about King Samobas' relentless and fierce personality.


Flunra was pushed back with blood decorating every part of his body, he has suffered so much damage that his regenerative abilities has weakened greatly. It takes more than a minute just to heal the smallest scars.

On the contrary, King Samobas is also hurt but he's clearly in a much better shape.


Not intending to pause the fight, King Samobas closed in the distance as his breath turns thick green. It was so fast that even Flunra was caught off-guard, he crosses his arms in front of him but got his defense broken with an uppercut from below.

'I never knew a Tigerman can be this strong!' Flunra exclaimed inside his head.

"Graarghk!" Flunra grunted as he got stabbed by sharp claws to his stomach, his big body got lifted from the ground which shows the raw strength of King Samobas. Without a warning, King Samobas slammed him to the ground.


Under such raw strength, a 55-yards crack was created from the impact.

Pulling out his claws, King Samobas then grabbed Flunra by the neck with his claws piercing the skin, "Don't think that I will be scared by your Alpha like these traitorous fools, they are cowards from fearing a measly rising Alpha who has his power exaggerated by that moron of an Elf Queen. I'm a fighter, I fear no one!"

After saying that, King Samobas lifted Flunra again before he threw him across the battlefield.

Turning to his back to face the other Tigermen that are fighting against the Dark Elves and Dwarves, King Samobas raised his bloody claws with grievous wounds all over his body that made him look very menacing.

Opening his mouth, he roared triumphantly and bared his sharp fangs.


Like being infused with a berserker's potion, the other Tigermen becomes even fiercer when they saw their King win the battle against the enemy's general. It made them excited, the battle can now be won by them.

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