The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 694 Picturing Destruction Clearly

Chapter 694 Picturing Destruction Clearly

Rex can't hide his smile when he heard what Flunra said.

Due to his Paragon of Primordial Werewolf bloodline, he was not only better than the regular Werewolf in terms of physical strength but also in terms of everything aside from that. One of them is his very high resistance to Werewolf's weakness.

Silver and White Rye only works a little thanks to his newly evolved bloodline.

For a regular Werewolf, those two weaknesses are the ultimate weapon against them, being slashed by Silver would instantly cripple their regenerative ability while touching White Rye would almost instantly turn them into ash.

Not only for humans but those two weaknesses are also known by the Supernaturals.

In case they are going to fight a Werewolf then they would equip themselves with silver weapons and armor if they can and also cloak their weapons with White Rye, with those two defeating a Werewolf wouldn't be impossible.

But that doesn't work on Flunra, he almost has immunity to those two weaknesses.

Regular Werewolves would pray that they wouldn't get hit or touched by those two weaknesses, but Flunra would only feel a sting from getting hit by those two weaknesses. Flunra's bloodline is better and a more perfect form of the Werewolf bloodline.

Due to that, the stab to his chest was nothing but a simple stab from his opponent.

King Samobas can see Flunra's chest is healing at a rapid pace showing that there's almost no effect done by the silver dagger, and that attack and exhilaration of victory allow Flunra to stab him in the stomach.


With his hind leg, Flunra kicked King Samobas off of him and send him crashing away.

"Just how...? How can a Werewolf resist the power of pure silver?" Mofous mutter in absolute shock, it's like he saw a bear fly for the first time. It's very surreal that he was refusing to believe it, that's just how impossible a Werewolf can block the power of pure silver.

Something like Flunra shouldn't exist, but he's standing right in front of them right now.

From the side Rex chuckled lightly as his gamble and trust were paid, Flunra kept his promise and was able to beat King Samobas albeit barely. "There's one thing you must know about us, we're not just a Werewolf. Stop treating us like them" he said with a light smirk.

Upon hearing this Mofous and the other Dwarves gulps harshly, they were completely shocked.

Rex strides lightly with a nonchalant demeanor to Flunra's side, he stopped while looking at King Samobas grunting on the ground before Rex raises his hand to tap Flunra's back, "It seems you really are worthy of your power. I took a gamble and you show me that I made the right decision, you should be proud of your power now"

"You earned it, Flurna" he added while he walks towards King Samobas.

Although Rex said that out of sheer excitement from the fact that his gamble has paid off, that acknowledgment seems to slow the time in Flunra's perspective. It was gruesome the first time he becomes one of the Silverstar Pack members.

Many obstacles stand in his way, the torturing and also Rex's feelings.

Since he was siding with the Supernatural at first and wanted to bring destruction to humanity, anger, and hate were present in Rex's heart. But upon being turned to become one of the pack members, Flunra's feelings completely turn to the opposite.

It was hatred and anger before, but he now yearns for a sense of acknowledgment from the Alpha.

Out of everything and also through his experience, Flunra knows that changing one's heart is by far way harder than defeating them. Respect and trust need to be there to change one's heart, and he knows that needs time.

But fortunately, the world has given him a chance to hasten that process.

Although it's impolite and rude to call that a chance, the fact that Rex's parents died at the hands of humans was the switch that he needed to win over and gain Rex's trust. It allows him to open a new path that may let Flunra in.

Now that really did happen, he finally gained Rex's trust through his actions.

Like a tune and melody that is played by a master musician, the words of acknowledgment from Rex were music to his ears. It filled him with a sense of pride and even happiness, something that he thought would take a long time to come.

Even the tap on his back feels different, the spot that got tapped feels warm.

Flunra wanted to express the gladness he's feeling but he refrains from doing so, there are people watching and he can't make the Alpha looks bad. Due to that, he only clenched both of his fists to show his gladness.

Raising his gaze once again, he nodded to himself to tell himself that he did a good job.

Meanwhile, Rex reaches in front of King Samobas with his arms crossed in front of him, there's a huge smirk on his face while he looks down at the severely injured King Samobas. Without the regenerative ability of a Werewolf, he's fragile if he got this injured.

"It seems I won the bet, are you ready to fulfill your end of the deal...?" Rex asked cheekily.

Despite the unwillingness in his eyes as he tries to get up to continue the fight, King Samobas finds that he can't as he slipped and fall back once again. Clenching his jaw, he spits blood to the side showing his reluctance.

But even so, he still has the honor of a warrior, "I won't do anything to destroy my kingdom"

"You don't have to worry about that" Rex chuckled lightly showing that he has no intention of doing such a thing, "what I want you to do is not to destroy your kingdom, but to save it instead, that is if you are willing to do it" he continues with a mysterious smile.

Upon hearing this King Samobas frown, he can't see through what Rex is thinking.

Rex's eyes are unreadable with the glowing red hue covering the intention behind them, but the light mysterious smile on his face shows that he's planning something. Due to their position, King Samobas definitely thought that the plan was not a good one.

Taking out a vial from thin air, he tossed it to King Samobas.

King Samobas who is still lying on the ground with a bleeding punctured stomach smelled the vial before his eyes widen, he looked at Rex realizing that this vial contains a healing potion but of a grade that is never seen before.

With a nod from Rex, he quickly chug the vial to the brim before his wounds instantly healed.

From the back Flunra and the Dwarves were confused and also surprised to see King Samobas' wounds are healed by the vial given by Rex, "What is he doing...? Why did he give that can make his wounds disappeared like that?!" Mofous asked.

"One thing I learned... you never question the Alpha" Flunra replied before he shrugs his shoulders.

Although Mofous and the other Dwarves still want to say something especially when Flunra is the one who desperately won the fight for Rex, they decided to refrain as they now know that the Silverstar Alpha is an enigma.

Nothing he does makes sense, and his way of thinking is very sharp and concise.

Even their own King was not this sophisticated, the fact that he has so much power but decided to make a deal with a losing side was something they can't comprehend. But then again, they don't know what is inside Rex's head.

Soon they saw Rex whispers something to King Samobas.

Despite wanting to know what is he whispering to King Samobas, they can't hear anything, even Flunra can't hear anything but he also doesn't want to eavesdrop on Rex's conversation. As a Beta, it's his job to trust the Alpha with whatever.

"NO! I WILL NOT DO THAT!!" King Samobas suddenly shouted and pulled back.

The shout surprises the others as they were not expecting such a reaction, their curiosity about what Rex whispered to him got even higher but there was no way to know. But from the looks of it, the matter seems to be a heavy one.

Without saying anything, Rex looks King Samobas directly in the eye, unmoving from his spot.

Upon seeing the inspecting look that almost looks blank made King Samobas felt his throat tighten, the silence after his shout was shocking that for a minute straight there was only the sound of battle in the background.

Mofous, Flunra, and the others feel the tension rising to a terrifying degree.

Even though Rex is facing away from them, they know that Rex is staring directly at King Samobas.

Rex keep his eyes for a bit longer before he shifted his eyes to the capital city where the battle is still ongoing, the two sides that are fighting with each other were oblivious to what is happening on the side of the battle.

It was a fierce fight, the air blows the mix of sweat and blood from the huge battle.

Sounds of creatures roaring to brace themselves for death, the sound of a clash between weapons and claws, and also the constant yelp of pain painted a majestic scenery of a war that is going on everywhere in the world right now.

While looking at this beautiful scenery, Rex raises both of his arms slowly.


Out of nowhere, thunderclouds started to sweep in their direction and envelope the entire place, it doesn't take long before the entire red landscape got poured by heavy rain. But even then, the battle doesn't seem to be fazed by the rain.

For them, the droplets of rain were an additional theatrical effect for their intense battles.

"W-What are you doing?! Silverstar Alpha! What are you doing?!" King Samobas shouted from the side fearing what Rex is going to do. But his question was not answered, Rex completely ignored him.

Slowly his arms started to be imbued by a black lightning element that terrifies the onlookers.josei

Although this amount of power was not going to hurt King Samobas who is an eighth-rank realm creature, what about the others on the battlefield? Are they immune to an attack that can obliterate those under the eighth-rank realm?

"Sky Rupture Assortment..."



Under King Samobas and the others' eyes, hundreds of black lightning strikes crack the sky open and descend swifter than the eyes can see, they contain the power that can assume the Tigermen, Dwarves, and Dark Elves on the battlefield nothing but ants.

But instead of hitting them, the hundreds of black lightning strikes encircle the ongoing battle.


Due to the powerful black lightning strikes, the war halted for a second as they all were surprised by the sound that tremble their hearts severely. When they recover, they saw the destructive impact of the black lightning strikes.

Like rings of death, the black lightning strikes circle the entire battle completely.

"STOP IT!! DON'T DO ANYTHING MORE!!" King Samobas shouted.

Rex ignored him and went for another round, but this time his arms were imbued by both the black lightning and lunar light elements. With a flash of fierceness in his eyes, he then chanted, "Great Combination Spell, Two Weighted Pyramids"


A pyramid made of lunar light envelops the entire capital city and beyond, creating chaos.

Tigermen, Dwarves, and Dark Elves were trapped inside and their bodies were unable to be moved at all, they are trapped inside without being able to do anything. But the spell didn't stop, the second pyramid made of black lightning engulfed them once again.

At this point, even Mofous and the other Dwarves were terrified of what is Rex going to do.

King Samobas charges at Rex with everything he had, the entire focus aura was exposed for everyone to see as he lunges forward. But as he was about to hit Rex, the red kingly energy blocked him from getting closer.

Not only that, Rex only needs a glance to completely weaken King Samobas' body to his knees.

"No!! Don't!! Don't do it!!" he cried out loud.

Rex only smiled evilly as he slowly clench his outreach fist, the pyramids reacted to his hand's movement as the creatures inside started to be condensed and crushed slowly. It sends King Samobas into a frenzy but he can't do anything.

With wide eyes, he watches the Tigermen inside being slowly crushed by the pyramids' energy.

At the height of the moment when the creatures were all about to be crushed, Rex stopped halted his hand and stopped the spell, "You can picture it clearly now, Samobas... the entire Tigermen Race completely wiped without any of them left"

"I can do it that easily, do you understand now? It's either you do what I told you to do, or your kind simply perishes... and will not even be remembered by history" he added with a low tone, just like the whisper of the grim reaper.

King Samobas widened his eyes, his mind was completely fractured and broken.

It was clear now in his eyes that the entire kingdom can be swept away just like that, his own people perish from his prideful decision. But at this point, he can only look at Rex with a hint of fear, 'H-He's more sinister than the demons...'

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