The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 728 True Ancient Rune Grandmaster

Chapter 728 True Ancient Rune Grandmaster


Flunra staggered back as if struck, his eyes wide with disbelief at the thought of the plan that Rex has just said earlier. "I-Is that even possible...?" he muttered in a low voice, his body trembling like a leaf in a storm.

It was completely unexpected, he doesn't even feel that plan is possible for anyone.

"Are you sure you are able to do that? It's supposed to be some ancient brand that even Flunra doesn't know how it was created" Evelyn chimed in with the same disbelief on her face, she also heard of the plan and couldn't agree more with Flunra's reaction.

But that is precisely why Rex wanted to try, their two reactions showed that it was effective.

Rex remembered from back in his military times when he told the others that he wanted to exterminate the Werewolf race, many of his comrades told him that he was nuts, he was hoping for the impossible to come true.

For them, it's more possible for water to fall skyward instead of Rex's determination.

A normal military man wanting to kill a Werewolf is just a pipe dream that nobody has ever managed to pull off, and their reactions are natural and normal. But out of them all, Billy approaches him and told him that it's good that he has a high dream for himself.

It wouldn't be a dream if everybody didn't tell you that it's impossible, he said to Rex.

Now that Flunra and Evelyn doubted his plan which sounded impossible to achieve, Rex knows that he was on the right track. "Don't think about the impossibility of the plan, think about what would happen if I managed to pull it off..."

Both of them pondered for a second, trying to imagine if the plan really did get achieved.

Even from imagining it alone the two of them shivered as the plan would cause tremendous shock to the entire world and especially the Executor, "If you really did pull it off, I don't doubt the Executor would be shambled by that. No matter how strong he really is, he would definitely be caught off guard" Evelyn muttered in a low voice.

"I agree, the Executor would definitely experience a rainstorm in his mind" Flunra added with a nod.

At the sound of these words, Rex's grin widened until it threatened to split his face in two. Flunra and Evelyn's expressions clearly showed that this plan would definitely work, and the effect it would bring if succeeded will definitely work. But still, there's a lingering question hung between Flunra and Evelyn's minds.

'But how...?'

"Don't worry about how I can achieve it, I have that taken care of already" Rex declared confidently.

<Does the user wants to buy Ancient Runemaster Analyst I and II for 500,000 Gold?>

Rex reads the notification that appeared inside of his vision when he asked the system about the preparation that he needed to achieve this plan of his, and he can't help but feel excited about the prospect of his plan working.

Furthermore, he couldn't wait to see the Executor's face when he managed to pull it off.

'Yes, I want to buy those two items' Rex quickly replied and purchased the items.

With that out of the way, there's another thing that needs settling. 'Adhara and Evelyn would focus on making their Awakened side stronger, we will start using the advantage given by the system. But what should I give to Flunra...?' Rex thought with a pondering look.

At this moment, Flunra has already received back his Werewolf Form.

Not only that but he also evolved his bloodline to a higher form, he became the Paragon of Primordial Werewolf. It boosted his power greatly, pushing him into the eighth-rank realm despite only acknowledge by the system as the peak seventh-rank realm.

His power is not lacking compared to others, he's quite strong already.

But he can't just stay in that realm while the others are training to become stronger, it would be unjust and also a shame as he could be getting stronger alongside them. Rex then scours the system's shop in search of something that fits Flunra perfectly.

'To be honest, it's going to be great if he can also have a King Mark' Rex thought hopefully.

Out of the pack members underneath the Silverstar Pack, he was the only one that has a King Mark. Not only that, he already reached the first ascension and also possesses one of the strongest King Marks which is the Blood Moon King Mark on top of the Banished Dark Moon King Mark which is an outside force from the current Lunirich Gods.

If Flunra can get any King Mark then it would greatly help the pack, making him a great asset.

'Can I help him get a King Mark?' Rex decided to ask.

<No, the user can't help Flunra gain a King Mark directly. An indirect method such as advising which deeds he must do the most to attract the Lunirich Gods' attention is allowed, but the user can't get involved personally>

'Can you explain what you mean by this?"

<For example, if Flunra was birthed during the Blood Moon, the user can advise Flunra to kill more humans in order to attract the Kaiser of the Sacrlet Garland's attention. As long as the user is not involved personally such as helping Flunra kill the humans, the Lunirich God will still acknowledge him. But different birth moons will have different deeds in order to attract the associated Lunirich God>

'Huh... is that so. But speaking of this, I don't even know what is his birth moon' Rex thought.

Looking at Flunra that is waiting patiently knowing that Rex is currently dwelling inside his mind right now, he then asked, "Flunra, do you still remember your birth moon? If you do then what is it?"

"It's the Harvest Moon, my birth moon is the Harvest Moon" Flunra replied with a light chuckle.

Flunra finds it funny that Rex needs to ask whether he still remembers his birth moon. But then again, he's thousands of years old, and forgetting his birth moon is quite common to his peers who don't have any ambition to get acknowledged by the Lunirich God and gain a King Mark.

But as he thought about that, his eyes widened realizing what Rex's plan was for asking about this.

"Are you trying to..."

Flunra had barely finished speaking when Rex nodded and said, "Yes, I will help you acquire your own King Mark. But that can wait. For now, learn this, it will be very helpful" he takes out a brown leathery book that looks quite old and emit an air similar to Flunra, showing that this book has a similar or even older age than Flunra.

Upon seeing the book, Flunra raised his eyebrows having numerous questions about the book.

"This book is called the Signs of the Rune Grandmaster, learn it and you'll see that your ancient runes' power will increase tremendously. Everything you need to know about ancient runes is there, and there's also a section to modify and upgrade the quality of your ancient runes" Rex explained, reading the system's description and hovering beside the book.

For a second there, Flunra doubted the book to be of any help to him.

Although he believes that Rex is way stronger and has way more potential than any Werewolf that he has ever encountered in his life, he can't quite trust if this book can help his knowledge about ancient runes.

Especially when Rex said that this book can modify and upgrade his ancient runes.

Flunra's expertise in ancient runes predates even Rex's time, so the thought that this book is as old as him or even older than him that can teach him some things seems impossible. Yet he still nonetheless graciously accepted the text as it's a gift from the Alpha.

Noticing Flunra's apprehension, Rex smiled and suggested, "Why don't you have a look?"

Flunra's lips curled in a wry smile when he heard the Alpha's words, not wanting to insult the leader by admitting that he had probably read the knowledge contained inside this book. But under the Alpha's watchful gaze, he had no choice but to open and glance over some of the pages.

However, his eyes widened in surprise when he realized that this wasn't just any book.

"T-This...?! What kind of grandmaster wrote this book?! I can't believe someone can utilize runes like this, this is basically an invention!" Flunra exclaimed, he was not expecting the book to be something very special.

Rex smiled back when he saw this, he has never doubted the items from the system.

But aside from this book being very compatible with Flunra, Rex also learned some things about the ancient runes. 'In order to learn the ancient rune, there are three volumes that needed to be mastered. The first one is the Art of Rune Sylabary Engravings, the second one is the Art of Rune Powers, and the third one is Signs of the Rune Grandmaster. First and second cost a whopping 2 million gold each, while the last one only 300,000 gold'

'Flunra can use ancient runes masterfully, I assumed he already mastered the first and second volumes. So he only needs the last volume, and he would reach the realm of the True Ancient Rune Grandmaster'

Knowing this makes Rex appreciate more of Flunra's skills more, it's an expensive set of skills.

No wonder he's able to survive the Radical Era and even put up a very hard fight against himself back when they were still enemies, the skills and experience that he has makes him a formidable Ancient Rune Grandmaster.

Rex is also rather pleased that he can shock Flunra this much.

As he was thousands of years old there was little to no knowledge in this world that can surprise him, and Rex managed to find one that doesn't only surprise him but also he can learn and use in his battle plan.

It's depicted clearly in Flunra's face, he was excited and wants to try out the methods in the book.

Rex gazed at the trembling Flunra and said, "You're free to go, I know you're itching to start studying the book. Learn it quickly so that you can be of more help to me, I have high expectations for what you'll accomplish with this knowledge" He knew that with the aid of the book, Flunra would become an absolute beast in the future.

Time is pressing and every little power-up that his pack members achieved will definitely count.

Flunra nodded his head in thanks and declared, "I'm really grateful for this and I promise not to disappoint you" he bowed shortly before sprinting away, eager to try out the techniques in the book and make himself stronger.

In his mind, he thanked Rex profusely for handing him a book that he never knew existed until now.

With that out of the way, Rex leans back on the throne trying to relax for a bit. But then he remembered that there were still the Supernaturals outside that he needs to handle, "Hmm... how should I assign the Supernaturals?" he mutters to himself.

Just then he groaned lightly, feeling a sting on his chest.

"Later you'll assign them, now you need to rest your body" Evelyn suddenly chimed in sternly.

Knowing that Rex's condition is nowhere near the perfect condition to think about anything other than rest right now, Evelyn decided to remind him to rest first. The painful groan he lets out just now showed that he's still suffering despite her Luna Energy.

It would be better if he can rest first to freshen up his mind before dealing with the other problems.

But before Rex could reply with a point about being more efficient with their limited time, Evelyn cut in, "I'll ask Adhara to screen the Supernaturals who might make good guards, she can read emotions so it won't be hard for her to choose. Then after you get some proper rest and recover, you can use your own methods to prepare them"

Under Evelyn's strict, uncompromising stare, Rex can only give in and sigh.

"Fine, tell Adhara to screen them. I'll wait for you in the bed chamber" Rex reluctantly said in defeat.

A couple of hours later, when the sun is at its peak.

Naela was attracted to a commotion from the Great Hall, she walked towards the great hall slowly and finds Adhara standing at the center of the room with both of her hands clenched into fists. "I know time is of the essence, and you also need her Luna Energy to recover, but how long are you going to be in that position?!!"

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