The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 732 Qonvale The Unsighted

Chapter 732 Qonvale The Unsighted

Adhara escorted the Dark Elves led by general Theodas into the great hall.

Despite the straight face she was wearing on her face, she was trying to hide the nervousness that is swelling up from within. 'The Dark Elves... they won't say anything stupid will they?' Adhara thought, she steal a glance at the entourage of Dark Elves that visited the castle this day.

Inside her mind, she was still feeling nervous about the way she handled the Supernaturals' envoy.

At the current moment when she heard the Vampire and the Werewolf's envoy has come to the Dark Elf Kingdom, she thought that it was best to announce the rebellion group knowing the current situation is fitting.

But even though she was confident in that action, it was still the first time she took action herself.

Usually, every move that the Silverstar Pack make has always involved Rex's point of view and thoughts. He was, after all, the Alpha of the Silverstar Pack. For once, she did it out of instinct, she thought that it was the best course of action for the current moment.

Naturally, she was nervous about how Rex would react. She doesn't know what to expect.

Killing the Vampire and the Werewolf's envoys alongside their servants that requested a royal call to the Dark Elves, no matter how confident she was about her action she still wouldn't be able to calm down until she heard an approval from Rex's mouth.

That was what she was feeling right now, and she can hide it quite well.

Other than Rex and Evelyn who can feel her pulse quickening through their keen senses, the Dark Elves alongside Naela was not able to sense Adhara's nervousness. Walking through the soft carpet that leads to the throne, the entourage of Dark Elves finally stopped.

General Theodas, a tall elf with a wide frame and a mutated owl on his shoulder steps forward.

"I humbly greet the Alpha of the Silverstar Pack..." he said with high esteem.

Rex didn't mind the pleasantries and waved his hand, signaling for him to continue. Noticing the condition the Alpha was in right now, with one of his arms missing, general Theodas frowned, "May I ask whether this is a bad time for us to visit? Should we postpone this meeting?"

"No need, this is nothing for me" Rex replied, disregarding his gruesome wounds as nothing.

Although it was not appropriate to show him in this state to the Dark Elves since it can disrupt their confidence in the Silverstar Pack, there's no time to waste. On top of that, general Theodas was the one coming here, he must bring something important with him.

"What brings the Dark Elves to my castle?" Rex inquired with a rock-solid posture on his throne.

Upon hearing this, general Theodas steps aside and reveals a Dark Elf female in his place. Her face bears a few wrinkles of old age, if she's a human then she would be around fifty years of age. But despite that, she still maintains a slender youthful figure. In one hand she holds a black staff, and her eyes are a solid white color.

She walked forward slowly, the staff makes thudding sounds as it slammed against the carpet.

"We are here to fulfill the Silverstar Pack's request. This here is Qonvale, she will be the one who will assess the surroundings in search of the rogue cursed creature that is roaming inside the Humming Damned Forest" General Theodas introduces the female Dark Elf that turns out to be Qonvale.

Rex's eyes sparkled when he saw her, and he can't quite help himself but scan her.

<Qonvale Yinren>

Race: True Dark Elf

Power: Eighth-Rank (Early) - Shaman of Dark Nature

Mental: 11,360

Strength: 2,500

Agility: 5,100 (+10,000)

Endurance: 4,400

Intelligence: 61,000

'Hmm... she has an overall higher total stats for having an early eighth-rank power, but most of them are focused on her intelligence. She has a ridiculously high intelligence for an eighth-rank entity' Rex thought, inspecting Qonvale's stats.

Soon enough, Qonvale grab the edge of her dress and lifted it a little, "Greetings to the Alpha..."

"It's a pleasure to meet with you, madam Qonvale. I heard from Naela over there that your expertise in cursed creatures is the best among the Supernaturals, is that true?" Rex asked, trying to see what kind of Dark Elf is this Qonvale.

As she received the news, Qonvale smiled and bowed humbly, "The child is exaggerating, lord Rex"

"She simply hasn't seen enough of the world to come to that conclusion. But the child is not lying, I do have some knowledge involving the cursed creatures, and I will gladly help lord Rex to solve any issue around that matter" she added, answering with well-arranged words which shows her experience.

From this alone, Rex can already tell that Qonvale is quite old even for the Dark Elf race.

Rex gave a short nod, then cast a quick glance at Evelyn who was standing next to him before he softly spoke, "Bring her to the meeting room for the time being, don't bring her to Gistella's chamber yet. I'll be there after I deal with the Dark Elves, they still have something they need to tell me"

"Okay, I'll do as you say" Evelyn replied before she went over to Qonvale and brought her away.

A trace of anxiety revealed itself across General Theodas's face when he spotted Evelyn guiding Qonvale away to the other room, this demonstrated the standing Qonvale have in the Dark Elf Kingdom. "No need to worry, General Theodas" Rex assured him. "I can guarantee madam Qonvale's safety within these walls. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"

Clearing his throat and averting his attention back to Rex, General Theodas then paused.

"Since the demise of the Vampire and Werewolf's envoys, King Jorik decid-"

Just before General Theodas can finish his sentence, he was cut short by Rex who doesn't know anything about this matter. "Vampire and Werewolf's envoys?" he repeated, asking for General Theodas to explain.

Upon hearing this, General Theodas casts his gaze to Adhara who is also looking at him.

Knowing that she needs to explain the situation before General Theodas can move on, Adhara ascend the stairs before she leans to Rex's ear under his confused expression. Whispering something to Rex, he then looks at Adhara with quite a surprised look.

It makes Adhara even more nervous, her heartbeats are ringing inside her ears violently.

But contrary to Adhara's expectation that Rex was surprised as to why she doesn't consult him first, he was in fact, surprised that she can take such a blatant action, an opportunity that presented itself during that moment.

Not even easing Adhara's feelings, Rex turns his head back and signals to continue.

"King Jorik decides to contact Queen Shanaela to further enhance this relationship into a stronger one so that we can survive the calamity brought upon by the awakening of the Executor. On that note, King Jorik asks whether lord Rex is willing to have a meeting with the leaders from the rest of the races that are involved in the Oath Pact created by Queen Shanaela" General Theodas continues, reading through a scroll that he takes out from underneath his robe.

Rex listens to this attentively before he ponders for a moment, comprehending the message.

'It's not a bad idea to make meet with the other races, the Elf Kingdom should be very strong and they can definitely help me against the Executor. Moreover, I would gain access to more information and can anticipate the Supernaturals' movement' Rex thought before nodding.

Eventually, Rex agreed to meet with the other leaders when the time comes.

As their territories are spread across the Supernatural territory, it would take time for the meeting to actually happen. King Jorik just sent the message to Queen Shanaela, so the meeting probably wouldn't happen in the near future.

After finishing the meeting, the Dark Elves then were given rooms to stay in for the night.

Naela was the one tasked to assign them their rooms, there are countless unoccupied rooms that they can use to stay the night. As Qonvale would be staying here for a day, they are told to wait until she finishes and Rex didn't mind it.

While they were led away, Adhara was about to go back but she stopped when Rex called him.


Feeling the nervousness inside of her heightening, Adhara turns around before she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry for not consulting it with you first, but at the time I thought that was the best action to take. Don't worry, I won't do it again"

"What...?" Rex was at a loss for words, it seems there was a misunderstanding.

But before Adhara could become fully upset, a light laugh escaped from him while he covered his face. "For someone who can see other's emotional aura, it seems you've forgotten to use that skill sometimes," her frown then deepen. "If you had, you wouldn't have misunderstood me. I'm not mad, I'm pleased that you have finally taken the initiative and shown yourself capable of flexibility, an important attribute for leaders"

Upon hearing this, the frown on her face disappeared as she finds she read that completely wrong.

Standing up from the throne with a light smile, Rex approaches her and rubs the top of her head, messing up her hair, "Good work! It seems I'm not wrong to pick you as the Female Alpha, you're starting to become better when you put your mind to it"

"Why didn't you say that from the start" Adhara smacks Rex's hand away with puffed cheeks.

Instead of avoiding being ridiculed by Rex, her behavior makes him laugh as he descends down the throne. "I didn't even say anything, you just assumed I'm mad. Since when I'm easily mad at you anyway, that hurts me" he replied with a shrug.

"Never mind that, you're only giving me a pat on the head for doing something good?!"

"Are you implying that I need to take you to bed with the condition I'm in?"

"W-What? W-Who said that I'm talking about something sexual?! Just say you want some since it's been quite a while since we've done it, there's no need to hide it. But don't think I also want to do it since you've been clinging to Evelyn all the time"

"Forget about it then, I'm in pain anyway"

"Wait... s-so we're not going to do it? Even though I say that it doesn't mean I don't want to..."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, inside the meeting room.

Evelyn was guiding Qonvale into the meeting room as told by Rex, the two of them didn't say anything along the way. On top of that, Qonvale seems to be blind, her solid white eyes showed that clearly.

"Here, let me help you" Evelyn said, seeing Qonvale was searching for a seat.josei

But Qonvale smiled and raises her hand gently to refuse her help, "Don't worry my dear, it was only the eyes that are blind, there are plenty of other ways to see without the eyes" she said before pulling the chair and sitting on it.

Although she was confused, she decided to let Qonvale do her own and also takes a seat.

Expecting to wait for Rex to come here, the silence was broken when Qonvale suddenly asked, "I've already scanned the cursed energy in the surroundings on my way here, and I can already tell that there's a disturbance inside the Humming Damned Forest. Most likely caused by this rogue cursed creature"

"I can make protection against it, and it wouldn't take longer than a few hours..." she added.

Upon hearing this, Evelyn was searching for an excuse since it was not only about the rogue cursed creature that she was requested to be here. 'It's better for Rex to tell her about Gistella's condition', she thought. "You can discuss it with the Alpha, he'll be here shortly"

Qonvale then smiled when she heard this, she puts both of her hands on the top of her black staff.

A chill ran down Evelyn's spine when she saw Qonvale turn her head towards her as if the blind woman could see exactly where her eyes are. " No need to fret, my dear," Qonvale reassured her. "I can already tell that I'm here for more than one reason... it's about one of your pack members, isn't it? The curse inside her is very strong indeed..."

Caught by surprise, Evelyn looks at Qonvale with wide eyes, 'How did she know that...?'

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