The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 743 Shady Program

Chapter 743 Shady Program

Hello readers, author here!

A quick notice, if you don't have anything to read while waiting for this novel's daily chapter, feel free to check my friend's novel, Anti-System: the Fallen Angel. It's a new novel, so give it some love!

On top of that, I'm planning for a mass release. Big shout out to qwinqu_man for the gift!

Will 4~6 chapters be enough? What do you think? Leave a comment, and as always thank you for the support you've given me throughout this novel's journey! Hope you stick around until the end XD


Meanwhile, inside the human territory, Beah City.

At the city square, there seems to be an event going on, people are filling the pedestrian street gazing at a flying car in the middle of the street with sheer amazement. None of them has ever seen this kind of car before, the inside of Ratmawati City is still something they can't quite see.

Not only one but there are three flying cars in the middle with aerodynamics acute to them.

From the symbol and the people that brought the flying car here, it's not hard for them to know that these flying cars are from the UWO. Nobody knew at first why the UWO has come here to their small city, but they were excited about it.

Soon the mayor, Mayor Burlin told them that the UWO is recruiting Awakened to be groomed.

Mayor Burlin told the citizen of Beah City that the UWO in Ratmawati City is working on a program with the neighboring major city, and that program has the objective of creating a more powerful Awakened.

It's unknown why the UWO suddenly held a program such as this.

But there are some rumors spreading around amongst the people stating that the UWO's program is nothing, the real reason is that the UWO is under a shortage of Awakened and is doing its best to replenish its Awakened power.

Even though it was only rumored, many seem to believe that more than the program.

"What's so good about Ratmawati City anyway, it was destroyed"

"Stop saying that, they might hear you!"

"What are they going to do to me anyway if they heard me? It's true, people already know already that they are attacked and the loss they suffered is quite big since they are trying to hide it"

"Nonsense, you're just jealous since you're not picked by Mayor Burlin to be one of them"

"I'm not jealous!"

Standing on the side were two men crossing their arms in front of them, they are wearing an outfit that of a guard with a spear in their hands. Both of them are also looking at the city square where the people already crowd the place in a circle.

About ten people can be seen standing at the center, waving their hands toward the crowd.

Each of them wears a guard outfit just like the two men as they were escorted into the car by the UWO members, they are the guards chosen by Mayor Burlin to undergo the program stated by the UWO.

If the program is real, then they would've come back even stronger than before.

Of course, some of the guards are jealous of this. It's hard to restrain themselves to wonder what their future might look like if they were the ones chosen, just thinking about that alone makes them click their tongues in displeasure.

Leaning on the spear while watching the ten guards leaves, one of the two men frowns.

"But don't you think there's something weird about this?"

"Weird? What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean if the mayor judge from power, we're more fitting to join that program than those ten. I'm not as jealous and bitter as you, but why didn't we get chosen? We're one of the few fifth-rank realms Awakened here"

"Hah! I see now that you're also jealous!"

Rolling his eyes as his friend was too much of a blockhead to notice the oddness of the situation, the guard gazes at the flying cars that are starting to levitate before they flew away, bringing the sound of the engine away.

Upon looking at the flying cars, the people kept waving their hands out of excitement.

Although they were not a fourth-level city and are a third-level city instead, they are mostly ignored by the UWO thanks to the little resources that they can contribute to the war. But now, they seem to reach the UWO's eyes.

It's natural for people to become this excited as their city has become more famous.

While watching this sight from the side nonchalantly, the man's attention was pulled to his right. On the right, the man finds the mayor is also looking at the flying cars piercing the sky. But instead of joy, there's a hint of sorrow and anger on the mayor's face.

Something that is contrasting with the supposed happy occasion at this moment.

"Keep an eye on the post for me, I need to go somewhere for a bit" the man said to his companion before he hurriedly follows the mayor who has already turned around, heading back to his house.

Despite the curses of his companion, the man keeps on going.

Coursing through the sea of people that is still filling the street, the man then manages to reach the mayor's house and finds that the mayor is already inside. He doesn't seem to intend to participate in the party that is being held to celebrate the ten for being chosen to undergo the UWO program.

Tidying his armor lightly, the man then knocks on the door a couple of times.

A tired reply came from inside allowing him to get inside. Albeit a little bit nervous, the man push the door open before he saw the mayor sitting on a sofa in the living room, looking at the wall in front of him.

Lightly closing the door behind him, the man takes a couple of steps forward politely.

"Mayor Burlin, is there something bothering your mind?" the man asked.

Mayor Burlin didn't react and kept gazing into the void, his mind seems to be occupied by something. Gazing at the mayor oddly, the man then continues, "I can tell that this UWO program is not as it seems, if it is then there's no reason for you to be like this. Or is this because of the messenger from Lountain City?"

"It's best that you don't know, you'll be in danger" Mayor Burlin finally said.

But knowing that this must be something heavy, the man wanted to help share the burden that Mayor Burlin is sustaining right now. "I'm okay with that, just tell me what's going on. I'll keep it to myself and share the burden with you"

Upon hearing this, Mayor Burlin glanced at the man with a slightly shocked look.

Soon enough he then sighs dejectedly before he leans his body back onto the sofa, trying to assume a comfortable position. "Yes, you're right, the UWO's program is not as clear as it seems" he said with his voice sparkling with a hint of anger and frustration.

Gripping the sofa's handle tightly, Mayor Burlin smacks his lips out of sheer frustration.

"I attempted to be subtle about it so nobody realizes, but it seems you were too aware. You must have already realized that the ten chosen Awakened guards are weaker than the rest, and they also don't have any family here" Pausing for a second, Mayor Burlin looks down burdened by guilt. "It wasn't a coincidence"

The man frowns when he heard this, he can feel that this leads to something bad.

Back then when he watches over the flying cars, he realized that the chosen Awakened guards are amongst the weakest. If it's an adequate program, the ones chosen should be the stronger ones, not the weaker ones.

On top of that, Mayor Burlin also said something interesting that he hasn't realized.

Now that he had heard those words directly from Mayor Burlin, the man realized that none of the chosen guards has any relatives in the city. He was familiar with all of them as the captain of the guards, so he knew the mayor's statement was accurate.

"Then what is the purpose of the UWO's visit?" the man asked, troubled by this conversation.

Mayor Burlin hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether he should share this information or not. But looking at the man's face, he eventually sighed. "It's not a program to make them stronger, it's a sacrificial program that has just started recently..."

"S-Sacrificial program?! Are the ten of them going to die?!" the man exclaimed in shock.

Upon seeing this reaction, Mayor Burling tries to calm him down. "Quite yourself! We don't need a panic to start, the people don't need to know about this until I know what to do with this" he said warningly.

Realizing his overreaction, the man clears his throat and calms himself down.

Learning the actual reason behind the UWO's program that is completely contrasting with what the people of Beah City know, the man is clearly stressed as he was not expecting something like this at all.

It's even more stressful when he actually knows those ten Awakened personally.

Mayor Burlin gestures for the man to sit on the sofa in front of him to ease the stress, and the man obeyed as his mind is throbbing after learning this fact. "Remember that sudden outburst of energy followed by a shattering sound that happens not too long ago?"

"Yes, I remember that" the man replied, gazing at Mayor Burlin hazily.

Positioning his body better by leaning forward, Mayor Burlin then continues, "That was caused by an entity called the Executor. It seems he's a human that comes from ancient times, and he's very powerful. The UWO is having trouble dealing with him, and that thing asked for 10 to 20 Awakened each day to be brought to his castle"josei

"What's that thing going to do with those Awakened?" the man asked again.

But this time Mayor Burlin shakes his head, showing that he also doesn't know. "Although nobody knows, none of the Awakened came back out after entering the castle. If I have to guess, they are probably dead..."

Upon hearing this, the man sucked in a cold breath in utter disbelief.

Now everything is clear, and the man also can already guess that this happen to not only his city but also the other cities out there that have an untalented Awakened. "Just what is going on with this world...?"


At the edge of Dargena City, a city that was built in less than a day, there's a battle.

Myriads of being from a humongous white snake the size of a building hissing fiercely, to a devious spider that moved blazingly fast and is also the size of a building, and to even a grotesque creature that has its belly open and jaw that hangs very low can be seen circling a figure.

Each of them is working together to take out this figure in the middle that looks calm.

Despite the horrific monstrosity that is exposing killing intent, the figure keeps on standing straight fearlessly with a silver sword in his hand. Nothing seems to faze him, but the light smile on his face showed that it seems the figure is enjoying this.


With a blurry movement, the figure reaches the spider and does a perfect horizontal slash.

Followed by the steaming red energy that shoots from the tip of the figure's silver sword, the devious spider has half of its legs broken and fell down with a loud screech. Green blood oozes out of its severed legs as it struggles to retaliate.

Not intending to let it suffer more, the figure jumped and stomped its head.

Like a watermelon, the spider's head exploded into a meat paste. It died in an instant without any pain. But it didn't stop just there, the figure then appears right in front of the grotesque creature.

In response, the grotesque creature sizzling with cursed energy tries to claw the figure.

Although its reflex was quite fast, the figure is even faster as he stab the grotesque creature with his silver sword from below the chin and burst out of the tip of its head. Like the spider, the grotesque creature died in an instant.

<Killed an early seventh-rank mutated animal, obtained 250,000,000 Exp>

<Killed a peak sixth-rank cursed creature, obtained 75,000,000 Exp>

"Last one before I can wrap this up" Rex said as he pulled out his sword from the cursed creature.


Rex glanced at the last mutated animal that he needs to kill, and it was the white snake that is the strongest out of all of the mutated animals and cursed creatures that are inside the premise of his city.

But then, he remembered something, 'Oh, yeah... I remember having 3x Devour chances'

'It's great if I can gain any useable skill from these mutated animals or even the cursed creatures. System, I can also devour cursed creatures and gained their abilities right?' Rex asked remembering that he gained 3x Devour chances from biting off Zero's head.

<Yes, any creature can be devoured by the user>

Upon reading this, Rex smiled excitedly, "Maybe I'll see those cursed creatures that I saw before, to find out whether they have a good skill that I need to fight the Executor or the Witch of Chaos"

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