The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 746 Jealousy Of The Psychotic Princess

Chapter 746 Jealousy Of The Psychotic Princess

Somewhere inside the Supernatural territory lies a waterfall near the edge of the forest.

A waterfall that gushes violently like a raging wave before coming to a standstill after it splashes onto the river, dispersing its violent nature in the calm water. During the night, the temperature of this mangrove forest is abnormally low.

It wasn't supposed to be like this, but some mutated trees cause this.

Near the edge of the calm river where the sound of splashing water is not too loud or too quiet sits a figure on top of a big boulder, there was no movement from this figure for hours as it seems this figure is meditating.

Due to the background calming noises and the terrain, this place is perfect for meditating.

The figure is cloaked in a black, sheer dress that covers her body from head to toe. However, the thin material is see-through or semi-transparent, revealing her beautiful form underneath. The material barely conceals her shapely body, her curves can capture the attention of any man from any race existed.

But as of this moment, the figure's shapely body was slowly being shrouded by energy.

With each subtle breath that heaves her flawless breasts up and down, the dark bronze color energy started to seep out of her body and clouds her entire being more and more. It's like gas, hovering around her as time passes.

It was so potent that the mutated animals within a couple of miles flee due to the energy.

Slowly the dark bronze gas that hovers around her started to concentrate on the center of her chest as if there was a pulling force that can entrap this horrifying energy. In no time at all, the dark bronze gas turns into a heart-shaped object that almost looks solid.

After taking the shape of a heart, the energy then seeped back into her skin once again.

Upon feeling the sensation as the energy penetrates into her skin, a light sweet moan escapes her mouth. An alluring voice that is filled with satisfaction and fulfillment, the woman clearly takes joy in the feeling.

Just then, a glass-shattering sound resounded, coming from the figure's insides.

Since the figure is composed of flesh, it was odd to hear a sound like breaking glass coming from within her body. But then, a wave of dark bronze energy burst outwards, forming a bubble-like dome around the figure that held strange symbols carved into its surface.

Not only that but there were damned souls hovering around the bubble that tries to get out.

It was very bizarre as the bubble-like dorm seems to be created with cursed souls, they tries to break free but the dark bronze energy kept them in place. This process keeps on going, it can definitely scare even the strongest of wills.

The figure kept her eyes closed and channeled the energy around her with full focus.

Doing one swift motion from her hands that are too fast to see, she cuts her wrist before splattering her own blood to the bubble-like dorm with a swing of her arm. In no more than a couple of seconds, the blood sizzled before it disappeared.

After doing that, the bubble-like dome glowed even brighter before condensing once again.

But this time there was no pleasuring sensation from this process, the woman's expression wobbled as her eyebrows dip into a frown. She even bit her lower lip, trying to endure the pain inflicted on her body.

It takes a rough minute for everything to be sucked into the woman's body once again.

Despite the blood drizzling down her eyes and mouth, the woman keeps one hundred percent of her focus until eventually, it all has come to a pass. Only after doing that, the woman finally opens her eyes, exposing her very sharp ruby eyes with black patterns inside of them.

On top of the ominous feeling brought by her eyes, the blood also makes her look menacing.

Upon fully coming out of her meditative state, a smile crept onto her face as she can feel the changes in her body. Glancing at the palm over her hands, the smile blooms even wider, showing that she's clearly excited.

Moreover, her eyes glimmer with satisfaction and fulfillment as she looks at her palms.

What makes her react like this was because of the same dark bronze energy hovering over her hands, indicating that she was in complete control of whatever this energy was. It was something the woman had been attempting to grasp for some time now.

"I managed to control it..." the woman mutters lightly. "I can't wait to see him again"

Just as she was basking at her accomplishment, she abruptly glanced over her shoulders and finds a figure landing not too far from the boulder she was on right now. No sound was made from the figure, it was quite eerie.

Like a trained assassin, the figure's steps were smooth and silent.

Instead of remaining standing, the figure that had just arrived quickly went to one knee out of respect for the woman sitting on the boulder. "Princess Calidora, I congratulate you on your breakthrough" she said in a respectful tone.

Upon hearing this, the woman, Caldiora stands up and turns her body to face the figure.

"What are you doing here, Duchess Demelza? Aren't you supposed to be witnessing the kingdom's development?" Calidora said as she descend from the boulder, her eyes still fixed on Demelza.

Demelza lowers her head even more before she replied, "I'm here to report to you about that"

"The kingdom is in shambles as the Enchanters are overwhelmed in dealing with the slave marks, there are simply not many healthy hands that can help them. Most of the forces are crippled because of that. But the Werewolves have come with reinforcement, King Solomon managed to get some help and the kingdom should recover and be able to prepare for the Executor's attack" she added, saying each word as clearly as she can and covey it to Calidora.

But contrary to the reaction Demelza expected, Calidora doesn't to be disturbed.

Placing her slender fingers on her chin, she started to walk deliberately and slowly to circle the kneeling Demelza. "Hmm..." she ponders for a second, yet her mind doesn't seem to be stuck on the information Demelza brought.josei

It was not for a moment but Demelza suddenly feel something odd.

Despite the lack of any visible clues, Demelza begins to sense a mounting tension in the air as Calidora moves around her. 'No, she can't have noticed what I did. I didn't even touch him...' she thinks to herself, swallowing nervously.

But no matter how hard she tries to deny it, Calidora seems to be very much aware.

Stopping right in front of the nervous Demelza, Calidora bends down a little. She reaches out and delicately places her fingers beneath Demelza's chin, slowly lifting her face up. When their eyes meet, the Eyes of Terror glare at Demelza and make her tremble slightly.

Only a few have the Eyes of Terror, and each one of them ended up very strong.

Calidora has the Eyes of Terror and she awakens them quite early compared to the others, she's clearly on the path to becoming way stronger than anyone around. Not too long ago, Demelza is quite sure she was way weaker.

Now, she can tell that she wouldn't be able to beat the princess easily.

Coming from one of the strongest Vampires alive right now, that's clearly something.

"How was he...?" Calidora then suddenly asked.

Upon hearing this, Demelza's eyes widened as she now confirmed that Caldiora knew. It was bizarre, she doesn't know how Calidora managed to find out but she did anyway. "I-It's not what you think, princess. I'm not there for anything other tha-"

Just before Demelza can finish her sentence, Calidora puts her index finger between her lips.

"Answer the question, how was he...?" Calidora asked once again.

Knowing that she has no other choice but to answer lest the princess would do something reckless, Demelza then said while trying to keep her composure, "H-He's as strong as ever, the Executor doesn't seem to be able to injure him badly"

"Ah... is that so?" Calidora mutters, but there's a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

Even though the sight was enough to make Demelza slightly worried, she soon realized that it was not meant for her. Turning around to face the river, Calidora clenched her hands, "That filthy thing, how dare he touch my precious future spouse... I'm going to kill him"

Demelza heard what Caldiora was muttering and can't help but be concerned for her safety.

"P-Princess, it's too much for you to handle the Executor. Don't do anything reckless or you'll get hurt!" Demelza warned, trying to evoke some senses inside the princess' cloudy, madly infatuated mind.

But immediately after she said that Demelza widened her eyes in shock.

Completely faster than her eyes can even perceive, Calidra suddenly disappeared from the spot where she was standing earlier and reappear back a couple of inches away from her face which caught her off guard.

It was so fast that she needs to blink a couple of times to register what had happened.

"Nobody, I mean nobody can touch him except for me... Even if God tries to touch him, I'll skin them alive and drain all of their blood with my fangs" Calidora said like a lunatic, her voice also indicates that she was not messing around.

From hearing this alone, Demelza gulped harshly once again and kept her mouth shut.

Although she doesn't want Calidora to do anything reckless, she can feel that if she says anything more then things would turn very badly for her. Knowing that fact, she decided to not utter a single word again.

Just then, Caldiora pulls back her face a little before an evil grin appeared on her face.

"I'm also not done with you" She said before she went over to the boulder again and sat on it, her eyes glowed even brighter under the shroud of the night as she peers back at Demelza. "No Vampires can go near him, I won't let that slide if I knew. Since you dare to venture close, and your eyes have soiled his presence, I want you to hand them over to me now..."

"Eh...?" Demelza mutters in confusion, her mind stunned for a brief second.

It was sudden and her mind can't wrap fully around what Calidora is demanding. But not even waiting for her to fully grasp what she meant, Calidora blitzes again and imbedded her claws into Demelza's eyes sockets.

"Kyaarggh!" Demelza screamed as her eyes were literally grabbed by Calidora.

Blood splurted everywhere and some even stains Calidora's face. But instead of doing anything, the blood makes Calidora even more motivated as she dug her claws deep into Demelza's eyes sockets before she pulls out Demelza's eyes.


Shrill of agony from Demelza keeps on going, she didn't expect this to happen.

Demelza prostrates on the ground, hissing through gritted teeth. She was not able to see anymore from having her eyes literally taken away from her. It was not permanent as the eyes would regenerate, but the pain offered was beyond her.

Amplified by Calidora's Eyes of Terror, the pain was insurmountable even for her.

Looking at the eyeballs in her hands, Calidora exposes her psychotic smile. She then proceeds to squeeze them without any hesitation, smearing their blood on her hands. Her gaze never leaves Demelza's face which is contorted in agony as she licks the gore from her skin.

Even after doing all of that, Calidora once again inches closer.

Upon hearing her footsteps coming closer, Demelza's body stiffens once more as she started to feel a hint of fear for the princess, "Please, princess! I met him to offer a truce so that the Executor wouldn't benefit from the war between him and the Supernaturals!"

"Sshh..." Calidora kneels in front of her once again and brings her mouth near Demelza's ear.

Calidora spoke in a gentle, yet deadly tone as she questioned Demelza. "What else did your experience when you meet with him? Did you happen to get a whiff of his scent, or did your heart begin to race due to his proximity?"

"Tell me, Duchess Demelza. What else did you gain that I do not know of...?

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