The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 778 Flunra The Guardian Angel

Chapter 778 Flunra The Guardian Angel


Evelyn paused, gazing at the void where the woman was at earlier.

A look of disbelief can be seen plastered across her face, the evident surprise when she saw her own elemental weapon, the flaming spear bent trajectory and crashes onto the ground is enough to stun her entire being.

Under the attack of an eighth-rank realm, a sixth-rank realm should have no chance.

Nobody inside the sixth-rank realm in the entire history of the world can win against an eighth-rank realm head-on, even Rex was not that impressive that he could beat an opponent 2 major realms above him.

Something like that should be a pipe dream, yet it happened in front of Evelyn's eyes.

If it were any other way then Evelyn would not be stunned and would just blame herself for not being meticulous. But the woman was in the sixth-rank realm, the difference between them are too much, and Evelyn was careless because of that.

For a couple of seconds, Evelyn looks at the void where the woman was earlier.

Looking from the back, Adhara saw this and has the same surprise on her face. Glaring at Giana kneeling beside her, she grabbed her collar and lifted her up from the ground, "How can she do that?! Answer me!"

"I- I don't know" Giana replied, she also saw what happened and was confused by it.

Pure anger can be seen in her eyes, and there's a tint of frustration amongst the anger she felt that can be seen. As this is the few times she dealt with a problem without the help of Rex, she wanted it to be flawless without hiccups.

Just earlier, she aimed for the weird Black Hands first and take them out.

Without the help of Flunra's ancient rune, the dimension around the area was not locked. Any tool of teleportation will work here. Since the weird Black Hands each has a tool to flee, she needed to quickly take them out before they realized that she was going to attack.

Adhara managed to do that perfectly, the weird Black Hands were eliminated.

Due to the sheer number of people inside the army, the moment she attacked the weird Black Hands, the military's radar spotted her and the attention of the rest instantly went towards her.

It's clear that the military has advanced technologically to be able to detect her.

Because of that, she doesn't have the time to make sure the weird Black Hands are dead. Although that being the case, she's quite confident that at least each of them is on the brink of death.

So she considered her attack a success until this happened.

Out of their surprise, the woman managed to escape from their grasp. Adhara can't blame Evelyn for it, she also didn't expect that to happen, 'Now they can roughly pin our location, damn it! Just what are those Black Hands!'

Moreover, she inspects Giana's aura and finds that she's not lying.

Adhara is even more frustrated yet she can't do anything, the woman has already gone.

Just then out of nowhere, a loud booming sound echoed in the surroundings before Adhara, Evelyn, and Giana's eyes looks up at a shadowy figure. In an instant, they recognized the figure to be one of their own.

"Flunra...?!" Evelyn exclaimed, seeing Flunra going back for them.

But instead of putting his attention on the two of them, Flunra's sharp gaze was fixated on the empty void in front of him. Under the others' eyes, they can see a sharp decrease in Flunra's energy as he draws an ancient rune on the palm of his hand.

Looking at this, Evelyn frowns, 'What is he trying to do? Don't tell me...'

Evelyn is not educated in the ancient rune field, in fact, she doesn't know anything about it. But Flunra is definitely heading to the void where the woman from earlier was before she disappeared, indicating one thing only.

Cutting through the air, Flunra's eyes glisten fiercely as he stabs his claws forward.

"Getting away unharmed? Not on my watch!" 



Under the surprised gaze of the others from below, the ancient rune on Flunra's palm glowed as his claws grab hold of the void, almost as if he was able to touch reality itself and clenched it tightly with his sharp claws.

As he grabs the void, a pump of energy can be seen streaming through his arm.

It was akin to a lump of energy that streams naturally from his shoulder and through his arm. When the energy reaches his palm, a blast of energy exploded into the void, pushing gentle wind against the others' faces.

Flunra then fell down from the sky and landed with a loud crash.

"What did you do, Flunra?" Adhara asked, curious about what she had just witnessed.

Gazing back up at the void that now looks bent and weirdly broken, Flunra turns his face towards Adhara and replied, "I use the trace of the teleportation to send an attack to that human. My attack will get weaker through the distance, but it should be able to mortally wound that woman"

Upon hearing this, Adhara shakes her head as a smile appeared on his face.

"I can't believe it, you're like our guardian angel, Flunra! What would we do without you" Evelyn suddenly said from the back, tapping Flunra on his back which makes him slightly embarrassed by the compliment.

But still, he didn't deserve that praise, "No, it wasn't me. It was thanks to Lord Rex"

"If not for what he gave to me, there's no way I would have enough energy to do that" he added, this wouldn't be possible if not for Rex giving him the third volume to become a Grandmaster.

Like any other skill/spell, ancient rune costs mental fortitude and energy.

Just like the time when he escape the human territory alongside Evelyn, he was exhausted and was not able to draw any ancient runes for a while. Now, he's way stronger thanks to the third volume.

Inside, he found a sign that can decrease the cost of energy from any rune he draws.

Although he's only able to use that sign at a surface-level proficiency, the sign is strong enough to reduce the energy cost by a staggering 25%. Something like this would be considered a God-like treasure, even in ancient times.

Flunra is grateful for this opportunity, he's nearing fully mastering the Ancient Rune Art.

Unknown to the three of them, Giana is looking from the side in absolute shock. Looking at the three that has grown way stronger compared to the last time they met, she felt a sense of loss inside her heart.

'If only I managed to stop Zero, these people would be on humanity's side...'

Each of them has the potential to greatly help humanity in the war against the Supernatural, but these talented people were pushed away because of her. And thus, she felt this way, feeling guilty for everything.

Shaking his head, Flunra then gives a side glance at Giana.

Looking at her expression and the way she looks right now, she seemed to be at the rock bottom of her life. It's unclear what Evelyn and Adhara did to him, but it must've been traumatizing. 

"Rex was forced to come out of seclusion, he seems to detect both of your energies"

Upon hearing this, Adhara and Evelyn experienced a change in expression.

"Although we didn't want to bother him, this should be expected. Also, he told me to tell the two of you to bring Giana back to the castle, he seems to have a plan for her" Flunra added, casting a light smirk at Giana.

Out of everything, a plan from Rex himself is undoubtedly the scariest thing of all.

Flunra knows how incredulously cold and terrifying Rex can be, and the fact that Rex told him this while exposing his characteristic devilish grin shows that the plan would be very, very bad for Giana.

A shiver ran down her spine when Giana heard this, and she unconsciously skipped a breath.

Now that the order came from Rex himself, Adhara and Evelyn can't keep on hesitating anymore. For them, Rex's order is absolute, there's nobody they are willing to follow more than following him.

Giving a light smirk at Giana, Adhara then said, "It seems your prayer is answered, Giana"

"You will have your chance to meet with Rex" she added.

Although this was her objective in coming here to the Supernatural territory, to meet with Rex, she can't help but feel nervous due to the expression she was given. It's obvious that they are mocking her.

But looking at the corpses in the far distance, she can only bow down and nodded her head.


Meanwhile, somewhere inside the human territory.

"M-Mother..." A rasping and echoing astral voice can be heard, there's a hint of concern and sadness inside the tone of this voice. It came from a black hooded creature, standing at the side of a womanly figure that seems to be hurting.

From the looks of it, they seem to be inside a dark swamp, filled with insects and darkness.



Kneeling on the ground beside the murky water of the swamp was the Witch of Chaos, she was coughing black blood a couple of times while holding her chest, her eerie eyes were not tainted with fatigue.

It was obvious that she was hurt, and is probably because of the Executor's attack.

"Don't worry about mother, dear child. Mother is only surprised that his attack can even exceed the 5 Forbidden Conjour of the Grimoire. Mother will survive this, just give mother some ti- Cough! Cough!" the Witch of Chaos said with a tender voice before coughing severely.

The black hooded creature alongside the insectoid creature seemed to be in anguish.

Looking at their mother, hurting to the point of coughing blood, the two creatures despite their appearances felt sadness and sorrow beyond measure. Each wail in their own voice, hurting from their mother's pain.

Despite her ability to defend herself, the Executor's attack managed to damage her.

An attack with that scale of energy was powerful enough to split dozens of mountains easily, it was an absolute attack that can kill any being in this current era. It was only due to Hex of the Exiled that she was able to survive.

On top of that, even though she survived, she was damaged severely.

Nobody came out unscathed from that exchange, not the Witch of Chaos and not the Executor. If anyone were to see this, they would find that these two were on equal ground and can hurt each other.

But as the Witch of Chaos was coughing, her eyes suddenly rolled back.

Under the gaze of the black-hooded creature and the insectoid creature, they saw the Witch of Chaos fall unconscious as her body fell to the side, onto the muddy ground. In a panic, the two coil around their mother's body.

Checking on the Witch of Chaos, the two find that her condition is deteriorating.

Upon realizing this, the two cursed creatures that brought along bad omen started to emit cursed energy, killing the surrounding mutated trees with their aura alone. Eventually, the black hooded creature said, "Curse... Last Curse... For mother..."

Reacting the same, the insectoid creature looks up before it screeches madly.


The insectoid creature's roar sends a shockwave to the surroundings, scaring every single mutated animal inside the dark swamp. It reaches far and wide, spreading its anguish and sorrow.

Even for creatures such as the two of them, their mother is still a sensitive part of them.

Although it's hard to actually believe that these two horrifying and grotesque creatures have the ability to mourn, they showed that they can mourn at the sight of the Witch of Chaos wounded heavily from the Executor's attack.

Now, in their minds, there's only one thing left to do.

No matter the cost, no matter the way, they will do anything to help the Witch of Chaos recover. Knowing that there's only one thing left to do, and their minds burn with the fire to reach that goal no matter what.

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