The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 797 Strongest Of The Era

Chapter 797 Strongest Of The Era

A couple of dozen miles away from the Silverstar castle.

Rex is standing at the center of a huge crater that spreads far and wide to the surroundings, he looked tiny in the middle in comparison to the crater, almost as if there was a nuke exploding at the spot where he was standing at.

Naturally, it was him that causes this, he has no other choice.

Upon absorbing the Veracious Black Lightning, his body experienced an overload of energy.

Even though he was quite confident in the strength of the castle's materials, there are still others there. Naela, Delta, and Gistella would've been hurt if he explode right there, and it seems his decision was correct.

Inspecting the huge crater, he let out a sigh before falling to his knees.

'Thankfully I managed to get far and away from the others, it would've been bad if I can't'

Of course, before he explodes, he already checked whether there is anybody around him. It'll be bad if a wandering Dark Elf or even other weak Supernatural races get hit by the explosion and got disintegrated.

Steadying his breathing for a moment, a couple of notifications appeared in his sight.

<Congratulation to the user on reaching the ninth-rank realm in Sky-Black Lightning!>

<All of the user's stats have been increased tremendously!>

<The user has absorbed the Veracious Black Lightning essence, granting the Veracious Lightning Body, a new sign and form of becoming one with the True Lightning which grants the user complete immunity to lightning elements as well as 100% bonus lightning spell power>

<Strongest of the Era achievement has been unlocked!>

<Obtained Parchment of Nigh-Perfect item, 5 million gold, and Symbol of Lightning>

Rex looks at the notifications from the system that notifies him of his achievement, his excited smile can't be hidden as he read these prompts. Out of curiosity, he decided to check the items that he got first before anything.

<Parchment of Nigh-Perfect Lightning>

A tenth-rank one-time-use parchment created from the skin of an ancient Lightning Elemental and also fused with special energy by sacrificing many lightning-based high-ranked spirits. Upon use by a Lightning Elementalist, increase 30% of a Gladiator Form power permanently.

<Symbol of Lighnting>

It's an Ultimate Lighnting Spell that harnesses the power of True Lightning, creating a temporary second spirit core inside of the caster that would increase lightning-based spells' power output by two times, presence of the lightning spirit as well as a boost in speed.

Judging from Rex's face that is lighting up, it's clear that he was excited by these items.

Not only has his body gained the Veracious Lightning Body constitution, and gaining a permanent increase of his Gladiator Form which is unheard of, but he also gained an Ultimate Spell that from the sounds of it is very powerful. At this moment, his lightning spells should be way stronger than even other ninth-rank realms Awakened.

Gaining a spell that can increase the damage output is quite insane, much less two of them.

Any sane Awakened out there would go crazy for a spell that can increase their spell power output by two times, and Pioneers would definitely pay with all of their fortunes to get their hands on one of these spells.

Seeing the blueprint of such a powerful spell is like a dream come true for them.

Rex smiles in satisfaction with the items he gained from reaching the ninth-rank realm, he then raises his hand and looks at it, trying to feel the changes within his body from achieving a new higher realm.

Putting all of his focus on his mana sense, he instantly felt the changes.

Compared to before when he was still at the peak seventh-rank realm in his lightning elements, the mana coursing inside of him now feels like a thick warm serpent that slithers inside him and he has perfect control over them.

Since his mana has evolved into Arcane Mana, changes are bound to happen.

Unlike before, the presence of his mana becomes more evident.

Arcane Mana is way denser and purer compared to the regular mana, the warm sensation indicates that clearly, and Rex can also feel the sharpness oozing out of his newly acquired Arcane Mana.

It brings the feeling of being able to destroy anything if he unleashed his lightning prowess.

Putting aside the sensation of the Arcane Mana, he also somewhat feels a powerful urge inside of him. Sadistic to say the least, it feels like the lightning inside of him beckons him to unleash the power whenever he can.

Similar to the urge of anger during the Full Moon if Rex needs to compare it.

But not in a chaotic manner, he now feels like a friend with the lightning elements inside.

Yet this is probably due to the huge spirit core that he has amassed, it's easily three or four times the size of a normal spirit core, and also the Veracious Lighnting Body effect. The feeling of endless power inside of him is a sign of that.

[When you are accustomed to the power more, the urge will be manageable] Devo mused.

Upon hearing this, Rex nodded his head as his body revert back to normal.

Rex decided to rest for a bit as he was still fatigued from exerting himself so much in breaking through to the ninth-rank realm, even his body is still riddled with unhealed wounds that he sustained earlier.

And thus, while resting, he decided to check his stats that he hasn't opened for a while.

<Rex Silverstar - Human Form>

King Mark: Banished Dark Moon (Inactive) and Blood Moon (Active)

Ascension: Banished Dark Moon (Nil), Blood Moon (First Ascension)

Pack: Silverstar (7/20)

Level: 66 (92,400,250,000/241,500,000,000)

Race: Exalted Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 6 Days - Storm Moon

Berserk: 61%

Sanity: 37%

Mental: 21,750 (+357)

Strength: 198,115 (+69,514)

Agility: 219,365 (+76,928)

Endurance: 174,990 (+61,663)

Intelligence: 391,340 (+120)

Attributable Stats: 0

Looking at his new stats, he can instantly see the tremendous change in it.

'It more or less doubled, the physical stats that is'josei

Rex remembered the last time he checked his stats, the agility stat is the lowest thanks to the Countess pulling back her blessing from him. It made him slow, and yet, his agility stat is now the highest among the other physical stats.

Considering he cultivate his lightning elements, this should be expected.

Aside from his physical stats, his mental state also somehow got increased. It must be the natural increase from reaching the ninth-rank realm. But the main show was his intelligence which has experienced the most changes.

Even compared to the ninth-rank realm he met, his intelligence stat almost doubled them.

But out of the increases that happened to his stats, he already put a high expectation on his intelligence stat considering that he worked damn hard to push through his limit, even risking tearing his spirit core in the process.

With this kind of stat, he should fare way better against the Executor.

'I don't know if this is strong enough, but it should be getting there' Rex thought with a nod.

Now that he has become a ninth-rank realm, joining the pinnacle of power in terms of his Awakened power alone, he instantly has one thing in his mind. 'I need to see the Executor myself to see just how strong he is'

During the last encounter, Rex didn't dare to scan the Executor's power.

Just his presence alone can make his entire being tremble, and if he tries to scan the Executor then his mind would be rattled or worse even explode. It was because of that he don't know the exact numbers of the Executor's power.

Since he now has gotten stronger, he could try and find out the Executor's power.

Although that is what he wanted,  meeting with the Executor is hard enough considering he was inside the heart of Ratmawati City. It would be reckless to do it alone, but he can think of a couple of ways to bypass this problem.

With Prof. K by his side, he could infiltrate the human territory if he wanted to.

Out of the humans that he can turn into a Werewolf and bring to his side, Prof. K is one of the best he could do considering the fact that he was the one that invented Intra technology that the humans rely on right now.

If he could get into the human territory unnoticed, then Rex could also do the same.

Despite feeling confident that he could bypass the first problem, it's not the only problem to get what he wanted. Scanning the Executor with the system without being noticed is another obstacle.

Rex doesn't know the full extent of the Executor's powers, he had only grazed the surface.

Surely, sneaking near enough so that the System can scan him would be way more difficult than infiltrating the human territory. If he was found by the Executor, then it defeats the purpose of him being there.

'I'll need to make a plan' Rex thought with a frown on his face.

Pondering for a moment, he then glanced to the side with a fierce glint in his eyes.

'But first and foremost, getting Kyran back should be way easier'

As the curse inside of Gistella has been mostly extracted by Dealkandrax, the Witch of Chaos has already got what she wanted. If what Rex was thinking is true, the fact that she was using Kyran to get her hands on the curse, then there should be reason for her to keep Kyran at bay.

Moreover, thinking clearly, Rex is not worried that the Witch would hurt Kyran.

It's true that when he first realized that the Witch was the one that kidnapped Kyran, he was quite angry and frantic, aiming to kill the Witch with all he had. But with a calm mind, there's more to lose for the Witch if she hurt Kyran.

After fighting the Executor and getting injured, the last thing she wanted is another enemy.

Rex has already made it clear multiple times under the gaze of the Witch's underlings that if she so much as to touch the tip of Kyran's body, then she would be gaining another massive enemy.

Even for the Witch, it's an undeniable fact that Rex is one of the strongest in the current era.

Surely if she has the smallest brain capacity inside her cursed head, then she would not do anything to Kyran considering the outcome of doing so would be catastrophic for her, gaining an enemy equivalent if not more dangerous than the Executor.

One of the benefits of possessing an overwhelming power, everybody is wary of him.

Due to that, he was not that worried something would happen to Kyran.

But since during his realization, he got angry and initiated a Berserk Quest, he would need to finish it before the Storm Full Moon arrives in less than a week. If he doesn't, then his berserk stat will be very high during the full moon.

It's bad enough the last time he went berserk when he first become a Werewolf.

Rex at that time almost hurt many people if not for Rosie bringing him away, he also almost hurt her before managing to flee to Emham Forest. Back then he was very weak, now it's going to be completely different.

Just imagining him going berserk right now terrifies him.

Nobody would be able to stop him, at least not until he crosses the Executor or the Witch.

Even then the Executor would probably not engage with him and let him run rampant. Considering that is what Rex would do in the Executor's position, then there's a high chance of that happening as the Executor is also very meticulous and evil.

While he was thinking about these things while resting, a warm air hits his back.

Upon feeling this nudging sensation, Rex glanced back in a particular direction before a frown appeared on his face. In the far distance, somewhere northeast of the castle he can feel a sudden leap of energy.

Rex can feel it subtly through his senses, it's very far away but it's definitely strong.

'Is it a King or Queen...?" Rex thought, trying to guess whom this energy comes from. 'No, I've met most of them. King of Vampires, Werewolves, Succubi, and even Demons yet none of their energies felt like this. And even though I haven't met the Undead King, it should have death energy'

'But this energy is clearly not, it's scorching my skin even through the distance...'

Aside from the sensation the energy brings, the high-rank Supernatural races should still be in hiding and laying low. It must not be them, and it's also not the Witch of Chaos as it's not cursed energy.

Just as he marvels at this power, it suddenly vanished in an instant.

Rex was in complete confusion, the energy comes and goes in an instant. But one thing for sure is that there's another strong entity out there, and it might announce itself in the near future.

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