The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 802 Secret Ploy Inside The Mountain Ranges

Chapter 802 Secret Ploy Inside The Mountain Ranges

"Should we go back?"

"I don't know, he said not to worry. But I can't help but to worry"

Due to the sudden feeling of unrest that comes directly from their link with Rex, the three were deliberating whether they should go back first considering the feeling they are feeling is quite strong.

Not to mention the strong energy they sensed earlier, it can't help but make them worry.

"We'll do as he said. If he said to not worry, then that's what we're going to do"

Just as Flunra said that to make the others focus on the moment they are in right now, the wide and tall door leading to their room was knocked from the other side. Flunra heads over and opens the door to find a short yet bulky bearded man.

It was the Dwarf that they met at the forgery earlier to discuss the Amuerus Katana.

"Err~ Am I allowed in?" the Dwarf asked.

Upon hearing this Flunra stepped to the side and let the Dwarf come in, he then stands in the middle under the gaze of the others before he puts the pouch containing the Amuerus Katana fragment on the side.

Gazing at the others, he then sighed and explained.

"I'm erre to bear a few problems in fixing this blade, sorry to be the bearer of the bad news"

Adhara, Evelyn, and Flunra have already expected something like this to happen, the Amuerus Katana is very powerful as it's Rex's personal weapon, and surely fixing something this great wouldn't be easy.

Problems would definitely rise. But if there's hope, then they would help however they can.

The Dwarven Blacksmith, Skoghad is the greatest blacksmith in the entire Dwarven Kingdom. Not only he has hundreds of years of experience, but he also has a unique constitution that allowed him to see flaws in weapons and armor.

With this power, he can effectively make or strengthen weapons and armor.

Now, this experienced blacksmith is conveying the difficulties he would encounter if he attempted to repair the Amuerus Katana. A major and first obstacle would be that his forge fire wouldn't be strong enough to heat the blade's fragments.

Since the metal is of high quality, heating it would take time and it might also not work.

Skoghad also told them that if he even managed to heat the Amuerus Katana and resharpen it, he could not move to the next step as there might not be enough of the same metal to make the Amuerus Katana again.

It's broken beyond measure, and it needed new of the same metal welded into it.

As if those two problems are not hard enough to fix, the last problem provides the hardest part to recover the Amuerus Katana. "I've never seen a weapon that has ten engraved runes on it, the most I've seen was six. Maybe I could try to find the methods of doing that, but I'm afraid that would take years if not decades to do"

Upon hearing this, the others frowned as these are such immaculate problems.

Out of every problem that is listed by Skoghad, the last one is indeed the hardest, considering that they don't have the time to wait for that many years. In this uncertain time, a big fight could break out at any moment.

Even the Executor might go on a rampage tomorrow as far as they know.

Time is always been their biggest enemy.

Rex and the others have always been short on time ever since they left the human territory, their enemies are looming around them, sniffing the slightest bit of scent that can point them toward the Silverstar Pack.

If the Amuerus Katana needed years to fix, then it's the same as it was broken forever.

"We appreciate you looking into fixing the Amuerus Katana, Skoghad. We'll convey these problems to the Alpha and see if he can have anything to say about this. But for now, can you lead us to the forgery?" Adhara said with a polite tone.

Since the Dwarven Kingdom has been great to them, it's natural for her to repay the same.

Upon hearing this, Skoghad then asked, "Is there any particular reason for that?"

"Me and her are both Fire Elementalists. If the fire in your forgery might not be strong enough to heat the fragments, then we would like to try and see if our fire can" Adhara pointed at herself and Evelyn and replied, depicting her intentions clearly.

Knowing that the Dwarf is a race of blacksmiths, going to their forgery might be offensive.

Due to that, she decided to explain her reason as clearly as possible.

Upon hearing this Skoghad thought for a moment before he eventually nodded his head. Judging from the warm aura coming from the two of them, there might be a chance that their fires are indeed stronger than the ones at the forgery.

If their fires are really strong enough, then that's one less problem on their hands.


"Okay, please follow me" Skoghad replied and leads them out.

But Flunra who is still in the room didn't come with them, "Both of you go on ahead, I still want to practice with the runes. If anything happens, call me, or else I'll stay inside the room" he said to the two of them.

Adhara and Evelyn nodded their heads before they follow Skoghad from the back.

Right after the three of them left and the door was closed once again, Flunra quickly went over to the window and opens it. A rush of freezing wind hits his face when he did that, the snowy terrain was where the Dwarven Kingdom was built.

Despite the looks of it, this snow is not natural snow but a fabricated one.

One of the Dwarven that leads them to the castle told them that the snow is made by a legendary artifact called Perpetual Field of Deep Frost. It not only make the area around them snowy but also powered the Dwarf King's personal weapon, the War Maul of Glacia.

Many said that it's a weapon that is nearing an Origin-level Weapon.

Just like others that heard of this story, Adhara, and the others have one question in mind.

It was the fact as to why that strong weapon hasn't been taken away by the other Supernatural races of high standing, the fact that they are kind enough to let the Dwarf King hold that strong of a weapon never crosses their mind.

Out of anything, there should be a reason for them to not take the War Maul of Glacia.

But as it turns out, the War Maul of Glacia was not taken since when not being held by the Dwarf King, it was rendered inactive of its powers. As such, they allowed this strong weapon to stay in its rightful owner's hands.

Upon reaching outside, Flunra climbs the castle and stands at the very peak of the rooftop.

Looking at the far distance where the clouds were out of reach from the effect of the Perpetual Field of Deep Frost, there's a split in the sky that looks normal yet Flunra is looking right at it with his fierce gaze.

"Hmm... something is brewing, and I don't know what"

Even though he was not supposed to leave Evelyn and Adhara, he already checked enough of the Dwarven Kingdom to find that there shouldn't be anything that can threaten them right here.

Moreover, he was not going to be out for long as he only needed to check something.

Glancing back down at the room's window that he went through earlier one last time, Flunra then dashes away as he intends to find out what this uneasy feeling that he was experiencing right now is based on.

Displaying his immense speed and strength, he dashes through the terrain swiftly.

Not even the ten-inch thick snow that can burn normal humans to death managed to hinder his movement, he was as fast as ever with a glowing ancient rune on his leg, amplifying his speed even greater.

It didn't take long before he reaches the border of the Dwarven Kingdom.

But he didn't go to the border between the Dwarven Kingdom and the Tigerman Kingdom, he went to the other side of the border where the Dwarf territory is against mountain ranges that are covered with thick mist.

Upon arriving there, Flunra stopped when he sensed subtle energy.

Even though he was still uncertain as to what this familiar subtle energy really is, he can sense that it came from the other side of the mountain ranges that he has already decided to inspect.

Despite not knowing what it is, he has a bad feeling about this one.

Flunra stands still for a moment before he went to one knee and engraved an ancient rune on the ground. When the ancient rune glowed and was activated, a subtle shockwave explode in the surroundings like the wind.

As it expanded, a whistling sound can as that subtle shockwave hits an invisible barrier.

Looking at this invisible barrier, Flunra walks closer to inspect it.

Putting his hand on the barrier that is immaterial and can't be touched, yet with the help of another ancient rune, he was able to touch it as if the barrier is a solid object which also allows him to feel the energy inside of it.

"An energy-suppressing barrier, it's not a protective barrier" Flunra muttered.

Just from one whiff of the energy contained inside, he could already tell the purpose of the barrier which is quite a skill even for the ancient times. With that out of the way, he then stepped inside the barrier confidently.

But immediately after he did that, the brewing sensation grew even stronger.

It also becomes clearer that the uneasy feeling came from this subtle energy that he now identifies as moonlight energy, which leads him to assume the fact that whoever did this is definitely from the Werewolf Kingdom.

Flunra kept heading toward the direction of the core he paused in his tracks.

About a mile away from the source of the subtle energy, he could already sense a couple of powerful entities in the distance. Due to that, he masked his own aura with an ancient rune before he proceeds.

Climbing the highest mountain around, he reaches the peak in half a minute at best.

Peeking down towards the source of the subtle energy, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw hundreds of Supernaturals gathering around doing something that he can't quite understand.

On the side, there were two ninth-rank realm entities, and he recognized the two instantly.

King Solomon and King Baralt are the ones standing on the side.

Looking at the figure sitting in a meditative position inside a formation behind King Solomon and King Baralt, Flunra's eyes squinted. But it didn't take long for his eyes to widen in realization.

'Wait, that's an Elder!' Flunra exclaimed inside his head.

Just before he could properly grasp the situation he was in, his attention was suddenly pulled somewhere else. Glancing to the right side at the far distance, another uneasy feeling hits him.

Compared to the one coming from here, this one is way warmer.

Now that he knows this, Flunra can tell that this uneasy feeling should come from another Elder. 'Oh, no... this is bad, don't tell me that this is really what I think it is!' he thought with a clear concern on his face.

But as he thought of that, a glass-shattering sound can be heard.

Flunra quickly hides as the three powerful entities gaze up, and their expressions darken when they saw a crack on the energy-suppressing barrier. "Stop the process, let's repair the barrier first before we continue"

"Yes, Elder!" King Baralt replied, bowing his body slightly.

Even though he was about to repair the barrier as quickly as possible, following the Elder's instruction, the sky on the far horizon suddenly split open as pure blackness follows after like a raging tide of black sea.

Upon seeing this, the three powerful entities instantly stood up on alert.

"Scatter! It's the Executor!!"

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