The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 804 Kidnapped Pack Member

Chapter 804 Kidnapped Pack Member

Rex stopped at the entrance of the glade with his eyes fixed on the scenery.

A relieved smile can be seen on his face at the sight of a particular figure that is chained in all of his limbs, the person that he has been looking for this while, the one that was caught and used as leverage against him.

It was his kidnapped pack member, Kyran.

No sign of movement can be seen from Kyran who is chained by cursed energy.

Stepping out of the cover of the force, he walked into the glade and stands a distance away from Kyran. Another figure can be seen levitating in a meditative position, the intricate black robes and cursed energy circulating around her indicate that she was none other than the Witch of Chaos.

Despite their dispute, this was their first encounter with each other.

"I've been waiting for you, Royal Black Prince..."

Realizing that Rex has finally managed to find her who was kicked out of the human territory thanks to the Executor, the Witch of Chaos opens her eyes. A pair of eerie eyeballs, glowing with different colors can be seen.

Just her eyes alone can inflict unease on those that meet her gaze.

Even Rex was not susceptible to the feeling of unease induced by the Witch's eyes, the cursed energy coming from her is pure, and he can feel something inside of him is responding fiercely to her cursed energy.

But he reckons that it must be the Eternal Curse, sensing danger from the Witch of Chaos.

Calidora soon landed right beside Rex and saw the same scenery, her eyes caught sight of Kyran who is being chained yet there was something odd about the blood inside of him which incite a frown on her face.

"It's stopped..."

"What is?"

"His blood, it's not circulating"

Looking through her Eyes of Terror, she can see the blood inside of any living beings.

Using that power she finds that the blood that should've been circulating inside of Kyran's blood vessels was completely still, it was completely frozen, and that sparks a pale look on his unconscious face.

Almost as if he was in an inanimate state.

Rex looks at Kyran before his eyes slowly widened, and his smile fades away.

It was a couple of days ago that he sensed Kyran's presence for a very brief moment, he was very sure that Kyran must be trying to give him a clue as to where he was detained by the Witch of Chaos.

Despite sensing it for only a very brief moment, he can pinpoint Kyran's location.

Following the direction Kyran's presence came from, Rex and Calidora find themselves reaching this dark swamp filled with mutated insects. Now, true enough, they managed to find Kyran here.

But what he didn't expect was the fact that Kyran is not conscious.


<Kyran Cervantes, one of the user's pack members has failed to fulfill the Ice and Snow Full Moon requirement and was forced into hibernation by the will of the Lunirich God behind the said full moon>

<In order to calculate the time until waking up, the user must touch Kyran's body>

"N-No..." Rex uttered in defeat.

Even though he had known that there was a possibility that Kyran would be forced into hibernation due to the Ice and Snow Full Moon effect, he thought that the system would notify him and it would've been fine if he can survive the night.

Aside from hoping that he would be saved, there are many things he needed to know.

One is that Rex wanted to thank him for saving Evelyn on that crucial night, and also tell him that he did a good job. A much-needed compliment that he deserves. Moreover, there's also Naela waiting for him back in the castle whom Rex already promised that he would bring back Kyran to meet her.

Since Naela seems to be a good woman, their relationship will definitely work out.

Rex even already thought of ways to convince Kyran as he would probably be skeptical considering his past relationship with women, but turns out he was unable to do that with Kyran in this state.

But he quickly shakes his head, 'No, there's still the rewards that I can use to help him'

Upon receiving the news that Kyran was captured by the humans, the system initiated a sudden quest that would give him an item called Confide of the Ice. Rex doesn't know what it is, but it should be an item to help Kyran out of his hibernation.

It was also the first time that the system's quests were stacked for the same goal.

Not long after he received that news, he also finds out that Kyran turns out to be kidnapped by the Witch of Chaos instead of humans which in turn triggers a Berserk Quest demanding him to rescue Kyran if he didn't want his strength to be stripped away.

Putting his hope in that item, his eyes turn stern once again.

"Know that it is not my intention of letting him be affected by the residual Ice and Snow Full Moon. But as you might know, I fought against the Executor, and can't maintain the cursed energy around him" the Witch of Chaos said apologetically.

Rex frown when he heard this, the puzzle starting to form.

Based on what the Witch of Chaos said, he can tell that she was telling the truth. If her real purpose is to get the curse inside of Gistella, then harming Kyran would only add another problem to her plate.

Following that logic, she definitely would try to protect Kyran from going to hibernation.

Knowing that the power of curses is bizarre and unique, Rex didn't doubt the Witch of Chaos' ability in doing that. So the fact that she was injured when fighting against the Executor and resulted in this adds up.

Just before Rex can even do anything, Calidora blitzes through the distance between them.

In the blink of an eye, the devilish appearance of Calidora alongside her ruby eyes appeared behind the Witch of Chaos. Despite the protection of the cursed energy, her claws manage to pierce through.

Calidora got her hand on the Witch's forehead and another gripping her neck.

"Let's torture her, I want to know what the actual Witch of Chaos' cursed blood tastes like" 

Upon seeing this Rex raises his hand signaling for her to stop, but Calidora didn't listen and embedded her claws into the Witch of Chaos' neck, forcing her to let out a slightly painful groan as blood drips down her pale neck.

Rex frown before he makes his intention clear, "Calidora, stop!"

At the sound of Rex's stern words, Calidora clicks her tongue and didn't go any further.

"If I heard correctly, you are waiting for me. Why...?" 

"My purpose in kidnapping your pack member is for the curse that find its way inside the one called Gistella, there was nothing more than that. It's difficult to convince you, so I'm forced to do this"

Even though the Witch of Chaos thought of that, it's still crossing the line.

It's true that from the looks of it, the Witch of Chaos didn't cause actual harm except for Kyran that is now in hibernation. Gistella's nightmares and sickly state were also not directly her fault, it was the curse instead.

Like his thoughts earlier before they depart, she hasn't done any real damage to them.

"Maybe we start off in a wrong way, but we have the same enemy..."

Upon hearing this, Rex's eyes flickered with a reddish hue. It was quite obvious who the Witch of Chaos is referring to, there was no other entity in this current era that can pose a threat to both of them.

Additionally, the fact that the weakness tied to the Witch of Chaos is also a bonus.

Rex went over to a rock beside him before he sat there nonchalantly, he kept his eye contact strong and his lips sealed to increase the intensity of this encounter. Pointing at Kyran, he then said, "Show your pure intention, take your cursed energy off of him"

Not even hesitating, the Witch of Chaos dissipated the cursed energy binding Kyran.

Flicking her hand one more time, the cursed energy catches Kyran's falling body before it lay him gently on the ground. "We can be on the same side, and I'm sure that is the best case or else I wouldn't let myself be exposed like this"

Even though Rex wanted to trust her, he still needs to know the full picture.

'Hmmm... it's true that she can help if it's about taking down the Executor. But the question is, what is the Executor's relationship with her? And what benefit does the death of the Executor bring for her?'

'Aside from that, what makes her desperate for the curse inside Gistella?'

Many questions appeared inside Rex's mind regarding the Witch of Chaos that he has no answers to, he would need to know this before actually trusting this anomaly of an entity. Before that, he couldn't trust her fully.

"If you skipped the kidnapping and told me straight on, I might accept you right now"

Rex said with a low cold tone, he still needs to show that messing with him is not going to end well. If he made an exception for the Witch of Chaos, then his reputation wouldn't look so good and more people would try and mess with him.

"You have a fearsome reputation, and distracting you is better since I don't know you"

Upon hearing this, Rex then stands up with the same stoic look.

"If that's the case, then let me tell you right now. My attention is easily attained and not earned" Rex said, he then points at Kyran on the ground, "Displays, are not necessary. A soft approach is appreciated, but people these days don't seem to get that"

The Witch of Chaos nodded her head in understanding, making Rex let out a sigh.

"Since you've caused Kyran to be in this state, in order for us to work together, you'll need to compensate me more. Are you willing to do that? Or should we go back to being enemies right now?" Rex eventually said, proposing a counter-negotiation.

Pausing for a second, the Witch of Chaos then nodded her head again, "I'm willing"

"If so, then I want you to create a cursed barrier with everything you have to protect my city and castle. Make sure to make it strong enough to withstand the twelfth-epiphany curse. You probably think that it's bad for me to let someone like you create protection for my city and castle..." Rex said.

Looking straight at the Witch, he then continues, "Well, you don't need to worry about that"

With the help of the System, he could check the Witch's work.

Anything that she might've done to the barrier would be notified by the System, and if that happened then the deal is off and Rex would instantly hunt her down even if it's to the end of the world.

Kyran's state might've been a mistake but then will be deliberate and not a mistake.

Even though that is what the Witch of Chaos was thinking about Rex's request, she can see the confidence inside Rex's eyes that showed absolute certainty that if she tries to do something, he will know.

Not having any other choice, she then replied, "I could do that if you really want to"

Breathing easily, the Witch of Chaos then expressed her wandering thoughts, "I thought you would ask me something very bad such as being a bait when we eventually fought against the Executor, but it seems I thought wrong of you" 

Upon hearing this, Rex paused for a second before he exposes a maniacal grin.

It caught the Witch of Chaos off guard as she was not expecting this grin that is flashing with immense killing intent, thick enough to be palpable to the eyes. "Oh... you don't need to fear me asking that. Regarding the Executor, you just need to help me"

"When the time comes, I'm going to be the one that fights and kill him"

"The Executor will die by my own two hands, and he would feel ultimate despair in his last breaths. I'm going to triumph over him at what he does best. When the time comes, I will replace him as the strongest being in this era..."

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