The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 809 A Reservoir Of Profound Experiences

Chapter 809 A Reservoir Of Profound Experiences


In a singular moment faster than even one of the sharpest senses in the Supernatural Kingdoms can sense, the Alpha Werewolves suddenly felt the skin on their chests ripped by sharp lethal claws.

Surprised, the three Alphas glanced down and find Flunra managed to reach them.


Like a hypnotic scenery, the three Alphas can see Flunra's claws dyed the air with five curving arcs of blood, the sight would've enthralled them for long if not for the blood belonging to them.

As their minds finally registered what just happened, the three Alphas jumped back.

Flunra licks the blood off of his claws and usurped the tase to his palate, his eyes glowed as he did this and his diabolical expression was horrifying, "Is that fear I sense from the three of you? Just from a glimpse of the disparity between us, and you're already trembling? It seems youngsters like you tend to forget the past era. Escaping is an option for you, but in my time it was hardly an option"

"Mostly, a fight in my time always involves life or death. So let's give you a taste of it"

Under the vibration of the three runes that were enhanced by the First Runic Mudra that he learned from the book given by Rex, his power heightened even more before he disappeared from his spot.

It was the same as earlier, the three Alpha Werewolves got attacked again from the back.

More blood dyed the ground crimson, and the biggest Alpha Werewolf grunted heavily with gritted teeth, 'I've never been confronted with a situation like this, is it because of the killing intent that he accumulated throughout his life?!'

Getting beaten in terms of speed is something he's familiar with, it's not new.

But what makes him quite terrified was the fact that it was not that he couldn't sense Flunra's attack, it was just the feeling came late. Imagine being attacked and the danger from the attack came right after instead of prior to the attack.

Something like this can confuse anyone, and it also prolonged the feeling of danger.

Due to the pressure of being helpless in blocking the attack, the three Alpha Werewolves that were the one surrounding Flunra earlier puts their backs against each other, in an attempt to counter Flunra's speed.

Flunra who saw this praised, "Good, when life is on the line, your head works better"

Even though he praised the three Alpha Werewolves for coming up with such tactics, Flunra has already been adept at dealing with situations such as this, he could create fake attack signals and disorient them.josei

Sending a signal to attack the biggest Alpha Werewolf to only find the attack elsewhere.

Like a vicious rainstorm that was relentless in drenching the whole world under its shadow, Flunra's attacks were inconceivable, none of his attacks managed to be blocked as the three Alpha Werewolves finds themselves trapped.

More wounds appeared, and their regenerative ability keep on working non-stop.

Amongst the Werewolf Kingdom, the Alpha Werewolves have regenerative ability second only to the King, grievous injuries are nothing but a scratch to them. Never have they encountered an injury that their regenerative ability can't heal.

Even now, the wounds they suffered are healing at a rapid pace visible to the eyes.

But it was only in this situation that the Alpha Werewolves ever encountered where their rapid regenerative ability becomes a liability, Flunra's attacks were coming non-stop, he shadowed around them and attack them without mercy.

Due to their regenerative ability, the pain also never stopped as more wounds appeared.

It was like a perpetual machine, Flunra's attacks will always have a target as their bodies are repairing themselves with the regenerative ability. Something like this slowly takes a toll on their minds.

Not wanting to lose like this, the biggest Alpha Werewolf raised both of his arms above.

Swinging down with everything he had to stop the unending attack, the ground beneath them got obliterated, and the debris that flew was akin to bullets, shooting at the surrounding area.

After doing that, his eyes then saw Flunra appear in front of him.

Fueled with anger from being trashed like a nobody, the three Alpha Werewolves fueled their bodies with rampaging energy that causes their muscles to bulge before they pounced straight at Flunra.

Like an organized pack, they started attacking Flunra with everything they had.

Be biting using their razor-sharp teeth or slashing with their black steel claws, they used any form of an attack using their primal instincts to pay back the embarrassment that Flunra gave them earlier.

Coming here, they should've been the ones to dominate, not the other way around.

Even though they are trying their best to land an attack, the three Alpha Werewolves soon find that they were unable to land a single attack, Flunra dodged them with minimal movements.

Flunra's movement was akin to an eel, slippery and untouchable.

"During the Radical Era, battles are more frequent as we explore and hone our abilities. Each of the Supernatural Origins has only recently come into their powers, with subsequent generations, the first to the third learning to use them in tandem. Our strategy involves getting the first strike in, whoever proves themselves the most offensively dominant prevails"

Despite being attacked from all sides, Flunra started to talk amidst the fight.

Upon hearing him talking in the midst of being attacked by the three of them viciously, the three Alpha Werewolves started to burn with vigor, trying desperately to cause some damage to Flunra.

It was a slap to their faces to think that they couldn't injure Flunra at all.

"However, things changed with the dawn of the Era of Might. Most races had become accustomed to their special capabilities and had spent centuries honing them to perfection. As a result, battles began to favor the tactical. Defensive capability and thinkers began proving to be an advantage for all"

Clenching his sharp fangs, the biggest Alpha Werewolf appeared in front of Flunra.

The blue hue of the Alpha energy cloaks his claws as he swung down powerfully with rapid and short breathing that depicted his immense anger at Flunra, "Yeah?! And why are you telling us that?!"



Out of nowhere, Flunra stopped his attack by grabbing him on the wrist.

Both of his weathered eyes slowly shifted to the side, they held a profound depth that hinted at the multitude of devastating hardships they had endured. Flunra stares at the biggest Alpha Werewolf with a calm gaze.

In an instant when their eyes meet, a silent narrative unfolded clearly.

A reservoir of experiences that had left their mark in Flunra's eyes shot an invisible ray of bloodied memories beyond comprehension, the once vibrant eyes were replaced by a gaze that spoke volumes of the Beginning Era.

Like a hypnotic gaze, the biggest Alpha Werewolf was put in a trance.

The shroud of the color red suddenly swallowed the entire world, turning everything a hue of red. His eyes then saw a tidal wave of blood that can drown the whole entire world coming from Flunra's back followed by the screams of terror of millions and millions of dying entities, depicting the horror of their last moments.

For a moment, the deaths and horror that Flunra has seen were palpable to the eyes.

Upon being slammed by the tidal wave of blood that encompassed the entire world, the biggest Alpha Werewolf started drowning, the taste of blood filled his palate, and the screams becomes even clearer.

It wails painfully in his ears, and the strength and vigor of his body was drained rapidly.

But when his head was about to drown, his eyes catches something.

Despite the tidal wave of blood swallowing the whole world, despite the painful screams echoing in the ears, Flunra is standing on his spot. Unmoved by the rage of the tidal wave, his indomitable presence and willpower protect him from everything.

At this moment, the biggest Alpha Werewolf realized how wrong he and the others were.

Now he realized that it was wrong of him to underestimate someone who has lived more lives than him, the arrogance and pride blind him from recognizing this fact and giving the proper respect Flunra was due.

Even though he was still a traitor, his presence demand respect from the absolute peak.

As if he had lived in the same era as Flunra, the first generation that fought alongside the Werewolf Origin, he would've died in an instant. Just like the tidal wave of blood, he would be swallowed in seconds.

Unconsciously, the biggest Alpha Werewolf falls to one knee from a gaze.

The sight of this confuses the other two Alpha Werewolves, their eyes couldn't believe that the biggest Alpha Werewolf, who is also the most prideful of them fall to their knees as Flunra walks closer and stands right in front of him.

"Werewolves are strong in both defense and offense"

"Anger fueled a Werewolf's offense while sharp sense and reflex fueled a Werewolf's defense. Most of the Werewolves now can only use anger, it's like the race regressed and renders the Era of Might useless... someone like you is a disgrace to the Werewolf race"

Flunra said coldly, he then swiped his sharp claws swiftly.


In an instant, the biggest Alpha Werewolf felt his mind go blank before his head slowly slides from his neck. Under the gaze of the other two Alpha Werewolves, he was killed just like that.


Upon seeing the biggest Alpha Werewolf killed, the other two felt dread inside of them.

Slowly their bodies moved on their own as they took a couple of steps back, the harboring of killing intent has completely disappeared, and now their survival instinct kicks in and begged them to escape the place.

But then, Flunra glanced over to them with the same weathered eyes.

"Where are the two of you going? Aren't you going to test me too to see whether it was luck and cowardice that kept me alive? Remember, I warned you before, the moment we clash is the moment this turns into a life-and-death battle. Either the two of you get to live or I do, so come, Alpha Werewolves. We'll see who gets to live..."


Meanwhile, Silverstar Pack Castle.

Rex is currently lying on the bed facing the high ceiling of the bed chamber, his right foot was moving constantly showing that he was quite impatient with something, he glanced to his right and finds the shockwaves are still going in the far distance.

It was clear what he wanted to do, but he couldn't do anything right now.

Lying on the other side of the bed was Gistella, she has her eyes closed but she was hogging his arm to prevent him from trying to sneak out with his powers. She's very determined to make him stay here.

"Stop moving your foot and sleep before I forced you to sleep with magic" 

Upon hearing this Rex could only smile wryly as he really couldn't get out of this situation, and thus he was forced to close his eyes and connect his mind with Adhara's mind, talking to her through telepathy.

"Adhara, where are you?", Rex asked.

Not long after, she then answered, "Still in the Dwarven Kingdom, why?"

"I can't tell you the detail right now but I can't go anywhere so I want you to check the source of those shockwaves with Flunra, you see them too, right? Get any information you can, we need to know"

"Huh? What makes you can't go anywhere? Rex, is there something I need to know?"

"No, I just can't. Just do what I told you, the shockwaves should come from the Executor, and I need to know what he's doing. But be careful, summon me there if things went south" Rex replied again, he was cursing himself for being careless earlier.

But then, Adhara brings some good news, "Flunra is on it, he should get something"

"Great, ask him what he got, and if you think it's not enough, keep investigating the place. After you're done, come back to the castle, there's something the three of you should know"

"Okay, I also have something to tell you. I'll tell you when we meet"

Rex can finally be at ease as he now knows Flunra is investigating what the Executor is doing. If it's him, then there shouldn't be anything for him to worry about, he's the perfect member to do this sort of thing.

Glancing at Gistella on the side, he then turns his body to face him.

Now that his mind is no longer bothered by the shockwaves in the distance, he reaches out his hand to Gistella's waist and pulls her closer, "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to sleep and get some rest to fix your mind?"

"Well I would, but it's hard to sleep. So can you help me with that?" Rex replied teasingly.

Upon hearing this, Gistella frowned as she didn't understand what he meant if not for the magic to put him to sleep. But then, her body stiffens when his warm hand slowly went down from her waist to her bottom.

In an instant, her expression reddened as she instantly know what he meant.

Puffing her cheek as she was still angry at him for what he was trying to do earlier, she turns her body around, showing her rejection. Rex was surprised by this, it was his first rejection from Gistella.

But then, his eyes widened before his expression of loss shifted to a wide smile again.

Glancing over her shoulder with a grumpy expression, she pushed back her bottom towards him and said, "Fine, make it quick. I'm still mad at you"

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