The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 870 Multi-Layered Sham

Chapter 870 Multi-Layered Sham

Inside the throne room was more than just the Executor and Brigitta.

Standing on the side of the throne was Edward that has now corrupted, the stark changes could be seen directly through the eyes. His ashen skin was the most eye-catching change, his lips and the space around his eyes were also blackened.

Additionally, his body is covered in corrupted black armor.

Judging from the way it sticks onto his skin, the black armor that only left his face and the inner part of his chest exposed seems to be one with his skin. Even the veins on the edges of the armor have been turned completely black.

Even the Black Messenger couldn't believe his eyes, he recognized Edward.

'I thought the bond between him and Rex is strong considering he even volunteer to help pull Rex back to humanity no matter the cost. But it seems he too has his limit, the Executor has corrupted him just like he did to King John...'

Glancing to the left, the Black Messenger could see King John standing idly.

Feeling his own blood boiling at the sight of the man he fancied as King standing like an obedient dog beside the throne room, it made him quickly avert his gaze elsewhere lest he exploded in outright anger.

But then the Black Messenger's attention was pulled back to the throne.

The Executor laughed out loud arrogantly while fixing his eyes on Gistella who was being delivered to him, only his laughs echoed inside the throne room for a full minute, depicting the excitement he was experiencing right now.

A wicked smile then lingers on his face while his eyes flashed with extreme malice.

"Good... good... this went better than expected!"

It hasn't been that long since the Executor gave the pendants to King John to lure the weakest link. He expected that there will be some problems along the way, but it seems he was wrong entirely.

Seeing that it's this easy, he feels like he has given the Royal Black Prince too much credit.

'Yes, this is how it's supposed to be. Everything is under MY control. I am one of the Executors created by the Supreme Being, my wisdom is unparalleled. A little effort from me and now I have his best friend and also his pack members in my grasp. My victory is already in sight, it's imminent'

While thinking this, the wicked smile on his face grew even wider in response.

Upon the Black Messenger reaching the base of the stairs ascending to the throne with Gistella standing absent-mindedly beside him, the Executor raised his hand before his eyes fixed on Gistella.

"Say, this woman is not the one I was hoping for. Is she important?" The Executor asked.

Nodding his head, Edward then replied, "I must say, I think you got the perfect one, master"

"Despite not having the position of the Luna or the Female Alpha, this woman, Gistella is the most gentle and pliant one. She's the most obedient. If I had to say, having her is way better than having the others simply because of her personality. While the others might be fiery and fight back, this one is definitely damsel-like" he continues, expressing his answer.

It was not the one he wanted, Adhara was the one he wanted.

But then again, she's the Female Alpha, and she's definitely not going to be the weakest link.

Despite not meeting his expectations, he's still excited about this.

Standing up from his throne with an arrogant look, lifting his chin upwards, the Executor descends the throne slowly. His steps were firm and strong before he eventually stopped right in front of Gistella.

Looking intently at her, his mind wanders for a second.

'I know that he has a similar System, so it's a little bit unsettling that he's this reckless about his pack members. But then again, I specifically used this method so I didn't trigger any warning from the System or even other quests...' the Executor ponders inside his head.

While he was meddling with his mind, King John was also standing still in silence.

It was then, his eyes caught something from the throne.

Upon seeing this, King John clenched his fists, seemingly trying to muster up courage before he eventually puts on a bright smile, "As expected of the Executor, your intelligence far surpassed that of the Royal Black Prince. Now that you have Gistella, the backup plans have been finished, and it's only a matter of time before your weapon is completed and your time to dominate the era will arrive"

"You are truly the strongest in power and intelligence, everything is under your control..."

Due to the sudden praise, the Executor's thoughts were disrupted.

Although he was in the middle of something, the Executor smiled pridefully when he heard the praise. Seems like King John is starting to understand his place, "Hmph! How dare you compared me to a lowly being like the Royal Black Prince, I'm incomparable to him"

"It's natural for him to be like that, master. I too was amazed by your unparalleled might"

Out of nowhere, Edward added from behind.

Glancing back towards him who was still standing on the throne, the Executor smiled, it shouldn't be a surprise that these simpletons thought of him that way, "I understand that your puny minds can't comprehend me, so I'll let it slide for now"

"Yes, I'm grateful for your generosity. I was only expressing my praise" King John added.

Listening to their banter, the Black Messenger's eyes bulged underneath his crow mask while he clenched his fists even tighter out of anger. He did it so strongly that his hands started to bleed, the sight of King John sucking up to the Executor is unbearable.

For someone who viewed King John highly, this kind of thing hurts him the most.

Shifting his attention back to Gistella, the Executor then grabbed her chin roughly and force her to look up. With a devious smile, he then said raspingly, "Since all of you now understand a glimpse of my might, bow down to me..."

Upon hearing this, King John, Edward, the Black Messenger, and Brigitta bowed down.

No hesitation whatsoever, all of them went on one knee.

The Executor couldn't contain his laughter once again, the breeze of triumph that he has achieved in such a short amount of time filled his heart with exhilaration. It made him even more certain that this era would be different compared to the last era.I think you should take a look at

In this era, he would be the absolute ruler of the whole entire world.

Glancing back over to Gistella who is also kneeling on the ground with one knee right in front of the Executor, a playful smile appeared on his face, "What do we have here...? Did you really think you have the same standing as them? No... you're lower!"

Out of nowhere, the Executor reaches out his hand to grab Gistella's head.

Providing no cover at all, the blue protective barrier that covers Gistella completely was shattered in an instant. The Executor then slammed her head onto the floor before pinning her head with his foot.


"Yes, this is how low you should go. Underneath my foot..." the Executor said evilly.

Although it was a while ago since their last encounter, and the others that were present at that time probably didn't know what had happened, too scared to look, the Executor still felt humiliated by the Royal Black Prince from the fact that his vambrace cracked after receiving that cheap strike.

It has always been his desire to see the Royal Black Prince prostrating before him.

But since the Royal Black Prince is not here right now, his pack member will do, 'I'll have to make do with this. I want to see him powerless as I take his pack members down one by one until eventually, he would be the one prostrating before me like an insect. I will utterly crush his mind, body, and soul for trying to defy me'

'Waiting for that moment to come would only make it taste better, I'm excited...' he thought.

Just as he basking in his triumph, he suddenly felt something.

The Executor looks down at Gistella underneath his foot before a frown appeared on his face, it made him think for a moment before surprisingly, he waved his hand to the others, "Leave the throne room if there's nothing more"

Upon hearing this, the others were surprised by the sudden change in tone.

King John, Brigitta, and the Black Messenger nodded their heads and stands up before leaving the throne room as the Executor wanted. At this point, all of them knew better than to question the Executor.

Looking over to his throne, he also added, "You too, Edward. Leave..."

Unlike the others, Edward hesitated for a moment when he heard this. But he eventually resigned and nodded his head, "Then I'll be going, for now, master. Please call me if you need anything to be dealt with"

In a moment, the throne room was empty once again.josei

Once the others left the Executor then looks back down to Gistella before a playful smile appeared on his face, "It's such a pleasant surprise, I was too excited to realize it now, but you don't have to pretend anymore"

"Gistella, you're not the weakest link, aren't you...?" he added and grimaced.

Earlier when he was stepping on Gistella's head to soothe his ego for managing to make a Silverstar Pack member prostrate in front of him, he sensed somekind of resistance from Gistella as he pinned her head on the ground.

Despite his overbearing manner, he didn't expose any killing intent.

If Gistella is really the weakest link that was influenced by the scent of the pendant, then she wouldn't be able to resist. She's in a hypnotized state where the creator of the pendant has absolute authority over her physical body.

It's what the pendant is used for.

A method used in ancient times by ancient humans against Werewolves.

Since the Werewolf race is a pack-oriented race that cares so much about one another despite their animalistic appearance and barbaric personality, the ancient humans created this pendant specifically to deal with Werewolves.

A method that can be used to target the weakest link of a certain Werewolf pack.

Out of the methods out there that can be used against Werewolves, the pendant is used specifically if the Alpha is quite a big threat. This is an effective way to subdue the Werewolf pack and evoke internal conflicts.

Having one member kidnapped will put pressure on the Alpha to save that member.

But now that Gistella is able to resist his stomp, it's clear that she's not the weakest link. It's obvious now that she's pretending, and the scent from the pendant doesn't seem to affect her that much.

Not deciding to pretend anymore, Gistella pulls her head away and stands back up.

A cold gaze adorned her expression.

"I don't know what you're planning by coming here, but do you think that this is a playground? Pretending to be influenced and coming here is a death sentence for you" the Executor said, his chaotic energy seeping out from his towering body.

Despite the pressure, Gistella seems to be composed, "Are you going to kill me?"

"Personally, I don't think you will. You may not know this, but if I didn't come here, then the weakest link would be Giana, and she is worth nothing to Rex. From the way I see it, you're lucky that I came here instead of her" she added without a hint of fear in her eyes.

Listening to this, the Executor smiled, "Is that so...? How come you're confident?"

"There are three things. First, I have the information you need to take down Rex. Second, I'll be more used to you alive compared to being dead, I think you know why. Third, I think your pretentious ego would like to humiliate me for being a part of the Silverstar Pack instead of killing me" Gistella replied, stating three clear reasons.

Just as she expected, the Executor smiled evilly in response.

But he then waved his hand and tilts his head slightly to the side, "Yes, that might be true. But how do I know that you're not planning something for coming here...? Are you a spy? Or do you have some other personal wants?"

"I'll entertain you if you be honest with me, Gistella..." he added whisperingly.

Upon hearing this, Gistella's expression darkens as she looks down to the floor. She paused for a second before she eventually takes a deep breath and replied, "I'll help you take out Rex from your race to power. But in return, I want you to kill Calidora Blodirra..."

"Oh...? This is interesting..." the Executor mused in surprise.

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