The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 88 Wicked Smile

Chapter 88 Wicked Smile

"Ho, the hero of humanity Edward, who's that on your side?", a mocking voice seeped from their backs

Hearing the voice, Edward frowns as his face turns red in anger.

Rex noticed Edward's changes before he looks back with a cold look, he wanted to know who's the one that can make the outgoing Edward angry like this.

On his back is a group of students,

The leader of the group is the one who called out to Edward, his disgusted expression can be seen clearly when his eyes landed on Edward.

He has red hair that falls down to his right side, a big scar crossing his chin all the way to his neck that looks brutal, and also he brought two people with him.

"What do you want?", Rex answered coldly, he doesn't know why but his anger is bubbling.

The guy glance at Rex mockingly, he puts his face just a couple of inches away from Rex as he said fiercely, "Do you know who you're talking to? a trash's friend will also be trash, so zip your mouth if you don't want to get hurt"

"Just beat him up Chris, he needs a good beating", a woman laughs from the side while tapping Chris's shoulder.

Rex stands there motionless, his expression darkened.

Hera started to sweat, he can feel Rex will explode at any moment, 'What do I do? my body refuses to move', she thought, Rex's aura and the scene before makes her body trembles even if she wanted to stop them.

"What is your problem with Edward?", Rex asks coldly, he doesn't want to be impulsive in this kind of situation. From Chris's confidence, he's probably got a great background and Rex has too many troubles on his hands already, he didn't want to add another.

His eyes glisten as he sees Chris's stat,

<Chris Sullivan>

Race: Human

Power: Rank Three(Peak) - Fire Elementalist

Mental: 28

Strength: 26

Agility: 34

Endurance: 30

Intelligence: 50

Seeing this, Rex was confused, 'This guy can't possibly defeat Edward, he can't even come close to Edward's skills', he becomes more certain that this guy has a solid backer.

Chris points at Edward who is putting his head down in anger, he pokes Edward's head repeatedly while saying, "This guy attack me just because I mock his friend, what's the dead kid's name again?"

"It's Kyle, what a loser. He got killed by a lowly Ghoul", The woman on Chris's side laughs hysterically.

"Yeah right? A loser got a medal from dying against a ghoul!", Chris's said while holding his stomach in laughter, tears came out because of his excessive laughter.

Hearing this, Edward's veins bulged angrily, "YOU BASTARDS!!", he raises his hand but got stopped.

<Warning!! The user's berserk stat has exceeded 90%!>

Rex's body is trembling, his aura started to leak chaotically as his body cracks with a little bit of black lightning.

He looks up and glares at Chris with murderous eyes, the anger within him erupted like a volcano. He unconsciously activates Alpha Intimidation as his eyes glow red.

"Eh?", Chris freezes under Rex's gaze, he doesn't know why but his whole body started to tremble under Rex's glare. It felt like his body is restrained by waves of water, it is hard to move or even breathe. Rex's killing intent is so thick that he felt scared, he can't even look at Rex.

<Berserk Quest!>

<Pride of a Friend>

Due to the user's berserk stat exceeding 90%, Berserk Quest has been triggered. Kill Chris as a sacrifice for the user's dear friend, failing this quest will bring a tremendously high penalty.

Time Limit: 10 Hours

Quest Reward: 500,000 Exp, 8,000 gold, Invincible x1, and High Ore of Vindication x10

Quest Failure: -50% Sanity, -50% Mental stat during the next full moon.

Rex's suppressed his anger as his murderous gaze turns into a smile, he then bowed a little, "I'm sorry for wasting your time, please excuse us", he can already feel the immense fear emitted by Chris so he didn't want to scare him more lest he finds shelter from him.

He then signals to the others to leave, even Edward turns his body and left unwillingly.

Hera and Bennie sigh in relief, they thought Rex will go berserk and attack Chris right this moment. If that were to happen, they can't even imagine the consequences.

The girl beside Chris shouted, "How dare you leave before we let you! Come back here!", she then spit onto Rex.

The spit landed on Rex's back making him stop abruptly, "You got a problem?", the girl said mockingly.

Everyone around Rex got stunned by this scene, they can't even fathom someone did it to them nevertheless to Rex!

Rex exhales slowly as he ignores her and left the scene.

She then scoffed in annoyance and said, "Chris, why did you let them go like that? You have to beat them up, if not they will become more full of themselves in the future"

Chris didn't answer the girl, he doesn't even move from his spot.

"Chris?", the girl approaches but what greeted her was Chris with a pale expression, she touches Chris's shoulder and she can instantly feel his body trembling.

'What is that?! He's...He's a monster!!', Chris thought in fear, he needs a couple of minutes after Rex left before he can finally move his body.

After leaving the training hall, Edward shouted at Rex with anger.

"How can you let them be like that?! It's Kyle for god's sake, he sacrificed himself for us! I don't care, I will go back and beat them", He's frustrated with Chris's group.

He wanted to go back to the Training Hall but suddenly Rex gripped his shoulder,

Edward glance at Rex with confusion but Rex's expression makes him jolted.

Rex's face is decorated with a wicked smile that makes Edward jolted in shock, he gripped Edward's shoulder tightly, "Oh they will be sorry alright, just follow me"

He's doesn't want any more enemy but something just can't be tolerated, he even got a quest from the system which boosts his motivation for killing Chris. Out of all, he just can't tolerate people mocking his friend especially

"What will you do?", Edward asks before getting a twisted expression reply from Rex.


Back in Noob Box,

It is already night with the moon hanging up in the sky brightly, there is little to no sound in the Noob Box as the recruits were all getting ready for bed.

Rex on the other hand is cleaning the Captain's room, he's the one in charge of it today.

He just finishes the cleaning and started to walks back to his barrack, he's covered with sweat from head to toe so he decided to go take a shower real quick.

Other recruits that have night shifts like him avoid him when they met, he's always known as the weirdest.

The other recruits once hear him sitting on his bed while mumbling, 'T-shaped Red Rune on his shoulder, 9 foot tall, greyish black fur, deformed ears, and black aura', he keeps saying this over and over again like a lunatic.

Some even heard him repeatedly mumbles, "I will kill you', some even saw him suddenly cry in the middle of his mumbles.

Because of that, the other recruits avoid him thinking that he went crazy.

But not all of them think like that, some sympathy him for having PTSD and one guy especially keeps him company every time he wanted to cry.

His name is Billy, but other recruits called him Lil Billy because of his small frame.

Rex always finds a remote place when he wanted to cry, but somehow Billy always found him and listens to his cries. In the morning they often got punished for not sleeping on time, but Billy takes the punishment with no regret.

He doesn't know why but he felt Billy knows what he feels, Billy feels like an older brother for him.

Just after Rex wanted to wash from sweat, he suddenly hears a noise near the bathroom.

'Who is it? Aren't they afraid they will get caught by the patrol guard?', Rex thought, at first he thought a group of recruits sneaks outside to smoke.josei

But when he got closer he recognizes a familiar voice,

"I can't, my hands haven't recovered from yesterday's punishment"

"What do you mean Lil Billy? I told you to do my shift, you dare to talk back to me?"

"Yeah Lil Billy, does last time's beating not enough?"

Hearing this, Rex peeks at them and saw Billy cornered by two recruits. They are smacking Billy while mocking him.

The guy looks at Billy disdainfully and said, "Fine, where's your dinner. Give it to me"

Billy takes out a couple of bread and fruit from his pocket and hands them over to the guy, he didn't even fight back.

"That's a good boy", the guy pushes Billy making him fell to the ground.

The other guy laughs mockingly as they opened their zipper and piss on Billy, once again Billy didn't fight back and let them piss on him.

Rex who is looking at this scene gripped the bucket he held strongly, his eyes bulged as immense anger erupted within him making him threw the bucket full of water to the two guys.


"What the heck?! Who's that!"

Without even pausing, Rex attacks them with erupting anger.

He punches the guy's stomach, the guy felt the heavy blow from Rex before he kneels on the ground holding his gut.

The other guy wanted to attack Rex but Rex is faster,

He held the other guy's head and slam his head towards the other guy's nose,


The guy's nose broke as blood spurted out of his nose, he then fell to the ground holding his bleeding broken nose.

Rex didn't stop, he kicks the guy who is kneeling on the ground right on the face.


The guy got smashed to the wall, "Argh!! Stop!!", the guy pleaded but Rex is not that merciful.

He held the guy's head and slam it to the wall, it immediately knocked the guy unconscious as blood dripped from his head.

Rex with his murderous eyes and a smile glance at the broken nose guy,

"Rex! Stop, it's enough!", Billy held Rex's arm trying to stop him from continuing the fight but got smacked away by Rex.

Rex already got engulfed with anger as he sits on the guy before starting to pound him repeatedly,


Two of the guy's teeth got knocked out of his mouth,


The guy's right eye got bloated as it turned dark blue, he can only helplessly receive Rex's punch without even having the energy to defend himself.

Looking at this, Billy ran to the nearby barracks and shouted, "HELP!! There's a fight!!"

The sleeping recruits woke up abruptly, their intense training makes them easy to wake up before all of them rush following Billy.

The group of recruits saw Rex pounding at the guy as they rush to separate them.

"LET GO OF ME!!", Rex struggled, he pushes everyone that held him back crazily. The disturbing part about this is that a smile was plastered on Rex's face all the way through the end, he didn't even feel bad about destroying both guys.

The recruits got overwhelmed by Rex, "Help! He's strong I can't hold his right arm alone"

After a while, they finally manage to separate Rex from the battered guy with the help of eight guys holding him back.

The next day, Billy thanked Rex wholeheartedly and said that he doesn't need any help. He said that if he needed help then he will ask Rex, but all this time he never said anything.

The event caught the captain's attention.

The captain sent the two guys to prison while giving heavy punishments to both Rex and Billy,

Rex and Billy got chained and whipped 100 times in front of the other recruits, they are punished for disturbing the Noob Box's peace and not following the order.

Rex then got the most intense training without food until dinner and went on therapy, while Billy disappeared from the Noob Box.

Through those rigorous punishments and training his hatred for Supernatural still buried deep within him, the therapy doctor even deemed him uncurable.

And from then on, he got transferred to the Special Reconnaissance Unit where he finally ends up meeting Kyle and Edward.


Edward got a flashback of that event, he's still new at that time and he saw how Rex brutally beat the two guys half death, it is a gory scene with blood spilling everywhere.

He himself as an Awakened can't possibly have the mental to beat a guy half-death, or at least he can't do it back then.

It was a scene that he can't forget, and the expression Rex gives to him is the same as that scene.

'Chris is dead, he provokes the wrong guy'

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