The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 881 Diplomatic Relationship

Chapter 881 Diplomatic Relationship

Adhara was triggered by this comment, she was evidently furious.

Already grappling with the strained relationship with Rex, such a comment from an outsider struck Adhara hard, a heavy blow to her chest. Compounded by the knowledge that Elder Tilrith is powered by the sin of lust made the comment spicier.

"If you ever require assistance in arousing the Royal Black Prince, I'm willing to offer my aid"

"I- I won't need your help"

"Very well, if such is your stance. I merely present my concern for you"

While the two waited for the gate to open, Elder Tilrith gazes up at the sky-high city walls.

A flicker of surprise danced within her eyes as they settled upon the city walls. An air of unease enveloped her, for a peculiar realization had taken root in her mind, 'If it were any ordinary city walls, my power would've at least cracked it," she mused. "Yet this one remains impervious"

Despite only announcing her presence earlier, her demonic energy is dense enough.

Barriers made of any energy are weakened during the First Breath, even more than the weakening of living beings' energies. So the fact that the city walls were not damaged is not because of a barrier.

It must be the materials that built it that are sturdy.

'What remarkable materials were used to build this wall...? So strong' Elder Tilrith mused.

Soon enough, the gate slowly opened.

Elder Tilrith could see the paved road leading to the hill where the ruler's abode is built in the far distance, the place where Rex lives. "Lord Rex has granted permission, you may enter" the city guard said to Adhara.

Upon hearing this, Adhara sighed in relief finding that Rex already woke up.

If he was still unconscious, she was about to decline Elder Tilrith and forced her to leave.

Nodding her head, she then leads Elder Tilrith inside.

"Hmmm... I'm not here to cause trouble, there's no need to evacuate the city like this"

"Surely you don't expect us to be careless like that"

In response, Elder Tilrith giggled as she finds this amusing. It would be foolish to believe her.

Coursing through the expanse of the city, having the time to sightsee, Elder Tilrith found herself underwhelmed. Despite its reputation as an emerging force in the new era, the surroundings failed to impress her.

It was more tailored to the inclinations of humans.

No pompous display of power, only filled with regular aesthetic buildings and skyscrapers.

Finding the city quite banal for her, biased to the holy grandeur of racial taste, Elder Tilrith's eyes widened when she suddenly felt an enormous aura and a peculiar scent when she arrived at the foothill.

It was something that she hasn't sensed for quite some time, perhaps hundreds of years.

She was quite dubious whether her senses were correct or not.

But this plastered a frown on her face as she sped up in climbing the hill, eager to reach the top and see for herself. Eventually, she finds herself in front of the castle gate, guarded by more city guards expecting her arrival.

However, instead of focusing on the guards, Elder Tilrith's eyes are fixed on a figure.

A figure came to view, causing her demonic eyes to flare in astonishment. It was the last entity she anticipated to encounter here. A surprise beyond her expectations, the berserker of the past, addicted by its relentless thirst for battle.

"Cyclop...? You're a Cyclop!" Elder Tilrith pointed and exclaimed.

Ugrok stands towering beside the castle gate with both of his arms crossed menacingly.

Beside him is a mighty club with sculpted horrifying disfigured faces on the tip. It's a weapon produced from the forgery using the mutated trees of Humming Damned Forest as materials, a weapon befitting him.

Despite the quality may not be exceptional, the product is still quite satisfying.

Gazing at Elder Tilrith, Ugrok's eyes flickered.

It's been quite some time since he has seen a Demoness in the flesh, he was mostly cramped inside the Cluster Domain and only saw Emham Forest and its inhabitants. And yet, he lacked any reaction.

"Rex is waiting inside, don't mind Ugrok" Ugrok replied shortly.

Elder Tilrith remained stunned, Cyclops should have perished in the ancient era.

However, one of them is standing right in front of her. Furthermore, his build and oozing physical dominance show that he's pure-blooded. The Cyclops race lived on, and he's under Rex's rule to boast.

Surely, this is a display of power, a view that Elder Tilrith was forced to see.

Cyclops were likely unknown or foreign to the modern era, yet she was aware that the race comprised feral and destructive individuals. Lacking in civilians much like the Demon race, and stood as rivals in power to both the Demon and Angel races.

Prizing fighting more than anything is the factor that leads to their downfall.

In terms of raw power, strength, and ferociousness, the Cyclops race will crush the other races without a sweat. Out the Supernatural races, they didn't rely on armor or defensive abilities, focusing everything they had on offense.

If not for their laughable wits, they will definitely survive.

A powerhouse like that, if groomed, would be a deadly addition to any Kingdom.

Elder Tilrith composed herself by steadying her breathing.

Casting one last look at Ugrok, she then followed Adhara into the castle to meet with Rex.

With determined strides, she entered, her footfalls resounding against the plush royal red carpet. Before her stood the absolute ruler of this domain, a figure known by many as the Abomination Incarnate, the One with Lethal Claws, or the Supernatural Reaper.

Rex is sitting on his majestic throne with the same red cape, crossing his legs lordly.

It was a pleasant surprise to be visited by Elder Tilrith.

"Departing your domain so soon, Elder Tilrith, I daresay such a hasty departure may not bode well for your influence over the Demon Kingdom" Rex initiated the conversation, subtly probing her intentions behind this personal visit.

Upon hearing this, Elder Tilrith puts on her devilishly charming smile.

A smile full of her demonic charm that could enthrall anything. But unfortunately for her, inside the castle is Rex's absolute control. Without the presence of cursed energy, he's basically invincible here.

"Worry not, Royal Black Prince. I assure you, I'm perfectly poised in command." She replied.

Suddenly, Evelyn descends from the throne politely.

Fixing her eyes on Adhara, she approached her and held her hands with a light smile, pulling Adhara away gently, "I believe you are tired from your journey. Come with me, I'll make ready your bed chamber"

Adhara's brow furrowed, noticing that Evelyn's demeanor held unexpected gentleness.I think you should take a look at

"But I still need to report to Rex..."

"Later. For now, come with me to the side"

Despite wanting to stay, she was pulled to the side, leaving Rex and Elder Tilrith alone.

When the two of them disappeared into the hallway, Rex then opens his mouth again as he eyes Elder Tilrith sharply, "I hope that you know that coming here is a very dangerous move, and the reason for coming here is worth it"

As the two figures vanished into the hallway, Rex's voice resounded once more, his gaze fixed on Elder Tilrith with piercing intensity. "I hope you are aware that your presence here carries great peril, and I trust the purpose behind it justifies the risk"

"Is that so...? But I don't feel threatened by being here" Elder Tilrith smiled and said playfully. 

Upon saying that, her eyes suddenly widened for a second.



A sudden strong breeze of red energy flew past an inch away from her face.

Following that, the crimson energy rents the royal red carpet asunder, its destructive force imprinting a cavernous mark upon the wall. It was so fast that Elder Tilrith couldn't react, her normally swift reflexes strangely dulled in the face of this onslaught.

Rex flicked his finger and cast the Brutal Impulse as if it was nothing.

Despite the suppression from the First Breath, he could use Brutal Impulse simply because of being inside the castle and also having sufficient mastery thanks to training like a madman inside the Banished Realm.

In addition, he could pressure Elder Tilrith using the castle, fixing her on the spot.

Anything inside the castle can be influenced by him.

Elder Tilrith's haze shattered abruptly as she instinctively brought her fingers to her cheek. The brutal Impulse had etched a gash across her cheek, its impact opening a path for her vibrant purple blood to trickle down her face.

"I find myself compelled to acknowledge the danger of this situation, Lord Rex"

"Your recognition is quite reassuring, Elder Tilrith"

"Nevertheless, even amidst this danger, as fate would have it, I've ventured here without a trace of malice. I trust you've already discerned my sincerity, no... my true intent"

Although he was skeptical of Elder Tilrith, it's true that she has no malice.

If she had even the tiniest sliver of malice towards him that she hides within, then the System would've noticed that and issued a Killing Intent quest. But since there's not, she must've come here for diplomatic reasons.

"So, Elder Tilrith, what brings you here?"

"A surprisingly modest purpose, in truth. I harbor a desire, a whisper of a request, in return for the secrets I hold"

"Is that so...? If this request holds benefit for me, I am receptive. If I had to be honest, the direction of our conversations are taking is starting to intrigue me, Elder Tilrith. I'm starting to take a liking to this relationship of ours, and I sincerely hope you represent all Demons"

"Yes indeed, it holds the potential, were it not for one minor problem. One that, perhaps, the mighty Royal Black Prince's expertise could aid in resolving"


Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle.

Evelyn brought Adhara to the dining room before she lets go of her hand.

Despite leaving the castle for a brief moment, Adhara was surprised to find that there are many changes about Evelyn. It seems something happened when Adhara was away which spark this kind of change in her.

A question appeared in her mind, but before she can ask, Evelyn opens her mouth first.

"He's afraid..."

"Hmmm...? What are you talking about?"

"Rex is afraid of losing us, that's the root of his anger. We intend to go to the Emham Forest to help despite knowing the Executor is present, and our attempt to disobey him... Unintentionally, we hurt him, exacerbating his fears"

Upon hearing this, Adhara was perplexed for a second.

It was weird for her, she didn't quite believe what Evelyn is saying, "Rex will never be afra-"

Just as she was about to answer, she stopped, her eyes widened when she remembered that the emotional aura that Rex is emanating lately has been greyish-blue color. She thought that it was worry at first.

But she didn't pay enough attention that beneath that worry, fear was present.

"Not that Rex wanted to abandon us, but he was trying to teach us" Evelyn turns around.

Gazing at Adhara tenderly in her eyes, she then continues, "Rex is trying to teach us the feeling that he had already experienced countless times, it was so crippling to the point that experiencing it one more time will destroy him. The feeling of losing someone..."


While this is happening, at the same time, the Great Barricade is still seized.josei

It doesn't matter whether it's day or night, the older generations of Supernatural races have inexhaustible stamina, attacking the protective barrier without any sign of stopping. Such tenacity is unheard of.

But their attempt didn't come as futile, there's a weakness in the protective barrier.

Although the Great Barricade is quite tall and the protective barrier even taller, there's a limit to how high that barrier could get. Many Supernaturals realized this, and the ones that could fly started to fly higher.

On the other hand, the ground troops also didn't sit still.

Small demons started to gather close together before another demon entrapped them inside a huge demonic ball. Inside fits two dozen small demons, and the demon that made the ball threw the ball high up to the sky with one powerful swing.

Focusing on this strategy, some of the demonic balls managed to go over the barrier.

Military men, Awakened, and Black Hands were starting to be on-guard finding that small demons started falling from the sky and Supernaturals that could fly also started to penetrate through.

It was a tactic that has never been used before, and there was no real counter to it.

"Open fire! Awakened, create a barrier on top of us!"

"Those who can fly, intercept the flying Supernaturals! We can't let them get far!!"

Just like that, the Great Barricade was starting to be overrun. It was time for the real fight to begin, and the grotesque and savage Supernaturals were already licking their lips, anticipating the flesh of humans.

One breach is all it takes for them to hit the humans with the full brunt of their hatred.

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