The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 90 Kidnapping Chris

Chapter 90 Kidnapping Chris

Edward looks at Rex with a disbelieving look, "Sex sadist? Really?"

Rex can only chuckle from the side, he needs to do that to at least make Kiru more desperate.

"So what's your plan? I don't understand any of it", Edward asks, he's been in the dark all the way until now and he demands to know the plan.

Kiru already left the place, he's already on his way to kidnap Chris.

Rex found a chair and sits on it before he replied, "Recently I make an enemy, he's Duncan Platchi"

Hearing this name, Edward was shocked.

Duncan Platchi is not a nobody, he's the Black Tiger Guild president and also the head family of the Platchi Family. He often shows up in the news so everyone will naturally recognize the name Duncan Platchi.

"Are you mad?!", Edward said as he put Miru inside the other room.

He walks back towards Rex before he also sits down on a chair, "How the hell did you make him your enemy? and what does Duncan Platchi have to do with killing Chris?"

Rex smirked, "I killed his son Lucas Platchi"

"You...You kill his son?!", Edward gasp in surprise.

Rex ignores Edward and continues, "You said that the Platchi is an enemy of Sullivan's right? The White Assassins is sent by Faraday University as a request from Duncan to test me, so what happens when a White Assassin that was sent for a nobody like me kidnaps Chris the son of the Sullivan Family, and then they found Chris dead on the street?"

Edward was in thoughts, he then realized, "Then the Sullivan will think that Duncan testing you is only an excuse to kill Chris! Especially since Lucas died, the Sullivan will have more than enough reason to blame this all to Duncan!"

"Exactly", Rex smirked evilly under the moonlight.

Edward felt a cold chill running on his spine as he looks at Rex, 'He came up with that? I always know he's scary but this...'


Outside of the Holyclub,

The place is silent from the front, there is no music heard from anywhere around this place except for two bouncers in front of a metal door.

But when people opened the door and left, immediately the loud DJ music was heard.

The Holyclub seems to be fully soundproof from the inside, it didn't bring any discomfort to their surrounding.

There are hardly any people left in the street, it is already night and not many places are open for business.

"Did you look at the girls brought by Chris from the Sullivan Family? They are all top-notch beauties!", bouncer 1 said while creating a sexy figure by waving his hand.

Bouncer 2 on the right chuckles, "Don't dream about it bro, you're not even an Awakened there's no chance for you to get that kind of girl"

Bouncer 1 slap Bouncer's 2 shoulders annoyedly, "Man shut up, you're killing my vibe"

They both joked with each other to pass time, unknown to them there is a figure watching them from an alley located on their side.

The figure is undoubtedly Kiru.

Chris is not a nobody so Kiru knows exactly which Chris Rex is talking about, there is only one Chris that is major enough to be assassinated at Faraday University.

Kiru looks at the surrounding, he is also a citizen of sector 2E so he knows what he needed to watch out for.

Sector 2E is an advanced sector and it is almost covered with a 24/7 CCTV drone that roams around the place as well as normal CCTV.

It is very hard to do criminal things in the heart of Sector 2E especially near Faraday University where the population of Awakened people is more compared to the outskirt of Sector 2E.sdwrt

Kiru saw a small drone flew towards his place, he then turns his body into smoke.

The drone looks around the place not noticing a cloud of smoke that went under a car that is parked on the side, it then flew away towards another direction.

Without wasting another second, Kiru notice a group of people leaving the Holyclub as he seeped past them and went inside.

"Why do I smell something burning all of a sudden?", Bouncer 1 said while rubbing his nose.

Bouncer 2 looks at him weirdly and replied, "This is Sector 2E, it's literally impossible for something to caught fire in this place"

"Huh that's weird", Bouncer 1 said before they talk other things.


Inside the Holyclub,

The place is crowded with people from all ranges of ages, the DJ is jumping up and down with the beat while the crowd of people dances to the rhythm. The music makes their hearts tremble with excitement, the flashing light makes them drunk in the night, and there's even a dancing robot on the stage.

Holyclub is the perfect place for men or women to let out their stress and dance with each other, Forgetting about their identities and indulge in the night.

p "CHEERS!!"

One of the rooms that are located in the VIP section burst with laughter, they're all drinking to their hearts' content.

The difference between this specific room and the others is that there are a couple of guards in front of the room wearing black glasses. From a glance, everyone around the place knows that someone important is inside of the room.

"Chris!! I heard you just embarrass Edward in the training ground! I should've seen that", a man said with a beautiful blonde girl on his lap.

Chris laugh while flirting with the girl beside him, "HAH! Of course, that fucking loser is lucky my father prohibits me from killing him"

"No worries! I'll drink to that!!", the guy replied while raising a glass.

Chris accepted the guy's toast and slam the glass together before drinking it in one go.josei

The world is spinning in Chris' perspective, he had too much drink that makes him unable to think straight anymore.

Awakened is basically superhuman, they have enhanced everything that can put even the strongest normal human to shame. Although they are strong, they also have a downside.

All of the poisons that manage to get inside their bloodstream will also spread faster, it is because of the intensity of what they can do with their Awakened power that can speed up their heartbeat or even hasten their metabolism.

Because of this, poison or even alcohol is very effective for them. They can die twice or even thrice as fast as normal humans.

Chris got addicted to the feeling of getting drunk, he's currently making out with the girl beside him.

Amidst the hectic night in Holyclub, one infiltrator manages to get inside.

Kiru still in his smoke form stick to the floor as he seeped past every people that manage to get in his way without alerting them.

It went smoothly because of the loud music and drunk people.

After scanning the place, he then notices a couple of guards in front of a room, and these guards are an Awakened unlike the other majority of people in here that is a normal human.

He then felt the guard's aura and all of them is weaker than him, he then slowly approach the guard.

The guard frowns when they felt something is off, they look around but they unable to notice anything.

Without a moment's pause, there's suddenly a white flash that blinds them.

They can't react to the white flash, their necks suddenly got slashed and all of them fell one by one in front of the room.


The people around didn't notice three guards fell to the floor before Kiru drags them to the corner and cover them with a black cloth he found on his way there.

'There should be more Awakened inside, I need to make a disturbance', Kiru thought as he waits in his smoke form beside the room.

He waited for someone to walk past the room,

Not long after, he found a man walking sluggishly towards the room's direction.

Looking at this, Kiru tripped the man by hitting his leg before the man stumbles and fell towards the room's door opening it completely.

"Ah!!", the man grunt after he fell.

The people inside the room glance at him with hostility, "Who the fuck are you?! Breaking in here like that?"

The man didn't even hesitate, he left the room hurriedly.

Seeing this, three people inside the room ran after him leaving the room.

Kiru on the side smirk, 'two ranks three Awakened and one rank four awakened left the room, that's good', he then crept through the door and notice that there are only four people inside.

He closes the door silently before he scans the room.

The room is luxurious with a circle sofa in the middle around a fireplace, it has its own bathroom, pole for the dancer, a bedroom, and even its own bar where they can call the bartender to makes their drinks.

Kiru already looks around the room with his smoke form and already created an escape plan.

Chris and his friend are currently making out with two girls, the room filled with lustful atmosphere as their hands started to grope the girl violently.

"Ahh", the girls moan in pleasure.

Unknown to them, there is a white figure standing just beside them looking at them coldly.

Kiru silently goes to the other guy on the sofa that is moving his hips like crazy, the girl under him is gripping the guy's body while moaning crazily.

"You like that?! You want me to go harder?!", the guy said while pulling the girl's hair.

The girl keeps moaning in pleasure, her moan makes the guy motivated and started moving his hips even faster but suddenly.

"Huh?", the guy was confused, the moan suddenly stopped.

He looks up heavily, the alcohol is still messing with his mind while he keeps moving his hips but then he saw the girl's neck is sliced by something, his eyes widened for a moment.

He wanted to push the girl away in panic but his throat also got sliced by a white flash,

Without even creating a single sound, the guy and the girl's died before Kiru pulls them both slowly and puts them behind the sofa.

This happened without Chris knowing anything, his mind is currently between the girl's breasts.

After hiding the corpses from Chris' sight,

Kiru sneaks silently towards Chris, 'He said to bring this guy to him, so it's okay if I hurt him a bit right?'

He arrives behind Chris, he takes out his katana slowly without a sound.

Chris should've noticed someone is behind him but his senses are dull because of the alcohol, it makes sense for him to not notice Kiru especially with such a beauty in front of him.

He then started to strip the girl while the girl started to strip him,

Kiru lets them both strip each other, he senses that Chris's shirt is emitting a weird aura so he wanted him to take it off lest it has defensive properties.

And sure enough, Chris takes off his shirt not long after.

Looking at this opportunity, Kiru takes his katana and drives it through Chris's right shoulder.


A katana suddenly stabbed through his shoulder all the way hitting the girl's throat killing her, "Akh!!", he was confused about what just happened.

His blurry eyes try to look at his front before he realized, "WHO THE FU...", before he can even struggle.

Kiru hits the back of his neck sending him to dreamland immediately, Chris doesn't have a chance as a peak rank three Awakened against Kiru who is a peak rank four Awakened.

'That's pretty easy for a son of a high-ranking family', Kiru thought.

Just when he's about to take Kiru, he hears footsteps from the outside. It seems the people that just left were about to head back.

Without wasting a second, Kiru lifts Chris's body before he went to the bathroom and exits through the window.

Not long after, a group of guys arrives at the room, "Where's the guard? Are they slacking again?"

"I don't know, that's weird", another guy replied.

When they look at the room, their faces turn pale in a matter of seconds.


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