The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 910 A Decade Of Setback

Chapter 910 A Decade Of Setback

In a long time period of reigning in power, peaceful days have never been this pleasing.

Ever since the meeting with King John regarding the change of power in Ratmawati City, President Sebrof felt like days had gone by quickly, peace had always been a short-lived endeavor for someone like him who has heavy responsibilities.

He had the older generations of Supernaturals to thank.

If it weren't for them, King John and the Executor would still have their eyes on him.

However, the awakening of the older generations of Supernaturals also brought alongside effect in which he was forced to deploy most of the ninth-realm Awakened who were sent here by the Elpida Alliance, originating from the UWO main branches from neighboring cities, to the Great Barricade to make sure that the walls are not breached.

From early in the Supernatural Emergence, the Great Barricade has stood as a bulwark.

Many people considered it as a symbol rather than a wall.

President Sebrof's public image has indeed been tarnished by his failures. However, his decision to dispatch reinforcements to the Great Barricade was not driven by a mere desire to salvage his rock-bottom public image. Rather, it stemmed from a stark reality.

If he didn't do anything, and the Supernaturals broke through, humanity might really collapse.

Due to that, the 25 Golden Crest Families were extremely drained and busy.

It's a time of uncertainty and chaos.

Scattered on his desk in a messy way were dozens of reports that he had read earlier.

Another bad news that he doesn't want appeared before him.

"It's a costly mistake to awaken the Executor," President Sebrof exhaled a heavy sigh, perched in his office atop the UWO main branch, staring pensively at the cityscape beyond. Clutching a cigarette between his fingers, he muttered softly, "Had he not decimated Sector 2, our struggle with the older Supernaturals wouldn't be this difficult"

Just remembering the damage made him massage his throbbing forehead.

Seated on the plush office sofa inside the room were two figures, Lady Aurora and Sir Philip. Both had been unwavering companions to President Sebrof, remaining behind since their daring infiltration mission into the Executor's castle.

Knowing that the Executor was away, they had to try their luck.

Despite the information hailing from their attempt is not much, it's still a progression.

"What did those reports say, President Sebrof?" Sir Philip asked.

Finding that President Sebrof seemed to be troubled after reading the reports, he was curious and wanted to know about them. Mostly, he wanted to share the burden so that President Sebrof would not be overwhelmed.

Aurora also feels similarly, she gazed at President Sebrof with interest.

Upon hearing this, President Sebrof straightens his back before he turns around with a sigh.

Putting out his cigarette on the ashtray, he sat back in his seat and remained silent for a minute. Only when the minute passed that he finally open his mouth, "I have long worked together with the military and created a research to improve military weapons and further the role of non-Awakened personnel"

"Compared to the Supernaturals, we have technologies, so I wanted to maximize them"

Both Lady Aurora and Sir Philip don't seem to be surprised by this.

Some of the other big cities were also conducting similar research, it would be a huge advantage for them if they could somehow make the non-Awakened personnel have a fighting chance against stronger Supernaturals.

However, President Sebrof's expression shows that something went wrong with it.


"Most of our research materials and invaluable findings were housed in a highly fortified facility in Sector 2. But it was completely razed to the ground when the Executor built his castle. We suffered the loss of countless research breakthroughs because of that, effectively erasing a decade's worth of progress" President Sebrof explained the devastating setback, regret etched into his voice.

Foreseeing something like the First Breath, President Sebrof anticipated it with this research.

One of the most anticipated findings was a powerful robot.

Scientists found a way to use high-rank Supernatural carcasses to create a powerful robot that could be controlled like a drone, an exponential breakthrough for humanity that consistently has trouble with numbers against the Supernatural forces.

Additionally, there are also ways to produce elemental attacks through runes.

It was called Project Supernatural Arms, weapons that are engraved with elemental runes to cast an attack similar to a spell. High-rank commanders and generals would be able to wield this and provide more worth in a battle.

But that all came into ruin when the Executor was awakened.

Just when these projects were at the final stages too, the timing couldn't be any better.

If only the military had gotten the necessary weapons that could injure a sixth-rank or even a seventh-rank Supernaturals, then not only could humanity fend off the older generation Supernaturals who were suppressed by the First Breath, but they could also go on the offensive.

President Sebrof regretted this deeply because this could be the turning point.

Humanity could've won this war.

As Lady Aurora and Sir Philip absorbed this information, it became painfully clear why President Sebrof seemed to be devastated. The cost of his error was staggering, and now the situation had escalated to a point where even the formidable might of the ninth-rank realm Awakened offered limited recourse.

"If I may, would you grant me a pass to take a look at this research?" Lady Aurora asked.

Depicting a suspicion about the two of them, President Sebrof frowned.

But seeing this change, Sir Philip quickly added to avoid any misunderstanding between them as both Lady Aurora and him came from the same city. "Do not be mistaken, president. Lady Aurora is a scientist herself,  and as a ninth-rank realm Awakened, she could also process information way faster than normal"

"Given a chance, she might reverse this situation" he added, convincing President Sebrof.

Upon hearing this, President Sebrof pondered for a moment.

Even though there was a chance that the credit would go to them instead of him if Lady Aurora succeeded, he decided to stop being selfish and see the future as one. "I'll notify the research department, give them this and they'll lead you to the research lab"

President Sebrof took the lapel pin on his chest hesitantly before giving it to Lady Aurora.

It was only then silence came back as the two left the room.

Leaning back on his seat, President Sebrof closed his eyes to rest his mind for a moment.

"Hmm... What to do, what to do..."I think you should take a look at

Since the UWO has been moving on the dark, outshone by the SCO that was now close with the Executor, he would need to figure out a way to meet with King John and discuss the matter regarding the entire humanity.

At the very least, he would need to know the Executor's plan so that he could adjust.

Just as he was resting his eyes and pondering about the countless matters inside his head, President Sebrof's forehead creased a little when he sensed a cold wind brushing against his entire form that was colder than the air from the AC.

But he thinks nothing about it other than an odd air.


Despite wanting to think nothing of this odd air, he was starting to feel uncomfortable when the atmosphere inside the room changed. It was then that a whispering voice penetrated his ears, "Fancy another chance, President Sebrof...?"

"Hmmm?!" President Sebrof's eyes jolted open in shock when he heard this voice.

Scanning the entire office room on alert, he doesn't find anyone aside from him inside. However, he couldn't brush that voice as a hallucination, he trusted his ears enough to believe that the voice was real.


President Sebrof turned his head to the side when the papers on his desk flew.

It was almost as if something went past them quickly.

"Who's there?! Come out, don't be a coward!" President Sebrof shouted cautiously.

Clearly, he was not alone inside this room, there should be a foreign invisible entity that is inside the room with him. But even though he already expanded his arcane mana and spirit energy, he still couldn't sense this figure.

'Just who is it? If I couldn't sense it, then this figure must be in another dimension'

Not even an invisible creature could escape his senses, it would require a very powerful entity to sneak around a ninth-rank realm Awakened such as himself. So the only explanation he has was that this figure is in another dimension.

But then again, he doesn't know anyone who could do something like this.

'An ancient Supernatural? No, if it is, how can it reach here without being sensed by Intra?'

Even though Intra couldn't sense any entity that resides in another dimension, President Sebrof believed that this invisible entity inside the room right now wouldn't have the energy to keep being inside another dimension throughout the way here.

Surely, being inside another dimension drained so much energy.

Due to that, he was confused as to how this entity could even reach him in the first place.

"President Sebrof, there's no need for concern about your safety, nor must you concern yourself with my identity. What's important is that I'm here to present you with an opportunity, a proposition that could restore things to their former state. Are you prepared to listen?"

Realizing the cautiousness in his eyes, the voice tries to assure him to calm down.

However, that's too much of a first request.

"If you don't want to reveal your identity, then there's no need for me to trust you" He said.

But instead of doing what President Sebrof wanted, the voice didn't bother and replied again, "Don't you want to regain power again? Don't you want to fix your mistakes? If you do then all you need to listen. If you don't then I'll leave this place right now"

"Make a decision, President Sebrof. I'll only give you one chance" the voice added.

Upon hearing this, he remained silent in his spot.

Approximately five minutes later, President Sebrof still remained silent and indecisive.

"Very well, I'll leave you to yourself" the voice echoed again.

President Sebrof gritted his teeth when he heard this, he couldn't stall any longer. This is the moment he would need to make a decision, and the temptation of doing everything he does wrong, right, made him succumb to the voice. 

"Wait!" He shouted, coming to a decision.

Raising his determined gaze onward, he then continues, "I'll listen, so tell me your offer"


Back to the Dwarven army inside the Supernatural territory.

Since the confrontation with the legion underneath Demon Lord Ranath which was able to catch them by surprise, anticipating their ambush thanks to the demon scout that remained high in the sky, their ambushing method has improved.

It seemed the other Rastrikan Demons legions were also doing the same.

Rex and the army only need to keep an eye on the sky and take down the Demon scout before continuing their ambush, and thus, the next legion gets perfectly ambushed and this gives them a tactical advantage.

However, the Demon Lord leading this legion is still nowhere to be seen.

Due to that, the army took care of the Rastrikan Demons inside the islet rather easily.

Adhara who was commanding a portion of the Dwarven army to scour the entire islet for any leads snagged Rex perched upon a big boulder. His legs were gracefully crossed, and it appeared he was in deep meditation, the purpose of which remained shrouded in mystery.

'What is he meditating for? He has been doing that a couple of times already'

From the Dwarven Kingdom, he has been doing this quite a lot.

Most may think that he was meditating to reach a higher realm in his elemental prowess, but it was clear that he wasn't doing that, none of his energies were active. It must've served another reason that this managed to become his habit.

'Or was he calming his mind? I really don't know' Adhara pondered.

Just then, her eyes flickered when she saw Rex opening his eyes with a smile on his face.

Approaching him lightly, she then asked, "Care to share what you are smiling for?"

"Hmmm? It's nothing. Let's just say that something good that would benefit me happened somewhere" Rex replied with a peculiar low tone, his words were enigmatic and this only made Adhara even more curious.

For all she knew, she was still in the dark about his plans.

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