The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 912 Bottomless Power

Chapter 912 Bottomless Power

Listening to what Brigitta said, the Executor turned and gave her a very sharp glare.

Any comment of that kind does nothing but make him feel insulted.

For someone like her, a feeble existence, to worry about him was a jab to his ego, and this made him reprimand her with a cold tone, "I don't need your worry or your help, lesser human. Save that for the weak"

"Just do as I told you, nothing more, nothing less" He added, clearly displeased by this.

Snapping from her daze, Brigitta bowed slightly, "I apologize for overstepping"

It has been some time since she started to work as the Executor's secretary, regulating the matters inside the human territory on his behalf, and staying by his side lest he have any request. Dealing with the Executor is not a difficult task for her anymore.

On this kind of occasion, the best thing she could do is to not argue and apologize.

"Make sure to not do this again. In the whole entire world, I am the only blessed one" the Executor declared overbearingly, pompous in self-flattery. "Even if the collective might of the entire world were arrayed against me, I shall forever stand at the pinnacle"

Responding quickly, Brigitta nodded in agreement, "That, I believe..."josei

Acknowledging that she had already learned her matter and place well, the Executor scoffed.

Just as he was on the verge of dismissing Brigitta's insult, and shifting his focus elsewhere, an unsettling occurrence transpired. Blood began to seep from the ground behind him, yet it carried an eerie absence of any discernible aura.

It's devoid of anything that could stimulate most sensory attributes except the eyes.

Due to that, even the Executor didn't realize it.

Forming one quite big puddle of blood, it slowly constructs itself into the shape of a Vampire.

Brigitta caught sight of this anomaly and instantly recognized the Vampire as one of the High Lords who had clashed with the Executor earlier. It should've perished, having been stabbed through the heart, but here it stood, inexplicably surviving.

On that note, she also saw the Vampire's lips moving uneasily, chanting something sinister.

Alerting the Executor should be the priority right now.

However, Brigitta was too shocked to utter any words, the sight was quite horrifying.

Upon the completion of the sinister incantation, the High Lord Vampire gauged its own heart from its chest and crushed it mercilessly. Its heart exploded, unleashing a torrent of black blood, coating its right claws entirely in darkness.

With blinding speed, it then lunged at the unsuspecting Executor.

Startled, Brigitta leaned back, having a gut feeling that this attack was extremely deadly.

'Oh, no! The Executor is still unaware of the Vampire!' She exclaimed in her thoughts, realizing that the Executor still had his back turned toward the approaching threat, utterly unsuspecting of the impending attack from behind.

Brigitta eventually forced out a scream, warning him of the attack, "Executor! Behind you!"

Caught off guard by Brigitta's shout, the Executor swiftly glanced over his shoulder, only to find the Vampire High Lord was already before him, its claws coated in black blood and poised to deliver a swift clean decapitation.

It was completely unbelievable.

For a brief moment, the Vampire High Lord's power reached leap and bounds.

"Underestimating us will be your grave, Fifthborn. Die in humiliation, I'll offer your life to my ancestors that you done wrong" the Vampire High Lord savagely said, his eyes brimming with excitement. "Even though now is a new era, once a loser, always a loser!"

Mocking the Executor brazenly, he swatted his claws strongly, aiming straight for the kill.

His chances are enhanced through the element of surprise on his side.

Not taking this advantage would be a foolish move of him, and he has confidence in himself.

Similarly, even the onlookers on the wall believe that the Vampire High Lord has managed to catch the Executor off guard. Feeling the tension, they unconsciously hold their breaths in response as this would be the first time the first awakened ancient human gets hurt severely.

Obviously, from their point of view, the Executor is in great trouble.

The Vampire High Lord's claws were already nearing his neck, close enough that they could render the Executor's burst of speed useless, solidifying the fact that even he couldn't dodge an attack when it was already less than an inch away.

However, contrary to their expectations, something happened in that instant.

Just as the Vampire High Lord's claws drew near, a big spark was created from a collision.

Beating the odds, the attack got deflected.

Despite having full confidence that his attack was going to hit the Executor, severing his head or at least wounding him grievously, the Vampire High Lord was shocked when the trajectory of his attack got deflected to the side, dispersing his momentum away.

It happened so fast that he didn't even realize what had just happened.

Upon missing his attack, a sly grin appeared on the Executor's face, dripping with ridicule.

"Loser...?" the Executor chuckled, amused by the Vampire High Lord's attempt. "That was all in the past, and now, in this new era, everything is going to change. I will become the strongest. But unfortunately for you... you wouldn't be able to see it as your life ends today"

A chill crawls on the Vampire High Lord's spine when he hears the Executor's voice.

Following that, his face drains from all colors.

Realizing that his impending doom was near, he could only gulp harshly in a sense of dread.

Not even giving him the chance to react, a quick succession happened as the Executor grabbed the Vampire by the neck with both of his hands. Lifted from the ground, the Vampire High Lord could feel the Executor's claws piercing deep into his throat.

Casting a mocking grin, the Executor then ripped his entire form into two brutally.


Blood splattered everywhere, creating a harrowing sight of gore.

Deciding that he would make sure that this Vampire High Lord wouldn't come back to life once again, the Executor placed his remains in front of him and raised the black spear high into the air, changing the air around him.

Garnering his Chaos element, a concentration of purple energy appeared at the tip.

In a swift motion, the Executor then swung down powerfully.


Kaboom!I think you should take a look at

Upon impact with the ground, the black spear triggered a potent, purplish blast that vaporized the Vampire High Lord's form into nothingness. No possibility remained of its resurrection, for its body had ceased to exist entirely.

Pausing for a second, the Executor observes the remains attentively.

It seemed he was still unsatisfied.

Knowing that the attack from earlier could've gone bad, he blasted the ground a couple more times to make sure that the chance for the Vampire High Lord to come back and attack him again was less than 0 percent.

When he finished, he turned around again and gazed at Brigitta.

His expression is devoid of any worry, he was taking something like this rather well.

"Tell me about the progression. I hope for their sake, they are not slacking at all. I am in a bad mood, and I won't show them any mercy if they did" the Executor said, changing the topic and shrugging the attack earlier as nothing worth mentioning.

It was even surprising that he didn't blame Brigitta for alerting him sooner.

While that may have been the perception of onlookers, Brigitta held a different perspective. She understood that the Executor wouldn't place the blame on her, for in his eyes, the other humans were regarded as lesser beings, and his expectations for them were exceedingly low.

Due to that, Brigitta acting like this is in a way, befitting of a lesser human in his mind.

Jolted out of her momentary trance, Brigitta paused briefly before realizing what the Executor was talking about. "Our forces are currently carving a path through Supernatural territory to the Symposium, precisely as you instructed. However, it will take some time before the operation is completed"

"What about those puny Supernaturals? Are they resisting?" the Executor asked again.

Not needing to ponder, Brigitta nodded, "Yes, but we're making progress"

Prior to the fight that transpired earlier, she had already requisitioned a report from the other section of the Great Barricade, and it confirmed that Sir Denzel and his forces were adhering to their orders, advancing into Supernatural territory as commanded.

Considering the Executor's public image, it's hard to imagine them slacking off.

"Good, keep me updated. I'll expect it to be done as soon as possible" the Executor replied.

As he uttered those words, he executed a great leap, returning to the Great Barricade and landing gracefully on the wall. His sudden appearance sent a collective shudder through those who stood upon the walls, as merely being in proximity to the Executor was enough to leave them quaking in their boots.

It was even more so as they now had seen the Executor's power directly.

Casting a descending glance at them, the Executor then fades away into nothingness.

On the other hand, Brigitta remained rooted to the desolate plain, appearing lost in contemplation, her posture unwavering. Nevertheless, anyone who had witnessed what she had would likely have reacted similarly.

"What was that...?" She utters softly, her mind still fixed on the attack earlier.

Positioned beside the Executor earlier, and also having a strong perception as a ninth-rank realm Awakened, she managed to discern the events that had transpired in that fleeting moment, albeit with considerable difficulty.

Just when the Vampire High Lord's attack was about to hit, she saw a weird phenomenon.

In that instant, a loud ring resounded in her ears.

While the faint ringing sound went unnoticed by many, it left others with a momentary sense of daze, making it harder for others to discern what had happened. Additionally, this phenomenon occurred as a result of a double or a copy of the Executor.

A ghastly astral projection, a purplish doppelganger that came out of his body.

It was the one that expertly diverted the Vampire High Lord's strike on the Executor's stead.

During that moment, the Executor was clearly still caught off guard.

Obviously, he was genuinely surprised by the Vampire High Lord, not suspecting the attack.

Contrastingly, the purple double responded with even greater alacrity than the Executor himself, successfully shielding him from the impending assault. In doing so, it nullified the lethal threat, rendering the attack incapable of harming the Executor.

'Will there be any end to his power...? It seems bottomless' Brigitta thought in disbelief.

However, she quickly shook her head.

She should've already expected this immense power from the entity that is the center of the whole Supernatural's hatred. If the Executor is not this powerful, then there's no way that his presence would be this impactful for the Supernaturals.


Meanwhile, back to the Executor's castle.

Gistella was given food for her amusement, yet she left the food untouched.

Ever since her meeting with King John, the castle has been in a complete serenity but that changed at this moment when the door was opened. It was not King John that visited her, but it was a familiar figure instead, Edward.

Closing the door behind him, Edward stared at Gistella with a calm and collected gaze.

Approaching subtly, he then stopped a good distance away.

Glancing over to the Awakened inside the room, they all quickly bowed and retreated away.

Judging from the way these Awakened acted, obediently leaving the room without refuting him, contrary to how they reacted when King John asked the same thing, it was clear at least to Gistella that he had the higher authority around here.

But then again, he did sell his soul to the Executor who turned him into this, creature.

However, Gistella's expression contorted grimly.

Compared to the expression she wore for King John, she was evidently giving him a different treatment. Her expression is deathly ice, and the fact that she wasn't fond of meeting with Edward is not at all, hidden.

If a random stranger was inside the room, they could feel the big elephant between them.

"Don't give me that look" Edward said subtly.

Taking a lingering chair on the side, he placed it before him and sat on it, crossing his legs in a nonchalant manner. "I'm here in peace, no malice in mind, wanting nothing but a friendly conversation with you" he continued.

But this doesn't lift the mood at the very least.

Gazing at Edward with disdain, something that was foreign in Gistella's face which usually was meek or tender, she forced out a derisive smile. "Maybe... But I failed to imagine a proper conversation with someone like you" She replied, cold and sarcastic.

"Don't misunderstand my purpose, I've come to be rid of Calidora. However, it's worth noting that my view on you doesn't differ at all from his... Traitor" She declared, her words resonating with a thunderous gravity.

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