The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 918 Unpleasant Obstacles

Chapter 918 Unpleasant Obstacles

Chapter 918  Unpleasant Obstacles

Once in a long time, the Witch finally was able to crack up a smile on her own.

It was an unfamiliar countenance.

Entering back into her quarters after striking a deal with Evelyn who agreed to give up the Eternal Curse, she could no longer hold her emotions. An ecstatic smile broke across her features, revealing the exhilaration bubbling within her.

"Good, this is not going as I anticipated but still on track..." the Witch utters whisperingly.

Stretching out her hand, her cursed energy could be seen dancing excitedly.

Remaining motionless in contemplation, her eerie eyes flashed with a wicked light, "I was hoping that Rex would ask me to be rid of the Eternal Curse, and use that reason to not destroy the curse, taking it over for myself instead. But he hadn't asked for that. Maybe he experienced a change of mind. Nevertheless, Evelyn would suffice in convincing him"

While she was pondering about the matter, Calidora made an appearance in her mind.

"The Vampire Princess... I know that she's not someone to be underestimated ever since her fight against my children, but her deed turned to my advantage, and she has my thanks. Evelyn sought me for help because of her. However, she's very dangerous" the Witch mused inwardly, troubled by her presence.

Nothing seemed to be certain in regard to the Vampire Princess.

It was more so since the Witch knew that even Rex wasn't able to handle her properly.

Judging from Evelyn's reaction alone, she's almost certain that Calidora is slowly becoming a huge problem for the Silverstar Pack. A pack of anomalies that triumphed over many and rose to the third power of the whole world.

By that standard, the Witch is determined to be vigilant when around her.

Shifting her attention away, the Witch glanced over to her children and flicked her fingers.

Mindful not to disturb her peacefully sleeping children, the Witch settled into a cross-legged position, levitating gently in the air through her wicked power. She infused her right hand with cursed energy and proceeded to cover her right eye with it.

While this was happening, a gathering of cursed energy appeared somewhere in the sky.

It swirled slowly before manifesting into a cursed eye.

As the eyelid lifted, it revealed an eye with a raven-black sclera and piercing yellow iris.

Clearly, this cursed eye belonged to the Witch of Chaos.

This cursed eye surveyed the scene below, a vast landscape, where a procession of human army could be observed. Many of them bore wounds and were also exhausted, suggesting they had recently engaged in a fierce battle.

None of the humans below realized that the cursed eye was inspecting them from above.

Due to the cursed energy around the eye, it was untraceable.

Observing this scenery from high above, the cursed eye then turned to the side.

Back at the castle, the Witch of Chaos pulls her right hand away and dissipates the cursed eye from the sky above the human army. "At their speed, they would reach the Symposium about a week or so. Taking into consideration the Supernaturals' future attempts to stop them, they would probably reach their destination in less than a month"

"Tick, tock, Rex... Time is ticking, and you better reach it before them" She added.


Meanwhile, somewhere inside the Supernatural territory.

A steep slope was located near the end of a lake, two lands collided with each other like tectonic plates, caused by natural phenomena or even the force of a powerful entity that possessed immense force in the past.

Greeneries fill the slope, and the entire place is also quite rocky.

Some small rocks all the way to huge boulders can be seen, decorating the mundane sight.

But due to the night sky, the mundane sight becomes quite extraordinary instead.

Unlike the daytime when the ground's greenery appeared ordinary, the night transformed the grass into a radiant spectacle, emitting a soft, sparkling green glow and releasing tiny, dust-like particles that added warmth to the cold night.

one's breath away.

On a mile to the right from this place, however, the grass was Despite the world has gone into chaos, this place could still take one's breath away.

On a mile to the right from this place, however, the grass was corrupted with a gradient pale blue energy as an aura-less army marched through with steady and strong steps. An air of death emanates from this imposing army.

It takes one look to recognize this army as an Undead army.

Leading in front of them was a massive, horrifying Undead adorned with ungodly jewelry.

Most of the Supernatural races would instantly recognize this powerful Undead as the current Leader or Queen of the Undead, Elder Noskear who now seemed to be extremely unhappy with the condition she was in.

Even the other Undeads could feel the wrath despite her being calm and composed.

"That insolent Storm Prince! How could he reject such an opportunity, claiming it to be less than ideal, arguing that Kirgil wouldn't inflict sufficient harm to the Royal Black Prince? Just admit that your libido is uncontrollable in the face of the impending Hare Full Moon" Elder Noskear grumbled whilst levitating above the army, coursing through the slope.

Just earlier, she already talked with the Storm Prince about this attack.

Since the news of the fight between the Royal Black Prince and the Rastrikan Demons managed to reach her, she thought that this was a perfect opportunity to strike, or at least see if the opportunity arose.

In a battle of life and death, anything could happen.

Both of them could get lucky and encounter a very injured Royal Black Prince.

However, the Storm Prince denied that chance and refused to come with Elder Nosekar. And that answer was the reason she was in a very bad mood which made her even more determined to strike right now.

If she defeated the Royal Black Prince, she could shove it into the Storm Prince's face.

A moment later, the army passes through underneath a jutting rock.

Elder Noskear was about to command the army to go even faster, which is not a problem for an Undead who has unlimited physical stamina, but the ground suddenly rumbles and abruptly halted the Undead army's march.

Gazing downward, Elder Noskear frowned, sensing an entity inside the ground.


Out of nowhere, the earth erupted in a torrent of molten lava, forcing the Death Knights present in the army to create a nether shield to protect the Undead army from the searing heat of the molten lava.

It was then an enormous serpent appeared, suffused with malevolent demonic energy.

Surprisingly enough, this serpent was able to coil its immense body completely around the entire Undead army, ensnaring them within its fiery embrace. Despite the army consisting of thousands of Undead, it was still big enough to do this.

Upon seeing this, Elder Noskear squinted her eyes, finding this serpent blasphemous.

However, the demonic energy that emanated from the serpent's body made her realize that it was no regular serpent. A second is all it takes for her to realize whom this serpent belongs to, and that person is somewhere nearby.

"Well, well, well... You're getting quite predictable, Elder Noskear"

A soothing, graceful voice reverberated to the surroundings, annoying Elder Noskear greatly.

Turning around, a figure could be seen sitting on the tip of the jutting rock above.

Just the purplish skin and seductive violet long hair, enveloped in an enticing purple mist swirl with each breath that even had the power to captivate the same gender, this figure is unmistakably Elder Tilrith.

She appeared to be eagerly anticipating the arrival of Elder Noskear.

Elder Tilrith crossed her plump, thick legs while eyeing Elder Noskear from above, a teasing smile clearly etched on her face, "Surely, you don't believe I'll simply stand by and let you proceed, do you? Personally, I tend to stand by my words"

"Words? It means nothing as long as I can get what I want" Elder Noskear barked back.

Not going to entertain Elder Tilrith and her games, Elder Noskear pointed her deathly index finger before her eyes flickered with nether energy, a chant escaping her mouth, "Nether Magic, Fleeting Death Ray..."



Despite her attack, Elder Tilrith didn't move from her spot.

Upon the invisible magical attack reaching Elder Tilrith, it hits something and dissipates.

"It seems the chaos of the world serves you" Elder Noskear mused.

Just from that simple attack alone she could already tell that Elder Tilrith was stronger than before, the chaotic situation of the world must be fueling her Sin of Lust with more power as that is generally what living beings turned to in stress.

Seeing that Elder Tilrith was attacked, Zara raised its head higher, shadowing the army.


A menacing hiss escapes its mouth, baring its fearsome sharp fangs.

However, not intimidated by this at all, the unhinged Death Knights also roared back as their energies climbed, preparing to take down this overbearing demonic serpent that didn't know its place.

Similarly, Elder Noskear was also not intimidated, "Are you going to force us to stop?"

"I just might, and that would be a huge loss for you. Reestablishing recognition with the Netherworld for a dead Death Knight can be quite troublesome, don't you agree?" Elder Tilrith retorted, her resolve unyielding.

But this made Elder Noskear scoffed, "You alone? I don't think your power could affect me"

"Who says I'm alone...?" Elder Tilrith smiled teasingly in return.

Just as she uttered those words, a figure descended from the heavens, blocking the moonlight for a brief moment before crashing into Zara's form. His majestic wings unfurled with imposing grace, teeming with brilliant azure, and his reptilian eyes gleamed with pride.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Elder Rancaladra flapped his wings one time.


At that moment, bright celestial stars adorned his wings.

"Elder Noskear, I had believed Undeads to be devoid of emotions. I anticipated my patience to be even more limited than yours, but this is nothing short of pitiful," Elder Rancaladra proclaimed condescendingly, his presence akin to a mountain. "If you desire the opportunity to kill him, it shall come in due time. However, that time is not now. Stand down, or I shall wipe your feeble army from existence"

Upon hearing this, Elder Noskear grinds her teeth in anger, her eyes bulging in fury.

"Despite his origins, he's no Supernatural. Are the two of you truly prepared to wield your might against a fellow comrade of this new era?!" She roared in disbelief, unable to fathom that the two were collaborating to thwart her advances.

Jumping down and landing beside Elder Rancaladra, Elder Tilrith giggled sweetly. josei

Leaning her head playfully against Elder Rancaladra's shoulder, she locked eyes with Elder Noskear with the same unwavering gaze and declared, "I've heard a glimpse of his plan, and I have a distinct feeling that he might actually succeed in defeating the Executor. I have no desire to face the Executor in battle, so I won't allow you to pass"

It was supposed to be a fine night.

But that all came crashing down as these two appeared as spectacles.

Elder Noskear had intended to exact her revenge for the humiliation she endured, turning her own people against her. However, it had become clear that she couldn't do so, not with Elder Tilrith and Elder Rancaladra obstructing her path and siding with the Royal Black Prince.

'Royal Black Prince, you wretched bastard!' Elder Noskear's mental scream echoed.


Meanwhile, back to the Dwarven Army.

Rex picked his ears when a ringing sound infiltrated his eardrums, and this made him look to the far distance with a frown on his face. <nulli>Is someone talking about me behind my back? Whatever. The preparation should be complete now, time to subjugate more Demons.

Approaching from behind, Adhara reported, "It's about half done, we need more time"

Upon hearing this, Rex nodded his head.

Pivoting to turn towards the Dwarven Army that was preparing something with the corpses of the Rastrikan Demons, gathered from the previous fights, he then commanded with an authoritative tone, "Move faster! I want it done before midnight!"

Responding to this, the Dwarves move even faster.

Despite his authoritative tone, none of them felt bitter as Rex has proved himself already.

"Why exactly are we making it here?" Huvuki chimed from the side.

At Huvuki's inquiry, Rex turned his distant gaze toward the forest beyond the river, which flowed toward a rushing waterfall. A sly smile played on his lips as he contemplated the scene. "It's an ideal stage for a performance they'll never forget, etched into their very demonic souls," he mused. "For unless I am gravely mistaken, they are simmering with fury and coming straight at us as we speak..."

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