The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 932 Friendly Fire

Chapter 932 Friendly Fire

Chapter 932 Friendly Fire

Fearing the possibility that Demon Lord Kirgil would use his remaining power to cause as much destruction as he possibly could to the Dwarven Kingdom, Flunra wasted no time and propelled himself after him.

In the entire Dwarven Kingdom, plus the reinforcements, he was the only capable one.

He was the only one capable of fending Demon Lord Kirgil.

Even though there were a couple of strong Dwarves that were tasked with defending the Dwarven Kingdom, as well as Lady Lauren and Daniel who were informed by Adhara of a possible attack, they would at best be able to stall a moment against Demon Lord Kirgil.

Demon Lord Kirgil is too strong for them.

Looking through the lens of power hierarchy, he's in the upper ninth-rank realm.

Compared to the likes of Baralt, Solomon, and the other previous Kings and Queens of Supernaturals, he's way stronger than them. Had it not for the First Breath, it would be possible that he was on the verge of the tenth-rank realm, a pseudo-tenth-rank realm.

Because of that, Flunra would need to end this quickly before anything bad happens.

It would be a failure on his part if bad things happened.

Just the thought of failing Rex's direct instruction alone makes his chest burn from within, causing determination to flicker in his sharp eyes as he exerts even more force to move quicker in order to reach Demon Lord Kirgil.

Flunra takes one huge leap and soar in the sky, scanning the ground beneath him.

Clearly, the fight is still continuing fiercely.

Under the barrage and collective heat that the Rastrikan Demons were emitting from their bodies, able to reach miles away, the snowy landscape of the Dwarves' territory quickly melted like butter with the footprints of thousands.

Enchanters cast demonic incursions, fueling the Rastrikan Demons with more power.

On the opposite side, the Dwarven Kingdom's force retaliated.

Medieval weapons made by Dwarven craftsmanship stationed atop the walls launched a barrage of energy-infused rocks, shaking the ground with each impact, while the Dark Elves sent a hail of arrows that darkened the sky.

In addition, Tigerman also used their superior physiques to wrestle even the largest Demons.

However, Flunra couldn't find Demon Lord Kirgil anywhere.

'His scent and trace of energy vanished. What's wrong with his Slave Mark? It's only supposed to weaken him, not cause something like this' Flunra frowned, he couldn't fathom how Demon Lord Kirgil could vanish like this.

Flunra tries to search for Demon Lord Kirgil's tracks to no avail.

Despite having a monstrous body that should've stood out, there were Rastrikan Demons that were even bigger than he was, making the search for him through size alone quite impossible to do.

But since there was no scent and trace of energy, this was the only way.

Clicking his tongue in displeasure as searching like this would be of no use, he decided to dart his eyes to the right, taking another approach. 'Since he's weakened due to the Slave Mark, he would definitely try to escape. Maybe I should search the rear'

Not intending to give up early, he landed on the ground and dashed away.

Zooming through the snowy grounds quickly.

Assessing the landscape with his sharp eyes, he heads to the plausible directions that Demon Lord Kirgil might've taken in his attempt to escape. 'He shouldn't be far with his current state, let's pick up the pace!'


However, contrary to what Flunra was thinking, Demon Lord Kirgil is not there.

Near the battlefield, guarded by powerful eighth-rank realm Rastrikan Demons are two female humanoid Demons with ashy black skin, wearing minimal black-veiled clothing were smiling at the anarchy they caused.

A pair of hideous entities from the depth of hell itself, the Rastrikan Demons' Enchanters.

Each of them was constantly whispering demonic chants.

It conjures numerous effects throughout the battlefield that either empower, granting protection to the Rastrikan Demons, or even cause as much chaos on the enemy forces from sickening effects and hellfire explosions.

Seeing the Dwarves have reinforcements is quite unexpected.

Nevertheless, the power of the Rastrikan Demons legion is not to be underestimated.

One legion alone is far beyond the grasp of feeble lower-rank Supernaturals that it's simply unlikely for them to resist and win this fight, and the Enchanters recognized this clearly and were elated at the sight of the struggles of the enemy forces.

"Emmh...? My Lord!"

Just then, one of them was surprised when she saw a figure standing behind her.

Even more so as the demon guards said nothing to them.

But turns out it was Demon Lord Kirgil.

If he was here then he had definitely taken care of the annoying pest that blocked his way earlier, Flunra the Special, and now, he would be joining the battle and fixing the destruction of the Dwarven Kingdom for good.

"You arrived at the perfect time, my Lord. With you joining, they will definitely crumble"

"We would end their peaceful days, and bring them back to reality"

Feeling excited, the two Enchanters' eyes glowed red as they cast one last look at the battlefield which will soon be over when Demon Lord Kirgil joined the fight. There would be no chance for the Dwarven Kingdom then.

Nodding her head, an Enchanter then said, "We're ready to cast enhancements on you, m-"

While she was saying that, she suddenly felt a hand grabbing her head.

"M- My Lord...?"

The Enchanter was initially perplexed when she felt Demon Lord Kirgil's hand on her head, but she soon surmised that her Lord might want to commend her for her exceptional performance against the Dwarven Kingdom

However, the other Enchanter was having other thoughts.

Gazing at the golden gleam in Demon Lord Kirgil's eyes, she felt uneasy for some reason. josei

Even the Demon Guards were feeling somewhat weird.

But then, the other Enchanter noticed that the Slave Mark on Demon Lord Kirgil's forehead was emitting a radiant golden energy, causing her eyes to widen. She hadn't noticed it before due to the angle, but now it was unmistakable.

"W- Wait! Keturah, get away from him!" the other Enchanter shouted.

Upon hearing this, Keturah cast a weird glance at the other Enchanter before out of nowhere, without warning, the grip on her head intensified, and in the next moment, she found herself hurtling through the air before colliding forcefully with a nearby tree.

She thought that she got thrown, but her eyes widened when she fell to the ground.


Right beside Demon Lord Kirgil was her standing body.

It shocked her remaining consciousness beyond comprehension before her eyes rolled back.

Seeing Keturah's head ripped from her body and thrown to the side by Demon Lord Kirgil, the two Demon guards quickly threw themselves in front of the other Enchanter, trying to protect them as they were told.

"My Lord! What's happening?"

"W- We are your underlings, my Lord!"

Both Demon Guards exclaimed, trying to reason with Demon Lord Kirgil.

However, the other Enchanter shook her head, "It's no use, he's under the Slave Mark's influence! I don't know how this happens, but we need to retreat first. Get us out of here, and inform the others that we are retreating!


Just then, Demon Lord Kirgil unleashed a powerful roar, shaking the ground around him.

It was so powerful that the shake permeated through the battlefield.

Amidst the chaos of the ongoing battle, even the enemy forces, including Sir Daniel leading the front-line assault and Lady Lauren perched atop the walls paused, and turned their attention away from the battle toward the source of the deafening roar.

Seeing a powerful Demon standing in the far distance, the two frowned in worry.

"Is that the Demon Lord...?" Sir Daniel muttered under his rigid breath.

Lady Lauren, her eyes wide with concern, gasped, "Does this mean Flunra is defeated?"

While the two were stressing from the fact that the battle might've turned for the worst, knowing that there were none aside from Flunra capable of blocking a Demon of that caliber, something unexpected happened.

Contrary to their expectations, Demon Lord Kirgil attacked the Enchanter near him.

Several formidable Dwarves had quietly plotted to ambush the distant Enchanters who had been making the battle way harder than it should have. However, it appeared that their intervention was unnecessary, as Demon Lord Kirgil took care of the matter himself

Even the Rastrikan Demons were confused at the sight of this.

In their minds, they were confused as to why their own Lord was attacking the Enchanters.

But their trains of thought were abruptly shattered as Demon Lord Kirgil catapulted himself onto the battlefield, descending into the heart of the Rastrikan Demon legion with a bone-chilling impact, and didn't waste time to start his rampage.

No matter what, he butchered every single Demon that caught his sight.



Whimpers and wails of pain spread throughout the Rastrikan Demon legion.

All of the Dwarven forces and their reinforcements stood transfixed as they witnessed this unbelievable scene, utterly dumbfounded by the sight of the Rastrikan Demon leader turning against his own kind, unleashing a torrent of violence that no one could have anticipated.

Despite the weird gladness in their hearts, it doesn't diminish the shocking aspect.

"Should we let this happen or should we help him...?"

Out of nowhere, an Awakened approached and asked Sir Denzel who was still in shock.

Upon hearing this, Sir Denzle smiled wryly, "I don't know what to do myself..."


Meanwhile, back to the Dwarven army.

"Go deliver the message to Flunra as quickly as possible, and don't worry about your kingdom. It's going to be fine" Rex commanded Huvuki who was already mounting a mutated bear with a calm tone.

Beside him is the Dwarven army that is ready to journey back to the kingdom.

On top of that, the Elves' army is also ready to help them reach the kingdom faster using their natural spells. Hastios told them that there was a teleportation formation nearby that could be used to teleport the Dwarven army back to the kingdom.

It's about half a day's journey, and this would make their journey back way faster.

Compared to going on foot, this is way better.

Upon hearing this, Huvuki nodded his head hesitantly, "Are you sure about this?"

"Indeed, your kingdom is secure. I give you my solemn word. One of my most trusted pack members has discovered a means to incapacitate Demon Lord Kirgil, and I can personally vouch for myself" Rex responded with unwavering confidence, his words flowing seamlessly and assuredly.

Huvuki gazed at Rex's eyes for a few seconds.

A few thoughts came to mind, 'He's a Werewolf, a powerful one at that. He must be keeping contact with this trusted pack member of his through some sort of link. I assume it's Flunra, the one sent to deal with King Samobas back then'

Having no reason to not trust Rex, Huvuki nodded before he signaled to the army to move.

With that out of the way, Rex turned around and strode away.

Only the Dwarven Army as well as the Elven army depart back to the kingdom.

Rex alongside Adhara and Ryze stayed behind, and the two weren't aware of the reason they were not going back with the armies. But it would be foolish to question Rex as he definitely had a legitimate reason to be here.

"Now that they are gone, we also need to be on our way. Follow me" Rex said nonchalantly.

Walking to the cliff, he then jumped down the waterfall.


A crack was created as Rex's feet made impact with the ground.

Similarly, Adhara and Ryze followed after him and landed right behind him. Compared to Rex and Ryze who made a crack in the ground, Adhara fell gracefully, she didn't even make a sound as her feet touched the ground.

Then, the three of them made their way in a direction.

"Least you could do is tell us where we are going, Rex" Adhara commented from the back.

Upon hearing this, Rex smiled mysteriously.

But he decided to answer, "The Rastrikan Demon's temporary den is our destination"

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