The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 97 Manticore Weakness

Chapter 97 Manticore Weakness

"If you lose, I'll screw your sister. How about it?"

Hearing this, Kevin was utterly shocked to the core.

He can't comprehend the bold words that came out of Rex's mouth, he turns his head in shock, "What...What did you say?"

"You heard me, you said you will bet anything? Then I'll say if I win I can screw your sister", Rex said loudly, he's raising his voice as if he wanted everyone to hear it.

The others were also shocked, hearing the words from Rex's mouth is like thunder ringing on their ears.

Edward who is leaning on the wall chuckles from it, 'You really have to do him like that?'

Kevin lowers his head with a darkened expression, his body is trembling in anger as if a volcano was about to erupt from within him.

Even the representatives of Ochyra University were all dumbfounded.

Although they know Rex is as daring as ever, they can't believe that even towards Kevin Luc who is the number one student of Faraday University and also the first son of the Luc family he didn't show any kind of restrain.

Rex walks away from Kevin with steady steps, "So? How about it Kevin Luc?"

Getting mocked around by Rex makes Kevin fuming in anger, he wanted to get Rex back for humiliating him in front of the audience but who would've thought that it turns like this.

Kevin gritted his teeth, "I'll see you in the arena", he said while leaving Rex.

After the other Faraday University representatives left the scene with obvious anger, Rosie smacks Rex's head.


"How dare you use me to do that! Hmph!", she pouted, she's still salty to be used as a bet.

Rex glance at Rosie, "I didn't use you as a bet, he's the one who brought it up", he tries to defend himself.

Rosie didn't buy it as she turns her head away in anger.

Then suddenly, Adhara tugs the tip of Rex's uniform and said, "Do you really want to screw Kevin's sister?", an ominous aura brushes past his neck.

"I...I didn't, I don't even know his sister. You told me before he has a sister", Rex replied nervously, he didn't know why but Adhara makes him felt nervous lately.

Hera then said, "Rex, we will be waiting in the training ground to know each other better. You're the leader so at least showup, don't wander around making a scene"josei

After telling Rex that, Hera guides the others to the training ground leaving Rex and the girls.

Rex nodded his head, "I'll be there in a min, don't worry"

Just as Rex wanted to defend himself again, Edward approaches them, "Yo Rex! So, which one is your girl?"

Rex punches Edward's gut jokingly, he then introduced, "Rosie, Adhara, this is my friend from the military. You can call him Edward, a good friend of mine"

"Hello, I always wonder who can make Rex this soft. Now I can see why", Edward joked.

Adhara and Rosie chuckle because of Edward's funny remarks, they then also introduce themselves before they leave the place.

They talk to each other especially Rosie and Adhara who are curious about how Rex was like during the military, their eyes flash with curiosity.

"You won't believe how much of a lunatic Rex is", Edward said.

The girls' interest was piqued hearing this, he then continues, "One time, I heard him mumbling in his sleep 'greyish black fur, deformed ears, I will kill you' and all other stuff before he suddenly cries. It was weird, I even heard that he punches a guy during his sleep"

Adhara and Rosie chuckle but then they realized,  "Why would Rex said that in his sleep?", Hera asks.

"You didn't know? When Rex is little he-", before Edward can finish, Rex already cover Edward's mouth with his hand, "Okay, that's enough of talking about me"

Rex pushes Edward to the side, "Okay off you go, we have to train to beat you guys"

"No fair dude, although you're stronger than me don't think I will stand still and let you win", Edward taunted, he then waves his hand and left.

Adhara and Rosie were sad, they wanted to know more.

'Amidst that strong front, turns out Rex has a weak side too', Adhara and Rosie thought after they heard Edward's story.

They both then promise to themselves to be the one Rex head to when he's feeling weak.

Arriving at the training ground,

They went straight to the quiet room where the others gathered, it was in the corner-most room where the sound of fighting can't even reach there.

Rex and the girls enter the door and saw Tony and Hera are currently forming a plan.

The quiet room is quite spacious that can probably fit thirty people, there is a table in the middle with cushions surrounding it to sit.

"You're here, take a seat", Tony said.

Rex went and take a seat near Hera and Tony, "So, how is it going for the tournament plan?"

Hearing this, Hera taps a hologram beside her and pushes the hologram to the middle of the table, the hologram shows the manticore footage and its description.

"We are still talking about the Manticore that we will fight, the composition of our team is not a good one against a Manticore", Hera explains.

The footage is showing a Manticore fighting a group of Awakened, it is gruesome.

Tony then added, "Our team consist of two Fire Elementalist, two Earth Elementalist, one Water Elementalist, two Wind Elementalist, and lastly you, Lightning Elementalist"

He then enlarges the hologram footage and continues, "As you can see, the Manticore has multiple elemental resistance because of their nature. They have fire, wind, and earthPla resistance and are very agile for their size. It is a bad match for us, so our plan is to make Rex our main damage dealer  because of his Lightning Element, it is the only shot we have"

Ochyra University team has only 1 Water Elementalist, the Manticore is a bad matchup for them.

Hearing this, Rex frowns.

He recalled the system's description, "Manticore doesn't have resistance to the earth element"

Tony was confused, he then replayed the footage, "As we can see here, the rock broke instantly upon hitting the manticore"

The footage shows a peak rank four Awakened using a spell to summon a boulder crashing towards the Manticore but it broke easily as butter after getting hit by its tail.

From a glance, it looks like the boulder is ineffective but Rex trusted the system.

Rex squinted his eyes before he drags the hologram towards him, "If you look closely, the tail of the Manticore attacks the boulder as soon as it got close to its body"

The others squinted their eyes and saw the Manticore flinch to the side as it attacks the boulder with its tail.

"But based on the record, the Manticore's tail gives them earth resistance", Tony said while scrolling through the description, he was still doubting.

Rex stands up as he enlarges the footage even more, he then zooms in to the Manticore's tail, "Pay close attention to this scene"

The footage shows the Manticore's tail movement, it was fast so it is blurry.

But when Rex slowed the footage and zoomed in to the tail, the other saw something astonishing.

"That's...That's Lightning Element!"

"What? How could this be? The UWO manual will never make this kind of mistake"

Rex then continues, "There is only a few Manticore so the UWO probably didn't pay close attention to this one. The Manticore's tail is imbued with Lightning Element. Their skin is not very tough and Earth Element is weak against Lightning, that's why it evaded the boulder from hitting its body"

After realizing this, they all were utterly amazed by Rex's perception.

The tail moves lightning-fast and it didn't even emit any kinds of Lightning Mana, but when one pays attention closely they can see a faint spark of lightning coming from the Manticore's tail.

"The Manticore doesn't have multiple resistance, it's just specific parts of their body that have different resistance. Using its fast movement, it can adjust the elemental attack to its respective body parts to avoid injury", Rex explained.

The others nodded their heads in realization, even Brock's eyes started to glow in admiration.

But then, Rosie follows, "If that's the case, it becomes harder to fight it knowing that your attack can be negated by its tail"

"That's true"

"Now who can damage it? Ivy is the only Water Elementalist, and there is only two Earth Elementalist on our team"

Rex raises his hand to stop the others ranting and said, "Don't worry, the Manticore we will face tomorrow is only a peak rank four. It can't block my attack"

'I can even kill it using my brute strength', Rex thought silently.

Supernatural resistance becomes stronger the stronger they get, it is a commonly known fact.

For example, rank four Manticore can resist a fire attack from a rank four Awakened but if the Awakened have Mid Great Element, then they can't resist it. But as soon as the Manticore reach rank five, then they can resist the Mid Great Element but cannot resist Peak Great Element.

Using this logic, Rex's Black Lightning is a Peak Great Element which means it can only be resisted by a rank six Manticore.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow? Should we divide each student by their element and give them the Manticore's body part they have to target?", Tony asks Rex.

Rex leans both of his hands on the table, "Yes but with a little bit of twist"

The others listened attentively, they subconsciously already accepted Rex as their leader because of this.

"The Manticore has a weakness, we will aim for its tail first. There is an orb on its tail, crush it then the Manticore will be greatly weakened", Rex explains briefly.

Hera and Tony look at each other, 'Are the military more adept than the UWO?"

They started to doubt the UWO competence compared to the military, they thought Rex knows all of this from the military archives but little do they know Rex have the system with him.

"So here's our plan-"


"Sir, please I'm sorry. I don't know that it will end like this, I swear!"

In a room inside of the Faraday University, Manuel is shivering after getting cornered by a group of people.

If Rex was here, he will certainly know these people are from the Platchi Family.

Duncan was among them, "You said that you tested Rex, how can the White Assassins you sent killed Chris!", he said while showing Manuel the photo that was given by the Sullivan.

"Truthfully, the White Assassins never came back. We suspected Rex massacre them all", Manuel said with a shivering tone.

He looks left and right that is filled with Awakened from the Black Tiger Guild but they all are not wearing the Black Tiger uniform, they seem to come here in secret.

But one thing they have in common, they all emit a horrifying aura.


Duncan punches the wall beside Manuel creating a hole in it, "DAMN!!"

He scrunched his face in frustration before he approaches Manuel again, "Because of you, the UWO and the FAA will find out about this"

Manuel was so scared about the situation,

Although he is a Vice-Principal of the university, if known that he helped Duncan, he will be blacklisted from the university and will be exiled.

Duncan paces around the room with clear anger, "I WILL KILL THAT BRAT!!"

"Sir, calm yourself. The scandal makes the FAA monitor us, and now that it escalated like this, we can't afford to be reckless", a guy said from the side.

"I KNOW GOD DAMN IT!", Duncan shouted in frustration.

He then inhales a deep breath trying to calm himself down, after reducing his anger for a bit he said, "We can't be here for long,  and we can't have any witnesses. Kill him"

Hearing this, Manuel's face drains from all colors.

"SIR PLEASE SPARE ME! I'LL FIX THIS!", he said desperately, he can feel his time is about to come.

Manuel grabbed Duncan's leg, he's pleading for his life.

Duncan glances at him coldly, "The FAA will question you, it will damage our reputation if this got leaked out. So, you will die either way. Just blame yourself for creating this shit", he kicks Manuel making him stumbles to the ground.

He then gets a white crystal from his pocket before he teleported away.

The people around the room glance at Manuel murderously, his back is drenched with sweats as his spine grew cold.

One guy walks up to him while cracking his knuckle.

He squatted down in front of Manuel as his body started to emit a powerful aura, "Goodbye!"


He punched Manuel in the face bursting his head into meat paste, he then licked the blood on his hand before he signals the other to leave.

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