The Invincible Mercenary King

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Haylan’s words were filled with confidence and they carried a peculiar charm that put people at case.

The owner of the barbecue stall clenched his teeth and pondered for a moment. In the end, he remained silent and returned to grilling

Haylan’s reasoning was sound. If he drove Haylan away and Hugh arrived, the blame would undoubtedly fall on the barbecue stall owner

Rather than taking that risk, allowing Haylan to remain at the barbecue stall was wiser.

“Alright, it’s settled. Sit down and eat, Haylan smiled reassuringly as he guided Mia back to her seat. He handed her a piece of rotisserie chicken, saying “Don’t worry yourself too much. Whatever comes our way, I’ll take care of it”

“But Mi’s voice trailed off, her worry still evident in her expression.

She could not help but ponder. “Thats the Four Kings. Once he arrives, there will undoubtedly be bloodshed” “There’s no need for that. If you trust Haylan, enjoy your meal. Everything will be fine, Noah interrupted calmly.

Having known Haylan for a long time. Noah knew he never engaged in battles without careful preparation.

Moreover, in the past few days, he had witnessed the immense power and capability of Haylan. This made him firmly believe that Haylan could resolve any challenges.

Moreover considering the impending confrontation with Hugh, it was better to face him head-on now. By resolving all

today, Perry

not need to intervene again

As he spoke. Noah

When Haylan

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eeth; positant (The broken glass sh of a wine bottle at his feet.

infronted and defeated those experts, he shattered a wine bottle, transforming the glass shards into

like projectiles

arrived with his entourage and a tight ensued, he would also unleash his full power without holding anything back.

After all. Hugh also felt despair after so many years of hardship

Desperate to break free from being bullied, Noah also yearned for a decisive battle to settle the matter once and for all. Mia observed the two of them closely and could not help but notice a distinct change in their demeanor There was a

the men’s eyes, something she found both intriguing and unfamiliar


She pourd Haylan at the table and began eating barbecue, but her mind was far from at case. Despite her attempts to enjoy the meal she could not shake off her tier ess and the constant fea Hugh would muleed make an appea appetite diminished her thoughts

Iner Her

Mia discreetly pulled out her phone as she took bites of food and pretended to be engrossed in a game or social media. In reality, her fingers swiftly typed out messages, seeking help from her relatives and friends. One after another, she sent urgent pleas for assistance, hoping that someone would aid them.

Tm in trouble Help me

“Help me someone is coming to hurt me ”

In the daily lat underground bank. Hugh sat in a leather chair, leisurely putting on a cigar. His sharp eyes scanned the discrepancies in the financial records before him. With an icy tone, he asked in a deep voice, “Any updates on Deacon Williams?”

Recently, as Hugh meticulously examined the accounts, he unearthed a plethora of loopholes, particularly in the accounts associated with Deacon. To his utter disbelief, he discovered that Deacon had withdrawn a staggering 20 million dollars loan from their underground bank

That’s such a massive sum of money!

As there was no news of Deacon, it could only mean one thing: Hugh’s hope of recovering the funds was fading away.

Deacon had played him!

Standing beside Hugh were four of his trusted subordinates. Each possessed formidable strength and sharp intellect, making them invaluable assets to Hugh’s operations.

At this moment, their faces were grim, and their silence indicated the severity of the uruation.

Having shared a good and close bond with Deacon, they directly approved his loans on a few occasions. Now that Deacon had seemingly vanished with the money, the responsibility fell on their shoulders. Under Hugh’s scrutinizing pure, the pressure on the men untensified, leaving them paralyzed with fear and unable to speak

“Ben, you were the closest to Deacon. Tell me, where is he?” Hugh asked, has sy stare piercing through the young man.

there will be news soon.”

As words left his lips, Ben could not help but curse at Deacon. The rage boiling in him made hirn entertain thoughts of seeking vengeance.

Just then, Hugh’s phone rang. interrupting the heavy silence. His face darkened further upon seeing the caller ID. In a rage. Hugh slammed his fist on the table, shattering it into countless fragments. His eyes burned with anger as he muttered through gritted teeth, “Bastard””

“Mr. Hackbart, what’s wrong? Ben asked hurriedly.

“You don’t have to worry about me,” Hugh growled, his voice laced with menace “Remember, if you can’t find Deacon today. I’ll feed you to the fish!”

Hugh’s gaze turned icy as he rose from his seat and commanded, “Prepare the car We’re heading to Twelve High School” Someone had audaciously laid a hand on his woman! How dare they!

He wanted nothing more than to confront the person who had dared lay a hand on has woman. With a burning fury in his heart, he resolved to personally seek out this bastard and deliver a swift and ruthless retribution before disposing of their body in the river

Ben swiftly grabbed his phone and wasted no time arranging a car for Hugh.

At that moment, a call interrupted the tense atmosphere. Ben turned his attention to the phone. The caller reported, “Ben good news. We have finally discovered Deacon’s whereabouts”

Ben’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. He looked up at Hugh, who was about to leave for Twelve High School, and exclaimed, “Mr. Hackbart, we have found Deacon’s whereabouts!”

“Where is he Deacon asked.

“A fishing village, Ben reported.

“Alright, take me to the fishing village!” Hugh’s voice was filled with icy determination as he stared ahead with a piercing gaze.

“Mr. Hackbart, aren’t you planning to the Twelve High School John questioned.

“Deacon’s matter takes precedence, Hugh answered in a cold, determined tone.

He had placed immense trust in Deacon, entrusting him with a substantial amount of money. Yet, Deacon had betrayed has trust and absconded with the funds. It felt like a double betrayal, both on a personal and financial level.

What Hugh hated the most was betrayal!

Therefore, he felt compelled to take matters into his own hands and seek revenge on Deacon However, the primary objective was not only to seek justice but also to retrieve the stolen funds.

As for Suranne, Hugh believed there would be ample opportunity to help her in the future

John, Ben, and the others dared not utter another word. They followed Hugh’s lead, swiftly setting off toward the fishing village.

They, too, harbored a burning rage within their hearts and were eager to unleash their fury upon Deacon. However, upon reaching the fishing village, the group was met with a shocking sight that left them speechless.

What appeared in front of them was not Deacon himself but a skeleton.

An incomplete skeleton!

“This is Deacon Williams?” Hugh asked, his voice turned cold as he locked his eyes on the fishermen and his right-hand man,


Ben shot a glance at his subordinates, and his eyes filled with a sense of urgency. “Are you absolutely certain this is Deacon Williams?’ he demanded.

Fear gripped the subordinate’s eyes as he spoke with a trembling voice, “This incomplete skeleton was found by local fishermen in the sea. They discovered a token on the skeleton that had information about Deacon Williams, so they notified

“I’ve already contacted DNA agencies, and after conducting a DNA comparison, it has been confirmed that this skeleton is indeed the body of Deacon Williams.”

Then, the subordinate handed Hugh the broken token and the appraisal agency’s results.

Hugh Croydon glanced at the items, confirming that the broken token indeed belonged to Deacon. It was the same token they had obtained from the church before.

Hugh’s eyes turned icy cold as he demanded, “Who is responsible for Deacon’s death?”

Judging from the condition of has broken bones tharon and treble st

These wound’s did not seem lik

Ben stared at the veeletean shared the prien deta

But tragically he wa

“If the fishermen hadn’t parked up this corpse by chanes

“But I speculate its very likely everett Mary”

Hugh’s eyes narrowed, has voser laced with fury. “Are you referring to formal dealers wit

Hugh’s eyes turned any, has voce dripgang with male as he commander “Find out who murdered Leacon and sole my money. I want the person torni izan shreds?”


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