The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 29 Accelerated Heart

Chapter 29 Accelerated Heart

As I delve deeper into the depths of the earth, battling the overwhelming fear that tries to dominate me, I cling to a simple yet powerful phrase: "I am in control!" I repeat these words in my mind, seeking comfort and strength with each repetition.

My breath is fast, uncontrolled. I feel the air entering and leaving my lungs in a disjointed manner, as if each breath is a struggle against the anxiety that threatens to suffocate me. But I refuse to succumb to this suffocating sensation. I close my eyes and focus on controlling my own breath. josei

I inhale deeply, filling my lungs with fresh air, and then exhale slowly, releasing all the tension and fear that have built up inside me. I repeat this pattern, seeking a steady and regular rhythm, an anchor amidst the storm unfolding around me.

Every time I repeat the phrase "I am in control!", I feel a small spark of power reignite within me. It is a reminder that, despite adverse circumstances, I am the one who determines my own response to them. I am the one who decides how to face fear, uncertainty, and darkness.

As I continue to dig, the words become a mantra, a shield against the madness that threatens to infiltrate my mind. I repeat them over and over, as a constant reminder of my ability to resist, to persist, and to find a way out of this desperate situation.

With each repetition, I feel my heart calm down a little more. The inner turmoil gives way to a sense of control, however small it may be. It is a reminder that even when everything seems to be against me, there is a strength within me that can withstand and overcome.

I open my inventory and grab a few torches, moving them towards the walls.

As I retreat to a safe corner, surrounded by the soft light of the torches I've placed on the walls, I allow myself a moment of reflection. Recent events have forced me to confront the reality of my own arrogance and recklessness.

Sitting on the earthen floor, with my restless mind and racing thoughts, I realize the magnitude of my mistake. I believed that this new world, filled with magical powers and incredible creatures, was merely a territory to be conquered and dominated. I saw myself as the absolute ruler of this universe, without considering the consequences of my actions.

Now, faced with destruction and death all around me, I can no longer deny the extent of my arrogance. I believed I was above the natural laws, that I could shape destiny to my own whims. Yet, cruel reality has shown me that I am subject to the same forces that shape this world. In other words, I am still too weak.

With a weary sigh, I acknowledge the futility of my previous view. I am not an all-knowing being, immune to the consequences of my choices. I am merely an individual in the midst of a vast and unpredictable universe. My abilities and powers may have infinite potential, but I am not invincible or unshakable.

I shake my head from side to side and whisper the word "status."


[Health points] = (120/120)

[Level] = [5] - (000/500)

[Title] = (The Rapist of the Magical World) - (The smartest human ever)

[Name] = [Atreus Raven Darkin]

[Age] = [15]

[Gender] = [Male]


[Strength] = 4 [Vitality] = 2

[Agility] = 1 [Intelligence] = 10

[Attribute points] = 25




1 - [Level 3 Rapist Magician's Gift] (x1) .....(Among other things)

After checking my inventory, I notice that I gain 5 attribute points each level. Also, the amount of experience needed to level up is always multiplied by 100 each time.

I am currently at level 5 so to reach the next level I will need 500 experience points and to reach level 6 it will take 600 experience points and so on.

I suddenly look at my inventory and realize that after raping the mermaid princess I got a gift because of my title, I quickly open it as I currently need to get stronger as soon as possible.

Opening present...

Opening present...

Present successfully opened!

[Congratulations, user, you have received a water and meat kit!]

[Description]: In this kit, there is a bottle of mineral water and a large piece of genetically modified beef, both containing high levels of proteins and minerals necessary for development. [Note: The water is infinite, the meat is also infinite, these meat and water are linked to the system, it is not possible to discard these items!]

Space folds into a small portal. First, I come across a bottle of mineral water, shining and translucent. Although it's just a bottle, I realize the importance of this precious source of hydration. The description highlights that this water is infinite, which means I will never be deprived of this vital resource.

Next, my eyes fixate on a large piece of beef, and it's impossible not to feel tempted by a succulent meal, as I've been without real meat for a few days, only fruits and vegetables are leaving me weak.

With great appetite, I decide to satisfy my hunger and thirst with the gifts received from the system. First, I hold the bottle of mineral water between my hands, feeling the coolness of the liquid against my fingers. Carefully, I unscrew the cap and tilt the bottle, letting the crystal-clear water flow in a smooth and comforting stream. I feel the freshness of the water touch my dry lips, quenching my thirst with each invigorating sip. The pure and refreshing taste of mineral water travels down my throat, revitalizing my body and restoring my energy.

Next, I turn my attention to the large piece of beef, its succulent aromas filling the air around me. I lift it with my hands, feeling its weight and texture on my fingers. The juicy steak is covered in a generous sauce, and I can't wait to experience this combination of flavors.

With one bite, I feel the tender and succulent meat melt in my mouth. The rich and savory taste of the sauce blends perfectly with the meat, creating an explosion of flavors on my palate. With each bite, the sauce drips from the corners of my mouth, staining my lips and leaving traces of its delicious taste.

Without caring about the mess on my hand, I continue to devour the meat eagerly, savoring each piece with gratitude for the gift received. The sauce runs down my fingers, forming a thin sticky layer, but it doesn't bother me. In fact, it's a tangible reminder that I am alive and enjoying a moment of satisfaction amidst the adversities I face.


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