The King Of Passive Skills

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Dangyang City

Zhang Shan chose to teleport to Dangyang City in the country of Chu. A white light flashed. He transformed into a streak of white light and disappeared from the novice village.

In a magnificent building, a streak of white light flashed past. Zhang Shan appeared in the teleportation hall in Dangyang City. He looked around carefully and realized that Dangyang City was unimaginably huge. He could not see the end of it at all. After comparing with the small map, Zhang Shan realized that it would take one to two hours to travel from one side of the city to the other. It was much bigger than the entire map of the novice village. It was exaggeratedly huge.

Luckily, he heard from Storm of the World that one could teleport anywhere in the city. Zhang Shan tried it out, it was true. As long as he had the will, he could instantly teleport to the place he had wanted to go in the city.

This function was really useful. Otherwise, it would take him half an hour just to get out of the city.

At a glance, he could see rows of buildings line up neatly and wide roads spread out in the city. The city was bustling with the NPC aborigines. Occasionally, one could even see NPC troops in gorgeous armor, with the weapons in their hands emitting an orange glow. Were all the troops holding orange weapons? The NPCs were indeed so strong.

Zhang Shan looked at his friend list. Wind-Blowing Wind Chimes had not gone offline to sleep yet. He wanted to ask where she was.

“I’m already in Dangyang City. Where are you guys now?”

“I’m farming monsters with my brother outside the city. The monsters outside the city are much harder to kill than the monsters in the novice village, and they don’t give much experience and money. If I had known it earlier, I would have stayed in the novice village to farm for a while longer. Come over quickly, I’ll form a team with you.”

Zhang Shan joined the team. After looking at the position, he teleported to the nearest city gate and ran towards the place where they were farming monsters.

When he arrived, Zhang Shan realized that other than Wind-Bowing Wind Chimes and Storm of the World, another guild member, Blade of Storm, was also there. From the looks of it, the others were leveling up very quickly too.

“Hi, Brother Six Guan, not bad. You left the novice village so quickly.”

“Brother Blade, you’re even faster. We had to fight two bosses to reach level 10. How did you farm? How come you were faster than me?”

“How else can I farm? I hired someone to help farm and lure the monsters. Otherwise, I might not be able to leave the village by tomorrow morning.”


“He was not bad. He could still hire someone to help. That miserable Thief, Killer of Storm, only managed to hire two people at a high price at night. We have no idea when he’ll be able to leave the village.” Wind-Chimes teased.

“Hehe, it’s luck.”

The monster that spawned in this map was a demonized bear. It was not small and was also a level 10 monster. Each of its strikes on Blade of Storm dealt around 300 to 400 damage, while their attacks on the panda bear only dealt around 100 damage to the bear. If not for Wind Chimes, they probably would not have been able to fight it.

Zhang Shan also joined in to attack the monster, and only managed to deal around 100 damage with a single shot.

“D*mn it! Why are the monsters here so strong? My attack power is 240, but I only managed to deal so much damage. How can I level up? Do all the small monsters have such high defense? Does the bear give a lot of experience?” Zhang Shan asked gloomily.

“Not much experience, just like the one-horned goat.”

“Is that so? Are there any monsters that are easier to farm? How do we level up in the future? Level 10 to level 11 requires 200,000 EXP. At this speed, I don’t think we can level up in a day.” Zhang Shan was speechless.

“The bear is considered the easiest monster to farm here. I’ve been in Dangyang City for more than three hours. I’ve searched all the nearby maps. The other monsters are even harder to farm. Some of them have ridiculously high magic resistance. I only managed to hit a few points of HP. The other monsters have very high defense. When I attack them with normal attacks, they basically don’t lose much HP.” Storm of the World explained.

Zhang Shan...

“Don’t worry, the main thing is that everyone’s equipment is not so good, and we are also not familiar with the map. When everyone is better equipped, we will be able to fight.” Wind Chimes encouraged Zhang Shan.

Blade of Storm also ridiculed, “That’s right. The weapon I’m using now is still a level 10, green. The best ax in the auction house is a purple ax. Guess how many gold coins people are bidding for it? The starting price is actually 10,000 gold coins. It’s so expensive that it makes one’s hair stand on end. The point is, where can I get gold coins now? There aren’t many people selling gold coins at the exchange right now. Even if you want to collect gold coins, you won’t be able to get much. You might as well do it in the novice village.”

“It’s fine. There are still too few players who can reach the city. Most of them are still high-end players. They only collect and do not sell. In a few more days, when there are more players in the city, we’ll go to the exchange to exchange for gold coins. At that time, the number and the price of gold coins should be stable by then,” said the Storm of the World.

“What is the exchange? Is it a place to exchange for gold coins?” Zhang Shan was puzzled and asked.

“Yes, the New World Exchange. It’s something similar to the stock exchange in real life. Game coins are valuable securities. You can directly use blue coins to exchange for gold coins. There’s one in every city, and the whole game is connected,” Wind Chimes explained.

“Oh, I really didn’t notice it. There are too many buildings in the city. It’s so dazzling that I didn’t look carefully. However, the setting of this exchange is very novel. No wonder you said previously that the game coins in the New World might become the second currency. If there are more players and it’s convenient to trade, it’s completely possible.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s the trend. Right now, the production of gold coins is still too little, and the demand is too high. There’s no way to stabilize it. In the future, we’ll probably be able to trade freely. After all, there were many players in the New World. There were already tens of millions of people online, and there would be more in the future. There would be many people who specialized in farming gold coins, so they could meet the demand.”

“Oh yes, where can I buy return scroll? I didn’t see it at the grocery store. It can’t be that there’s no return scroll here, right?” Zhang Shan did not bring the return scroll because he did not know where to buy it.

“Is that so? Brother Six Guan, you’re so low. We don’t need a return scroll here. As long as you bind your identity as a city resident with the Civil Affairs Officer, you will receive an item like a token. You can put it in your bag and use it as a return scroll. However, the cooldown time is a little long. You can only use it once every 10 minutes.” Blade of Storm ridiculed him.

“I really don’t know. Wait for me. I will go back and bind my identity first. Luckily this place is not far from the city.” Zhang Shan was a little speechless.

Running back to the city, Zhang Shan found the position of Civil Affairs Officer and teleported over.

“Young Man, welcome. Would you like to join Dangyang City?”


“This is your identity token. After joining Dangyang City, you must take the orders of the city lord and fight against the demons together. Please confirm.”


There was an additional token in Zhang Shan’s package. He checked the information on the token.

Six Guan Bodhisattva, residents of Dangyang City, 100 merit points. These were the merit points he obtained from killing the wild boar king for the first time. All this while he did not know how to use it. Now it was reflected in his attributes. He finally saw it on his identity token.

He looked at the use of merit points. Establishing a guild required 200 merit points, and buying property required 1,000 merit points. Moreover, after 1,000 merit points, one would begin to have an official position. Official positions were divided into nine grades: sergeant, captain, lieutenant, vice-general, guerrilla general, middle-ranking general, Zhendong general, left general, and great general.

After having an official position, one could receive a weekly salary from the Civil Affairs Officer. The salary of low-level official positions was very little and insignificant, but the salary of high-level official positions was quite good.

However, for the time being, the players did not have to think about it. For the highest high-level official position, the great general, how many merit points did it require? Zhang Shan did not even count it clearly. In any case, it was very exaggerating. Even the lowest official position, sergeant, required 1,000 merit points. He did not know how long it would take to get the points. As the salary was only one gold coin a week, it did not mean much to the players.

After binding his identity, Zhang Shan went to the exchange and saw three other players there. As Zhang Shan did not know any of them, he did not greet them.

He then checked the exchange interface of the exchange. There was very little information about the seller. Someone actually sold one gold coin for 10,000 blue coins. That was too ruthless.

As for the other sales orders, most of them had sold one gold coin for 1000 or so, which was 10 times more expensive than the novice village. That was ruthless.

However, many orders were put up by the buyers. Zhang Shan saw one offering 10 blue coins for one gold coin, for a million gold coins. The buyer was filthy rich. This was 10 million blue coins. However, this person was destined not to be able to buy gold coins, at least for the next one or two days.

The other orders were mostly 100 blue coins for one gold coin. There was basically not much difference. Zhang Shan thought for a moment and put up the four gold coins in his hand for sale. One gold coin for 1,000 blue coins. After all, there was no charge if the deal was not completed. What if there was a big boss who was in urgent need of gold coins?

Although he had earned 210,000 blue coins from fighting the boss today, the more the merrier. Zhang Shan’s dream of farming coins was still there.

Zhang Shan did not go to the auction house. He did not have a single gold coin on hand. Even if he wanted something, he could not afford it.

He then returned to the farming team.

Zhang Shan asked, “Boss World, have we established our guild? I took a look. We can establish a guild with 200 merit points. Didn’t you already have 200 merit points?”

Storm of the World obtained 100 merit points from killing the wild boar king. He was the first who left the novice village and obtained another 100 merit points. He should be qualified to establish a guild by now. However, Zhang Shan did not hear anything from them. He also did not hear the system announcement. He did not know the situation, so he asked.

... josei

“You’re thinking too simply. 200 merit points are just the most basic requirement. It also requires 1,000,000 gold coins. Most importantly, it requires a special item, the Order of Heroes. Gold coins are still acceptable. We should be able to buy it in a few days. However, we still don’t know how to get the Order of Heroes. Maybe it will drop when we fight the boss Other sources will depend on luck.”

Storm of the World said unhappily. Being the first to enter the city, he had thought that he would be the first to establish a guild. But it turned out that establishing a guild was so difficult with many requirements.

“The Order of Heroes shouldn’t be easy to get. If the small monsters can drop it, then with tens of millions of players playing in the game, they should have been able to get it. But we haven’t heard any news yet. Maybe the small monsters won’t drop it at all. We’ll probably have to fight the boss first. When our people arrive at Dangyang City tomorrow, we’ll see if there’s an easy boss. We’ll try harder and definitely, we’ll be able to get it,” said Wind Chimes.

“The small monsters here are already so difficult to fight, I wonder how ridiculous the boss would be? I’m afraid that one slash will kill a child.” Blade of Storm had no confidence at all.

“There’s no rush. If we can’t get the Order of Heroes, the others shouldn’t be able to get it either. Besides, we can’t buy gold coins now. Let’s wait for a few more days. Everyone’s levels will be higher and equipment will be better by then.” Storm of the World was no longer in a hurry because fighting a boss was definitely very difficult now.

“That’s true. Right now, out of the 10 or so people in the guild who play the support class of Priest and Witch Doctor, only I have learned the Rejuvenation Spell. The rest of them don’t have any skill books yet. If I heal them all by myself, I definitely won’t be able to heal them all,” Wind Chimes said after giving it some thought.

“Is that so? Is the Rejuvenation Spell so rare? The others didn’t get it, and they didn’t buy it either?” Zhang Shan said with a little disbelief. Logically speaking, healing skills should be common skills, thus skill books should be easy to get.

“It’s hard to get any skill book in the New World. Right now, there is probably only one in 10,000 players who have new skills. Even Boss World hasn’t bought a fire skill book yet. Didn’t you see that he only uses the fireball to fight monsters?” Blade of Storm blade said with a smile.

“Looks like our luck is pretty good. The few of us have gotten quite a few skill books in total. Wind Chimes’ Rejuvenation Spell, Lightning Induction Spell, and my Taming skill.”

“You even learned Taming? Then why didn’t you catch the baby?”

“I couldn’t find a suitable one. Only monsters that haven’t been demonized can be tamed. I’ve never seen one before.” Zhang Shan said gloomily.


“What about the panda that we saw just now? Can it be tamed? It was almost killed by Blade of Storm. It was because I saw that it was cute that I spared its life. Let’s go, let’s see if that panda is still there,” Wind Chimes said excitedly.

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