The King Of Passive Skills

Chapter 428

Chapter 428


428 Demon race field officer

The monster siege had just begun.

Many players were beaten to the ground by the demonic monsters.

this was a very normal thing.

Not everyone could withstand the attack of a massive number of monsters.

However, the wind and cloud Guild was still fine.

Although he was human, he didn’t pay attention to his positioning at the beginning.

defeated by the demonic monsters.

However, he was quickly revived by the support beside him.

After a period of time, the team had gotten used to each other.

Very few of them fell to the ground.

To the members of wind and cloud Guild, this monster siege event was nothing.

It seemed like they were only here to farm monsters.

And it was the kind that didn’t give much experience points.

After all, the level of the first wave of demons was too low for them.

The experience points they gave were not even worth mentioning.

Even though these demons didn’t give them much pressure.

however, these monsters didn’t give much experience, let alone drop anything.

This made everyone very depressed.

Someone complained in the Guild channel.

these monster sieges are getting more and more boring. It’s just a waste of time.

“brother, don’t worry. the good show is coming.”

“What good show can there be? It was just a few bosses. It would be more comfortable to farm monsters in the Gerri wasteland. At least when you’re farming monsters in the Gerri wasteland, you don’t need to do anything and you don’t have to worry about being beaten by monsters.”

“How can we compare killing monsters to an event? There are treasure chest rewards for monster sieges.”

f * ck, don’t talk about those stupid treasure chests. I’ve opened them so many times, and they’re all white material. They’re only worth a few copper coins.

that’s right. The most common items from 1-star Treasure chests are white-colored materials. They’re Super Trash.

” that’s because you’re unlucky. i’ve seen people who have opened one-star treasure chests and obtained good items. ”

“that’s for others. there are so many players in the game. it’s not strange to occasionally have one or two really good people.”

“That’s just a saying, who knows if it’s true? There’s no video to prove it. ”

“It should be true.”

“I’m just asking if you’ve ever gotten anything good.”

f * ck, the best item I got was a purple equipment, and I sold it for less than 100 gold coins.

” f * ck, a purple equipment from a 1-star treasure chest. your luck is already heaven-defying, okay? ”

sigh, these monsters are too weak. It’s so boring to farm them.

“it’s mainly because there’s no fight to fight. if you were to fight with someone else, i’m afraid you’d be so happy that you’d fly, hehe.”

haha, it’s easy if you want to fight. We’ll teleport to another country’s city. There’s a large number of people there, and we can kill them as we please.

“Don’t you think you’re retarded? if we teleport to another country’s city, we won’t be killing anyone we want, we’ll be killing anyone we want.”

“What’s the difference between killing and being killed? It’s just a fight anyway.”

“Holy sh * t, is your theory really godly? Who would be willing to be killed?”

“What’s so strange about being killed? How could there be no deaths in a fight? Don’t we lose tens of thousands of players every time we fight with the domineering aura?”

f * ck, I know you’re being unreasonable, but I don’t know how to refute you.

“If I wanted to die, would I have to go to other countries? If you walk towards the monsters now, I’m sure you’ll be killed in seconds.”

stop talking nonsense. The monster is getting stronger. Be careful.

” f * ck, this can’t be. it’s only been a few minutes and the monster has become stronger? ”

“F * ck, why are they all level 60 monsters?”

“F * ck, I can’t hold on any longer. Support, quickly heal me.”

at the beginning of the monster siege.

Everyone was still farming monsters, and it was easy and enjoyable.

It was a pity that this devil didn’t let everyone relax for long.

Less than ten minutes after the monster siege began ...

the monsters surrounding them had all become level 60 demon warriors.

Although, with their strength ...

it wasn’t too difficult to deal with a level 60 demon warrior.


Back then, during the monster attack in the demon-suppressing city.

In the last half an hour.

The monsters that had jumped onto the wall were all level 60 demon Warriors.

At that time, everyone was still able to block all the demons and monsters.

But it was even more difficult now.

When they were in the demon-suppressing city, they still had the city walls to rely on.

Although there were many demon soldiers who had jumped onto the city wall, there were many of them.

But compared to now, it was far worse.

Right now, the entire area outside Dangyang city was densely packed with level 60 demon soldiers.

The scene was simply terrifying.

The wind and cloud Guild was still fine.


at the very least, the members of their guild were considered ordinary guild members.

Their equipment was not too bad either.

Everyone formed a formation to cover each other and reduce the defensive circle.

Even though there were many demon soldiers, they could still barely hold on.

The wind and cloud Guild’s players could block these level 60 demonic Warriors.

However, the other players could not.

When the monsters outside the city turned into LV 60 demon fighters, they were all killed.

The players who were originally farming monsters outside the city.

Large numbers of them fell to the ground.

some players were the same as the wind and cloud guild.

Hundreds and thousands of people formed a defensive team.

However, they still couldn’t stop the charge of the demon soldiers.

After all, most of the players were still around level 30.

And facing a level 60 demon warrior ...

They almost couldn’t deal much damage.

If they couldn’t quickly exterminate these demon soldiers, they would be killed.

The number of monsters that gathered around them would only increase.

Even in the beginning, these players could still hold on for a while.

However, they were certain that they wouldn’t be able to last until the end.

When all the monsters outside the city had become level 60 demon soldiers, the entire city was in chaos.

Many players fell to the ground and left.

Many players could tell that the situation was not good.

it was just a large group of people covering each other.

They slowly retreated in the direction of the city gate.

they gradually retreated into dangyang city.

The number of players who were still fighting outside the city had increased.

In an instant, more than half of it was gone.

The number of players who were still farming monsters outside of Dangyang city.

Even with the wind and cloud Guild’s nearly 100000 players ...

It might not even reach a million people.

It must be known that at the beginning of the monster attack, there was no need to worry.

there were at least five to six million players farming monsters outside the city.

Most of these people couldn’t hold on any longer.

They had either fallen to the ground or retreated into Dangyang city.

Everyone was ridiculing him in the Dangyang city regional channel.

f * ck, I’m not going to participate in this stupid activity anymore. It’s simply a scam.

“That’s right, how did the monster’s level suddenly increase to 60? He simply doesn’t leave a way out for people.”

I’m only level 32. How can I possibly stop so many level 60 demon soldiers? ”

“The planner who designed this event must have a hole in his brain.”

this damn event isn’t for normal players. They’ll only die if they force themselves to join. josei

“It’s a good thing I ran fast, otherwise I would have lost another level for nothing.”

“Damn it, can someone save the child? I can’t hold on any longer. I’m surrounded by monsters, I can’t fight them at all.”

“Brother, don’t struggle anymore. Go in peace. After the event ends, we’ll just find a support to resurrect him.”

you’re right. The monster attack event only lasts for an hour, and it’s been almost ten minutes. Even if you fall now, you can wait for rescue after the event ends.

“So, brother, you can go in peace, hehe.”

f * ck, I still want to struggle. Isn’t it better to be alive? ”

you’re awesome. You have to survive first.

“Brothers who are still outside the city, join forces. We can live as long as we stick together.”

“Isn’t it too late to talk about this now? If they could form an alliance, they would’ve done so long ago.”

“Damn, I’m curious. The last time the monsters attacked the city, the highest level of monsters was only level 50. Why did it become level 60 demon Warriors this time?”

what’s so strange about that? when the player’s level increases, the monster’s level will naturally increase as well. Do you really want to farm monsters for fun? ”

“The problem is, I’ve only gained three or four levels this month. The monster’s level directly increased by 10 levels, this is too ruthless.”

“That’s because you’re a noob. You only get three or four levels in a month.”

f * ck, it’s getting harder and harder to level up these days. It’s already very strong to be able to level up three or four times a month.

“Sigh, that depends on who you’re competing with. You can compare yourself with someone even worse. Of course it’s very strong, but compared to six tube Bodhisattva, you’ll realize that your leveling speed is like a snail’s crawl.”

“Damn, now I know why the level of the monsters is so high. It was all six-barreled Bodhisattva’s fault. He was already at level 46. It wouldn’t be strange for the demon race monsters attacking the city to reach level 60.”

f * ck, six-barreled Bodhisattva’s here. He’s forcefully increasing the difficulty of the game.

“So what if I know? Are you going to cut him down?”

“That’s a good idea. Why don’t we form a team to kill six-headed Bodhisattva? if we can get his level down, it might be easier for the next monster attack, hehe.”

“If you want to die, go on your own. Don’t drag others along.”

“That’s right. Do you know how powerful the six tube Bodhisattva is now? That’s the man who single-handedly took on a real-name BOSS.”

it doesn’t matter how strong he is. No matter how good his Kung Fu is, he’s still afraid of a knife. As long as we have enough people, we can still kill him.

you’re thinking too much. The last person who had this thought was the domineering King, but he died after that.

that’s right. He’s as strong as six-barreled Bodhisattva. Even if there are many people, they might not be able to kill him.

sigh, we’re all playing the same game. Why is there such a huge difference? ”

“Spending money will make you stronger.”

“Pay-to-win my ass, is there any use? If in-game purchases were useful, those big shots would’ve chopped the six-barreled Bodhisattva into ashes.”

although khorium ore can’t defeat six-barreled Bodhisattva, it can still defeat the small monsters. Hehe.

“F * ck, is spending money just to kill small monsters? That’s a good idea.”

“Haha, brother, your way of thinking is indeed novel.”

When the monsters attacking the city turned into level 60 demon soldiers, they were all killed.

A large number of players either fell to the ground or retreated back to the city.

However, none of the wind and cloud guild members retreated.

Although there were many people who were having a hard time.

However, under the team’s mutual protection ...

They slowly stabilized their position.

even if there were some who were not paying attention and were cut down by the demon soldiers.

The support beside him could also quickly resurrect people.

All in all, they had not suffered any losses yet.

However, as the pressure increased ...

Everyone could no longer be like before.

He was killing monsters with ease while enjoying the water.

Some of them were only the Warriors in the front row, who kept calling for the support to heal.

He called for the damage dealers in the back row to hurry up.

f * ck, pay attention to my health bar. I almost died just now. Fortunately, I brought da Hong Yao with me.

“Hurry up and kill the monsters. Are the guys in your hands all fire sticks?”

“Don’t be so noisy, we can’t do it at all.”

hey, you’re really a piece of trash. You have to hack at least 20 times just to kill a small monster. Where’s your equipment? did someone eat it? ”

“F * ck, who are you talking about? You speak as if you can kill a small monster with two slashes.”

“Don’t be so noisy, it’s fine as long as you can hold on.”

sigh, I’m just afraid that it’s useless to stabilize it now. When the BOSS comes, we won’t be able to handle it.

“Do you need to worry about the BOSS? With the six-barreled boss here, you can just focus on killing the small monsters.”

“You’re right. Go and kill your monsters. Don’t worry too much, hehe.”

Compared to the other guild members, they would still be flustered when facing these level 60 demon Warriors.

On Zhang Shan’s side, the monster-farming team was very relaxed.

After all, they had gathered almost all of the big shots in the Guild.

compared to the normal members, these guild leaders all had full sets of red equipment. they were very powerful.

Furthermore, they still had Zhang Shan and a few others on their side, people with divine weapons.

Dealing with small monsters was a piece of cake.

for them, lv 60 demon fighters were nothing.

They were not much stronger than the 20 – 30 monsters from before.

It was nothing more than a matter of hitting him a few more times, which was very easy.

Windcloud blade brandished his divine weapon, the battle axe, and stood at the front.

He killed a demon warrior with two axes, and because of the splash effect of the divine weapon, he was able to kill a demon warrior.

Every time wind cloud blade struck out with its axe, it could cut down a large group of demon soldiers.

If not for the fact that his attack power was much weaker than Zhang Shan’s.

The speed at which wind and cloud blade was killing monsters was not any slower than Zhang Shan.

Perhaps he could even be faster.

As for “heart moves with me,” after obtaining the God equipment bright light sword.

The damage output also had a qualitative change.

Although his bright ray sword did not have a splash effect like wind and cloud blade’s axe, it was still a powerful weapon.

However, the class ‘heart moves with me’ was a Spellblade.

Spellblades had many powerful AoE skills.

he used his aoe skills one after another.

the demon soldiers fell under his sword one after another.

Although the other guild leaders couldn’t compare to these two guys who had godly weapons, they still had to be careful.

But it was also very strong.

Although level 60 demon Warriors were several levels above them, they were still stronger than the demon race.

however, they were almost the same. they could kill a monster in four to five hits.

Not to mention, in their team, there was still Zhang Shan.

Each time a demon fighter rushed forward, Zhang tie would be shocked.

They would be swept clean very quickly.

Windcloud blade said in a bored tone as he brandished his God-tier axe at the monsters.

“Why hasn’t the BOSS appeared yet?”

“What’s the rush? it’ll come sooner or later.”

” i’m just afraid that the BOSS will appear at another city gate. if that’s the case, we’ll have to run over. it’ll be quite troublesome. ”

“I’m not afraid of trouble. As long as there’s a BOSS to fight, I’m not afraid of trouble, hehe.”

this should be the same as the previous event. There will be one BOSS in each of the four city gates.

“It should be,”

“Should we go and fight the bosses at the other city gates?”

let’s see how it goes. If there’s a BOSS at the other gates that no one’s fighting, we’ll go over and kill it.

“harvest? Big brother, you make it sound so simple. You don’t even put the BOSS in your eyes.”

of course, with Big Boss six-barreled around, a small BOSS is nothing, hehe.

“Alright, that makes sense.”

When he became a demon, he became a level 60 demon fighter.

The first boss had finally appeared.

quick, look at the regional chat channel. A boss has appeared at the West Gate. It’s a red boss, the demon Lieutenant.

“F * ck, the boss is finally here? Let me see.”

“Is there anyone fighting the boss?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Zhang Shan looked at the regional chat channel.

the BOSS has appeared at the West Gate. Hurry up and come fight it.

it’s over, it’s over. We were already on the verge of collapsing, and now a BOSS has appeared.

f * ck, I’m going back to the city. I’m not farming anymore.

“Someone, hurry up and kill the BOSS. Could it be that Dangyang city was so weak? No one can even defeat a red BOSS?”

Outside the West Gate of Dangyang city, after the BOSS appeared, it caused a great deal of chaos.

The players who were farming outside the city were already under a lot of pressure when they faced the level 60 magic Warriors.

In the end, the BOSS rushed over.

Many people didn’t even have time to escape and were killed by a wave of attacks.

When the demon Lieutenant first appeared, no one went to fight him.

Just as Zhang Shan was considering whether they should go over and cause a ruckus.

Only then did he realize that someone had already started to attack the demon field officer who had appeared outside the West Gate.

After all, the demon field officer was just a normal red BOSS.

There were tens of millions of players in Dangyang city. It made no sense to say that the wind and cloud Guild was the only one.

The others could not defeat the BOSS.

That was impossible.

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