The King Of Passive Skills

Chapter 432

Chapter 432


432 chapter 432-the disaster of the innocent

Although Feng Yun realm had already called for the other guild members to move closer to them.

Come and help them clear the monsters and expand their defense circle.

However, the members of the other guilds were a little further and closer to them.

It would take at least three to five minutes for all these people to arrive.

Of course, Zhang Shan and the rest could not wait for everyone to arrive before fighting the BOSS.

There wasn’t much time left. There were still 11 to 12 minutes before the event ended.

They had to be more careful, otherwise ...

he was afraid that there was not enough time.

After all, alludor, the demon general, had 500 million HP.

If they did not continue to increase the number of people, with the damage of Zhang Shan’s two to three hundred people.

He wanted to blow alludor up.

He estimated that it would take about eight to nine minutes.

There was too little time left, and they couldn’t waste any of it.

There can’t be any accidents.

If there was an accident, they would not have the chance to destroy alludor.

Although it would take a while for the Guild members ‘reinforcements to arrive, it was still too late.

But to them, it didn’t affect them for the time being.

After all, alludor, the general of the demon race’s guards, would only use his big move when he was at half health.

It’s still early.

Let’s get alludor to half Health First.

After Zhang Shan had pulled the boss’s aggro.

Feng Yun realm led a group of people and attacked together.

Under their attacks, the health of the demon general alludor was slowly decreasing.

Alludor’s 500 million HP was not a small amount, but it was not a lot either.

With the intensity of their attacks, alludor would not be able to hold on for long.

After all, the combat power of this group of people was still very strong.

They were fighting the boss in front, and there were hundreds of people around them clearing the small monsters.

Zhang Shan held his hand cannon, and the bullets kept on sweeping towards alludor.

He had already reached level 46.

A level 60 real name boss didn’t have much of a level suppression on him.

As such, Zhang Shan’s current damage output was sufficient.

Each shot was able to deal more than 50% of the damage.

This was also because the demonic monsters in Dangyang city did not have the Holy demon’s protection.

if they were fighting a boss outside of heaven’s gate.

All the demons there had a Holy demon protection.

The damage they dealt would be reduced by half.

That was what they called slow.

Everyone attacked alludor continuously, launching fierce attacks.

Windcloud blade said as he brandished his axe.

I suddenly thought of a question. If alludor and the others can summon the apparition of the demon God, how should we deal with it? ”

“Is that a problem? We’ve seen a lot of Demon God’s will skills, as long as there’s a healer, it’ll be fine.”

that’s right. We have enough support here. It won’t be a problem for us to deal with alludor’s demon will skill.

“you guys don’t understand what i mean. when a real name boss summons the demon god phantom, it will deal damage to the entire map. Wouldn’t all the players in Dangyang city be affected?”

“No way, full map damage is just a statement. The entire Dangyang city is so big, it’s impossible for it to affect everyone.”

however, the players outside the East Gate won’t be able to hide. They’ll definitely be injured by the demonic God’s Phantom.

“Then what should we do? The other guild members are on their way here. I don’t want alludor to annihilate them all with his Demon God’s will skill.”

“Don’t worry, they have more support on their side. They should be able to make it.”

“don’t worry. even if some of them fall, it won’t affect much. We’ll just resurrect them after the event ends.”

I’m just afraid of accidentally hurting others. There are many people who are not from our Guild and are also farming monsters outside the East Gate.

“We can’t do anything about that. They’re just unlucky to be at the East Gate with us. Hehe.”

that’s right. We can’t possibly say that we’re not fighting so that others won’t be hurt by alludor, right? isn’t that nonsense? ”

haha, they’re just unlucky. Who asked those people to farm monsters with us outside the East Gate? ”


should we inform the others? we don’t want to end up causing them to die for no reason. That’s not very good, right? ”

“What’s the point of informing us now? can they still run back to the city?”

“That’s right. It won’t take long for us to bring alludor’s HP down to 80%. It’ll only take one or two minutes at most. how could they possibly make it back in such a short time?”

“it’s none of our business whether they can run or not, but we still have to remind them of what they should do.”

“You mean, you want them to die knowing the truth, hehe.”

“haha, that’s pretty much what it means.”

“Alright, you go ahead then.”

“Fine, I’ll do it.” josei

After everyone’s discussion, Windcloud blade announced in Dangyang city’s regional channel.

friends outside the East Gate, the BOSS is about to cast a skill. It might be an all-map damage. All players outside the East Gate will be affected by the BOSS ‘skill. Please be prepared. If you die, don’t blame us. Blame the BOSS.

After wind cloud blade finished speaking ...


the players who were farming monsters outside the east gate had countless “f * ck you” in their hearts.

“What do you mean? I didn’t even get to see what the BOSS looked like. Will you be hurt?”

it can’t be that exaggerated, right? is this BOSS that strong? ”

I think I heard that the demon God’s will skill cast by a real-name BOSS deals damage to the entire map.

“What do you mean? Full map damage? Then wouldn’t our people outside the West Gate be affected as well?”

“I don’t know about that, but I heard that the demon God’s will skill of a real name BOSS has an insane damage range. as for how far it can cover, i don’t know.”

“f * ck, our demon lieutenants are about to be blown up. What should we do?”

“what are you afraid of at the west gate? The entire Dangyang city was so big. The distance between the East and West gates was a few dozen li. No matter how powerful the boss “skills are, they can’t possibly cover the entire West Gate.”

“F * ck, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

damn it, our people at the East Gate are the innocent ones.

“Yeah, what do we do now? Even if you want to go back now, it’s too late.”

“I don’t care. I’ll think of a way to get back to the city first. Fortunately, my place is closer to the city gate, hehe.”

“Brothers from the East Gate, let’s stick together and charge into the city. We might be able to save our lives.”

“You’re right. Let’s gather and rush back into the city.”

Although many players had never seen the power of a real-name BOSS before, they had never seen it before.

However, there were still some players who had seen it.

Even if they had never seen a real BOSS.

At the very least, he had seen videos of others fighting real-name bosses on the forums.

Knowing the BOSS’s real name, the demon God’s will skill that was cast had an extremely high damage range.

It was basically an all-map damage.

When the boss had respawned at the East Gate, they had not run away.

One was that no one had thought about this at that time.

Second, no one knew that the real name boss that the wind and cloud Guild was fighting now had the demon God’s will skill.

not all bosses with real names had this skill.

in the previous monster attack, zaire, the demon general, did not have the demon will skill.

Therefore, after wind cloud blade’s reminder ...

Only then did everyone react.

The wind and cloud Guild must have checked the boss’s skills.

He knew that this BOSS had the demon God’s will skill.

That was why he told everyone to get ready.

however, what kind of preparations could they make?

If there were enough support in the team, then it would be fine.

It wasn’t impossible to survive the BOSS ‘will of the demon God by relying on the support’s healing.

However, as a temporary team of unspecialized players, how many support classes could they have?

most casual players liked to play classes that enjoyed killing people.

There were very few people who would play a support class.

Most of the player teams did not have enough support classes.

The only thing they could do now was to run back to Dangyang city.

the city was a safe zone.

No matter how high the damage of the demon God’s will skill of a real name boss was ...

It would also be impossible to harm the players in the city.

If that was the case, wouldn’t it be a mess?

But the problem was that even if they wanted to run now, it was a little too late.

The players who were closer to the city gate were still alright.

They might be able to charge back to Dangyang city.

However, the players who were further away from the city gate did not have to struggle.

There was no way to go back.

After receiving wind cloud blade’s warning, he was stunned.

all the players outside the east gate were trying their best to return to dangyang city.

Everyone spontaneously gathered together and formed a super large team.

Countless players gathered together and slowly killed monsters.

He killed his way through the dense crowd of demon soldiers toward Dangyang city.

However, it was too late.

The rhythm of Zhang Shan’s team’s attack on alludor was definitely not because they were afraid of affecting others.

And slowed down by half a second.

Their time was already very tight.

If they could not defeat alludor before the monster siege event ended.

Then wouldn’t their event this time have been for nothing?

At this time, Zhang Shan and the thousand people, two to three hundred people, were surrounding and attacking alludor.

The rest of the players would clear the monsters beside them.

It isolated all the surrounding demon soldiers outside.

As for the members of other guilds who were coming to support them, they were now gathered together.

A huge team of nearly 100000 players was charging towards the boss.

The other Dangyang city players who were originally farming monsters outside the East Gate.

He did his best to rush towards Dangyang city.

as for how many people would eventually be able to return to dangyang city, it was hard to say.

under the continuous attacks of zhang shan and the rest, the health of the demon general alludor was slowly decreasing.

it didn’t take long for it to drop to 80%.

Feng Yun realm said in the Guild channel.

“Everyone, get ready. The boss is about to cast its skill.”

Feng Yun realm had just finished his sentence.

Alludor waved his spear and pointed it at the void. He then lowered his head and chanted silently.

A huge Phantom of a Demon God slowly appeared behind alludor.

As soon as the demonic god Phantom appeared, the HP of all the players outside the East Gate of Dangyang city dropped rapidly.

His HP was decreasing by 8000 per second, and the damage was very high.

The people from the wind and cloud Guild were fully prepared.

However, they were still flustered by the demon God Phantom that alludor had summoned.

The damage of this Demon God’s will skill was too powerful.

f * ck, these real name bosses are so f * cking crazy. None of them are easy to deal with.

there are. The commander of the demon-suppressing city, mackmilly, is easier to deal with.

sigh, it’s just the commander. I’ve never seen any weak real-name bosses.

” maybe the commander is just a commander-type BOSS, and fighting isn’t its strong point. ”

“Don’t talk nonsense now, hurry up and heal me.”

“Heal me, hurry up and heal me, I’m dying.”

pay attention to your teammates ‘health bars. F * ck, don’t die without even knowing it. What are you supports doing? ”

call my ass. Everyone needs to heal. We have to do it one by one.

“if you come one by one, i’ll be dead by then.”

“That’s because you’re stupid. Why don’t you know how many big Hongyao you’re carrying? At this time, if we rely on the support to add blood, how can we do it?”

damn it, I’ve used up all my big red Medicine when I was tanking the small monsters.

“Then why don’t you buy more?”

f * ck, don’t keep harping on the matter of Hong Yao. Can’t you just keep talking about it? ”

“alright,” he said.

After 15 seconds, Zhang Shan’s side of the team fighting the BOSS had basically not lost anyone.

Most of the players survived this wave of BOSS skills by taking potions and healing from the support.

There were only a few players who did not bring any health potions, or the support did not have time to heal.

Unable to withstand the damage from the demonic God’s Phantom, he fell to the ground.

However, it didn’t matter. Those who fell to the ground were quickly resurrected.

After a wave of attacks from the BOSS ...

The players who were fighting the BOSS basically didn’t suffer any losses.

However, the Guild members who were rushing over to support them ...

The losses on their side were much more serious.

After all, most of the people there were normal guild members.

Their equipment was much worse than those who were fighting the boss beside Zhang Shan.

alludor’s demon will skill dealt 8000 damage per second.

Without a healer to heal them, they could only hold on for four to five seconds at most before collapsing.

Even though they had a lot of support classes, they still couldn’t heal.

As a result, nearly 10000 people fell to the ground among the reinforcements.

For the time being, he couldn’t care about these people who had fallen to the ground.

Even though there were quite a number of auxiliary vocations in their place.

however, it was impossible to resurrect tens of thousands of people at once.

After all, not every support had learned the resurrection skill.

the current resurrection skill book was different from the beginning of the game.

A skill book could even be sold for millions of gold coins.

However, the resurrection skill book could be sold for thousands of gold coins.

Not every Guild’s support could afford to buy a skill book.

Among the 100000 guild members of their wind and cloud Guild ...

There were more than 10000 Taoist priests and witch doctors.

However, less than half of them had the ability to revive.

There were probably four to five thousand people.

This was still considered the strength of their Guild.

When recruiting guild members, they had to try to recruit players with some strength.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have reached this ratio.

The people from the wind and cloud Guild were still considered good.

facing alludor’s demon god’s will skill, only about one-tenth of their people had fallen.

The other players who were farming monsters outside the East Gate were not as lucky as them.

After the demonic God’s apparition appeared ...

The players outside the East Gate fell to the ground like logs being chopped.

There weren’t many survivors.

Among the unspecialized players, there were too few support classes.

and most of them were just temporary teams that had just been formed.

There was no cooperation at all.

The support players only focused on healing themselves.

Who would have thought that he would have to take care of his temporary teammates?

they had very few supports to begin with.

And those supports were not very powerful.

As a result, the players who were farming monsters outside the East Gate of Dangyang city ...

Almost all of them fell to the ground.

There were only a few survivors left.

Most of the survivors were auxiliary vocations.

After all, no matter how powerful alludor’s skill damage was, he would still be able to deal damage.

If the support healed himself, he could still survive.

Of course, that was if too many of his teammates fell.

They wouldn’t be able to hold on for long with the remaining auxiliary classes.

If he didn’t have a helper and had to fight the monsters in front.

Those support classes had to rely on their own farming efficiency.

They would never be able to kill any monsters.

Sooner or later, they would be drowned by the endless demon soldiers.

Wind cloud Guild’s boss-killing operation had caused many players in Dangyang city to suffer an unexpected disaster.

They were all furious and complained in the Dangyang city regional channel.

“F * ck, I was just killing monsters, and I fell to the ground like this? The wind and cloud Guild will pay.”

you’re thinking too much. You were killed by the BOSS, not by the People of the Wind and cloud Guild.

“even if you were killed by the wind and cloud guild, would they care about you?”

” is there something wrong with your brain? why didn’t you hurry back to the city? i ran back here. i didn’t die just now, hehe. ”

f * ck, I’m so far from the city gate. How can I run back in such a short time? ”

“The wind and cloud Guild will compensate us.”

you don’t have to pay me. Just resurrect me after the event.

“You’re thinking too much. Do you know how many people have fallen outside the East Gate? would the wind and cloud guild be able to revive? Besides, it’s none of his business, why would he help you resurrect for no reason?”

“Don’t think about anything other than your bad luck.”

damn it, the next time the monsters attack the city, I must stay far away from the wind cloud Guild, so that I don’t get involved.

“By the way, did the other three directions take any damage from the BOSS?”

no, our West Gate is fine. We’re about to beat up the demon Lieutenant, haha.

“The north gate is also fine.”

the South Gate is very safe. It’s very easy to kill monsters.

“f * ck, only the east gate is unlucky. Next time, I’ll definitely stay away from the wind and cloud Guild.”

“I think it’s to stay away from the BOSS. Wherever the BOSS of wind and cloud Guild was, they would go and fight it. Before the BOSS respawns, who knows which direction it’s in?”

who cares? the next time I see six tube Bodhisattva leading a team over, I’ll run to the other city gates.

“That’s a good idea, so we don’t get caught in the crossfire.”

“Why am I so unlucky?”

“What’s there to shout about? do you think you’re the only one? there were at least a few hundred thousand people outside the east gate.”

I don’t know the exact number, but I estimate that there will be at least 200000 people.

“Sigh, a real-name BOSS is too strong. We didn’t even get to see the BOSS and so many people have already fallen.”

“By the way, it’s just a Demon God’s apparition and it’s already so powerful. How freakish is that true demon God?”

“You’re still concerned about this? what does a demonic god have to do with us little losers? Even if we reach max level, we can’t afford to offend the demon God.”

that’s impossible. If he can’t even defeat a BOSS at full level, then what’s the point of playing this game? ”

“Be careful with your words. Not all players can’t beat a BOSS at full level. It’s US who can’t beat a BOSS even at full level. Those big shots can definitely give it a try.”

” that’s for sure. a player as overpowered as six-barreled bodhisattva might not even need to reach the maximum level to challenge the demon god. ”

“The demon God is too far away, it has nothing to do with us.”

I wonder if the players in the city are actually fighting bosses. Are they also suffering the same fate as us? hehe.

“You’re thinking too much. Look at the world Channel. Right now, other than the domineering aura Guild from LAN Tian city and the Wargod Guild from an Yi city, who are still fighting the BOSS, the players from the other cities have long given up.”

“Holy sh * t, is that true? It wasn’t easy to find a real-name BOSS, so why didn’t the big shots of other cities fight it? Usually, you can’t find it even if you want to.”

“That’s only if he can beat them.”

“That’s impossible. There are so many bosses in every city. How can they not defeat the boss? Even if he couldn’t win, he should at least try. didn’t the monsters attack all the cities during the last siege?”

“although there were people from every city who went to fight the real-name boss last time, in the end, only the wind and cloud guild, the god of war guild, and the domineering aura guild managed to kill the boss. everyone else’s efforts were in vain.”

“Even if it’s a waste of effort, you should at least try, right? don’t tell me that those big shots have all become salted fish? You didn’t even try.”

“Don’t worry, the big shots know more than you do. They’ve definitely tried it. However, after knowing the boss’s attributes and skills, they all gave up.”

“by the way, does anyone know what kind of attributes and skills the boss has?”

“I don’t know,”

“I don’t think anyone mentioned this.”

“if you want to know, just go to the forum and take a look. there will definitely be people who will post the boss ‘attributes and skills on the forum.”

“I’ll go take a look. I really want to know how powerful the boss is to make those big shots give up.”

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