The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: They Can't See It?

Mom and Elena are making dinner in the kitchen, while I am playing with the cat.



Can they understand human languages? 



"Can you understand me?"


"Is that a yes?"


"Is it a no?"



Nevermind, I can't understand. 




"Are you an idiot, May?" 


She tried to scratch me.

"I will take that as a no"


"Do you hate Elena?"


"Do you like Elena?"


I can somehow understand her now.

I lay down on the sofa.

I still can't believe Elena is staying a night here.

Watching her make dinner with mom...I don't know how to describe this feeling.

Mom and Elena both look happy. Is this what it will feel like when Elena and I get married?

Miss Serah will be there too...if she wants to marry.

I hope Lier stays with me too.

I want Lily too.

In the end, I couldn't figure out what that light orb was.

Lily was inside it. I am sure of that! I even talked with her!

So why she doesn't remember it?

Maybe I was really hallucinating?

The smoke from the fire and using my powers must have made me hallucinate.

"I can't digest this"

There is no way it was a hallucination or a dream.

There's no way I can mistake something else for Lily.

There is no way I can mistake her voice. There is no way I can mistake her cute face.


"Das! Dinner is ready"

"Wash your hands" Elena said, taking off her apron.

I was eating dinner, but I couldn't get that thought out of my mind.

I will find a way for Lily to exist here.

Then we can all be together.

Elena, miss Serah, Lier, Lily and I. Mom, and dad too. We can live--wait!

How am I going to tell mom and dad about that?

There is no way I can just say, 'Hey mom, dad, I am in love with my teacher, my cousin and a program and I will marry them too'. They will kill me!

What am I going to do?! 

I didn't think about that! If mom and dad got to know that I am in a relationship with my teacher, I would be dead.

Has Elena never thought about it?

I mean, her parents too! Her old man will kill me if he finds out what I am doing!

I tried to gesture Elena, who was sitting in front of me.

I don't know if she understood what I wanted to say, but she made a smug face.

'Good luck' is written all over her face.

That means she has already thought about the after-circumstances, but she won't tell me.

Okay, let's stop thinking for now, and enjoy the dinner. It was made by Elena.

Elena has really gotten better at cooking.

"How is it?" my mom asked.

"It's good"

"Just good?"

"It's incredible! Fantastic! It's awesome!"

"You never said that about my cooking"


Is this what will happen to me after I marry Elena?

Every day?!

They will tease me every day?!

To be honest, Elena has also teased me many times, even before we started going out.

The same goes for miss Serah. She teases me with her body.

As for Lier, out of my 18 years, I have spent 10 years with her, but I don't remember much about her.

I will go meet her...there is no school tomorrow. I wanted to go meet her tomorrow, but Elena is staying, so she will stay for tomorrow too.

I can go on Sunday, but we are going to meet Selena. Sorry, Lier, wait a little longer for me.

And about Lily...she has never teased, she did. She annoyed the hell out of me when I met her. I really wanted to smack her. Again, I am really glad I didn't.

That light orb, it didn't come last night. I waited until the morning, but it didn't come. I want to see it and confirm it.

If that light orb is really Lily, then I will--



Cough~~ Cough~~

"Hey. What happened?"

"Are you alright? Here, drink some water" Elena said, handing over the glass to me.

What the hell!

What the hell is going on?!

Why is the light orb here?!

It would be bad if Elena or mom saw it.

"What are you doing?! Drink the water!"


"Why are you staring behind us?!"

"I am not!"

"Is there something behind us?!"

"No! There is nothing!"

Elena and my mom looked behind.

This is bad! If they see the light orb...I don't know how to explain it! 

"There is nothing behind us"


"Eat the food, it will get cold"


They can't see the light orb?

It's literally flying behind them.

Am I the only one who can see that light orb?

"I will call your mom after I am done with a bath" my mom said, getting up from the chair.


"I am done too, I will be in my room"

"Okay. I will wash the dishes in the meantime"

"There is no need"

"Let me do it. I want to do it"

"I will help"

"No. You go to your room"

"Fine. Take care. Yell if something happens"josei

"Nothing will happen"

The light orb was still flying around me, but Elena didn't react.

They really can't see it.

I went to my room and as expected, the light orb followed me to my room.

Why they can't see it? And why I can see it?

The light orb was flying in front of my face.

"Are you Lily?

I can see inside, more clearly than other nights. Not only that, but my vision has also gotten better.

I can see everything, even though it's pitch black in my room.

Is this because of what happened that night?

The amount of blood was...and the pain, it was the worst pain I have ever experienced.

How am I able to endure that much pain?

If it was the old me, he would have gone berserk.

"Das? Are you awake?" Elena said, peeking from the half-opened door.

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