The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Marriage!

We exchanged rings.

"You can exchange four vows with each other"


I am so shocked and surprised that nothing comes to mind.

"The bride can go first"

Elena looked me in the eye.


Not just her eyes or her face, but the bride-outfit she was wearing, truly beautiful.

If I knew that she would look this beautiful in a bride outfit then I would have....Sigh~~

What am I getting so worked up about?

We have to exchange vows.

I stared at Elena, who was still staring at me.

She opened and closed her mouth several times.

Her face is a little flushed, her eyes are giving a hint of nervousness.

She took a deep breath, smiled at me and said, "I will speak"

"Go ahead"

"You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I have ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours"


How did she manage to say this?

Did she come prepared?

"Now, the groom"

I don't know what to say, but here I go.

"Let us love each other deeply, forever, and be lost in each other's arms. Let's make a vow to entreat each other to share, to always be side by side, and to face the world unassailable, as husband and wife"

I hope I didn't sound lame.

I looked at Elena's face. It was blooming with happiness.

"Now, the bride" 

"With me as your wife, you have nothing to worry about. I will be loyal, honest, loving, and compassionate. I vow to face any challenge with you and embrace you with the same warmth and love every day. A love that will only grow through our years together"



She is making my heart flutter.

I have never seen Elena this serious.

For safety precautions, I did confirm. And she is not Selena. 

"Now, the Groom"

Here I go. I will just say what comes to mind.

"It's exciting to think just how much more there is to learn about each other, about life, about the journey of being together" I took a breath and whispered in her ears, "I vow to stand by your side at every twist and turn, and to kiss you on your hair, face, lips, all of your body and tell you, we will be okay, we will be exalted, we will be forever"

That one was a little embarrassing. 

Two more to go. Nothing comes to my mind.

"Now, the bride"

"I offer myself to you as I am, all my flaws and all my strengths, safe knowing that you compliment me perfectly, will raise me up when I am weary, and allow me to take you by the hand when you need to be ushered through the darkness. I trust in you and in us completely"


My heart can't take it. 

She is acting so cool!

And there is one more left.

I want to hug her, dammit!

"Now, the groom"

I have no words to say!

I looked at Elena, she was still staring at me. Her face was a little flushed and it looked little excited. 

"I am not promising it will be easy, nothing worthwhile ever is. I am not promising it will be perfect, as perfection is fantasy, and we are here as real as can be. All I promise is I will be with you, by your side supporting you when I can, trusting in your support when I falter, for all our lives"



Why did I say that?

It's not like I don't mean it, but sounded sad. 

"Now the bride"

This is the last one.

I wonder what she will say.

I am ready for the attack. Come at me anytime. 

She looked me in the eye, her flushed face flushed more. She smiled at me with the corner of her lips and gazed me in the eye.

"We are all a little weird and life is a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. So, let's be weird together forever"


What was that?

'When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours' and after that, 'mutual weirdness'.

Mutual weirdness?

Mutual weirdness?!

Is she saying that I am weird?

She was trying her best not to laugh, but she was smiling widely.

I guess I am weird after all.

"Now, the groom"

I love her no matter what she does.

"I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride, so I love you because I know no other way than this, where I do not exist, nor you"

What does that last line mean?

Why did I say that?

It just came into my mind, and I said it.

"The groom and bride may kiss"

Elena closed her eyes and leaned forward.

"Stop it" I said, hugging her.

"You should kiss"

"Shut up!"

He talks too much for an NPC.

That's right.

We just got married, a game.

"Congratulations Adas and Reina!" Ricky and Rikka yelled.

"Why are you two here?"

Actually, they are the only ones here to witness our wedding. 

"We were at the fountain and Reina logged in, saying she is getting married and dragged us here, in the chapel"

After Elena went home with her mother, I went home too.

I was freaking out thinking how would I inform mom.

Before I realized it, it was 5 PM.

I got ready to go to the chapel. As I was about to leave, I got a notification from Elena saying, 'she is waiting in front of the chapel in...LWO. 

I was both relieved and sad at that time.

Relieved because I don't have to tell mom, and sad because my marriage proposal failed.

"Why did you suddenly decide to marry though?" Ricky asked. 

I wanted to marry her in the real world, not the game!

"I just wanted to try marrying"

"I see, I was sure that she misunderstood your proposal, and you ended up marrying here, in LWO"


He got it in the first try!

"Wait, really?" Ricky asked, surprised. 

"I can't believe something like that really happened" Rikka said, laughing crazily.

"You guys are heartless"

"Don't say that! We are the only one who attended your wedding"

Then stop laughing!

There is a crowd of players gathered due to the wedding, and they are all congratulating Elena.josei

[Congratulations Das]

You too!

[I am going to Elena]


Well, I guess...I should be happy.

At least I am married to her in the game.

"I will ask her again to marry me"

"Huh? Why?" Ricky asked.

"What do you mean by why?"

"Why do you want to marry her now?"

"Well, of course, I will marry her in the real world"

"No, I mean. If you marry---"

Rikka stopped Ricky by grabbing his mouth and whispered something to him.

"Why?" he asked.

"It's interesting that way"

What are they planning now?

[The Event will Start Within Five Minutes]

"Nice. Are you ready, Adas?" Ricky asked.


Well, today is just the opening ceremony. The real event will start tomorrow.

"Das" Elena said, waving at me.

"Looks like her greetings are over now"


Stop passing comments! 

"You changed your outfit"

"Yeah. I can't fight in the bride's outfit"

"I will change my outfit too"




She showed me the ring, our wedding ring.

"I have it too"

"We are married"

She hugged me.

"Yeah, we are"

Even though I wanted to marry in the real world.

"You were so cool when we were exchanging vows"

"You too"

"You were cooler"

"You were more cooler. Where did you learn those vows?"

"They were my originals"

"Is that so?"

"Yours were original too, right?"


"We can kiss now too" she said, jumping on me to kiss me.

"Stop it!"

"Why?! Even though we can finally kiss" she said, jumping on the ground.

"Don't act like a kid. Everyone is here"

"So what?"

"They will see us!"

"Didn't you say you don't care what people think?"

"I don't care"

"Then why?"

"It's embarrassing!"


Her face went red after hearing that.

Don't tell me...

"You just realized it now?"

"Shut up. I was so happy that I forgot about it" she said, grabbing my arm and hiding behind me.

[All Entries Received. The Event Will Start Tomorrow And Run For 7 Day] 

That means we will be going to world two tomorrow.

It's a week-long event. A player can play anytime, but the limit is four hours a day. The player who has the highest points at the end of the week will win.

To be honest, I don't feel like winning now because of what happened today, but I will try my best.

[Received Notification]

A notification?

I glanced around.

Looks like I am the only one who got it.

I opened the notification and what I saw, what I read, filled me with nothing but rage.

Your little pixie who you named Lily. Her program will be deleted when the event ends, meaning she will die. She will disappear and you will do nothing, you can't do anything. If you want her program, then win this event and I will give you her program.

That was written in that notification.

I checked the sender's name, but it was empty.

Who is it?

Who the hell is it?!

I will rip them! I will kill them!

[What's wrong, Das?] 


She didn't see it, right? 

"Nothing. I was just wondering how many players have participated" 

Is it one of the players?

Or's one of the developers?

[Except from top three players, all the top players are participating]



Wouldn't my winning ratio go low?

"Who else we know is participating?"

"Joey, Biana and Robena are also participating" 

"I see"

Aside from the top three, all others are participating. That means, Serah, Grace, that Buligir, that Karkas and the other three players I have never met, will be there too.

Serah and Grace will cooperate...I am not sure about Grace though.

I can handle that Bulgar, but that Karkas. I don't know his skill. 

He did defeated Zeus alone, even though Zeus was stunned by Rikka and Elena, he defeated it in a short time. I didn't see him using any attacks. 

What about the other three? Could it be one of them?

Lier will be there too. She will help me.

Who wants to kill Lily?

Is it one of the developers?

Or maybe...those men?

No. I am thinking too much.

How would they be in LWO?

But if they really are...they are asking for it.

To see my wrath. 

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