The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: Day 1 (iii)

I was punched heavily in the face when I looked back.

"Yer late, Ethel!"

"Sorry, I was watching your fight"


There were two people.

What was that punch?!


He has a gauntlet in his right hand. Is this his weapon?

[Are you okay, Das?!]


I got up and took off my mask to see if there were any cracks or not.


There are no cracks.

"Ya hear me, Ethel. Dis guy kicked me in the face and took ma orbs"

"Don't ya worry. I am here now"

They can't even speak properly.

[Ethel is top 7th player of the game. We should retreat, Das]

"Stay back, Lily. It's time for some smashing"

The name of the guy who punched me is Ethel. He is in 6th place in this event. If I kill them both and get their orbs, I can easily enter the top 5. 

"Oh! Ya finally took yer mask off"

"Yeah. I wanted you both to see my face. The face who is going to smash you"

"Ya talk too big kid"

"Is that so?"

"Yea! we gonna smash ya and steal all yer orbs"

I can feel the excitement. 

I am excited.

I couldn't help but smirk.

"Try me!"

They both dashed at me and I dashed at them.

The axe-guy disappeared and appeared from behind me. Meanwhile, the gauntlet-guy kept attacking me with his fist. 

Should I use my skill?

The 4-hour limit is already over. I will be logged out as soon as I defeat them.

[Skill Sprinter Activated]

[Skill Harden Activated]

"Haha. What's wrong? We ain't letting ya go until ya give us all yer orbs"


Not going to lie, when that axe-guy asked me if I am the one killing all players and stealing their orbs, I thought he was a good guy, but he turned out to be scum.

"I can smash you without holding back"

I need to take care of the axe-guy first. His skill is annoying.

I will act like they caught me, and take care of the axe-guy first.

My skills are active too. I can easily defeat them.

I ran and stood in the center, making it look like they surrounded me.

As expected, the axe-guy disappeared after dashing at me, while the gauntlet-guy kept punching.

"Ya got fast"

Now I just have to wait and see where that axe-guy appears from.

From the top!

I crouched and jumped to the left. His axe got stuck in the ground.

I jumped back as soon as I landed and kicked the axe-guy.

"Learn from your mistakes. That's the rule of the world and yet you keep attacking like a fool"

I learned from my mistake.

I will not show kindness to anyone.

"Hear me, Lily! Kindness doesn't exist inside me!"

"Who yer talking to? I am here"

The gauntlet-guy tried to punch me. 

I jumped and little and used my levitate skill to jump over him and punch him.

"Ya think you can hit me, ha?"

I landed and tried to punch him, but he blocked my punch with his punch.

"Dis gauntlet has smashed many faces and now it will smash yers"


"Why ya laughing?"

"Take a close look at that gauntlet of yours, can't you hear the cracking noise?"

"Impossible! How can a bare fist break ma gauntlet!"

"Now this bare fist will smash the face of yours"


"Hey Ether, guess what?"

"What--who yer calling Ether?!"

"You only have one gauntlet, but I have two bare fists. Guess what I am going to do with my other fist?"

"Don't tell me...yer gonna smash me with dat?!"

"Correct answer! Here is your reward" 



I punched him with my left hand--the axe-guy brought his axe in between.

"Do something, Ethel! Punch him! Smash him!"

"I can't! Clyde! Ma gauntlet is about to break"

"That's right, Kite! And now your axe will be shattered into pieces too"

"Ha?! What ya talkin--Nooooo! Ma axe!"

They are both idiots.

Only a fool would do something stupid.

They fight too recklessly.

As soon as my punch hit his axe, his axe shattered into pieces and my punch hit the gauntlet-guy in the face.

"This is just payback for earlier, and now. It's revenge time!"

Their weapons were already broken. All they could do was stand there.

To make it more exciting, I ran as fast as I could and kept punching them from random spots.

Every time I punched them, they would roll over and hit the ground.

And as soon as they got up again, I punched them again.

That continued for ten minutes until my skill entered cooldown.

They gave me all of their orbs.

They had 32 platinum, 123 golden, 300 silver, and 1244 bronze orbs.

I stabbed them with the sword, and they died.

"I am 14th now"

[That was too cruel, Das]

"You call that cruel?"

[They were unarmed, so there was no need to torture and kill them]

"Come on, Lily. I was letting that Kite go, but that Ether attacked me"

[I don't want to argue with you and make you angry]

"I am not angry"


"Do I look angry?"

[You look scary]

"Been a while since I heard that"

[What will you do now?]

"I need to log out now"

[I will wait for you tomorrow]


Don't worry, Lily. I will protect you.

I will save you.

Just one more week, spend one more week alone in the darkness. 

Once I get your program, I will find a way for you to exist in the real I have already found a way.

That light orb gave me an idea.josei

I will make a vessel and install her program in it. That way, she should at least be able to interact in the real world.

That light orb hasn't appeared in a while. I want to talk with Lily again. I wanted to ask something and confirm it.

Why doesn't she remember that night?

After logging out, my head ached like hell.

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