The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Day 5 (x) (White)

What is this place?

Where am I?

I was in that room...then that black fogs...I climbed and...threw Lily out...and...and what?

What happened after that?

Oh, yes. I fell down.

I could feel their touch. It burns.

But I don't feel any pain now.

Those whispers and screams are also gone.

What is this place?

Everywhere is white. Everything is white.

This place is...where I made the character and...met the developer?

But it's not exactly the same.

That floor was all white, but...

I looked up, there was a sky, a blue sky with some clouds that looked like marshmallows.

Besides that, everything else is white.

I walked further. 

I saw some ants carrying a big leaf.

What is this?

What are ants doing here?

I am still in LWO, right?

I followed the ants. After following them for a while, I heard a water flowing sound.

I looked back to see a river flowing.

I just walked from there. There was nothing, how did the river came?

It felt very strange to see a river in a white floor.

The river was only about 1 meter in width.

I followed the flowing river. Suddenly, the water...or should I say river, fell down.

"A waterfall?"

The flowing river suddenly became a waterfall.

The floor was plain, totally flat.

How is the water flowing down?

I walked to the edge, from where the water was flowing down, and looked down.

The river water was being collected and turning into a sea.

I heard a strange sound from the sky.

I looked up to see a bird.

"A flamingo?"

But it is slightly different, and it's bigger.

My gaze automatically followed the flamingo or whatever it was.

I was walking while watching the bird.

I was stopped by something. Something wet and cold hit my face.

"Climber branches?"

The climber branches were hanging down. I looked up to see the source of the branches, but there was no end to them. They were there as far as I could see.

The climber branches looked like curtains.

There are blue flowers on it.

A water droplet slid down from one of the branches and fell down on the white floor.

Soon enough, a plant grew from where the water droplet fell down.

The plant bloomed a crimson red flower. I crouched down and moved my hand to touch--



I heard a small and soft bell sound from behind me.

I slowly looked back to see a woman. She was standing there, looking down at me.

I slowly got up and asked, "Who are you?"

She stared at me and smiled.

It was a very sweet and pure smile.

She was wearing a single white piece of cloth, covering her entire body. Her sleeves, legs, chest, head, hair, and half of her face.

There is a veil on her head covering her head and hair, and a transparent veil covering half of her face.

A nun? A priest? An...angel?

Wait. Why do I know that?

Why do I know what nun, priest and angel are? 

I have never seen them, nor their attire. There is no mention of them on the internet and there are no books about them.

Why do I know it?

"Are you okay?" she asked.

What's going on?

I feel so weak. My legs, my entire body feels numb.

Who is she?

She has a red flower in her hand.

I looked back to see the plant, there was no flower on it.

"Are you okay?" she asked, moving her hand to touch my face.

I stepped back, but due to numb leg I tripped--

"Be careful"

A hand stopped me from tripping. 

I looked back to see it was the same women.

I looked back, where the woman was standing previously, but she wasn't there. 

She was standing in front of me, did she get behind me?

"Why do you look so confused?" she asked.

"What's going on? Where am I? Who are you?"

"What's going on? I don't know. Where are you? I don't know. Who am I? I am no one"

"Then, what am I doing here? What are you doing here?"

"Are you lost?"


"You look lost"

"I am...lost?"

"Why do you look so scared?"

"Scared? I am scared?"

"What's wrong? Tell me"

"Those black shadows...those screams...those whispers" 

"Are you talking about devil's whispers?"


This is not some kind of fantasy.


She touched my forehead and patted my head.

What is this...

I feel sad. 

I feel like crying.


"There, now you won't hear anything" she said, removing her hand from my head.

"What is a devil?"

"Hmm, there are many meanings to that. But the most common is, dead are devils"

"Those whispers are of the dead?" 

"Who knows?"

"What is alive then?"

"What do you think?"

"They are trash for me"

"So you are trash too?"


"You said alive are trash, then that means you are a trash too?"


"You are not alive?"


"Sometimes trash can be useful too"

Why do I feel so sad?

Why is my body trembling when I talk to her?

Why do I feel like crying when I hear her voice?

"Do I know you?" 

"Hmm. Do you know me, huh?"

"Do I?"

She came close to me, brought her face close to mine and said, "No. You don't know me"

"Why...are your...eyes--"

"Don't you want to go back?" 

"I want to"

I want to get out of here as soon as possible. Otherwise I will end up crying.

"That is your destination" she said, pointing her finger behind me. 

I looked back to see that plant was now a tree. Not a big tree, but big enough to shade one person.

There was someone under that tree. A solid black shadow sitting while leaning on the tree.

It wasn't a fog shadow, but a solid shadow. It doesn't have any body features.

"My bad, your destination is there" she said, pointing her finger at the right side.

On the right side there was a huge door.

Without wasting any more seconds, I ran at the door.

I don't want to stay here anymore.

I don't want to see her.

I don't want to hear her voice.

If I do, I will die. I will die from this feeling.

What is this feeling?

Every cell in my body is screaming, asking me to cry.

Her eyes....her face was half covered by the transparent veil, but when she came close to me, I saw her eyes. They were green. Her ears too! They were pointy. Just like me. Just like Edens.

I pushed the door with all my might, but it didn't open.


I want to get out of here!



"Take care of your little brother" she said with a wide smile.


I was pulled into the door.

What did she mean?

What was that?

Everything is dark again.

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]


This sound... 

When I opened my eyes, I was standing on the edge of the hole.

I am outside...

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

My head feels so light--it ached again.

I covered my face with my right hand.

Why do I feel so warm and calm?

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I glanced around to see Elena, Serah, Ricky, and Rikka. 

I am glad they are okay.


[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I looked back to see a huge black matter. It had no shape.josei


[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]


Lily is okay too.

Stay back, Lily.

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I waved my hand in the air, but it turned into a forceful gust of wind. 

Lily was sent back to where Elena and others were.

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I looked at my hand from the gap between my fingers, and there were some strange marks on my left hand.

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I noticed my sword was emitting black fire. 

The Excalibur skill activated on its own again?

I took out my sword from my back and stabbed it in the ground.

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I looked back by tilting my head backwards.

"Oo you foolish beings" 

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

[Warning warning warning warning warning warning]

I hear a voice in my head.

Not the whispers, nor those screams.

It's just a voice. And it's asking me to say...

"Permission granted" 

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