The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 278

Chapter 278: Forgotten Promise

"Are you someone I know?" I asked.

There might be a possibility that he is someone i know, but there is no one I should know.

"Oh? So you think you know me from somewhere? Hmm, okay then. Guess who I am. Not that I am anyone you know"

"Just cut all this bullshit. I am tired and you look tired too"

"Do I look tired? How do I look tired? You can't even see my face"

"I can tell by the way you are acting"

"Ah! I am not tired, I am just bored"

My body had already started feeling numb. I could barely move my hands.

I was already sitting down. But now I leaned back to the chair grandpa was sitting in.

"You are the one who is tired" he said, kicking the sword.

The sword hit me in the feet and it started bleeding.

"So. Who are you?" I asked.

"This must be the 10th time you are asking me the same question"

"It's because you don't answer properly"

"I am Augustus! How many times do I have to say it?"

"I thought we were playing a guessing game"

"Fine. Fine! Guess then"

"I can't guess. You win, now tell me"

"I am Ricky"


"Or maybe I am that Joey?"


"Or maybe I am your dad...though I definitely never wanted a son like you. Hmm, maybe I am your uncle Ady"


"Did I miss any male you know. Others would be too old. Oh! Maybe I am a girl and speaking by changing my voice? I mean you can't identify me with my static voice anyway"


"Maybe I am Elena? Though I would never date you. So maybe I am Lier, but I think you would recognize her. Then...Serah! I am Serah"

"I shouldn't have asked this question" 

"Come on. I was being serious"

"Can you go now? If you don't want to kill me then get out of here. I want to take a rest. A long rest"

"Careful there, someone might come and attack you. Like they did just now. And maybe this time even kill all you lovers"

"That will never happen. I will protect"

"Again with that promise! You can't. You can't, Das Edens. You can't protect them"

"I will protect them"

"You have already failed once...or maybe twice. And you will fail again" 

"I will be the one to die next time"

"If you die then who would protect them?"

"I will die as many times as I can to protect my loved ones"

He took a step back, as if he was surprised, or rather shocked.

"What's wrong? Feeling tired" I commented. 

"He said the same thing once"


"He...he said the same thing. The same thing. The same thing, but he died, and he couldn't even protect them. No! He protected them or maybe not. I don't remember. What happened at that time again? How did he die again?"

There he goes again.

He is making me convince that he is some kind of delusional freak.

But if that's the case, then everything he said is wrong. But he showed me some proof...argh! My head.

"Hey!" he yelled.

"Remember. Always remember. Make sure you protect your loved ones, because if they die, then you are are just...nothing"


"You don't know how it feels like to lose your loved ones"

"I just did"

"You have no idea what true hopelessness is. All you can do is watch your loved ones die and you can't do anything but quietly watch. Then they will come to haunt you in your dream. Their whispers. Devil's whispers! They will eat you. It will consume you. And in the end, you will fall into darkness where nothing but darkness exists"

"I just said I will protect them"

What is wrong with him?!

"Hey, are you...could it be that It's impossible"


"Nothing. I will go now"josei


"I will come back to kill you one day. Or my clones will"

"This was your last chance. You are not getting any opportunity like this ever again"

"We will see that. And that bomb thing was a lie"


"There is no way I would plant a bomb and kill that many people. I may want you Edens' dead, but the others are innocent. And they don't deserve to die" 


He jumped down from the balcony.

Good thing he is gone.

If he had tried to kill me then I wouldn't be able to fight back.

I was spared by an enemy because I am week. I feel pathetic but I don't care what anyone think about me because I can't feel anything about what anyone thinks.

I can't feel anyone feelings now. Earlier, in all those years, I couldn't understand them, but now, I can't even feel them.

I still can't get over with this sadness.

"I forgot one thing!" He came up again.

Is he here to kill me?

"Here" he said, throwing the key.

It was an eight-way key.

"It's the key of the tenth hallway of the eight lane side of the inner palace"

"You figured it out just by looking at it. As expected of Edens"

"I grew up watching these keys"

Daulla always had patrol duties in the morning at night. And I used to follow her around.

I remember I once asked her how she was able to remember the keys of every room and hallway" 

She said there is a trick. I asked her to teach me, and she said if I am able to fulfill my promise, then she would tell me.

I asked her what the promise was. She forced a smile and said it was nothing.

Later she told me the trick that the keys of every floor and every hallway have different types of pattern on them.

"Well then. Find the room"

"What is the key for and what is in the room?"

"Something that will make you remember me every time you think about it" 


He jumped down.

I still can't move my body. But the pain is slowly fading away.

"Thanks Lily"


"Can you also make my body move? I want to check the room"

[You shouldn't move]

"I also have to inform mother and Lirole about all this"

I have no idea how I am going to explain all this.

[Try moving your body]

I tried moving my hand, and it moved.

[It can lose sync anytime. Be careful]


She is talking normally with me now.

Looks like she isn't angry--

[I still haven't forgiven you]



Hey guys! Two Chapters today!!

I am writing this announcement to inform you guys about something. 

You might have already seen it in my profile. I am writing another novel.

The name of the novel is, "Underrated Exorcist: The Legacy of The Supreme's will".

By the time you are reading this, 7 chapters should already be out.

I started writing that novel with this VR novel. I planned to stockpile the chapters to 120+ chapters and then put it on timer to release it.

But plans changed, as busy as I am nowadays, it would be hard to stockpile 120+ chapters, I would take 3+ months. LOL.

Currently, I have about 50 chapters stockpiled of that novel, and it will be released daily by the sum of two.

I am asking you guys to add it in your library, read it. And if possible, drop a review.

And as always, thanks for the support. : )


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