The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 316

Chapter 316: It Doesn't Suit You

She was smiling a while ago. But now, she is gritting her teeth while biting her lips, and glaring at me with her frowned eyebrows as her face twitched.

She looks like she will dash at me and explode at any moment.

Tough still….it's been a while since I saw this face.

Elena had made this face many times when I used to annoy her before we started going out.

Selena closed her eyes.

What is she doing? Preparing for an attack?

She took a deep breath.

Is she going to dash at me, isn't she?

She opened her eyes while letting out a breath and stared at me.

Should I run now?

My car is just a few steps away from here. I will turn on the car using my system and just jump in.

I was ready to run at any moment. But for some reason, I waited for her to do anything.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She opened her left eye half and peeked at me.

Just what the hell is she doing?

She opened her eyes and said, "I see."



Where is the dash and explosion I was imagining?

I slowly opened my mouth, totally confused. I said, "You are not angry?"

"Why would I be angry?"


Why would she be angry?

It's not like I am cheating on her.

"Good then," I turned back and said, "See you...not"

I walked a few steps and heard the sounds of footsteps approaching me at full speed.

It wasn't hard to guess who it was.

I waited for the footsteps to arrive near me and then took a few steps back to the left side.

I saw Selena getting slammed into their gate.

I immediately dashed and grabbed her from behind.

She tried to break free from my grip at first, but then gave in and stopped.

"I will let go of you now"

She nodded.

"And you won't try to attack me again," I added.

She nodded.

I let go of her.

As soon as I let go of her, she crouched down and hugged her knees.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Leave me alone"

She is crying!

I just heard a sobbing sound.josei

I scratched my cheeks and said, "I don't know why you are doing this. I have always sucked at understanding people's feelings. So…" I crouched down and said, "Can you tell me why you are doing this?"

Without looking up, she said, "You already said you suck at understanding people's feelings. So you won't understand even if someone told you directly"

"I am not that dense"

"There are some things you need to understand without them telling you"

"I know"

"Then try to understand it, idiot"

I thought of various possibilities of her acting like this.

What is this sudden change in her?

Why was she being generous?

Why does she want to give me a gift?

I can only think of one possibly.

"I think I know why," I said.

She looked up in shock and said, "You do?"


She wiped her tears and got up.

She was really crying!

I feel like an asshole thinking that she was just acting.

I got up and said, "You want to change our relationship, right?" I questioned.

Her face flushed as she nodded.

"I understand, I will forgive you and be friends with you" I stated.

"Eh?" She looked at me like she had heard the most unbelievable thing in the world.


Her face twitched again when she said, "What makes you think I want to be friends with you?!"

"You don't want to be friends with me?"

"No!--wait! I mean, yes! But that's not why I want to give you the gift"

"Then why?"

She fidgeted and said, "That''s because you are El's husband!"

Bullshit!, is what I want to say, but I will hold myself.

"You know," She looked at me and said, "Since you are my brother-in-law, it's my duty as your sister-in-law to take care of you, right?"


"Right?!" She asked again.


"Yeah, yeah! I got it. Now stop making that face"

It's pissing me off for some reason.

I already knew our relationship would be like this, but I can't just digest this.


I am getting a headache.

"Now tell me, what do you want as a gift?"

I scoffed and said, "We are back to this again"

Even though I basically mocked her just now, she is looking at me with desperate eyes.

She really wants to give me something, huh?

To be honest, I don't need anything. But if I say that to her, she would start her drama again.


What should I do now?

Took a deep breath and said, "Just take care of Elena for me. That would be the best gift for me"

"You don't have to ask me to take care of her. I would do it even if you hadn't told me to"

"Then keep doing that"

She looked down and said, "Hey, can I ask you one question?"


"Answer me honestly, okay?"


"Don't you feel guilty being with any other girls than El?"

This might be the first time anyone has asked me this question.

Since she asked for an honest answer, I will reply to her honestly.

"There has never been a moment where I didn't feel guilty. I know I am taking advantage of them and their love, I feel guilty. But know one thing, I don't regret it, and I never will"

She smiled at me as she looked down and muttered something.

"What did you say?"

She took out her tongue and said, "It was nothing" and "Bleh!" at me.

"Good," I turned back and said, "I will be going now. Take care"

I waved and added, "Don't attack me from behind"


I turned back and asked, "What is it?"

"You never commented on my new look," She touched her hair and said, "How is my hairstyle?"

"Do I have to reply honestly?"


"I don't like it."


"Now, now. Listen properly here. What I want to say is, this hairstyle doesn't suit you. You look the best with long hair"

A wide grin appeared on her face as she said, "I see. I will grow them again"

"Just like Elena," I added.

"I knew you would say that"

"Then you might also know what I am going to say next?"

She tilted her head and said, "What?"

"Don't keep your bra lying on the bathroom floor"

As soon as I said that, her face flushed, and she dashed at me.

I turned on the car with my system and jumped in through the window and drove off.

I could see Selena chasing the car through the screen.

After some time, which was roughly 20 seconds. She stopped and went back to her house.

I chuckled as I said, "She is never honest with herself, huh?"

I checked the time and it was 18: 32.

I spent the entire day with Elena. Though we did nothing but sleep.

I wonder when we will meet again.

I will be staying at the palace for a few more days.

Elena...we have a vacation, so she would be pretty much free.

She mentioned during our exams that she would go to her grandpa's house on vacation. But since she is sick….


My life turned upside down in one day. Just one day.

And I don't think it will go back to normal now.

It won't, not until I kill all those bastards out there, and that Augustus too.

I say that but I have no clue about them.

I don't even know where I should start my investigations from.

Officials have already started investigating last night's attack. Though I hardly believe they would find anything.

She couldn't do anything when grandpa was alive, what can they possibly do now when he is dead?

I was almost at the end of this city.

I drove off the main street which leads to the next city.

This street is very famous for the five-star shops they have here. It's always full of people, and has very tight traffic---



There is no one.

The entire street is empty.

I don't even see any cars passing by.

Come to think of it, I didn't see any cars on my way here.

What's going on?

I am sure when I passed this street in the morning, it was like any other day.

I slowed down and glanced around, but still couldn't see anyone.

The shops are open. The lights are on. But it's empty.

I immediately increased my speed.

I have a bad feeling about this.

It's exactly like, 'The silence before the storm'.

As I increased the speed, someone immediately came out from one of the shops and stood in front of my car.

What the hell!

I will just run over him.

He didn't run or anything, he just walked out from the shop and stood in my way.

Running over would be the best option.

And….what is he wearing?

Is that some kind of suit?

His entire body, including his face, was covered by a suit.

Just what---I have no time to think about this stuff!

I increased my speed and ran over him, or I should have. But as soon as my car was about to touch him, he took out something from his suit and cleaved my car into two.

I jumped off and got thrown into the wall.

What the hell?!

How is that possible?

How did he….sword?!

I looked at the man, he had a sword in his hand.

Are you kidding me?! There is no way a sword can cut a car like that.

It was made from the thickest metal. And he just cut like that?! Impossible.

And he took out the sword at the last moment.

His movement was so fast that I could barely see it. Even by using the system.


And let's just say the sword was sharp as hell, but that doesn't explain how he didn't get blown away by my car.

I was driving at 220 kilometers per hour, dammit!

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