The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 323

Chapter 323: What a Monster


Red blood.

That color turns me on.

I don't why I like blood and its color.

I don't remember since when I started linking the blood, I just like it.

I think it all started after Daulla died saving me and Lier ten years ago.

At that time, something awakened inside me.

After that, whenever I saw blood, I just longed for it.

It was only after that, I started killing people.

I killed those who annoyed you. I killed those who judged me. I killed those who wronged me.

But all of them were adults.

I couldn't raise my hand against someone who was the same age as me.

That's the only reason.

When I got bullied, I couldn't do anything to them.

Something inside me stopped me from doing it.josei

I was a kid after all. I couldn't think of raising my hand against my friends.

I didn't do anything to them. I just endured everything.

At that time, there was someone who always helped me when I was getting bullied. Someone who became my real friend.

But once, she got injured because one of the boys tried to attack me with the chair, and it hit her neck.

She bled.

It was the same red blood I liked. But seeing that blood made me feel empty.

I didn't like that blood. I wanted to stop seeing her bleed. 

I couldn't do anything.

I was unaware of the term love.

When she got injured, she lost almost half of her blood.

The floor was dyed red with her blood.

Everyone in the class just kept watching her as she bled.

She was crying in pain, crying for help.

I didn't know what to do.

I should be happy after seeing the blood. But after seeing her blood, I wanted to scream, I wanted to run, so I did.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

When the teachers came in, they rushed her to the hospital and called her parents.

Her parents asked the reason for her injury. The school told them, "She injured herself"

Her parents couldn't believe it, so they asked to see the CCTV footage. 

The school denied.

They threatened to complain to the police. The school said, "You won't have any proof"

The school deleted all the footage, and said, "The data was corrupted" when the police asked the school for the footage. 

Rachel's father was a doctor, which I recently got to know. 

He and his wife, Rachel's mother, eloped when they were in high school.

He got her pregnant, and her parents wanted to have her abortion. She didn't want to.

As for Rachel's father, he was from a wealthy family. He had everything. He could have anything he wanted.

There were many girls fawning over him.

He had a bright future, but he eloped with Rachel's mother, though both of their parents acknowledged them later.

He chose her over his future.

Now back to the main topic, Rachel's parents knew she would never hurt herself. So they, including the police, asked the students.

All of them said, "She did that to herself"

At that time, I lost my remaining non-existing trust from humans.

Her parents couldn't do anything. The police couldn't do anything without any proof.

In other words, the school and those kids got away without sweat.

When my mom got to know about this, I told her everything I knew. She had Elena's parents investigate this.

Even after two weeks, they couldn't find any proof.

The school had removed all the proof.

I just couldn't bear it anymore.

The next day, there was news saying 'All the teachers of my school have been killed'.

Later that day, there was another news saying, 'Some of the students including their parents are found dead in their house'.

I really enjoyed seeing their blood and hearing their screams.

All the blame went to Rachel's parents. But that was soon cleared when the culprit surrendered and confessed himself.

Of course, he wasn't the real culprit.

The police didn't find any evidence and his statement was falsified.

When Rachel regained consciousness, she was told that all of them were expelled.

I didn't know half of this. I researched everything after I came back from the palace.

I stopped going to school because my hate for humans just kept increasing.

I was afraid that I would become something from where I wouldn't be able to come back.

I had already realized by that time, that I don't like seeing the blood of some people.

Even though it's the same red blood, I feel weird.

But the blood I am seeing right now.

"I want to see it more"

I don't care if I can kill her or not, but I will keep hitting her until she bleeds and eventually dies.

I focused the Oyuoris to my left hand too.

Once it turned into the claw, I jumped and leaped on the building to get enough speed.

I kept jumping from one building to another, annihilating everything I touched.

When I was at enough speed, I launched myself on her.

It was different from all other times.

This time, she was paying attention to me.

She will stop my punch no matter what I do.

Even if I use my hands, she uses her sword.

I had no plans, but I will still land a hit on her.

I punched her, and as expected, she stopped it with her fist.

Now if I attack her with my other hand, she will just use her sword to defend herself.

Twisting myself, I crouched down and jumped behind her.

I formed a fist on my left hand, due to which the things around me got blown away, and punched her.

My punch pierced her back and came out from her front.

The reason my punch worked this time is that her body part was uncovered from the suit.

Blood started pouring down from her wound, but soon stopped as her wound healed.

"Are you kidding me?!"

My hand is stuck inside her!

I tried to pull my hand, but it didn't move an inch.


I can't move any of my hands.

She let go of my right and swung her hand back.

I crouched down, but it didn't work.

She grabbed me and pulled me.

My hand will break!

It will literally detach! 

I have to do something!

My gaze fell on her sword.

I grabbed her sword and cut her hand.

I have to take my hand out before her hand regenerates.

I stabbed the sword on her back and pushed all the way.

She stopped moving.

"I stabbed her in the heart, so she stopped moving?"

I took out the sword and kept stabbing her in the back.

After making a big hole in her stomach, I finally took my hand out.


I sighed in relief as I said, "I should have done this first"

"And," I gazed at her body which was still standing in the middle of the road, saying, "What should I do about her body?"

There is nothing left in her body except some ribs and limbs…

I looked at her face and added, "Head"

A cyborg, huh?

This might be the strongest one I have encountered.

Not only do they have systems, but the mechanical parts inside their body are boosting their strength drastically.

"Even more powerful than Oyuoris...I think"

I glanced at my surroundings, which were a total mess.

"It looks like a movie set where a deadly battle will happen"

Still, this doesn't explain why there is no one here.

I felt a strong gust of wind, and before I could see the source, I was sent flying.

I barely saw anything.

It was her.


I should have reduced her to pieces.

I kept slamming into walls. 

From one to another, bouncing like a ball.

I almost lost my consciousness.

"That might be the strongest hit I have ever received"

Even though I can't feel any pain. I can feel the broken bones, and torn up muscles in my body.

I finally stopped getting slammed.

"Dam... mit"

I couldn't move my body for a few seconds.

"Heal my body"

[Regeneration started]


I shouldn't force it.

I have to avoid stress on my body, otherwise, all of Lily's hard work would go in vain.

I slowly got up, as my muscles ruptured.

I couldn't believe what I saw when I glanced where I saw.

I was in the hotel hall. 

Lights were turned on everywhere. Tables, plates, even the music, and the blood and...dead bodies.

So this is where everyone was.

Even though I said I like seeing blood, this is just disgusting.

I glanced at the walls.

The walls where I came from have holes as far as I could see.

I could see a figure coming through those holes in the walls.

"To be able and move even with that many injuries. What a monster"

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