The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 353

Chapter 353: The Annex of The End


THE NAME OF THIS NOVEL WILL CHANGE WITHIN 10 DAYS to, "The King's Mandate: Anomalous System". 

Please don't forget it.

Thanks for reading~!


Das was on his way to meet Angela at the palace's lounge.

Admiring the new renovation of the hallways on his way, he made his way to the palace lounge.

"Daisy didn't have to leave me alone in the room", he muttered as he thought, 'But if mother had seen her, it would have been a problem'


He sighed and said, "I am the worst son any mother could have had"

'Daisy is mother's best friend, her childhood friend. Daisy is like a sister to mother. She might even be closer to Daisy than Lirole. And here I am, making romance with Daisy'.

'I do realize that it is something not great to be said. Even I think mine and Daisy's relationship is immoral in a way, but I don't give a fuck about that.'

"I want her so I want her"

'Mother might… she surely will oppose it, and I don't know what I will do if she rejects us.'

"I am sure Daisy has already thought of all the possibilities", He chuckled and said, "She knows mother better than me"

'I would hate it if mother and daisy's relationship crumbles because of me'.

"Not only theirs, but my relationship with mother will shatter too"

He clenched his fist and thought, 'I don't want that'.

"Can't I do something to avoid it?"

'I thought of getting Lirole's help, but what if mother gets angry at Lirole too? What if their relationship crumbles too?'

"I am destroying so many lives of the people I claim to love"


"I can't stop these self-depressing thoughts"

'They just keep coming into my mind'.

"What do you think, Lily?"

[If you are worried about; 'whether your mother will accept you and Daisy, or not', then I will say it's best not to think too much. Worrying about it won't change the outcome. What is supposed to happen, will happen. No matter how hard you try to change it]

"I didn't ask for some philosophy, but thanks"

[That was the answer I wanted to say, but I personally think your mother just wants you to be happy and enjoy your life. So if you promise her, and prove to her that you will make her Daisy happy, she might agree after some tries]

"Now that's the answer I was looking for

[All I can say is good luck]


[For now and forever]

"Huh?" He stopped walking and said, "What do you mean?"

[Nothing. I was just wishing you good luck]

"Thanks, I guess?"

When Das reached the palace's lounge, it was empty.

"Did I come too late?"

[Do you want me to check the cameras and find it?]

"Please do"

[Hmm. I can't access any of the cameras]


[More like I can't track any of the cameras]

"How is that possible?"

He hurried over to the main hall.

On his way, he found some maids changing the rags.

"Hey, you there"

All the maids stood up and bowed down.

"What's wrong with the palace's cameras?"

'Though I don't think they would know anything about it', he thought as he turned around to walk away.

"Umm," one of the maids said.

Das tilted his head backward and said, "What?"

"The palace security systems are off for some hours", said one of the maids.


"There is a maintenance going on, and the security heads are trying to research on all the footage"

"I see"

Das started walking to the main hall.

'Glad that I deleted all footage of mine, and Augustus', Das thought as he changed his way to Angela's room.josei

"I can't let anyone find out about Augustus. He is my main key to find all those enemies"

He gulped down and thought, 'I can do anything to find them all and kill them one by one, even if I have to die for that. At least, my loved ones will be happy'.

As he was walking, his phone rang.

'This ringtone…', he immediately took out the phone from his pocket and picked up the call.

He had set a special ringtone for Elena's call. So whenever she called, her special ringtone would ring.

"Hello?", said Das.

[Idiot! It's a video call!]

Das saw the screen and raised his eyebrows, "I knew that. I just wanted to see your reaction"

[Your excuses are lame]

"Yeah, right--wait a minute! What are you doing?!"

[I am in the car]

"I can see that in your background. But that side looks like you are on the driver's seat"

[Yes, and that's because I am driving]

"Hold the fuck down! Elena, stop the car!"

[I am not stopping]

"I said stop the car, Elena!"

[And I said I am not stopping]

'Dammit! Why is she annoying when she shouldn't be'

As Das was walking; looking at the screen, he bumped into someone.

He paid no attention to the person he bumped into and said, "Elena! Please stop the car!"

[I am not stopping! It's so fun!]

"Okay. Who else with you? Who is in the passenger's seat? Is it Selena?"

[There is no one]

"Don't lie. Selena! Selena! Selena! Can you hear me? Please tell Elena to stop the car!"

Elena turned her camera to the other side and said, [See? There is no one else in the car. I am alone]

"What the hell are you doing! Stop the car! And pay attention on the road!"

"Das? What's wrong?", someone called out to Das.

Das turned back in a hurry.


"What's wrong? You bumped into me and didn't even say anything. And now you are yelling"

"Yeah… this…. Please say something to this idiot!"

Das showed her phone to Lier.

[Hello, Lier. Sely bought his new car, and I am currently driving it alone]

"Please stop the car, Elena!"

Das was continuously yelling, asking Elena to stop the car, but Elena didn't hear him and kept driving instead of stopping the car.

[I am not stopping]

"Please stop…" he scoffed and said, "Lily, please stop her car"


"Her phone must be connected to her car. Connect to her phone and use that connection to access her car's system"

[Project Lily Successfully Deleted]

"Hu… h?"

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