The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 363

Chapter 363: The Throne's Obsession

"Are you sure the contract doesn't mention anything about the flag?"

"You bet I am"

Just kidding. I just checked it again to confirm with the help of Lily.

"Hmm," he glanced at mother and said, "My queen, may I see the contract?"

"It is in the deepest vault of the palace. Do you still need to see it?"

"Do I have to go there?"

"I will ask the maids to bring it"

He glanced around the room and said, "Would it be safe to trust the maids?"

"Wow", her eyes widened in surprise as she said, "They can die for us, and you are asking me if I trust them or not"

Sweat poured down from his face as he said, "I was just asking. If you think it's okay then who am I to object it"

"Trust is like gum, if you apply it on someone, it will strengthen your bonds", said mother.

"I apologize for being rude, but my Queen, I believe what you said is not true"

I scratched my finger on the table and said, "Trust is like a slow acid, which is perfectly applied. If it's applied more than needed, it might break the bonds. Or if applied less, it will break the bonds. It needs to be applied slowly, so it doesn't break"

Lier, Daisy, mother, and Tingen, all of them looked at me in shock.


"It was a very deep line, but you ruined it by using acid as an example", said Tingen.

"Ah, come on. You guys are so…"

"Jokes aside, my Queen, can I request you to bring the contract here?"

"Why do you need it?"

"I want to confirm if what my King is saying is true or not"josei

"Don't call me "my King', I am not your King"

"But you are…", he sighed and said, "If what the King is saying is true, then why did the previous King say that the government is not allowing for the flag?"


Yeah. Why did grandpa say that?

He wanted to see the Edens' flag rise again, but… there is no mention of the government not allowing the flag to be raised?

Did he misunderstand the contract? No, grandpa wasn't a fool.

What the hell is the meaning of it?

"Alright, Sherley can you go with the maids and bring the contract?"

Daisy nodded and stood up.

I grabbed Daisy's hand and said, "She is not going anywhere"

Mother's gaze immediately fell on our hands.

This happened a while ago too, right?

This is bad.

Mother will notice this…

Mother rolled her eyes and said, "Fine, I will ask the other maids"

She stood up and walked to the door, but then turned back and walked to Daisy.

"Keys please"

Daisy took out the set of keys and handed it to mother.

I couldn't help but gulp down the face mother was making.

Her glare on Daisy at the end was so… like… like the eyes of someone who just got betrayed.

I can feel the adrenaline rushing inside me already.

She opened the door and called some maids.

She glanced at me and Daisy from the corner of her eye and said, "Yes. Make Sure you don't drop it"

After the maids were gone, mother walked in and closed the door.

As she was walking towards her chair, her gaze was on us.


I seriously want to jump out of the window.

Daisy squeezed my hand and rubbed her thumb on it.

She was trying her best to keep a smile.

No, Das. You can't run here. Do it for Daisy.

To be honest, the thought of not telling anything to mother had crossed my mind earlier.

I was thinking that even if I don't tell mother, I can still continue my relationship with Daisy.

That way, none of the relationships will shatter.

Daisy and I will have our relationship.

Mother and Daisy's relationship will not shatter. And mine and mother's will be saved too.

But I was forgetting the fact that it's not only my life that is dependent on it.

I might be okay with not telling mother anything, but what about Daisy?

I am sure she is feeling the same way mother would feel when I tell her everything.

Daisy even had the courage to ask me to tell everything to mother because she couldn't do it.

She wants me to tell mother.

This might be the first time Daisy has personally asked me to do something, and I can't back out here.

But…. How should I tell mother?

Judging by her reaction earlier; just by seeing me hold her hand, mother made that face.

That clearly shows her disagreement with our relationship. If I tell her… Dammit!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop thinking about this Das.

You are turning into a madman who just keeps talking with himself and runs from his responsibilities.

Falling in love with someone is easy, but to keep loving isn't. It's hard as fuck. And the responsibilities that come with relationships are something not all can fulfill.

I thought I had it in my control.

When I fell in love with Elena… It was hard for me to adapt to the change. But after that, Serah, Lier, and Daisy… I have to make them all happy.

Lily is connected to me, so we have a special bond.

As I was pondering over that, the door opened and twelve maids entered the room.

It looks like a book, a big book.

The contact is two-meter big. So all the maids were carrying it.

The only reason it's so big and thick… and long is because it's over fifty thousand years old. And it's written with blood.

The writing is so big that one page has only one clause.

If I turn this contract digital, I think it would go at maximum hundred pages.

Half of the table was covered by the contract.

"You may leave now", said mother.

The maid gave the keys back to mother and left the room.

Mother moved her hands to give the keys back to Daisy, and as Daisy was about to take them back, mother pulled her hands back and put the keys in her pocket.


Daisy looked at me with a worried look.

"Alright," Tingen stood up and said, "Let's open it"

We all stood up and unraveled the knots.

There is a big lock on the contract that needs to be unlocked with the key.

After unraveling the knots, mother crouched down and went under the table.

Oh! Right, the key is under the table.

I also crouched down and tried to help mother, but she pushed me back and said, "Go back"


I could feel a stab in my heart even though my heart is not functional.

I slowly got up and mother took out the key.

The key is half the size of the lock.

After unlocking the lock, she turned the first page; which was the cover, and the first line written on the first page was 'This contract will never change.'

Since this contract is so old and only written as proof of alliance between the Edens and the government, it was made clear that the contract will never change by any means under whatever circumstances.

"On what page and what clause it is mentioned?", asked Tingen.

"On page eight hundred and twenty-one, clause sixty-three, branch two"


Tingen was awed by my answer.

He was turning the page from his side and Daisy and I were grabbing it to turn it from our side.

I am glad that he skipped right to the clause.

If he talked about reading the entire contract, it would take hours to discuss it.

"Seven hundred and sixty-nine", he grabbed ten pages and one and passed them to us.

"Seven hundred and eighty"

Oh! There were eleven pages?

After turning some more pages, "Eight hundred and sixteen. Eight hundred and seventeen. Eight hundred and eighteen. Eight hundred and nineteen. Eight hundred and twenty. Eight hundred and twenty~one" 

He wiped his sweat and took a big sigh before starting to read it.

"Clause sixty-three, and here is branch two", he moved his finger and read, "The palace is the King's property, and it will belong to him. He can do whatever he wants in his palace, including any crimes. But he will be interrogated about the crimes and will have no punishments"

"See? Anything is allowed"

"You were true, he walked around the room and said, "So why was the previous King...I don't understand"

I don't understand either.

"Wait!", he turned around and said, "Could it be--"


Ring Ring~

Tingen's phone rang.

Tingen ignored the call and said, "Could it be that--"

"Pick up the damn phone", said mother.

Tingen put his hand in his pocket and said, "Please excuse me"

He took out the phone and looked at the screen, then glanced at us.

He walked to the window and picked up the call.

"Hello--! I see. Okay. I will do something"

He put the phone back in his pocket and turned around.

"What was the call about?" asked mother.


He didn't say anything.

"Tingen, I asked what was the call about?"

"My wife…"

"You wife…?"

"She is under labor pain"

"Then what are you doing here?! Take her to the hospital!"

"I have to go back to the headquarters and give the report of today's meeting"

"Are you insane?! Your wife is in… argh! This is what I hate about you agents!"

"My duty comes first"

"Fuck your duties! Why can't you understand that?! Go to your wife, right now!"


He just stood there and looked down at the ground.

"It's an order! As my ownership over you, I Angela Edens order you to go home and take your wife to the hospital"

He looked up with tears in his eyes and smiled widely saying, "Thank you. Thank you, My Queen"

They have it hard too, huh?

I guess I should start treating all government agents as individuals.

He wiped his tears and walked past me saying, "Thank you, My King"

I turned back saying, "What are you thanking me for?"

He opened the door as he looked out of the window and said, "I am the one who wanted that to happen the most", and closed the door behind him.

The flag…


My thoughts on him have changed too.

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